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阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . You’re looking for a holiday with a difference? It’s on offer right here! Come with us on a very special tour of the great southern continent Antarctica. It’s the only untouched wilderness left on our planet. For 10 months of the year, the continent is inaccessible by ships. Consequently, our tours are conducted in the brief period in late spring when the ice has melted and we can reach Antarctica.

So why should I go there?     

Antarctica may lack man-made attractions, but its natural beauty is breathtaking. You’ll want to tell your grandchildren about this trip in years to come. Ninety-eight percent of this continent is covered with ice, which contains 70 per cent of the world’s fresh water, although it receives very little rainfall.

What kind of things could I see and do there?     

Our tours are conducted in summer, but you have to remember that summer is six months later in the Southern Hemisphere. Apart from the Arctic region, Antarctica is one of the two areas on earth where you can enjoy 24 hours of sunlight. To get there, we have our own ship, which is equipped with a helicopter and a landing pad. Once there you’ll be able to observe penguins and birds, and even watch whales and seals in the ocean.

Do your tours damage the environment?     

No, not at all. We don’t disturb the wildlife, and we remove all the rubbish that we produce. We strictly follow the guidelines contained in the 1991 Antarctica Agreement, which bans oil exploration and protects wildlife.

How long does a tour last?     

That depends on which tour package you choose. You can visit the Antarctic region for as long as a month or, if you depart from Australia, you can see the Antarctic continent from the air in just one day. We will fly you over the continent so you can see it from the comfort of your seat on one of our aircraft. The exact route depends on the weather on the day of the . tour, but normally the flights pass over the Antarctic coastline and then head inland over vast landscapes formed by ice and dramatic mountain ranges.

That sounds really interesting. How do I make a booking?     

South Pole Tours are based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Call us on 25674874 today!

1. According to Paragraph 1, what can we learn about Antarctica?
A.Antarctica is a crowded tourist destination.
B.Spring is the best time to visit Antarctica.
C.The tour to Antarctica is quite expensive.
D.Antarctica is accessible by helicopters at any. time.
2. Tourists paying a visit to Antarctica can ________ .
A.find many man-made attractions
B.share the experiences with each other
C.reach Antarctica by taking a helicopter
D.have chances to view some sea animals
3. According to the guidelines, which action is proper to address environmental concerns?
A.Visitors must take fresh water with them while visiting the continent.
B.The continent must be closed to visitors in late spring every year.
C.Polar tour must be conducted without disturbing its wildlife.
D.Oil exploration is allowed only when all the rubbish is removed.
4. The length of the tour will be determined by ________.
A.the weather on the day of the tour
B.the route visitors take to the region
C.the tour package you decided on
D.the amount of money tourists paid
5. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To introduce some information of Antarctica to readers.
B.To attract potential tourists to go on a visit to Antarctica.
C.To highlight some rules for visitors staying on Antarctica.
D.To promote new businesses on the continent of Antarctica.
2024-01-16更新 | 183次组卷 | 3卷引用:大题02 阅读理解:应用文-【大题精做】冲刺2024年高考英语大题突破+限时集训(天津专用)
阅读理解-阅读表达(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . 阅读下面短文,按照要求完成阅读任务。

My love for Rio started on a girl’s holiday in the year 2006. It was love at first sight. Six months after returning to my hometown of London I decided to leave my job as a Board Director at a public relations (PR) company, packed up everything and moved here.

Unable to continue my profession of PR without the required language fluency. I fell into buying and selling properties while enjoying everything that Rio had to offer. One thing led to another and before long, I had become a property agent and in 2010 set up In Town Property, which today is one of Rio’s top property letting and buying companies.

I’ve always had a deep love for dance and I was immediately drawn to samba. I love its exciting rhythm, and the joy and freedom it offers. On arrival I decided it would be necessary to learn Portuguese but just as important would be samba. Within my first few months living here I had begun samba lessons.

In 2011 I paraded in the Rio Carnival festival for the first time. It was a wonderful experience. I’d never felt more happiness than singing loudly as I sambaed all the way down the street. Since then I have been in the parade every year.

Over the last years, I have had the opportunity to parade with some of Rio’s top samba schools, such as Mocidade, Beija-Flor, and Império da Tijuca. In 2017, I had the great honor of dancing for Império da Tijuca on its first float (花车). It was an unbelievable experience!

