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语法填空-短文语填(约390词) | 困难(0.15) |
1 . Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
“Party Cries” In Ireland
Mark Twain

Belfast is a peculiarly religious community. This may be said of the whole of the North of Ireland. About one-half of the people are convinced Protestants (清教徒) and the other half Catholics (天主教徒). Each party does all it can     1    (make) its own doctrines (信条) popular and draw the affections of the irreligious toward them.    2    hears constantly of the most touching instances of this passion. A week ago a vast crowd of Catholics assembled at Armagh to dedicate a new church; and when they started home again the roadways     3     (line) with groups of meek and lowly Protestants who stoned them     4    all the region round about was marked with blood. I thought that only Catholics argued in that way,    5    it seems to be a mistake.

Every man in the community acts like a minister and carries a brick to argue against     6    holds different ideas. The law has tried to break this up, but not with perfect success. The law says that persons uttering (说) irritating “party cries”    7    be fined forty shillings (先令) and costs. And so, in the police court reports every day, one sees these fines     8     (record). Last week a girl of twelve years old was fined the usual forty shillings and costs     9    claiming in the public streets that she was “a Protestant.” The usual cry is, “To hell with the Pope!” or “To hell with the Protestants!” according to the utterer's system of salvation.

One of Belfast's local jokes was very good. It referred to the uniform and inevitable fine of forty shillings and costs for uttering a party cry--and it is no economical fine for a poor man, either, by the way. They say that a policeman found a drunken man lying on the ground, up a dark alley,    10     (amuse) himself with shouting, “To hell with! To hell with!” The officer smelt a fine--informers get half.

“What’s that you say?”

“To hell with!”

“To hell with who? To hell with what?”

“Ah, ye can finish it yourself--it's too expensive for me!”

I think the seditious disposition (倾向), restrained by the economical instinct, is finely put in that.

语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

California Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday signed legislation (法规) that makes Chinese Lunar New Year a state holiday. The move recognizes the diversity of cultures that Asian Americans have brought to California, the third     1     (large) state in the US.

The legislation lets any state employee take eight hours of vacation, annual leave or compensatory leave (补休)     2     (celebrate) Chinese New Year.

In a     3     (sign)letter, Newsom emphasized the diversity and cultural significance that Asian Americans represented in California and     4     (encourage)all Californians to participate in the festival.

Lunar New Year is celebrated by thousands of Asian and Pacific Islander Californians at community events that illustrate     5     state’s rich cultural history and commitment to racial, religious, and cultural diversity. Many jurisdictions (管辖区) in California have already made Lunar New Year an     6     (office) school holiday.

Also on Friday, a ceremony     7     (hold)in San Francisco’s city hall to raise China’s national flag in celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the     8     (people)Republic of China.

Zhang Jianmin, China’s consul general (总领事) in San Francisco, raised the flag with Meron Foster, a senior officer at the San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Protocol. Zhang expressed his gratitude     9     San Francisco’s very genuine gesture of friendship” toward China,     10     he spoke to an audience of us elected representatives, business figures and community members.

语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Chinese Teachers’ Day is the very festival     1     celebrates the 2,300-year tradition of respecting teachers and education in China. It bears much     2    (similar) to the birthday of Confucius or the birthday of private school tutor in ancient China.

The history of Chinese Teachers’ Day     3    (date) back to the Han Dynasty. According to the record, during the Han and Jin dynasties, on August 27 each year, the birthday of Confucius, followed by court officials, the emperor would go to Confucius’ temple and pay tribute to the ancient philosopher, and would also invite royal teachers     4     the imperial court for a banquet. Local     5    (chief) followed the court, and on this day, teachers around the nation enjoyed a day’s vacation and were given dried meat as gifts.

With local officials or the emperor     6    (lead) a series of activities, the capital, all states and counties would also stage sacrificial ceremonies     7    (admire) Confucius. Excellent-performing teachers would     8    (choose) from academies and learning institutions nationwide, reporting to the royal court and given 500 liang(两) silver coins as awards.

Until the Qing Dynasty, the sacrificial ceremony, on August 27, was of     9     larger scale. The teachers’ salaries in schools and academies around the nation were raised, and well-performing teachers would be awarded official titles or promoted to     10    (high) positions.

2022-06-07更新 | 558次组卷 | 5卷引用:2022届重庆市第一中学高三考前适应性考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Culture is the widening of the spirit and the mind.     1     (start) from Sept. 5, a multi-station exhibition featuring the cultural heritage of Europe is open to the public in Beijing. Laying out 38 cultural routes crossing the continent and beyond, it is a good display of history, economy, art, and way of life. Co-organized by the EU Delegation to China and EU     2     (nation) Institutes for Culture, the exhibition     3     (present) artwork, pictures, documents and audiovisual content.

After the opening ceremony, China Daily     4     (talk) with the European Union's ambassador to China to learn about the value of cultural diversity and how it strengthens people's ancestral roots.

As a Sinologist, Chapuis, the ambassador, has introduced many Chinese writers     5     France. He is also the first to translate a full poetry collection by Du Fu.

In his opening     6     (speak) for the exhibition, Chapuis discussed the connection between education and travel, a concept shared in both European and Chinese     7     (culture).

"Confucius (孔子) left his hometown,     8     country of Lu, and travelled from state to state to spread his ideas," he said. "There is no personal growth without travelling. And in a globalized world, it is even     9     (important)."

"All the Chinese travel today. They are on the path of discovering.     10     they are abroad, they discover they are not only from Xi'an, Beijing or Tianjin—they are from China."

