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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Pip is a cute little squirrel (松鼠) from a loving family, whose mother often tells him that sharing is caring.

On a cold morning in the park, Pip was looking for a tree with enough branches to shelter him from the cold. Suddenly, he found a huge one, with many branches, and to his joy, a big, brown acorn was hanging from one of the lower ones.

Knowing how important acorns were at this time of year, Pip moved as fast as his tiny legs could carry him, and climbed up the side of the tree, heading towards the acorn. As he got close to the acorn, he thought about how hungry he was, as he hadn’t had any food for two days. He reached his paw (爪子) forward eagerly and just as he was about to take his first bite, somebody took the acorn from his paws and climbed down the tree. Angry and still hungry, Pip ran after the acorn thief, and jumped across the branches, from tree to tree. He would save his lunch, no matter what!

“Hey! Come back here! That’s my acorn. I found it, fair and square,” shouted Pip, who was out of breath.

The acorn thief was another squirrel, who Pip recognized as Rascal, a squirrel in the park who always stole food from others.

“You will never catch me, Pip! Everyone knows that you are the slowest squirrel in the park and I haven’t eaten today, so this nut is mine!” said Rascal.

Hearing Rascal make fun of him made Pip angrier and run faster. Finally, Pip caught up with Rascal. After what seemed like the longest fight ever, Pip managed to take the acorn out of Rascal’s paws and he ran as fast as he could to hide away. As Rascal tried to follow Pip, a huge tree branch fell on him and stopped him from running after the acorn. Rascal couldn’t climb over the branch and he was forced to admit defeat.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Pip happily hugged his acorn.


“Why did you help me, Pip?” asked Rascal, quite surprised.

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2 . Once upon a time in a small town of Christchurch, there lived a little dog named Buddy. Buddy was not just any ordinary dog; he was known for his bravery and loyalty. He had been trained by his owner to be alert and helpful in case of emergencies. One sunny afternoon, Buddy’s owner, Elizabeth, was taking a walk near the river when she suddenly slipped and fell into the water. She tried her best to swim, but the strong current made it difficult for her to stay afloat. Fear gripped her as she realized she might not make it out alive.

Meanwhile, Buddy had noticed his owner was missing and started looking for her. He followed the sound of splashing water and found Elizabeth struggling in the river. Without hesitation, Buddy jumped into the water and swam towards her.

Buddy grabbed onto Elizabeth’s shirt with his teeth and pulled her towards the shore. The little dog’s determination and strength were remarkable as he managed to keep them both afloat until they reached the safety of the riverbank.

Elizabeth was exhausted and shaken, but she was grateful to be alive thanks to her brave little dog. She hugged Buddy tightly, tears of joy streaming down her face. Buddy wagged his tail happily, knowing he had done his job well.

News of Buddy’s heroic rescue quickly spread throughout the town, and people couldn’t help but admire the little dog’s courage and selflessness. From that day on, Buddy became a local hero, and his story inspired many to appreciate the incredible bond between humans and their pets.

In the end, Buddy’s bravery reminded everyone that even the smallest creatures can make a big difference when it comes to saving lives.

1. What was Buddy trained to be?
A.Fast and strong for sports.B.Obedient and well-behaved.
C.Protective and aggressive towards strangers.D.Attentive and useful in a dangerous situation.
2. How did Elizabeth end up in the river?
A.She decided to take a swim to cool off.B.She slipped on a rock near the riverbank.
C.She accidentally fell while walking by the river.D.She was pushed into the water by someone else.
3. What did Buddy do when he found Elizabeth struggling in the river?
A.He ran back home to call for help.
B.He barked loudly to get help from nearby people.
C.He jumped into the water and swam towards her.
D.He stayed on the riverbank and waited for her to come out.
4. What happened after Buddy’s heroic rescue?
A.Elizabeth gave Buddy a special treat as a reward.
B.Buddy became a local hero and inspired many people.
C.The town held a ceremony to honor Buddy’s bravery.
D.Elizabeth decided to adopt another dog to keep Buddy company.
2024-01-17更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省2023-2024学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。主要报道了San Diego最喜爱的治疗犬周五去世了的故事。

3 . Ricochet, San Diego’s favourite surfing therapy (治疗) dog, has caught her final wave. The 15-year-old golden retriever — a pioneer of canine-assisted (犬只辅助的) surf therapy who helped countless veterans (老兵) and kids — died on Friday, owner Judy Fridono said Saturday.

