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听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
1 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How will the woman go to Seattle for her holiday?
A.By taxi.B.By car.C.By plane.
2. When will the man leave for his holiday?
A.On Friday.B.On Wednesday evening.C.At 8:30.
3. Where will the woman stay in Seattle?
A.In a hotel.B.In her relative’s.C.In her friend’s.
2023-05-27更新 | 25次组卷 | 2卷引用:云南省文山州2021-2022学年高二下学期期末学业水平质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Sunflower season is right around the corner. Here are several most beautiful golden fields near London.

Garsons Farm

At Garsons Farm you will find three separate sunflower fields across its 155 acres. You’ll need to purchase a crop farm pass (£4 for adults, £1 for kids) in advance and pay 99 pence per flower. This farm is also home to over 75 varieties of fruits, vegetables and plants that can be picked during your visit, but be sure to check crop availability on its website beforehand.

Hitchin Lavender Farm

This spot is most famous for its purple crops of lavender (熏衣草), but it is also home to dozens of sunflowers! You will be charged £6 for your entry to the farm, and 50 pence per stem. And for £50 you can hire a personal photographer and have your very own photos with the plants.

Cotswold Farm Park

Cotswold Farm Park was founded to help protect rare species of farm animals in 1971. You will not only find flowering sunflowers but plenty of furry four-legged friends, too. The park also contains several photo stations throughout the field. Tickets must be booked in advance and cost £7 per adult.

Broomfield Farm

This fruit farm is open every Saturday and Sunday for those who want to see sunflowers on their weekends! It produces all kinds of fruits, vegetables and flowers that you can purchase in their farm shop or pick yourself during your visit. You are allowed to bring a picnic with you and the £4 entry is taken off your “pay and weigh” bill at the end.

1. What’s the entry fee for a couple and two kids if they go to Garsons Farm?
2. Where can you see rare farm animals?
A.At Garsons Farm.B.At Bromfield Farm.
C.At Cotswold Farm Park.D.At Hitchin Lavender Farm.
3. Who is the text mainly intended for?
A.Sunflower lovers.B.Holiday campers.C.Field researchers.D.Nature photographers.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . The Eiffel Tower is very famous in France. It is visited by 7 million visitors a year. The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel in the late 19th century. On Monday, March 31st, 2019 , it turned 130.

The look of the Eiffel Tower is greatly loved by people today, but things were different when the design was first shown to the public. Many French artists thought that the design was ugly. However, Eiffel did not change a thing. He believed that once it was completed, people in Paris and visitors around the world would love the tower. He was certainly right.

The tower became popular with the public as soon as it opened on March 31st, 1889, two years after the construction began. Over 3,000 people came to look at this new tower and even made the effort to climb the 1,710 stairs to the top. The 984-foot-tall Chrysler Building in New York City beat it.

Today, the tower houses a number of restaurants on its first and second levels. The third level has been turned into a vast platform (平台). From there visitors can see the entire city of Paris.While visitors are allowed to take the stairs to the first two levels, the platform can only be got to by taking the elevators.

To ensure that the “Iron Lady” always looks good, the tower is cleaned and repainted every eight years. It’s an effort that takes a team of 25 workers, an entire year. If you travel to Paris one day,don’t miss it, the excellent achievement.

1. When Gustave Eiffel first showed his design to the public,______ .
A.the public celebrated the birth of it
B.many French artists disliked the design
C.the public thought it would be a popular tower
D.many French artists decided to change the design
2. When did the construction of the Eiffel Tower start?
A.In 1887.B.In 1888.C.In 1889.D.In 1890.
3. The writer mainly wants to tell us about Eiffel Tower’s ______ .
A.130th celebrationB.popularity
C.brief historyD.designer
2023-05-27更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆和田地区皮山县高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . How to make sure you enjoy your trip

A trip is a planned destination where one arranges in advance in which the main purpose is to search for adventure and to create a memorable moment. Here are the steps on how to make sure your trip is enjoyable.

● Plan it well.

Trips are ideally planned for it to go well.     1     A check list is helpful, making sure you’ve got all your needs.

● Pack necessities.

Bring what you need. Trips are short journeys and belong to the sub-level of travelling. Pack only the things you need.     2    

● Be safe.

To be cautious is smart. No matter what you are up to, surfing, cliff diving, snowboarding, scuba diving, etc., it is always recommended to be safe.     3     Don’t be stubborn and do harm to yourself when there are not precautions(预防措施).


You may see delays, a different culture, lifestyle, food, and even a shortage of cash. Sometimes, this is all what travel is about—experiencing things with a new perspective(观点,看法). Once you expect to experience new things, you’ll be a happy traveller and free from stress.

● Save the memory.

    5     This is not one of those regular days so you ought to save the moment. It will make your trip more enjoyable after all that craziness. You will get something to review the good times.

A.Travel with an open mind.
B.Get prepared for everything new.
C.Seize the moment by taking photos.
D.This is all we expect from travelling.
E.Take some time ahead to make a plan for your trip.
F.It is important to wear protective equipment when advisable.
G.It is easy to get tired if you have too many things in your package.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . With sunshine and beaches, Hainan is a good choice for travelers. Its Tropical Rainforest National Park is a paradise for animals and plants. If you go there, what can you enjoy?


