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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Many years ago, a crocodile(鳄鱼)lived in a pool. He spent most of his time in the shady parts of the green pool. When he was hungry, he hid into the water towards the watering hole where all the animals gathered to drink the clear water on hot days. The crocodile was very cunning(狡猾的)and kept only his eyes above the water as he moved towards the other animals, Then his big jaws closed in on some unlucky animals that didn’t see him coming. They became his delicious dinner at last.

The crocodile said to himself, “I’m so strong that no one can get away from me. “ All of the animals were afraid of the crocodile except a butterfly(蝴蝶).

One day, the butterfly noticed the crocadile moving closer to the other animals in the pool. She flew around the crocodile’s eyes to get his attention. She said, “You might be strong, but I bet you won’t catch anything today. “ She flew in circles around the crocodile’s face.

The crocodile rose up out of the water a bit so he could talk to the butterfly. He said, “Of course I will. I’m the strongest animal in the pool. I can catch any animal I want. “ The butterfly flew past the crosodile’s nose and said, “I don’t think so. “ She flew very close to the crocodile’s car and teased(戏弄) him with her wings.

“Stop that!” The crocodile couldn’t keep his temper and shouted. Not far away, two birds looked up from the watering hole. They saw the danger and flew to the treetops just in case. At the same time, the rabbits and frogs at the watering hole looked up as well and saw the crocodile. In a flash, they all ran away and hid in the forest.

The butterfly danced in the air just in front of the croondile’s nose. “Being strong isn’t everything, you know.” Then she landed slowly on the tip of the crocodile’s nose. She teased his leathery skin with her wings.

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The crocodile didn’t like being teased.


Finally, the crocodile felt tired and stopped biting the butterfly.

2023-11-28更新 | 47次组卷 | 2卷引用:山西新希望等名校2023-2024学年高三上学期期中质量检测英语试题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Baby Blue Tail was a tiny little yellow fish with a blue tail, and that is why his parents named him Baby Blue Tail. Every day, Baby Blue Tail enjoyed playing with his friends and family in the middle of the blue and deep ocean.

One night, one of his friends disappeared. Baby Blue Tail got so worried and scared. The next day, when Baby Blue Tail was sleeping, nine more friends went missing. At this point, Baby Blue Tail got terrified and told his mom.

Baby Blue Tail and his mom decided to stay up all night to see what had happened to Baby Blue Tail’s friends. Suddenly, Baby Blue Tail saw a big fish taking away his dad while he was sleeping. Baby Blue Tail was very sad to find out that this was the big fish taking everyone away.

“Oh no! He might have eaten everyone,” said Baby Blue Tail, while expressing his upset to his mom. In the morning, Baby Blue Tail and his mom decided to explore the ocean more to stop the big fish from taking his family and friends. Baby Blue Tail laid out a plan, and he told his mom that they could hide and follow the big fish. At night, Baby Blue Tail and his mom hid in a coral(珊瑚), and the big fish appeared, but the big fish did not find anyone in the house. After searching for a while, the big fish left.

Baby Blue Tail and his mom followed the big fish. While they were following the big fish, they saw people, on the shore, throwing plastic waste into the ocean. Baby Blue Tail saw a lot of dead fish and other sea creatures. Finally, the big fish led them to a beautiful part of the ocean, where people used eco-friendly bags and cleaned the ocean every week. There were rainbows, happy sea creatures and corals.

Baby Blue Tail whispered and asked his mom, “Who is the big fish?” A voice from behind them said, “Turn around.” When Baby Blue Tail and his mom turned around... IT WAS THE BIG FISH.


The big fish said, “My name is Baby Shelly.”


“You are a good fish,” said Baby Blue Tail excitedly.

2023-11-14更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市鄂托克旗四校联考2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
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3 . The second platform of this far-famed North station, under the lengthy railway track, lays our “mighty mice kingdom.” I was born here on a rainy November night. Since then, the deafening trains accompanied me to sleep and woke me up early in the morning. The mountainous waste, the irregular black stones, the man in white waving the flags, people rushing towards their future, the roaring trains, the frequent announcements. All these have been close to my heart since I was born.

