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语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

No one can foretell the future of technology exactly, because no one can see the future. However, there are reasonable     1     (argue) based on the advances and trends in technology in the past. For example, it’s reasonable to predict that computers will continue to become more powerful, numerous and cheaper. Areas with huge potential,     2     are just beginning to be made use of today, like biotechnology, will continue to produce fruit.

Technology in general will probably continue to improve,     3     (create) both promises and risks. In     4     area of computers, someone might interact with hundreds of embedded microchips (嵌入式微芯片) throughout the home and the office. In the future, it will be many thousands.     5     some have called “ubiquitous computing” —— computers everywhere helping us with everything —— will be caused by increasing bandwidth and decreasing costs. Some viewers, especially Bill Gates, believe the next few decades     6     (characterize) by long-awaited revolutions in robotic technology. Other futurists see trends in automation technology leading to desktop factories that enable users     7     (make) objects from a host of simple     8     (origin) parts.

Apart from above areas, there are dozens if not hundreds of areas that will continue to advance technologically. One thing is     9     sure: the future will have better technology than the past did. But will we put     10     to better use? Only time and effort will tell.

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