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| 共计 77 道试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 高中生的年龄是一个充满美好和遐想的年龄,每位高中生都对自己的将来有着美好的期待。请以“What will I be like in ten years?”为题,用英语写一篇短文。内容包括:
1. 学历和专业;
2. 工作(从事的职业,工作时间等);
3. 生活(包括业余爱好,日常交往等);
4. 实现上述愿望的途径。
1. 词数100左右(短文开头已为你写好,不计入总词数);
2. 可以适当发挥,以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:专业 major

What will I be like in ten years?

In ten years I will be more mature and confident.

2024-02-25更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:1号卷·A10联盟2022届全国高考第一轮总复习试卷英语试题(十四)
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . What are the speakers talking about?
A.Rice fields.B.Childhood memory.C.Game playing.
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 你校英语社团微信公众号面向高三学生开展题为“一起向未来”的征文活动,请你写一篇英文短文投稿。内容包括:
1)未来梦想; 2)努力方向。
1.词数 80 左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Together for a Shared Future

2023-10-24更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄北华中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 请发挥想象,憧憬未来,写一篇短文,描述五年后的你的学习、工作或生活。词数100左右。
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

5 . When I was a boy growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s, we had a milkman delivering milk to our doorstep. His name was Mr. Basille. He wore a white cap and drove a white truck. As a 5-year-old boy, I couldn’t take my eyes off the coin changer fixed to his belt. He noticed this one day during a delivery and gave me a quarter out of his coin changer.

Of course, he delivered more than milk. There was cheese, eggs and so on. If we needed to change our order, my mother would pen a note — “Please add a bottle of buttermilk next delivery” — and place it in the box along with the empty bottles. And then, the buttermilk would magically (魔术般) appear.

All of this was about more than convenience. There existed a close relationship between families and their milkmen. Mr. Basille even had a key to our house, for those times when it was so cold outside that we put the box indoors, so that the milk wouldn’t freeze. And I remember Mr. Basille from time to time taking a break at our kitchen table, having a cup of tea and telling stories about his delivery.

There is sadly no home milk delivery today. Big companies allowed the production of cheaper milk, thus making it difficult for milkmen to compete. Besides, milk is for sale everywhere, and it may just not have been practical to have a delivery service.

Recently, an old milk box in the countryside I saw brought back my childhood memories. I took it home and planted it on the back porch (门廊) . Every so often my son’s friends will ask what it is. So I start telling stories of my boyhood, and of the milkman who brought us friendship along with his milk.

1. Mr. Basille gave the boy a quarter out of his coin changer to __________.
A.show his magical powerB.pay for the delivery
C.satisfy his curiosityD.please his mother
2. What can be inferred from the fact that the milkman had the key to the boy’s house?
A.He wanted to have tea there.B.He was a respectable person.
C.He was treated as a family member.D.He was fully trusted by the family.
3. Why does home milk delivery no longer exist?
A.Nobody wants to be a milkman now.B.It has been driven out of the market.
C.Its service is getting poor.D.It is not allowed by law.
4. Why did the author bring back home an old milk box?
A.He missed the good old days.B.He wanted to tell interesting stories.
C.He needed it for his milk bottles.D.He planted flowers in it.
2023-07-16更新 | 211次组卷 | 35卷引用:必修第三册 Unit 1 综合检测—2023年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(人教版2019)
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Twenty-five years ago on July 1,1997, I woke up very late in my apartment in Singapore. l jumped out of bed in ______ . I woke up my 8-year-old daughter Avy. ”We’re late for school,“ I half-yelled at her. We finally ______ it to the nearby bus stop in time. ______ , the school was only two stops away. We got in, _____ our eyes as the sunlight streamed into the bus.