I’ m so passionate about this city, carnival and samba. They bring joy to the world and I want to share my love and experience with others. I think everyone needs a chance in life to live out their dreams and can’t wait to bring this magic to you!

1. What did the author do before she moved to Rio?( no more than 10 words )


2. What lessons did the author take at the beginning of her life in Rio?( no more than 5 words )


3. What unbelievable experience did the author have in 2017?( no more than 15 words )


4. What does the underlined part in the last paragraph probably mean?( no more than 5 words )


5. What do you like best about your city? And why?( no more than 20 words )


2023-12-05更新 | 91次组卷 | 2卷引用:大题06 写作:阅读表达-【大题精做】冲刺2024年高考英语大题突破+限时集训(天津专用)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约510词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Into the Night

The lights from the cottage windows disappear, as we follow a dark footpath through a field into the open countryside. Thick clouds prevent the moonlight from lighting up the way ahead. Yet, as my eyes begin to get used to the darkness, the landscape around me reveals itself in a new light.

Mount Caburn, an iron-age hill fort (堡垒), looks like shadows against the sky. On the horizon is a tree bent by the wind. The rocky outcrop (露出的部分) at the top of the field turns out to be a flock of sleeping sheep. A fox cries, a pheasant crows, and the air is full of a strong earthy scent.

“For most of human history, man lived in close contact with the land,” says Nigel Berman, my guide. “Only in the past few hundred years have we shut ourselves off from our natural surroundings. Walking at night is a powerful way of reconnecting. When your vision is reduced, your other senses are sharpened.”

Nigel and I walk from the village of Glynde across the South Downs towards the town of Lewes. It is a walk I know well by day, but at night everything is different, and a familiar wander becomes a mini adventure. When Nigel told me not to bring a torch, I was alarmed. I can’t remember the last time I used my night vision and I’m not even sure how it works.

Normally, at this time of night, I would be having a glass of wine in front of the television, but being out in the countryside is a purer form of relaxation. I forget about work and family tensions, and begin to blend into the surroundings. There is no one other than Nigel to see or hear me and, with little visual distraction, my mind calms. I am aware of the breeze on my face, the rustle (沙沙声) of leaves, and as I watch the clouds slowly changing color against the sky like a natural sound and light show, it feels fascinating.

Having got used to the dark, we continue walking and the path that leads up the escarpment (峭壁) of Saxon Down now appears to almost shine in front of us. We climb carefully, feeling our way on the uneven ground. Walking at night is not without risk, but with knowledge and preparation it opens up a new side to walking.

As we reach the top, Lewes appears below as a twinkly mass of lights, a sight I would generally consider as inviting. In just a few hours, however, I find myself unwilling to walk back down. Walking at night is like discovering a new world on your doorstep. As Henry David Thoreau wrote in Night and Moonlight: “Night is certainly more novel and less profane (世俗的) than day.”

1. According to Nigel Berman, why is walking at night significant?
A.It helps people appreciate natural surroundings.
B.It is a way to take risks and explore new places.
C.It improves our vision and sharpens other senses.
D.It makes us avoid distractions from work and family.
2. Why did the author feel alarmed when Nigel told them not to bring a torch?
A.He was afraid of getting lost in the dark.
B.He hardly had any trust in Nigel as a guide.
C.He didn’t know how to use his night vision.
D.He worried about the way on uneven ground.
3. The night walk brought the following benefits to the author except ________.
A.a reconnection with nature
B.a chance of abandoning wine
C.an escape from daily tensions
D.an approach to getting relaxed
4. What can we learn about the author from the article?
A.He had gone for a walk on his own at night before.
B.He intentionally picked a cloudy night for his walk.
C.He enjoyed the feeling after reaching the top of the mountain.
D.He badly wanted to go home to have a glass of wine after the walk.
5. What is the article mainly about?
A.Describing his night hike through the countryside.
B.Contrasting the experience of day and night walking.
C.Encouraging readers to go on a night walk themselves.
D.Exploring the history of human connection with nature.
2023-06-05更新 | 377次组卷 | 4卷引用:大题预测02 阅读理解训练上【大题精做】冲刺2024年高考英语大题突破+限时集训(天津专用)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Time and time again, I hear someone ask why anyone would want to keep an “ugly” building or a building that is dirty and clearly in need of work. I think you could say we preservationists (文物保护者) look at buildings through a different angle — an angle that can see the swan in the ugly duck, the story in the simple lines, the book behind the cover.

