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1 . Tips for Cutting the Cost of Travel

Whether for pleasure or business reasons, it is normal for us to sometimes want to pack our bags, hit the road, and head to a new destination.     1    , it is not without its expenses and those expenses are capable of drilling a hole in one’s pocket if not properly planned out beforehand. Below are several tips to ensure you don’t end up too much out of pocket by the end of your travels.

    2    . More often than not, people go directly to the airline websites to book their tickets. But did you know that there are so many websites, like Traveligo, which specialize in finding cheap flights for travelers? This is a great go-to website whenever you want to book your flight.

• Choose a cheaper means of transportation. While everyone likes to fly to their travel destination for ease and speed, flying isn’t the only transport option available. Depending on where you’re living and where you’re headed, you can always select public transport.     3    .

• Don’t use hotels.     4    . By using Airbnb or any of its popular competitors, travelers have the opportunity to not only live like locals but also spend far less.

• Use a travel credit card. When you apply for these cards, you can control opportunities like signing-up bonuses (红利), most of which are offered by airline credit cards.     5    . You can save yourself a lot of money by means of extra miles whenever you’re ready to hit the road.

A.Surf the website for tickets
B.Save on airfare
C.If you’re a traveler looking to reduce the travel costs
D.While traveling is an exciting experience
E.These bonus points can help you increase a lot of miles
F.Staying at someone’s house can be cheaper than booking a hotel
G.So research what’s available and choose the best option for your budget
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Explore Scenic Train Journeys

The four most scenic train journeys provide not only beautiful sceneries at destination cities, but also charming views outside the trains’ windows on the way.

Route 1: Xining to Lhasa
Length: around 1,900 km
Duration: 22 hours

This train route is the longest high altitude train trip in the world—named as the way to the sky. Most of this route is over 4,000 meters and it goes above 5,000 meters several times. After the train has left Xining Railway Station for about an hour, you can see the boundless lake—Qinghai Lake.

Route 2: Lhasa to Rikaze
Length: around 250 km
Duration: 2.5 hours

This railway has an average high altitude of above 3,600 meters. It makes Tibet travel more convenient for travelers, especially those who want to see Mount Qomolangma. Along the railway line, you can see local farmers and yaks (牦牛). And most of the time, you can appreciate a plateau (高原) landscape of mountains and meadows.

Route 3: Chengdu to Kunming
Length: around 1,100 km
Duration: 6 hours (high-speed train)

From Chengdu’s plains area, with an altitude of about 400 meters, the train goes up to altitudes of about 2,000 meters, traveling through tunnels and across mountains. The complex geography along the railway line gives this route the name of Geological Museum.

Route 4: Beijing to Shanghai
Length: around 1,300 km
Duration: 5.5 hours

Beijing and Shanghai are two of the most popular cities for foreign travelers who come to China for the first time. It is a trip that combines some of China’s main urban landscapes with cultivated countryside scenery and mountains in between. The new and modern facilities on the train ensure you have a comfortable journey.

1. Which route takes the least time?
A.Lhasa to Rikaze.B.Chengdu to Kunming.
C.Xining to Lhasa.D.Beijing to Shanghai.
2. What makes Route 3 special?
A.Its convenience for travelers.B.Its wide popularity among foreigners.
C.Its complicated geography along the route.D.Its new and modern facilities on the train.
3. What do the four routes have in common?
A.Travelers can experience high altitude train trips.
B.Travelers can witness a plateau view and some yaks.
C.Travelers can appreciate the scenery of Qinghai Lake.
D.Travelers can admire beautiful views from the train windows.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Regenerative tourism is concept that is gaining attraction in the travel industry. It is different from sustainable tourism in that it goes beyond just minimizing the negative impact of tourism. It is a philosophy that aims to not only minimize the negative impact of tourism but also to actively contribute to the regeneration of local ecosystems, economies, and cultures.