The park is home to 540 kinds of animals. Among them are Hainan gibbons (长臂猿), one of the world’s most endangered species. Hainan gibbons look like monkeys, but they have no tails. They usually eat fruits and leaves from more than 130 kinds of plants, mostly in treetops 15 meters above the ground.


The park is a “live museum” of plants. More than 3,600 kinds of wild plants grow there. It is also home to 133 kinds of national key protected plants. Cycas hainanensis is an example. It has big, feather-like leaves. It grows slowly, but can live up to 200 years. This ancient species probably was around when dinosaurs lived on earth.


The Li and Miao ethnic (民族的) groups have lived in the park for generations, mainly in the central Wuzhishan area. From their houses to their clothes, you can taste their culture. Li and Miao people live in houses that look like upside-down boats. To keep away animals like snakes and ants, they build their houses above the ground.

1. What do Hainan gibbons usually eat?
A.Meat and fruits.B.Fruits and leaves.C.Meat and vegetables.D.Vegetables and insects.
2. Why do Li and Miao people build their houses above the ground?
A.To get close to nature.B.To protect wild plants.
C.To bathe in the sunshine.D.To keep away some animals.
3. In which section of a magazine may this text appear?
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. When will the man probably go back to work?
A.This morning.B.Next week.C.In one month.
2. Which part of the man’s body was injured?
A.An arm.B.A leg.C.An eye.
3. Who is Molly most probably?
A.The man’s doctor.B.The man’s boss.C.The man’s wife.
4. Where has the man been for his holiday?
A.To the mountains.B.To the seaside.C.To the woods.
2023-05-21更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省黔南州龙里县龙里中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . China Small Group Tours

◆Tour Route 1: 11 Days Private Beijing - Lhasa - Xi’an - Shanghai

Tour Highlights:

Must-see sights in China — the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors

Follow us on a Buddhist pilgrimage to Tibet & appreciate the profound culture

Have a leisurely walk or an exciting bicycle ride on the time-honored City Wall of Xi’an

View the soaring city skylines and feel the pulse of modern Shanghai

From $ 2, 459 per person

◆Tour Route 2: 11 Days Private Beijing - Xi’an - Chonqing - Yangtze River Cruise - Yichang - Shanghai

Tour Highlights:

Must-see sights in China — the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Wariors

Try biking on the Ming Dynasty City Wall of Xi’ an, or tour by electric car

Enjoy the Three Gorges (三峡) scenery on Yangtze River & feel totally relaxed

From $ 1, 879 per person

◆Tour Route 3: 12 Days Private Beijing - Shanghai - Xi’an - Guilin - Yangshuo - Guilin - Hong


Tour Highlights:

Must-see sights in China — the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors

Experience the Bund, classical garden, modern and old in contrast in Shanghai

Feel the lively atmosphere & explore busy markets freely in Hong Kong

Walk into a local family, learn to cook Chinese food & dine with the hosts in their home

From $ 2, 499 per person

◆Tour Route 4: 12 Days Private Beijing - Xi’an - Chengdu - Guilin - Shanghai

Tour Highlights:

Must-see sights in China — the Great Wall, Forbidden City, Terracotta Warriors, Giant Pandas

Come to Chengdu, the hometown of giant pandas to visit and observe the cute creature

Cruise on the meandering Li River & admire Guilin landscape

Walk into a local Chinese family, interact & dine with the hosts in their home

From $2, 079 per person

1. What do Tour Route 1 and Tour Route 2 have in common?
A.They have cycling activities.
B.They include a visit to Tibet.
C.Visitors enjoy the Three Gorges scenery.
D.Visitors pay the same amount of money.
2. What is special about Tour Route 2?
A.Tourists can travel by bike.
B.Tourists can visit a huge dam.
C.Tourists can dine with a family.
D.It is the most expensive of the four.
3. Where can visitors enjoy China’s rare animals?
A.Tour Route 1.
B.Tour Route 2.
C.Tour Route 3.
D.Tour Route 4.
2023-05-10更新 | 104次组卷 | 20卷引用:山西省太原师范学院附属中学、师苑中学 2022~2023学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . When it comes to perfect views, it really does take a village. Searching for the most camera-ready communities on the planet, we find four villages that fit the bill. Spend a few minutes there and you will realize that “quaint (古色古香的)” and “charming” aren’t just adjectives and that they are a way of life.

Sidi Bou Said in Tunisia

The village seems to disappear into the sky and the blue horizon. All the houses are painted white, the skies are clear, and the backdrop includes the Bay of Tunis which is only in a deeper shade of blue. It’s not surprising that the atmosphere here is a bit random, and it is also home to plenty of lively cafes and art galleries.

Wengen in Switzerland

Wonder how the world was before cars were invented? Wengen, a Switzerland’s village, might just help you get the answer. Cars have been banned in this area for more than 100 years. Imagine seeing woods all around you, snow covered mountains, log cabins and the locals who have kept their Swiss culture undamaged.