Take the Queen Emma Building for example. While people may remember that building being named as one of the ugliest buildings in town, the angle from which a preservationist will view the building is that it is uniquely constructed with an artistical brise-soleil (遮阳板) to block the sun. The designer used standard concrete bricks to form a decorative wall. Unfortunately, the brise-soleil was removed in 2011, making the building look like many of the contemporary buildings in town.

Sometimes people remember a beautiful site that was replaced by a “very unpleasant” piece of architecture and can’t get over their anger, even when that building becomes an important part of our story. This is particularly true in San Francisco where many preservationists themselves dislike anything newer, than the Victorian era. Yes, it was a tragedy that many failed to appreciate the Victorian buildings and let many get torn down several decades ago, but those losses also tell another important story. It tells the story of the 1950s and 1960s when there was hope for a more equal society with inexpensive housing for the working class. Should that history be wiped from our memories?

Preservation is not just about keeping pretty, well-kept buildings, but about conveying pars of our history — not just the history of huge events, but the story of how everyone used to go to a certain corner market. Our history cannot be told only in buildings that meet someone’s criteria of beauty; sometimes our history is painful, but no less important.

1. How do preservationists see buildings?
A.They focus on their value rather than appearance.
B.They pay great attention to ancient buildings.
C.They are devoted to repairing famous buildings.
D.They prefer ugly buildings to beautiful ones.
2. What does the author think of removing the brise-soleil of the Queen Emma Building?
A.It’s confusing.B.It’s pleasing.
C.It’s regrettable.D.It’s unbelievable.
3. Why were many Victorian buildings in San Francisco torn down?
A.To wipe the history of the Victorian era.
B.To make land available for cheap housing.
C.To work off the deep anger of the working class.
D.To restore the architecture before the Victorian era.
4. What is the author’s intention of writing this passage?
A.To introduce some buildings with historical value.
B.To explain the reason why architects make ugly buildings.
C.To praise the work of preservationists.
D.To stress the importance of preserving ugly buildings.
2023-05-26更新 | 157次组卷 | 10卷引用:押题测卷01-2023年高考英语押题测卷(天津专用)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Sometimes, we need a little help and get back to a state of mindfulness when it comes to taking care of our physical and mental health. Wellness vacations are on the rise.

■ Ketanga Fitness
When: April 6 — 10
Where: Phoenix, Arizona
What: Sweat it out surrounded by the red rocks of Arizona’s desert. P.E. Club owner Nedra
Lopez leads a mixture of high and low intensity workouts in the mornings and evenings. During breaks, guests will have plenty of time to explore the desert. After your last workout class, you can hit the town for dinner and drinks.
■ Rksolid Retreat
When: April 15 — 22
Where: Oahu, Hawaii
What: What better excuses to relax yourself in Hawaii than a retreat led by Barry’s Bootcamp star Rebecca Kennedy? During your week-long journey to Oahu, you’ll surf, climb waterfalls, and hike the Stairway to Heaven trail. In between all those workouts, Kennedy creates a special stretch and recovery class so you won’t skip a beat next day.
■ Wellness Immersion
When: August
Where: Amanbagh, India
What: The Amanbagh hotel offers 4-21 day programs focusing on immersion courses that focus on relieving stress from people’s body. Activities include hikes overlooking beautiful gorges, yoga and meditation sessions, and meals made with organic, locally harvested produce.
■ Mile High Run Club
When: August 18 — 28
Where: Reykjavik, Iceland
What: After landing in Reykjavik, runners can work towards their best time in the annual marathon, half marathon, or 10K. After a race, you’ll soothe your muscles in the geothermal Blue Lagoon spa and hit the ground running again with guided runs through Thorsmork National Park. Do we even have to mention Skaftafell’s crazy glacier views?
1. Which vacation will you choose if you want to visit desert?
A.Rksolid Retreat.B.Ketanga Fitness.
C.Wellness Immersion.D.Mile High Run Club.
2. What will you do in between all those workouts on the Rksolid Retreat vacation?
A.Go surfing.B.Climb waterfalls.
C.Hike the Stairway to Heaven trail.D.Attend a special stretch and recovery class.
3. During the Wellness Immersion, people can ________.
A.enjoy a free hotel stay and serviceB.visit Thorsmork National Park
C.taste food made by local organic produceD.relax muscles in a geothermal spa
4. What do the four vacations have in common?
A.Men are the target vacationers.B.They are combinations of wellness and scenery.
C.Courses and classes are arranged during them.D.They are available all year round.
5. What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To promote marathon events.B.To attract more tourists to America.
C.To advertise some P.E. clubs.D.To introduce some wellness vacations.
2023-02-18更新 | 438次组卷 | 5卷引用:押题测卷01-2023年高考英语押题测卷(天津专用)
完形填空(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . You should see the photo. I’m sitting in red dirt, ________ an ugly purple T-shirt. My face is pink and my hair is wet with sweat. Flies buzz around my head. I’m in the northwest of Australia, on a school trip with 20 parents and 20 kids.