The concept of regenerative tourism is not new. Native communities around the world have been practicing regenerative tourism for centuries. However, it has gained renewed interest in recent years due to the growing awareness of the impact of tourism on the environment and the need for sustainable travel practices, particularly post-pandemic-indeed it could even be argued that, as the global tourism industry and those who depend on it start to recover, tourism in itself is a regenerative act.

One example of regenerative tourism is ecotourism. Ecotourism involves traveling to natural areas with the aim of learning about and conserving the environment. It involves activities such as hiking, bird watching, and wildlife viewing. Another example of regenerative tourism is community-based tourism. Community-based tourism involves staying with local communities and participating in their cultural activities, such as our Buffalo Curd Experience in Sri Lanka, or our Rice Wine Trek in Laos. Regenerative tourism can also involve the use of sustainable and regenerative practices in the tourism industry itself. For example, hotels can use renewable energy sources, reduce their water consumption, and use sustainable materials in their construction.

The benefits of regenerative tourism are many. However, carrying out regenerative tourism practices requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to sustainability. It requires tourism businesses to not only minimize their negative impact but to actively contribute to the regeneration of the environment and communities. It requires tourists to be conscious of their impact and to choose travel options in line with their values.

In conclusion, regenerative tourism is a promising concept that has the potential to transform the travel industry. By actively contributing to the regeneration of local ecosystems, economies, and cultures, regenerative tourism can create a better future for both people and the planet.

1. What is the aim of the regenerative tourism?
A.To attract more investments.
B.To highlight the advantages of tourism.
C.To protect conventional economy and culture.
D.To promote a renewable and sustainable tourism.
2. Why has the regenerative tourism regained public interest recently?
A.Tourism industry has globally boomed.
B.People have suffered from the pandemic.
C.People show more concern about environment.
D.Regenerative tourism has been practised for long.
3. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The definition of ecotourism.
B.The illustration of regenerative tourism.
C.Environmental conservation practices.
D.Reasonable doubts about regenerative tourism.
4. What might the writer agree with according to the last two paragraphs?
A.Regenerative tourism has a bright future.
B.Tourists can choose whatever travel they like.
C.Travel industry is able to transform regenerative tourism.
D.Regenerative tourism can be practiced in traditional ways.
2023-04-24更新 | 195次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届湖南省永州市高三第三次适应性考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Top 4 Famous Bridges around the World


This bridge is an engineering marvel. Its distinctive architecture is attracting the attention of many engineers worldwide. This bridge includes a variety of routes at different levels. It features “a diversity of routings“ on different heights, providing several routes for walkers to take as they cross the river.


Tower Bridge is a symbol for London. The bridge has two Gothic towers and the walkways which cross between the two towers. Visitors can visit the Tower Bridge from the north side of the bridge and watch the bridge for structural engineering. And then from the bridge at high channel across the Thames, enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides.


Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States, connecting Manhattan to Brooklyn. The bridging of the East River was a lengthy and complicated business which saw many men getting injured in the dangerous working conditions of the time. The bridge is now a much-loved feature of New York and can be seen in many television shows and movies.


Charles Bridge’s first stone was laid by King Charles IV. The bridge today offers something of a short history of Prague and Czechoslovakia. A recent renovation saw the original statues being replaced with modern replicas and the originals carefully removed to a museum. Whenever you are in Prague, be sure to wander over the Charles Bridge.

1. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A news report.B.A travel brochure.C.A science book.D.A business journal.
2. Which bridge can most probably be seen in films?
A.Undulating Bridge.B.Tower Bridge.C.Brooklyn Bridge.D.Charles Bridge.
3. What can we know about Charles Bridge from the text?
A.It’s a symbol for British architecture.
B.It has a troublesome construction history.
C.Its original statues can be seen in a museum.
D.It enables visitors to cross the river via different routes.
2023-04-24更新 | 129次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届湖南省永州市高三第三次适应性考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Since the modern Olympics began in 1896, it has been held in more than 40 different cities. That gives Olympic fans quite a few possible travel destinations to choose from!

