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| 共计 5 道试题
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . The 24 solar terms (节气) are part of the traditional Chinese calendar. The Chinese people divided a year into 24 parts based on the sun’s position.     1    They reflect the changes of the seasons, climate and phenology (生物气候学). The Yellow River Basin in northern China is believed to be the cradle(摇篮)of the solar terms system.

Solar terms were instructions for agricultural production and people’s daily lives. They mark things like seasons, temperature, precipitation (降水), growth of the crops and weather conditions.    2    

Most of the solar terms have rich social and cultural meanings.     3     The “Pure Brightness” is also referred to as Tomb-Sweeping Day, when people pay respect to those they have lost. The tradition remains to today.     4    

The culture reflects the Chinese people’s respect for nature and tradition, their unique understanding of the universe, their wisdom to live in harmony with nature. It is the youth of China who can best help carry on this significant part of our culture.     5     Many young people have already been contributing their energy and strength to it. In fact, they have been living up to this challenge through artistic means. Many photos, essays and paintings have centered around the theme of the 24 solar terms.

A.Each part is called a solar term.
B.Many farmers still rely on the solar terms to work in the fields.
C.The sun’s positions bring about many things related to human life.
D.For instance, during the “Start of Winter”, people eat dumplings.
E.Their creativity and consciousness can bring new life to ancient culture.
F.Their wisdom for life and nature made the solar terms system popular today.
G.This has long been a central element of life in China, and we must protect it.
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Eric来信请你为他班的班报“Diverse Cultures”栏目写一篇有关中国传统文化的文章。请给他回复,内容包括:
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Zhang Qian, an outstanding diplomat (外交官) and explorer in the Han dynasty, with a pioneering and adventurous________as well as a strong and unyielding character, was ________as the “pioneer of the silk road”,   “the first Chinese to open the eyes to see the world” and “the Columbus of the________”.

As early as 2,000 years ago, Zhang Qian was_________on a mission to seek allies (同盟国) in the west of China to________the enemies in northern tribes. Along the way, no matter how difficult the environment was, his________was firm. But soon Zhang was ________ by the Huns just as he left Han territory and was held prisoner for a dozen years.

After an eleven spring and autumn recycling, the Huns’________ became loose. Hence, Zhang ran away with his personal_________. They continued to travel west without any dry food and drinking water. Due to the excellent skill of shooting arrows, they ________ by eating birds and animals along the way. After several days, they ________ arrived in Amu Darya Area. However, people there enjoyed their life and didn’t want any war. Though Zhang didn’t finish his mission, he brought back precious_________ of the Western Regions.

Due to the________of Zhang Qian, the Silk Road started. Through his diplomatic practice, the bridge of friendly exchanges between the Han and western countries was________, and the cultural and economic exchanges between the cast and the west were promoted. Zhang’s journey to the Western Regions breathed new ________ into the civilization and progress of the whole world.

A.compromise withB.take overC.fight againstD.learn from
A.surroundedB.survivedC.sheltered D.strengthened
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

For Greek photographer George Doupas, Beijing is home now. During the past decade, he has been photographing the city, capturing its beauty     1     sharing these photos online and in exhibitions.

“This     2     (true) represents Beijing — the old and the new, nicely mixing together,” Doupas said while showing his photograph of the Zhihua Temple, a delicate Ming Dynasty building. It     3     (locate) in front of a modern office building, Galaxy SOHO, which features weaving bridges and interlocking passageways.

With rich historical heritage, Beijing     4     (be) an important center of traditional Chinese culture since the Ming Dynasty. Doupas often gets     5     (lose) in the city’s splendid ancient architecture. Meanwhile, he is also amazed by the modern city     6    (combine) high-end businesses and various industries. “It is fascinating to see a rapidly-developing city that invests so much effort in preserving its past, which is     7     I decided to pursue my career here,” he said.

Doupas is determined to continue with his career in China, hoping to serve as     8     bridge between China and the West. The     9     (display) that show his photos about Beijing have attracted a large audience in Greece and the Czech Republic.

“I call Beijing my home now,” he said, “I’ll keep sharing photos of China     10     the rest of the world.”

语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Dim sum (点心) must be one of the best breakfasts on Earth. Originally from Guangzhou in southern China, this Cantonese breakfast tradition has since spread all over China     1     the rest of the world. Today, there     2     (be) over a thousand dim sum dishes     3     (cover) every ingredient and cooking style imaginable.

While you can find a great dim sum dish almost anywhere in China, the     4     (great) still comes from the south, where it is known as Yum Cha (morning tea). Dim sum     5     (enjoy) with tea, Chinese style without milk or sugar.

“Breakfast tapas” is     6     (possible) the best description of dim sum. Most dishes are steamed and served in round bamboo baskets,     7    makes it easy to stack (撂) them on top of each other to save space on the table. Each basket typically contains three     8     (beauty) bite-sized dishes.

Dim sum is the core (核心) of every Cantonese family, and the best way     9     (have) it is to order many different dishes to share. According     10     Cantonese etiquette (礼仪), one dish per person should be ordered plus two dishes for the table, all of which are shared.

共计 平均难度:一般