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| 共计 23 道试题
语法填空-短文语填(约70词) | 较易(0.85) |
1 . 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

China is well known as the Kingdom of Bamboo. Bamboo culture has already been rooted     1     Chinese minds through the long history. To the Chinese people, bamboo is the symbol of virtue,     2     (reflect) people’s soul and emotion. Bamboo has the title of “the gentleman of plants”.     3     (it) deep root symbolizes determination and its straight and hollow pole represents straightness and modesty. Bamboo culture always     4     (play) a positive role in encouraging Chinese people to hold on when facing tough situations.

2020-01-14更新 | 138次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市石景山区2019-2020学年高三上学期期末英语试题

2 . SuperCamps

We are a leading provider of childcare in the UK, offering OFSTED registered holiday camps to children aged 4 to 14 throughout the school holidays. Operating at 60+ locations, we have holiday camps available in London and the South East, as far south as Cornwall and all the way up to North Yorkshire. Whether you are looking for fun holiday clubs and kid activities, a five-day specialist holiday camp for older children or a combination of the two to keep your children entertained throughout the school holidays, we have your childcare covered!

Our multi-activity holiday camps offer an abundance of fun, age-oriented(导向的)activities(4-5-year-olds, 6-9-year-olds and 10-12-year-olds), from swimming and go-karting to arts and crafts and LEGO workshops. These day camps are a great choice for parents looking for regular childcare service, available as individual days or a week at a time.

For children looking for a school holiday experience, our specialist holiday camps are the ideal choice. Our Cookery: International Cuisine, a 5-day specialist course is a cookery camp with a difference, where children can really master their cooking skills!

Bushcraft: Rainforest Adventure is the perfect outdoor adventure camp for children with a passion for bush craft and survival skills, with activities like Laser Tag and making campfires to inspire the interest of young adventurers !

Meanwhile, our LEGO Play course is a holiday camp focusing on the art of building amazing creations with LEGO bricks. This camp really motivates the imagination of children in a way that only uses LEGO bricks !

All new for 2019, our Chelsea Foundation FC Camps invite all football fans to take a shot at our Multi-Dimensional soccer camps! Children will receive hours of on-pitch training and competition with Chelsea FC approved coaches, as well as hours of off-pitch sessions around nutrition, recovery and lifestyle!

To find your nearest holiday camp, simply enter your postcode or town in the box above or choose your camp by county here and BOOK ONLINE TODAY!

1. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To advertise holiday camps.B.To encourage donations.
C.To introduce camping skills.D.To tell the history of SuperCamps.
2. What do we know about SuperCamps?
A.It operates camps all over the world.
B.It provides camps for people of all ages.
C.It asks parents to send children to the nearest camp.
D.It organizes different activities for different age groups.
3. Which camp should a child attend if he/she wants to learn survival skills?
A.Cookery: International Cuisine.B.Bushcraft: Rainforest Adventure.
C.LEGO Play.D.Chelsea Foundation FC Camps.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . The world is designed for right-handed people, but why does a tenth of the population prefer the left?     1    

The answer to it remains a bit of a mystery. Since scientists have noticed that left-handedness tends to run in families, it’s assumed that left-handedness has a genetic(基因的) component to it.

    2     In fact, identical twins, who share the same genes, can sometimes prefer to use different hands. There are also plenty of theories on what else might determine which hand you write with, but many experts believe that it’s kind of random.

Historically, the left side and left-handedness have been considered a negative thing by many cultures.     3     In some areas, the left hand became known as the “unclean” hand. In many religions, the right hand of God is the favored hand. For example, Jesus sits at God’s right side. God’s left hand, however, is the hand of judgment. Various activities and experiences become rude or even signs of bad luck when the left hand becomes involved. In some parts of Scotland, it is considered bad luck to meet a left-handed person at the start of a journey.     4    A person giving directions will put their left hand behind them and even physically try to point with their right hand if necessary. In some Asian countries, eating with the left hand is considered impolite.

    5    People come to realize that left-handedness is natural. Some researchers find out that lefties are more creative and can deal with abstract thinking better. The left-handedness is more easily adaptable to the right-handed world as well. Being left-handed is no longer a sad story now; instead, it is a wonderful gift or maybe it is something you should take pride in.