Beijing, China

Olympic fans should consider visiting the Beijing Olympic Park to check out the special buildings of the so—called “Bird’s Nest” and “Water Cube”—the national stadium and aquatics center built for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Popular historic places in Beijing include the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and Tian’anmen Square.

Innsbruck, Austria

Located in the heart of the Alps, Innsbruck is known as a great winter destination—which explains why it has hosted not one but two Winter Olympics. Known for its mountainous views, Innsbruck is the perfect stop for outdoor adventurers.

Mexico City, Mexico

This wonderful travel destination offers a wide number of popular museums, historic buildings, and public parks. People will love shopping for fresh meat and produce at the markets, taking a cooking class, and generally eating their way through Mexico City, which is especially known for its culinary(烹饪的)experiences that include both globally well—known restaurants and locally favored street carts.

Melbourne, Australia

Nearly half a century before Sydney hosted the 2000 Summer Olympics, Melbourne became the first Australian host city in 1956. Head to the “cultural capital of Australia”, located in Victoria on the southeastern coast, for an energetic cafe culture and art scene. Melbourne offers something for every type of traveler and everyone can enjoy an evening at one of the city’s many rooftop bars or a day of wine tasting.

1. Where will you go if you are fond of adventure?
A.Beijing, China.B.Mexico City, Mexico.
C.Innsbruck, Austria.D.Melbourne, Australia.
2. What can visitors do in Mexico City?
A.Enjoy wonderful culinary classes.
B.Get profit from making delicious food.
C.Admire beautiful mountainous views.
D.Visit special stadiums for the Olympics.
3. What can we know about Melbourne?
A.It is famous for all kinds of wine.
B.It has many world—famous hotels.
C.It hosted the Summer Olympics twice.
D.It can satisfy different travelers’ needs.
2022-11-13更新 | 87次组卷 | 18卷引用:2020届湖南省永州市高考第二次模拟英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in New Zealand

Nature has shaped New Zealand with the beauty of a movie set. Few destinations(目的地)boast so many natural wonders packed into such a small area. Here are the best attractions travelers can explore.

Kaikoura, South Island

Birders, wildlife and seafood lovers will love the charming coasted village of Kaikoura. Between the Seaward Kaikoura Range and the Pacific Ocean, Kaikoura offers excellent coastal hikes and popular whale watching tours. In addition to whales, passengers may spot fur seals, dolphins and a wide variety of birds.

Queenstown, South Island

Queenstown is New Zealand’s adventure capital. Bungee jumping, jet boating, rock climbing, mountain biking and downhill skiing are just some of the thrilling things to do here. In addition to the adventure sports? Queenstown offers all the comforts, with first-class hotels, spas, restaurants, galleries and shops.

Bay of Islands, North Island

A three-hour drive north of Auckland, the beautiful Bay of Islands is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the country. There are more than 144 islands on the bay, making it a perfect place for sailing. Penguins, dolphins, and whales live in these waters, and the area is a popular sport-fishing spot. The towns in the area such as Russell, Opua and Paihia are great bases for exploring this scenic bay.

Rotorua, North Island

This is a land where the Earth speaks. Boiling mud pools, volcanic craters and steaming hot springs show the forces of New Zealand’s dramatic landscapes. Visitors can take a walking tour of these geothermal(地热的)wonders and bathe in the springs while visiting the interesting attractions to learn about the area’s rich Maori history and culture.

1. Where can visitors experience Extreme sports?
A.In Kaikoura.B.In Queenstown.
C.At Bay of Islands.D.In Rotorua.
2. What do we know about Bay of Islands?
A.It is suitable for fishing.
B.There are few islands there.
C.There are many military bases there.
D.It belongs to South Island of New Zealand.
3. What is special about Rotorua?
A.It offers coastal hike tours.
B.It offers popular whale watching tours.
C.It is the best known for varieties of wildlife.
D.It is a good place to have a hot spring bath.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The Cool 2022 Travel Destinations

National Geographic’s new list of the most amazing places to visit in 2022, “Best of World 2022” is an inviting mixture of global destinations that will inspire your appetite for travel in the New Year.