It was a strange choice for a holiday. I like sitting by the pool with a cola, not flies and frogs. I like being ________ and quiet, not a busload of kids. I like ________ washed sheets, not dirty-looking blankets.

But here’s the thing about that photo: I am smiling!

The trip sounded good when I ________. We were told that guides would take us into the heart of the place and I would see a new part of Australia and learn about local ________. Besides I knew it would be a valuable chance for me to stay with my youngest daughter. I would also stay with 40 strangers. I just hope there would be good coffee.

In Darwin we got onto a bus. It quickly became tiresome. The kids were ________ and kept on talking but I hate making small talk.

But later when I looked out at the large empty land, I was surprised at and moved by its ________. Our local guide told us about the land and his culture. I felt far from home.

Finally we reached our ________. There the small room I shared with my daughter was a brick cell, full of crickets (蟋蟀), but too dark to see them.

It didn’t matter. The next nine days were ________. Waterfalls, lakes, community visits, and a trip around Katherine Gorge where we even saw giant crocodiles!

On our last night, a water pipe (管子) ________. We awoke to a mess, everything in water. Usually I would have ________, but it just seemed ________ to be dirty.

Indeed, it was ________ to stay clean. We were hiking in red dirt with temperatures of 35 degrees. Still, I felt a kind of energy I hadn’t ________ in years.

Yes, the coffee was bad, but I was too focused on keeping crickets off my face.

I love that photo of me in the dirt. I look messy but happy. Sometimes it’s another way of traveling. There is beautiful ________ and there is dirt. There was always someone to talk to, someone to laugh with.

A.signed upB.showed upC.stood upD.woke up
2022-07-08更新 | 882次组卷 | 9卷引用:天津市高一年级-完形填空名校好题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Canadian Rockies Family Multi-adventure Camping Tour

Day 1: Awesome views of Mount Rundle and Cascade Mountain are you to admire as you bike through Banff to Lake Minnewanka. Not ready to stop? Ride to Johnston Canyon and hike to a series of impressive waterfalls before arriving at your campsite.

Day 2: Travel around Kootenay National Park on foot. Witness a vast wildfire burnt area while keeping an eye out for the new-growth forest. Move into a hanging valley for a view of extraordinary Sianley Glacier. Hike a family-friendly route through a beautiful valley and stand in awe. of the wonderful upper and lower waterfalls.

Day 3: Keep your eye on the forest for deer, sheep and bears as you cycle to Lake Louise. Visit Moraine Lake and walk through an ice-carved valley beneath huge mountains to Consolation Lake. Kids join leaders for a special night out while adults relax at our campsite.

Day 4: Rafting on the Kicking Horse River-a good time with a taste of white-water thrills! The younger crowd teams up with a local guide for a rock-climbing lesson while grown-ups go for a classic Rockies walk to the historic Plain of Six Glaciers Teahouse. Dig into a tasty lunch before returning to Banff.

Dates and Prices

Children 11 to 17 years old receive a 10% saving and children 4 to 10 years old receive a 20 % saving. The earlier you book, the more choice you’ll have and the lower your price will be. Arid you can always change your mind--you won’t be charged if you plan to go on another trip before your final payment is due.