Ricochet was raised to be a service dog, but the energetic pup was more fond of chasing birds than assisting with household chores. In 2009, the dog found her career. That was the year Ricochet got on a surfboard with local quadriplegic (四肢瘫痪的) surfer Patrick Ivison. A viral video of the encounter got more than 6 million views on YouTube. “That day she hopped on the board with Patrick, she was reborn,” Fridono said in a 2012 interview.

Throughout her life, the beloved dog touched the lives of kids with special needs, wounded service members and families of fallen veterans. Ricochet was known as an affectionate companion and a shameless belly-rub beggar and had a feeling for people who needed a hug.

Notably, the furry do-gooder helped raise $ 1 million for charity and the donation of more than 1 million bowls of food for homeless animals.

Her work brought numerous awards, media attention and a loyal fan base on social media. The dog had more than 141,000 followers on Instagram and more than 270,000 on Facebook.

Ricochet’s legacy (遗产) will live on through the sponsorship of Jose Martinez, an Army veteran and parasurfer, and through donations to adaptive surfing organizations. “People believe in Ricochet’s mission… she didn’t do it alone,” Fridon o said. “Her supporters are an extension of her legacy and her roots in helping others heal through dog intervention and therapy. Now that she’s gone, I don’t want people to be sad. I want them to celebrate and continue supporting what she started.”

1. What was Ricochet’s career?
A.Canine-assisted surf therapy.B.Assisting with household chores.
C.Bird catching.D.Working as a service dog.
2. Which of the following can best describe Ricochet?
A.Brave but lazy.B.Naughty but caring.
C.Cute and handsome.D.Fierce and strong.
3. What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
A.The contribution of Ricochet.B.Social media’s influence on Ricochet.
C.Recochet’s popularity.D.Donations to the homeless animals.
4. Where can we probably find the text?
A.In a diary.B.In a textbook.
C.In a newspaper.D.In a guidebook.
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4 . A dog named Russ ran away from his owner’s vehicle as the Caldor Fire roared toward South Lake Tahoe. His owner was forced to_______ during the fire, leaving him unable to _______ his dog. It was assumed that Russ had been lost for good. _______ on Dec. 16 2021, a man skiing west of Tahoe _______ Russ, who was unable to _______. The skier posted photos of the animal trapped in deep snow online.

That _______ caught the attention of Wendy Jones, the executive director of Tahoe PAWS and TLC 4 Furry Friends. Although in the middle of another _______ she gathered a team of _______.“Because the dog had been out in the snow all day, we knew _______ was of importance”, Jones said.

It was getting ________. The dog was tracked up the mountain, and finally located under a tree. “I got really________ ,” said Allen, a 61-year old volunteer, “for he was not moving. I ________ he was dead. Luckily, he opened his eyes and lifted his head.”

Russ was very scared, so Allen spent some time winning his ________ before attempting to move him onto a sled (雪橇). It was a ________journey back down the mountain by moonlight, since there was such deep snow and the sled kept trying to fall over. It’s certain that Russ has a (n) ________ to tell.

A.look atB.talk aboutC.search forD.depend on
2023-07-12更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省菏泽市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
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5 . Why I Hate Cats

My name is Oreo, and I’m a ten-year-old, black-and-white Portuguese Water Dog. I’m well-mannered, polite, and friendly. But there is one thing that does set me off: cats. Frankly, I can’t stand them. With their messy hair, beady little eyes, and pointy teeth, they just set my curly coat on end.