In the midst of the track, I saw a delicious piece of banana fritters that might have been thrown out of the train by someone. My eyes shone bright, and my mouth watered. My feet paced towards the yummy heavenly treat. Suddenly, the air was blowing violently, and my skin’s hair stood up again. I ran back to the hole. The Island Express train came and passed by in a flash of a second. My eyes became yellowish, dreaming of the mouth-watering banana fritters.

I advanced slowly, then two feet hurriedly, and finally, my hands were about to touch the crispy skin of the banana fritters. “Thud…” a cruel crow kidnapped my meal, destroyed my dreams and flew away. The flood of happiness inside my heart turned to a stormy sea. It was a public secret that I led a poverty-stricken life since the mice kingdom collapsed in 1999.

Again, the tiny buds of air around me was blowing, and I ran back to the hole. Dodger Express was passing by. The train made mocking (嘲笑的) sounds at me. “Loser”…. “Loser”…. A stone toppled and fell on my head. I hated myself, hated everything. I fell asleep to escape from this world of embarrassments.

1. What can we know from paragraph 1?
A.The living conditions is pleasant.B.The mouse gets used to the surroundings.
C.The kingdom lies at the second floor.D.The mouse can’t fall asleep without deafening trains.
2. Why did the mouse advance slowly?
A.Because it was scared of the crow.
B.Because it was out of safety concern.
C.Because it wasn’t desperate for the banana fritters.
D.Because the mouse was frightened by the violently blowing air.
3. What’s the mouse’s reaction to the crow’s behavior?
4. What does “loser” indicate in the last paragraph?
A.The mouse was hungry to death.
B.The mouse was laughed at by the train.
C.The mouse was thought to be a failure by people.
D.The mouse was depressed and desperate about everything that happened to him.
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述作者家收养的小狗Chi Chi面对困难乐观的态度以及对他人的影响。

4 . My dog Chi Chi always has a smile on her face. However, before my family adopted (收养) her, her life was pretty _______. It’s hard to believe this sweet dog was once left in a dustbin (垃圾箱). Her _______was injured and she was in pain. But when the rescuers got to her, her eyes shone with _______and she was trying to get to them. Her rescuers drove her to the closest hospital to get her _______. The vets there _______her by fitting her with a prosthesis (假肢) and shared her _______on the Internet.

That’s how my parents and I first _______her. For weeks, we _______Chi Chi’s story and discussed adopting her. We _______had three dogs. My mom wanted to know who would ____________her, because it might be a lot of work to take care of a dog that was ____________.

We had a lot of ____________about Chi Chi. Her rescuers sent us photos and videos. After we adopted her, we made her try different prostheses so she could move around more ____________. She’s made a lot of progress with her ____________, and now she can even jump up on the sofa.

Chi Chi has a great attitude ____________she’s been through something hard. She’s always smiling and happy. Chi Chi has a lot to ____________about kindness and about ____________little achievements (like making ____________with walking or jumping). She has taught me to care about the   ____________of others and help them. I’ve also noticed that when people meet Chi Chi, they talk about hard things they’ve faced. I think she shows them it’s possible to ____________anything difficult. She sure encourages me to be the best I can be, like she is every day.

A.worried aboutB.cared aboutC.dreamed aboutD.heard about
A.look atB.look forC.look afterD.look into
2023-10-13更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省郑州航空港经济综合实验区艺书高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文

A Moment of Kindness

A lioness with her cub (幼崽) was moving around in the jungle searching for their prey(猎物) . While coming out from the den (洞穴), the baby asked her mother, “Mum, why are we going out for prey when a deer is already at home? Let us eat it first, then we can search for the next.”

The mother smiled and licked her child with love and said, “No, my love! We can’t eat that deer because it has no choice but to seek our help. He is wounded and helpless. We must help him.”

The baby cub was surprised and questioned again, “Why so, Mum? That’s our food.”

“Honey, you are absolutely right! It’s our food, but this particular deer is well aware that if we want, we can kill him in a second. Do you think that he deserves to be killed when he has come to us in a hope that we would protect him?”

The baby cub couldn’t understand her mother. It kept quiet and paced with its mother. That was not a lucky day for them. They didn’t get any prey even after a long search. At last, they came back to their den.