July 1-4, 2022: $1, 800 per person

July 5-4, 2022: $1, 900 per person

August 1-4, 2022: $2, 000 per person

August 5-8, 2022: $2, 100 per person

1. What will tourists do on the second day of the tour?
A.Set up camp at Johnston Canyon.
B.Witness a vast wildfire in person.
C.Explore Kootenay National Park.
D.Walk through an ice-carved valley.
2. On which day can kids learn rock climbing?
A.Day 1.B.Day 2.C.Day 3.D.Day 4.
3. How much should an 8-year-old boy pay for his trip during August 1-4?
A.$1, 600.B.$1, 800.C.$2, 000.D.$2, 100
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 假定你是李华,你打算假期去悉尼旅游。请你用英语给笔友Susan写一封邮件,内容包括:
2022-02-13更新 | 151次组卷 | 2卷引用:天津市高一年级-作文名校好题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 假设你是李华,打算高考完7月去伦敦旅游一周,现在就此事发e-mail 给伦敦的朋友Bob,主要内容:
4.询问Bob 当地的法规以防出错。
Dear Bob,


Li Hua

阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . As you are soon on your way to Eastern Europe, here are a few tips on what you should pack. In general, pack lightly, with only the most basic clothes. People dress casually in Eastern Europe, so you don't need to bring along your smartest clothing.

At the risk of going against our own advice by weighing down your luggage, we suggest you consider bringing along the following things, which we find particularly useful in Eastern Europe.

Batteries:If your camera,flash,or other appliances run on batteries,bring enough supply along. Certain types of batteries don't exist in Eastern Europe,and those that do often don't last very long.

Calculator: Many travelers find it useful to figure out foreign exchange rates on a calculator. We suggest a credit-card calculator which fits into your wallet or purse.

Cash: We have found it good to have supply of small-unit U.S. bills ($l and $5) to use in hard-currency stores, to buy international train tickets, etc. The hard-currency stores never seem to have the right change, and thus you may lose out without some “pretty cash”on hand.

Electric Current Adapter: If you bring any appliances, remember that the electricity in Eastern Europe uses 220 volts A.C., not the standard 110 volts of North America. A 110 volts appliance will soon burn out when attached to an unchanged 220-volt plug. Get in touch with the Franzus Company, 352 Park Ave. South, New York, NY10010 (tel.212/889-5850), and ask for their booklet, "Foreign Electricity Is No Dark Secret".

Language Tools: One of Europe's big challenges is communicating with the local people since their languages are so different from our own. To help overcome difficulties, you might buy phrasebooks before you go -you won't find them once you are. in Eastern Europe.

If you are interested in learning an Eastern European language in more detail, we recommend the tape course produced by Audio Forum. In each course you listen to native speakers on a tape and follow along in a textbook. You can ask Audio Forum for their catalog at 96 Broad St., Guiford, CT06437 (tel. toll free 800/243-1234).

Money Belt: A money belt is especially helpful when you have many documents to carry around (as you always do in Eastern Europe). The best one we find is made by Eagle Greek Travel Gear, 143 Cedros Ave. (P. O. box.651), Solona Beach, CA 92075 (tel. 6197755 -9399, or toll free 800/874-9925) outside California.

Traveler's Checks: These are necessary. Bring your traveler's checks in small to medium unit ($10, $20, or $50) to change a little bit at a time, so as not to be left with a lot of local money. To be on the safe side, be sure to copy down the check numbers in two places, just in case something happens to the checks.

1. Which of the following sections deal with money matters?
A.Cash & Money Belt
B.Money Belt & Calculator
C.Cash & Traveler's Checks
D.Calculator & Electric Current Adapter
2. Eagle Creek Travel Gear is a company producing ______.
C.electric current adaptersD.money belts
3. Which of the following is NOT a fact according to the passage?
A.No shop in Eastern Europe accepts hard currency.
B.Travelers may need to carry many documents in Eastern Europe.
C.The electricity in Eastern Europe uses 220 volts A. C.
D.Eastern European languages can be a problem to foreign travelers.
4. Jane wants to learn Russian before going to Eastern Europe, she can______.
A.call 619/755-9399 for advice
B.ask for Franzus Company for a phrasebook
C.go to 96 Broad St, Guiford, for help
D.write to Solona Beach, CA 92075 for a textbook
5. This passage is probably taken from
A.an official noticeB.a traveler's guide
C.a holiday advertisementD.immigration instructions
2022-01-12更新 | 500次组卷 | 6卷引用:二轮拔高卷 06 -【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2022年高考英语模拟卷(天津专用)
共计 平均难度:一般