A.In other words, left-handers are born that way.
B.Left-handedness used to be regarded as a disability.
C.The unfavorable associations of the use of the left hand among cultures are varied.
D.Why do they prefer to use their left hand rather than their right hand for routine activities?
E.Why do some parents force their left-handed children to become right-handed when writing?
F.In Ghana, pointing, gesturing, giving or receiving items with the left hand is considered rude.
G.Fortunately, nowadays most societies and cultures no longer reject left-handedness like before.
语法填空-短文语填(约70词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Chinese communities around the world welcomed the Year of the Pig     1     February 5th. Celebrations took place across the globe, ranging from Southeast Asia’s centuries-old Chinese communities to the more recently     2     (establish) Chinatowns. In the streets of several European     3     (city), performances of dragon dances and lion dances drew huge crowds of people. Celebrations in London are expected     4     (last) a month with series of activities,     5     is the biggest Chinese New Year celebration outside Asia.

2019-09-27更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:2019年北京市房山区一模英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 假设你是红星中学高一学生李华.来你校交流的英国学生Jim想参加即将开展的“传统文化进校园”活动(剪纸、武术、京剧等).请你给他写一封邮件,介绍其中一项活 动,内容包括:
提示词:传统文化进校园 Traditional Culture Entering Campus

Dear Jim,



Li Hua

阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving is the start of the holiday shopping season. Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday, so the day after is a Friday. This day has come to be known as Black Friday. It has been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005.

Most stores offer great deals on Black Friday. They open their doors in the small hours of the morning. They try to attract shoppers with big discounts. Some items like TVs are much cheaper than usual. Stores may even lose money on these items. They hope that shoppers will buy gifts for other people while they are in the store.

Black Friday is a great time to get good deals. The problem is that there are not enough low-priced items to go around. Each store may only have a few. These items are in high demand. People stand in long lines to get such great deals. They may line up hours before a store opens. They may be hoping to get a low price on a TV or laptop, but not everyone who wants one will get one. Some people leave disappointed.

The situation can be tense. Some Black Friday events have been violent. Large, eager crowds have trampled workers. Fights have broken out over toys or people cutting in line. People have shot one another over parking spots. But most Black Friday events are safe and fun. Still, if you plan on going, expect large crowds and a bit of pushing and shoving.

So where does the name “Black Friday” come from? It was first used in Philadelphia in the 1950s. The police called this day Black Friday because of the heavy traffic it drew. In the 1960s, spread across the country. It seems that it is here to stay.

Now people all over the country take part in the event known as Black Friday. It is even spreading to other parts of the world. Stores have held Black Friday events in the U.K., Australia, and Brazil since 2012. In Costa Rica Black Friday is known as “Viernes Negro.” And in Mexico, stores offer an annual weekend of discounts. They call it “EI Buen Fin,” which means “the good weekend” in Spanish. I guess the language of savings is universal.

1. Why do stores set prices so low on some items that they lose money?
A.They want people to enjoy the holidays.
B.They are generous at the beginning of the holiday season.
C.They hope people will buy other gifts while they are in the store.
D.They are trying to get rid of old items.
2. Which best concludes the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.People stand in long lines on Black Friday.
B.Black Friday is a really disappointing time of the year.
C.Black Friday is the best time of the year to get good deals.
D.Black Friday deals are limited and not everyone will get one.
3. Which best describes the overall structure of the fifth paragraph?
A.Order of time.B.Problem and solution.
C.Order of importance.D.Compare and contrast.
4. Which title best expresses the author’s purpose in writing this text?
A.Black Friday: Stories from the Parking Lot
B.Black Friday: Why You Should Go This Year
C.Black Friday: The Stuff That You Should Know
D.Black Friday: How to Save Money on the Big Day
2019-06-03更新 | 241次组卷 | 3卷引用:【区级联考】北京市通州区2019届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . “Attention, everyone!” Miss Dalrymple looked at her class of ten-year-olds. “Today we are going to create a special card for Father’s Day, which falls on this weekend.” Then she busied herself handing out the paper and art materials to her noisy pupils.

They were a mixed punch. Some came from the rich side of the town, but the majorities were from parents who struggled to get jobs. So she had not been eager to carry out this activity.

“Think about all the things that your dad does that make him special,” she said loudly as she approached the last table. “You can write a poem or short story thinking of the positive characteristics that make your dad special. The written part of this activity should be completed before you start to decorate your card.”