Eze in France

France’s most attractive village is Eze. Seemingly frozen in time, Eze has managed to keep its old-world charm. It is the perfect melting pot of cultures because of its closeness to Nice, and today the village enjoys its rich heritage. The architecture here is so special that Walt Disney frequented this village for inspiration.

Bibury in England

Bibury was described by William Morris as “the most beautiful village in England” — known for its watercolor views. The 17th-century stone cottages and a still-working 1902 farm are some of the ancient village’s must-sees.

1. What are the tourists prevented doing in Wengen?
A.Traveling around by car.B.Viewing woods everywhere.
C.Learning about Swiss culture.D.Appreciating snowy mountains.
2. Which village did Walt Disney often visit to get inspired?
A.Eze in France.B.Bibury in England.
C.Wengen in Switzerland.D.Sidi Bou Said in Tunisi.
3. What do the four villages have in common?
A.They have modern architecture.
B.They are all situated by the sea.
C.They have beautiful stone cottages.
D.They own old-world and amazing scenery.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Dreaming of fresh Italian pasta? Plan a trip to Rome just for these eats, suggests Amorico, a luxury tour provider in Italy.


Pierluigi, founded by its namesake Umberto Pierluigi, has been serving Italian delights since 1938. Over the years,the restaurant has updated its menu to reflect the changing tastes of Italy, while maintaining an authentic charm of its own. Amorico suggests digging into its seafood specialties or lighter dishes like a steamed prawn salad.

Taverna Trilussa

Tavema Trilussa has been the place to go for an Italian meal just like your grandparents,great grandparents,and generations before them made. According to Amorico, this is where you’ll find the best Roman dishes, including decadent pasta served right in the pan. While there,dig into a plate of ravioli made from scratch.


Ready for a date night or a treat meal? Head to Tullio, a traditional Italian eatery that Amorico loves for its Tuscan twist.The upscale eatery has long been a favorite of the Italian elite,as well as A-list travelers from around the globe.Indulge in a plate of tagliarini with white truffles, or a massive T-bone steak for a luxurious evening out.

Enzo al 29

When you’re in the mood for a more casual atmosphere,Amorico suggests Enzo al 29.Here,you’ll find simple but genuine Italian cooking with plates of pasta with homemade sauces and locally sourced cheeses and meats.

1. Which restaurant will a man dating his girlfriend prefer to visit?
B.Tavera Trilussa.
D.Enzo al 29.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Taverna Trilussa?
A.It reflects changing tastes of Italian food.
B.It serves the meals like your granny made.
C.It offers you the traditional Tuscan twist.
D.It gives you a more casual dining atmosphere.
3. Where can we most probab ly read this text?
A.In a history textbook.B.In a book review.
C.In a sports magazine.D.In a traveling guide.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . (CNN)-Shoulder season is almost here, when travel transitions from peak crowds and prices to something-hopefully-a little more mellow. Join us for our roundup of weekly travel news as well as tips for where to travel in late 2022.

Seasons in the sun

American travelers have been unleashing their pent-up wanderlust (旅游热)by arriving in Europe this summer, making the most of the strong dollar and boosting local economies in the process. And while it’s been a frustrating few months in terms of airport delays and cancellations, the travel outlook seems a little better as we head toward fall.

If you want to vacation like the Europeans do, skip the Riviera and the Amalfi Coast and check out our round-up of the continent’s lesser-visited delights, such as Portugal’s Alentejo region and Croatia’s Zadar Archipelago. And if you’ve been saving your travel time till the summer rush is over, plan your trip now with our guide to the best places to go this autumn. Cape Town and Buenos Aires are among the hottest tickets.

Taste the world

The best bits of travel are sightseeing and eating - and munching on street snacks lets you enjoy both at the same time. Asia is the undisputed king of enticing, flavorful street foods, from Hong Kong egg waffles to Japanese takoyaki. Here’s our round-up of 50 must-try delicacies.

In Africa, Ghana-based chef Fatmata Binta has been introducing Fulani nomadic food culture to people around the world through her traveling pop-up restaurant, while her charity foundation helps support rural women across West Africa. And down in Cape Town, a local creamery is experimenting with some rather bold flavors: Dare you try dried fish ice cream with Scotch bonnet chili?

Turkey drinks more tea than any other country; here’s how new brews are stirring things up. And if you’re after something a little stronger, a beer garden in North Carolina holds the world record for most beers on tap-watch here. Finally, in Ukraine, a company is selling wine rescued from a warehouse struck by a Russian missile. See how the team is fighting back after its$15 million loss.

1. Why does European tourism suffer for several months?
A.Traveling is contained in Europe.B.Dollars fall in value.
C.Autumn sets in early.D.Flights are delayed and cancelled.
2. Which is the best choice if you want to explore an unspoiled spot?
A.The Amalfi Coast.B.Portugal’s Alentejo region.
C.Cape Town.D.North Carolina.
3. What can you experience in Turkey?
A.Taste street foods.B.Try strange ice cream.
C.Enjoy a cup of tea.D.Purchase strong wine.
2023-03-23更新 | 539次组卷 | 4卷引用:专题10 阅读理解应用文 -三年(2021-2023)
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