Our global editors picked the planet's 25 most exciting destinations for 2022! There is really something to appeal to everyone.

The best places to enjoy nature include Northern Minnesota, which offers skies filled with thousands of shining stars as it has little or no light pollution.


One of the inspiring adventure ideas is an invitation to cycle a new bike trail. The route of the Paris to the sea La Seine à Vélo trail passes the house and famous water lilies (水仙) of Impressionist painter Claude Monet in Giverny.

Culture and History

This brand new 2022 list also celebrates several destinations recommended by UNESCO in honor of how UNESCO has been helping protect cultural and national treasures for 50 years.

This selection of cultural centers takes in Procida, an island city located 40 minutes southwest of Naples by boat. This city, famous for its colorful buildings, plans to use its year to bring people a sense of community. Its year-long festival aims to encourage responsible travel throughout the year, and to avoid a crowd of visitors during the summer as happened in the past.


The best places for families include astonishing settings in the US and further away. One of these is Granada in Spain.

At this palace, kids of all ages and their parents can appreciate the unique patterns and designs that promise “A colorful classroom for age-appropriate exploration of math concepts such as shapes, proportion (比例), and measurement”.

1. Why does National Geographic offer the “Best of World 2022” ?
A.To attract people to enjoy delicious food.
B.To invite people to find amazing places.
C.To explore the most exciting destinations.
D.To increase people’s interest in traveling.
2. What is the disadvantage of visiting the cultural centers in the past?
A.It’s inconveniently located.
B.There were too many people.
C.Travelers were not responsible.
D.Its colorful buildings faded away.
3. What kind of destination best suits children who are interested in maths?
C.Culture and History.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Four best secret beaches in the Caribbean

Spotts Beach, Grand Cayman

Surrounded by cliffs, this picturesque beach on Grand Cayman is excellent for seeing sea turtles, and its location – the south coast of the island – makes it perfect for watching the sunrise and set. Best of all, there’s limited parking and only a few homes nearby, so you won’t be climbing over sunbathers, nor will you be competing for space at the picnic tables or grills.

Little Bay, Anguilla

When you have to climb down a rope along a cliff to get there, you know it’s a secret beach. But that’s precisely the adventure it takes to enjoy the quiet nature of Little Bay. While accessing it may be a bit of an upsetting experience, once you get to the white sandy beaches with no crowds, you’ll be glad you did. We guess we should mention you can take a hired boat here, too.

La Sagesse Beach, Grenada

Clear water and soft sand are two of the many reasons people seek out this peaceful, palm tree-dotted slice of the Grenada coastline, which has but a single hotel. You can rent beach chairs and boat, and be sure to explore the tropical gardens of the La Sagesse Nature Center, located less than a mile down the road. Book a private villa right near the beach or choose a nearby hotel like 473 Grenada Boutique Resort.

Gold Rock Beach, Grand Bahama

Referred to as a “welcome mat” during low tide because you can sit on the sand bar, Gold Rock Beach is part of the Lucayan National Park, which you have to walk through to get to the sandy shores. You’ll only see a couple of other beachgoers at this hidden diamond in the Bahamas, and you can explore Lucayan’s underground caves nearby – that is, if you can tear yourself away from the sunshine.

1. Which beach best suits people who enjoy sea turtles?
A.Little Bay, Anguilla.B.La Sagesse Beach, Grenada.
C.Spotts Beach, Grand Cayman.D.Gold Rock Beach, Grand Bahama.
2. How can a tourist reach Little Bay, Anguilla?
A.By driving a car.B.By simply walking.
C.By taking a hired plane.D.By climbing down a rope.
3. What is special about Gold Rock Beach, Grand Bahama?
A.Tourists can visit tropical gardens.
B.Tourists can explore underground caves.
C.Tourists can appreciate the sunrise and set.
D.Tourists can spot clear water and soft sand.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Amazing royal palaces in the world

Palace of Versailles,France

It is the most popular palace in France, located in Southwest region of Paris. Originally, it was built as a hunting house in 1624. In 1682, King Louis XIV expanded it into the largest palace in the country as his permanent living place, featuring 700 rooms, more than 1,200 fireplaces and 60 staircases.Palace of Versailles has huge gardens covering an area of about 2,000 acres with 50 fountains and different mile-long canals.