Andrew looked at the blank page. He had never met, spoken to, or been hugged by his dad, so how could he write about him? Once when he was looking in his grandma’s photo box, he had seen an old black and white photo but it was badly creased(弄皱) and difficult to recognize any clear features. She had quickly taken it from him and buried it deeply among the rest, never to be found again. After thinking for a while, he wrote:

Dear Dad,

You are a person I do not know and would probably not recognize as I only saw an old photo of you a long time ago. I think and wonder about you often, especially when I have no one to talk to about the Saturday fixtures(体育活动). One day when I grow up I will do an Internet search to find you, but I am not sure whether I will be successful as several attempts by the Child Support Agency have not been successful. Happy Father’s Day, Dad.



1. What did Miss Dalrymple ask her students to do?
A.Hand out the paper and art materials.
B.Make a special card for their fathers.
C.Make a celebration plan for Father’s Day.
D.Carry out a school activity on the weekend.
2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 indicate?
A.The students were not willing to finish the task.
B.The students were eager to carry out the activity.
C.The students didn’t get along well with each other.
D.The students’ family conditions were quite different.
3. Why did Andrew have difficulty in making a special card for his father?
A.Because he had never seen his father.
B.Because his father was not a successful man.
C.Because he forgot all the things his father did.
D.Because he and his grandma didn’t like his father.
4. What can we learn from Andrew’s letter?
A.Andrew’s father has been dead.
B.Andrew’s father can’t recognize him.
C.Andrew is eager to meet his father.
D.Andrew is sure of finding his father.
书信写作-建议信 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 春节将至,你校英国交换生Jim接受了去你家共度除夕的邀请,请你就他关心的问题写一封邮件。内容包括:


Dear Jim,


Li Hua

2019-01-26更新 | 163次组卷 | 1卷引用:【区级联考】北京市西城区2019届高三上学期期末英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约60词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . The Warwick Cheese Festival takes place in June every year. This annual event is the biggest cheese festival in North America,     1     (attract) tens of thousands of Canadians and       2     (visitor) from all over the world. They can try over 100 kinds of cheese made all over Quebec at the festival. And they     3     (invite) to vote for the People’s Choice Prize of the year.

2019-01-22更新 | 90次组卷 | 1卷引用:【区级联考】北京市东城区2019届高三年级期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . March, April and May are months full of festivals and events all over the world. Here are some wonderful festivals around the world that happen in spring.


Dates: 13th-15th, April

In Thailand, it’s time to celebrate the coming monsoon season, which will bring the rain many people have been looking forward to. They celebrate it with a festival called Songkran,when people head out to the streets with water guns to spray(喷,洒)everyone who walks past. If you walk on the streets where the festival is celebrated, prepare to get soaked!


Dates: Every Saturday from April to May

Every year, villagers come together to celebrate the harvest of yams, an important part in the people’s diet in Vanuatu. The festival is most famous for its “land diving ceremony”. During the ceremony men and boys dive to the ground from high wooden towers with only two thin vines(藤条) attached to their ankles(脚踝). The divers’ heads have to lightly touch the ground when they jump---something very dangerous if the vines are not measured properly.

Cherry Blossom Viewing ---Japan

Dates: The cherry blossom season is different from year to year depending on the weather forecast.

The cherry blossom season has huge importance to the people of Japan, who celebrate the days when the flowers finally blossom. Only a few days later, the petals(花瓣)fall to the ground, like pink snowflakes. This is one of the most beautiful things to see. In Japan, almost everyone has picnics in the parks to view the flowers.

1. What does the underlined word “soaked” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. The writer thinks that the “land diving ceremony” can be dangerous for the divers because ___________.
A.the divers may injure their heads if the vines aren’t measured properly
B.the divers’ ankles may get injured if the vines are tied too tightly
C.the divers may fall onto the ground if the thin vines break
D.the divers may bump into(撞在)the wooden tower on the way down
3. We can learn from the passage that__________________.
A.people usually stay at home for celebration during the cherry blossom season
B.the time for the Cherry Blossom Celebration in Japan can be different yearly
C.the Cherry Blossom Celebration usually lasts a long time in Japan
D.the Cherry Blossom Celebration is the most important festival in Japan
共计 平均难度:一般