The deer on the other hand was terrified of his own decision. He was attacked by a hunter and managed to escape. While running for his life, he saw the den and without a second thought entered it. When he realized that he was in the lion’s den, he gave up the idea of running back again. At that time, the lioness and her cub were present over there. The deer stared at the lioness with a pitiful look. Tears were rolling down.

The lioness understood his hopeless condition. She came closer to the deer, smelled it and slowly moved out of the den with her cub for hunting.


When they returned without any food, the cub repeated the same question.


The lioness came close to the deer after the cub fell asleep.

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6 . 语法填空

One morning, Mr. Wolf told his wife he would catch some toads (癞蛤蟆)for her to eat.     1     (hear) these annoying words, Mrs. Wolf grabbed a pan to beat him. Not wanting to     2     (scold) by his wife, Mr. Wolf decided to invent something to help him catch goats. He got     3     (inspire) when he saw a spring(弹簧) and invented a pair of spring shoes. With the magic shoes, Mr. Wolf     4     (jump) onto the sky above the sheep village where the goats were practicing spears (标枪). Seeing Mr. Wolf, the goats immediately threw their spears at him with a     5     (frighten) look on their faces. Hearing a loud noise, Red Wolf opened the door and found her husband     6     (trap) to the wall with many spears in his body. As a determined inventor, Mr. Wolf didnˈt lose heart. He improved his invention and made a new pair of spring shoes, hoping     7     (catch) the goats.

In order to defeat Big Big Wolf, Slow Goat     8     (lose) in thought. Suddenly, a good idea occurred to him. After a few days’ experiment, a magic insole (鞋垫) was invented,     9     (make) Mr. Wolf badly injured as he hit his house heavily. And he had to have his house     10    (repair)in the following week.

2023-06-22更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省揭阳市揭西县河婆中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中质量检测英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When we lived on a farm, a black-and-white Border Collie mix showed up at our gate one day. My young son Alec fell in love with this dog instantly, and within an hour, he had named him Oreo.

Within a day, I could see how he would make a house in a mess. The great outdoors itself barely seemed enough space for him to run. When he was let out of his fence, he became a mass of black-and-white fur rushing all over the place at breakneck speed. He never seemed to be tired of running, of jumping on people, or of barking. His high energy was entertaining, but also wearing (令人疲惫的). So it was usually my husband Gary’ s job to leash (栓链子) him up for walks.

One day in late summer, Gary, Alec, and I walked with Oreo to the edge of the field and loosed the leash. He took off on his normal run across the juicy, green fields and soon disappeared over the top of a hill. My family walked on the path along the fence at a much slower pace, looking for four-leafed clovers (四叶草) when suddenly we heard barking behind us.

We turned to see two unfamiliar dogs speeding toward us, and they did not look friendly. Ears back, teeth bared, they flew toward us over the dirt path. Gary pushed Alec and me toward a tree with some low-hanging branches. “Get Alec in the tree,” he ordered as he picked up a heavy stick. Heart pounding, I lifted Alec onto a branch, and Gary squared off (摆好架势) to face the attacking dogs and give us time to get into the tree.


Suddenly, a black-and-white ball shot over the hill and hit the bigger of the two dogs.

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8 . Wendy the octopus (章鱼) only had seven legs.

“The last one will grow when Wendy turns eight years old,” the doctor told Wendy’s mother.

For seven year, Wendy’s sister Viola, laughed at her about her missing leg.

“Wendy only has seven legs because she isn’t part of our real family.” Viola told the other sea creatures one day. It was a lie, but everyone believed Viola.

Wendy went home and told her mother that she was sad. “Everyone treats me differently because I only have seven legs,” she said

“Don’t worry.” her mother said. “Tomorrow is your eighth birthday and you will finally grow another leg!”

That night Wendy dreamed that she grew another leg. But the next day, when Wendy woke up and counted her legs, there were still only seven. Wendy was so sad that she cried. Suddenly, a fairy (仙子) appeared.

“You are the lucky octopus I have been waiting for. You can make a wish,” the fairy said.

“I wish that Viola was honest,” Wendy said after thinking for a moment

“Your wish is granted (准予),” the fairy said.