语法填空-短文语填(约290词) | 困难(0.15) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空,使整个文段句意完整,语法正确。

For you,the “Clear and Bright” day that falls in every April might be no more than just another holiday — the fact that it comes with three days off school matters to most students       1       more than the fact that it is part of the 24 solar terms.

But the UNESCO has recognized the importance of the 24 solar terms. This ancient system that Chinese people have used to keep track of the time of year       2     (add) to the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on Nov 30.

For starters, you may have heard your mom say: “The sanfu days are almost over. The heat won’t be here for long.” The sanfu days are a period of time that     3     (fall) in summer, somewhere     4     Minor Heat (in July) and Autumn Equinox (in September). The coldest days, or the sanjiu days, are similar. They cover the 27 days     5     (follow) Winter Solstice.

In some places, solar terms guide people’s lives through special foods,     6     (culture) events and healthy living tips. For example, people from northern China are in the habit of eating dumplings on the day of Winter Solstice. And on Start of Autumn, some people treat     7     to a big feast, especially of meat, something they call “putting on autumn weight”, or tieqiubiao.

But no matter     8     differently people celebrate the 24 solar terms, they have been here for a long time and could last forever.

According to Chinese writer and academic Yu Shicun, unlike many other examples of intangible cultural heritage – Peking Opera and Chinese Zhusuan, for example – the solar terms are neither regional (地域的) nor a type of art or skill. Instead, the system is a philosophy of time,     9     applies to everything. And this means they are     10     (likely) to die out.

语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. The Awakening of Insects(惊蛰)falls on Mar.6 and ends on Mar 20 this year.

The Awakening of Insects signals    1    rise in temperature and increased rain fall. As the third solar term in the lunar year,    2    (it)name suggests the fact that animals sleeping in winter are awakened by spring thunder and that the earth begins to come back    3    life.It is the key time for spring agricultural activities. It is also a good time for people    4    (enjoy)fun outdoors, especially for people living in the city. Driving to the suburbs,     5    (fish)in a lake or enjoying the singing bird will make for a perfect weekend in spring.The most popular fruit in this season    6    (be)pears.

The custom of eating pears is     7    (wide)practiced around the Awakening of Insects. As the weather gets warmer and the air becomes    8    (dry),people tend to feel their mouths and tongues are dry,    9    can cause colds or coughs. A pear is sweet, juicy and cold, moistening(湿润) the lungs to arrest a cough.    10    ,pears are recommended during the Awakening of Insects.

语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Kilns (窑) had to burn day and night in Jingdezhen, a city in Jiangxi province of southeastern China,     1     (meet) demand from around the globe.

Today, though demand is much     2     (low), people are making porcelain the same way they have for hundreds of years, with Jingdezhen’s old masters still     3     (pray) to the kiln gods.

Meanwhile, across town, creative new craftspeople are bringing new     4     (idea) into the art and new life to the once factories and villages. It’s fair to say that Jingdezhen people live and     5     (breath) porcelain, but they aren’t doing it alone.

“Jingdezhen is more than a historical town. The old and new are combined perfectly here.” Says Hu Chunxiao, a local artist     6     family has worked in the industry for generations. The traditional and modern exist in harmony, which makes     7     one of the most interesting towns in China for travel.

Despite being a center of porcelain for 1,700 years, Jingdezhen is never short     8     great natural scenes. The surrounding area is famous for abundant     9     (hide) landscape — mountains, streams, farms and forests. Artists who desire a peaceful life     10     (draw) here since the ancient times.

2020-06-23更新 | 161次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020届重庆市第一中学高三下学期6月模拟考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Lantern Festival marked the final day of the Chinese Lunar New Year. It has been an important festival    1    the Western Han Dynasty.

In ancient China, often marriage    2    (decide)by parents or even the government. During some periods marriage policies went to extremes.

However, extreme policies to force people to get married were rare, and young people still had certain    3    (free)to get married with people they liked, rather than being    4    (complete)manipulated by their parents or government. Ancient Chinese had milder ways to encourage people to find a spouse, such as fairs and meetings during festivals.

Lantern Festival is one of the festivals that provided ancient Chinese single young men and women a chance    5    (meet)and get to know each other. On the night of that day,     6    (marry)men and women would meet at the flower fair and lantern-decorated street.

Romance often happened,     7    not all of these stories ended happily.

Ouyang Xiu described a woman's longing for the man she met during Lantern Festival in his poem Yuan Xi. It    8    (go)like this: "Last lantern festival, the flower fair    9    (decorate)with lights was daylight bright. We met after dusk when the moon rose behind willow trees. This year the moon and lanterns are still    10    same, yet you are not here anymore. I am sad, with tears shed on the sleeves of my spring coat.”

语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Smile is a universal language, which     1     (use) throughout the world. However, the meaning of a smile in different cultures may be different. Depending on different cultures, smiling can express joy and     2     (amuse), but it can also indicate embarrassment. The following examples show this point of view. In an attempt to be open and     3     (friend), people in the United States smile a lot. Every one smiles at each other and this nonverbal communication shows being polite in the United States. But in China, smiling is not only     4     expression of happiness, but also a way to avoid     5    (be) embarrassed. Chinese people like smiling when they are embarrassed in order to avoid embarrassment. Smiling is a kind of good will but not sneer (嘲笑). For example: When a child falls off from a bike, the adults in China may smile,     6     is a kind of gentle encouragement and may not be a kind of impolite laugh.

The laugh is     7     (relate) to the smile. Also, different cultures have various     8     (meaning) about laugh. Americans can enjoy a very heartfelt belly (腹部) laugh that comes     9     the deepest emotions while most Chinese may think     10     silly to laugh that way.

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