Her mom had flown to Hong Kong several days earlier on assignment for a newspaper to ______ the handover(交接) of the city’s return to China.

l had ______ from work for a week to help look after our daughter. I would ______ my daughter from school around midday. At the end of the day, I would watch the news on TV, which had led the entire week with the ______ events happening in Hong Kong. I would wonder ______ my wife was in the crowd that was gathered to ______ the handover.

The year, 1997, was ______ because the Asian financial crisis began. For that week though, that was the least of my ______ . I just made sure we did not have a ______ of July 1, when we were nearly late for school. My wife was very busy during the handover, chasing down stories in Hong Kong as the British flag was ______ for the last time.

I later spent a few years working in Hong Kong, but my enduring memory of the days surrounding its return to China was the time I spent as a ______ , although it is kind of hard to call an 8-year-old a baby.

A.looked upB.set outC.broken awayD.taken off
A.dress upB.bring upC.pick upD.cheer up
2023-05-27更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省新高考联考协作体2022-2023学年高三上学期起点考试英语试题
阅读理解-六选四 | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Like many other small boys, I was fascinated by cars, especially because my oldest brother was a bit of a car guy and subscribed to cool magazines like Car and Driver and Motor Trend.

Every so often, one of those magazines would run an article on the “Cars of the Future”.     1     Yet, frankly, my car doesn’t do anything that my brother’s Studebaker didn’t do. It goes, it stops, it burns gasoline. I still have to steer it, and it still runs into things if I don’t steer it carefully.

But guess what?     2     It may not burn gasoline, I may not have to steer it, and it may be a lot better at not running into things.

    3     In fact, considering the recent news about people occasionally being killed by their airbags in low-speed crashes, they obviously still need some development. But they aren’t going away, and in fact, you can expect to see cars appearing with additional, side-impact airbags, something some European car manufacturers already offer.

Better than systems to minimize injury in the event of an accident, however, are systems that minimize the likelihood of an accident happening in the first place ? Future cars may be able to remove many of the major causes of accidents, including drunk-driving, and tailgating (与前车距离过近) . Cars could be equipped with sensors that can detect alcohol in a driver’s system and prevent the car from being started, for example. As early as next year, you’ll be able to buy cars with radar-equipped control systems. If the radar determines you’re closing too quickly with the car in front, it will ease up on the throttle (油门).

Scientists are now working on a system that can brake, accelerate and steer a vehicle down a highway on its own.     4    

A.Will cars eventually be able to drive themselves ?
B.Magazine featuring future cars sell especially well.
C.Airbags aren’t the be-all and end-all in safety.
D.Crazy fans look forward to the launch of future cars.
E.All of these things are likely to change in the not-so-distant future.
F.They featured unconventional things like small nuclear reactors as power sources.
2022-12-28更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:专题02:非谓语动词 -2023年上海市高考英语一轮复习讲练测
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 你校正在举办以“I Love My Hometown”为主题的英语征文活动。请写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:

I Love My Hometown

书面表达-开放性作文 | 较难(0.4) |
9 . Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词 的正确形式。

On November 15th, 2022, the world’s population reached 8 billion people, a milestone in human development. While it took the global population 12 years to grow from 7 to 8 billion, it     1     (take) approximately 15 years—until 2037—to reach 9 billion,     2     sign that the overall growth rate of the global population is slowing down.

    3     (current), China and India are the most populated countries in the world,     4     1. 4 billion people in each country. However,     5     (base) on UN projections, India will surpass

China for the first time in 2023. More than half of the predicted increase in the global population up to 2050 will be concentrated in eight countries. On November 15th, China Daily published United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s article,

    6     title was “Eight billion people, one humanity”.     7     he puts it, with our human family growing larger, our world is growing more divided, challenged by food insecurity, deepening inequalities, the climate crisis and an unequal COVID-19     8     (recover). He stresses that global gatherings in November— COP 27 and the G20—are chances     9     (bridge)divides,

Restore trust, and ensure that our 8-billion-strong world could yield enormous     10     (opportunity) for some of the poorest countries.

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