Before the fairy left. she told Wendy that she was the kindest octopus in the sea.

When Wendy got home her family was waiting for her. “Happy birthday!” they said.

“I’m sorry. I don’t have a present for you,” Viola said. “I forgot it was your birthday“

“That’s okay,” Wendy said “You are honest. Thank you.”

Wendy’s mother swam over to her daughter with a birthday balloon.

“Look, you’ve finally grown your eighth leg!” She tied the balloon to Wendy’s new leg.

It was the happiest day of Wendy’s life.

1. When did Wendy meet a fairy?
A.On her seventh birthday.B.On her eighth birthday
C.On the day before her seventh birthday.D.On the day before her eighth birthday.
2. What was Wendy’s wish?
A.To grow her eighth leg.B.To play with other sea creatures.
C.To find her parents.D.To make Viola become honest.
3. Wendy was a _________ octopus.
2022-12-14更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省鸡西市第四中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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9 . Lillian, 17, had just started working as a lifesaver at a beach in Australia on New Year’s Eve when beach-goers started to point and shout at the water. The workers quickly examined the situation and saw that a kangaroo had jumped out of the bushes (灌木丛) — straight into the sea.

The animal seemed confused by the fishermen standing on the rocks. So instead of turning back and heading back into the bushes, it jumped right into the water! The poor thing bobbed(摆动)around in the waves and went underwater several times before Lillian decided to take action.

As with any other animal rescue, it’s important to approach the situation with prudence. Wild animals that are stressed can become dangerous to their rescuers, and Lillian was aware of the risks as she took her rescue board and hit the water at a run. “It just didn’t want to come on to the beach because it was kind of scared,” she said. “I was trying to figure out how to get it on the board. But considering that it’s a wild animal, even though I was helping, I wouldn’t want to be hurt by it or make it more stressed out.”

As beach-goers recorded the rescue on their phones,Lillian paddled (用浆划船) behind the animal carefully and guided the kangaroo onto the beach. As soon as Lillian’s feet touched the sand, the beach erupted in cheers for her!“It was quite special. As people there were cheering and clapping, the kangaroo was just sitting there up in the bushes staring at me, as if it was conveying something with its shining eyes,” Lillian said. “I didn’t think that was going to ever be my first rescue, I may have more rescues in the future, but none would be as memorable as this one.”

1. What happened to the kangaroo?
A.It jumped off the rocks by mistake,
B.It jumped into the sea by accident,
C.It was forced to leave the bushes.
D.It was washed away into the sea.
2. What does the underlined word “prudence” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. How did the kangaroo react to its rescuer?
A.It couldn’t wait to leave her.
B.It was worried about her safety.
C.It was confused about her action.
D.It seemed grateful for her help.
4. Which of the followings can best describe Lillian?
A.Far-sighted and independent.B.Talented and positive.
C.Brave and cautious.D.Determined and ambitious.
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Special Delivery

One day, I found my neighbors’ mail in my mailbox. I thought that was _________. I went down the street, trying to put their _________ into their mailboxes. Then I _________ that the mail in their mailboxes also had the wrong address.

I was not sure what to do when I watched a dog _________ the mail box with mail in his mouth. He _________ the mail in the box and put his stack(一叠)in. He pushed the door _________ with his nose, picked up the new stack of mail he had _________ from the box and ran down the street.

It turned out that the dog _________ Henry, the mailman in charge of mail _________ in our area. Henry has a trained dog Ada who __________ went with him on his rounds. Ada had been __________ to put mail in and take mail out of the boxes. But Henry died suddenly of a serious illness a few days ago. Henry lived alone and when he __________, no one thought to check on his dog. When Ada got loose, he continued to undertake his __________.

Ada would approach each mail box along the street, open the mailbox door with his __________, put some mail in, meanwhile take some mail out and then close the door. That was the __________ Ada used to do with Henry, who was always pleased with the dog.

A.read throughB.took outC.gave upD.turned over
A.met withB.called forC.belonged toD.learned from
A.passed awayB.came backC.settled downD.started off
2022-11-11更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟2022-2023学年高一11月选科适应性考试英语试题
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