Forbidden City,China

Located in Beijing, China, Forbidden City is the world's largest palace complex. This palace

complex spreads across an area of 72 hectares, featuring 980 buildings with 8,707 different rooms. It was built from 1406 to 1420, decorated with stone animals, rails, arches and dragons. Forbidden city became UNESCO's world heritage site in 1987, and millions of tourists visit it every year.
Alhambra Palace, Spain

Alhambra Palace is situated in the city of Andalusia in Spain. The first part of this palace was constructed in the 9th century. Experiencing a long course of damage, ignorance and renovation(翻修),it was eventually transformed into the current palace in 1333. The whole sections of Alhambra Palace were whitewashed, and today it appears reddish because of centuries of baking in sunlight. The Alhambra Palace is located at the hilltop, with a view over the city.

Mysore Palace,India

Located in the city of Mysore, Mysore Palace is known as City of Palaces, in South India. It was built by different kings in different centuries, which resulted in a mixture of Indo-Saracenic Hindu, Muslim, Rajput and Gothic styles of architecture used for its construction. It was also surrounded by large gardens, lit by more than 10,000 bulbs (灯泡)during the Dasara Festival in the month of September.

1. What can visitors do in Palace of Versailles, France?
A.Go wildlife hunting.
B.Admire stone animals.
C.Explore reddish palaces.
D.Appreciate huge gardens.
2. In which palace can you enjoy the scenery of the whole city?
A.Palace of Versailles.
B.Forbidden City.
C.Alhambra Palace.
D.Mysore Palace.
3. What is special about Mysore Palace?
A.It has large gardens.
B.It was built by kings in a century.
C.It is in mixed architectural styles.
D.It is lit by over 10,000 bulbs in October.
2021-11-06更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省永州市2021-2022学年高三上学期第一次适应性考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . World's best scuba diving destinations

If you are planning to go on a scuba diving vacation in the near future, here is a list of some of the best destinations in the world that you can consider.

The Red Sea, Egypt

One dive underneath the surface of the Egyptian Red Sea, and all you can see is a huge variety of marine life all around you. This is one of the richest marine ecosystems in the world. You can experience a fantastic swim with the dolphins and sharks. And a variety of colorful coral and sponges (海绵动物) in the reefs look absolutely astonishing.

Bali Island, Indonesia

Considered to be the “Jewel of Indonesia”, Bali Island is undoubtedly one of the most unusual holiday destinations in the world. And that is certainly true when it comes to a scuba diving vacation as well. The most popular underwater attraction for the divers gathering here is Mola mola, the world's heaviest-known bony fish. Bali Island is known for some of the world's best scuba diving instructors and diving spots.

Half Moon Caye, Belize

If you are looking forward to doing a wall dive, then the Half Moon Caye is the perfect place for you. Once you begin diving downwards, you will be excited by seeing the variety of marine life. There are numerous tunnels filled with a variety of sponges and monster groupers. The most noticeable sightings are those of eagle rays, logger head turtles, barracudas and the rosy razor fish.

1. Which of the following is in agreement with the author?
A.The Red Sea is the richest marine ecosystem in the world.
B.Most divers might be attracted to Bali Island because of its jewels.
C.There are some top class scuba diving instructors in Bali Island.
D.Half Moon Caye excites the divers with the walls and wrecks in the depths.
2. What do the Egyptian Red Sea and the Half Moon Caye have in common?
A.Numerous tunnels.
B.A variety of sponges.
C.Being a perfect place for wall dives.
D.Allowing divers to swim with sharks.
3. What's the purpose of the passage?
A.To educate.B.To inform.
C.To amuse.D.To advertise.
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