I’m particularly not fond of the cat — the gray-colored creature across the street. If she would just stay in her house or even her yard, it wouldn’t be so bad. But, unlike me, she gets to go wherever she wants. No collar, no leash, and no boundaries from what I can see.

Like any responsible pet, I generally stay within my owners’ enclosed back yard. And when I do go out, it’s on a leash held by a human and attached to a collar. Ms. Gray Puss, on the other hand, wanders collarless across the street any time she likes. She even does her business anywhere and anytime she prefers, including on my owners’ lawn.

If she would just stay off my property, I’d be okay with her superior airs and standoffish attitude. But that’s not how she rolls. Sometimes, she comes over and pollutes my owners’ front garden, knowing full well that I’m only a few yards away on the other side of the fence and powerless to stop her.

Sometimes, when my owner takes me for a walk, I’ll spot that animal and take a run at her. Unfortunately, I always forget that I’m on a leash. Before I know it, I’m being dragged backwards. What’s particularly awkward is that the gray one doesn’t even move. I guess she knows I can’t get at her, and that’s why she doesn’t even deign to get up on all fours and at least hiss at me.

Mark my words: Someday, one of my owners will forget to lock the front gate, one of the fence boards will fall off, or my male owner Dave will forget to fully secure the leash. And when that day comes, someone’s going to suffer. I’m not sure why, but Dave keeps saying he thinks it will be me.

1. What do the underlined words “set me off” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.To see me off.B.To make me laugh.
C.To make me annoyed.D.To set out.
2. Who is number one on my hate list?
A.Ms. Gray Puss.B.Dave.C.Oreo.D.Portuguese Water Dog.
3. Why do I hate Ms. Gray Puss?
A.Because she always shows off in front of me.
B.Because I envy her freedom.
C.Because she pollutes my owner’s front garden.
D.Because she walks around without a leash.
4. What does Dave mean by keeping saying he thinks it will be me?
A.It’ll be my fault to forget to lock the front door.
B.It’ll be careless of me to forget to secure the leash.
C.It will be I who will suffer if anything mentioned above happens.
D.It will be I who will break the fence boards.
2023-06-13更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏六盘山高级中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

One day, Daddy Bear suggested having a really wild camping. “What is a really wild camping? Is it an adventure?” wondered Dudu. “Yes! Everything in the city is too comfortable; we need to go to wild to have an experience!” replied Daddy Bear.

“Can I play with my toy cars there? And can I watch cartoon there?” Dudu was a little worried. “There are more interesting things there! We can bathe in the clear pool, taste delicious wild fruits, fish by the clear lake and fall asleep in the quiet night.” Daddy described it in excitement. “It’s wonderful!” Dudu was deeply attracted to the description. “But maybe it’s dangerous!” Mama Bear worried. “Mummy always worries so much! I want to be an explorer this time!” Dudu thought.

Dudu and his families started off. First, they needed to cross a single-log (独木的) bridge. This single-log bridge was the only way to the forest. Seeing the rushed water under the single-log bridge, Dudu had a little regret to come here with Daddy Bear. “Don’t be afraid!” encouraged Daddy Bear. “Just go ahead, don’t look at the river!”

Dudu tried to toe (用脚尖走) on the bridge, and the bridge started to shake. Dudu was so scared (害怕的) that he kept his body unmoved. “The bridge frightens you on purpose! Just go ahead, the bridge won’t shake!” Daddy said behind Dudu. Dudu continued to go ahead. “Ha-ha! It’s true! The bridge really doesn’t shake anymore!” Dudu cried happily, going faster.

Paragraph 1:
When Dudu went to the middle of the bridge, the bridge seemed to be broken.
Paragraph 2:
Dudu and his families climbed up to the top of the mountain.
2023-02-24更新 | 251次组卷 | 5卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市2022-2023学年高一上学期期末教学质量监测英语试题(含听力)
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是Tom Turcich成为第10个环游世界的人,在七年多的时间里,他和他的狗萨凡纳走过了4.8万公里,横跨六大洲和38个国家。

7 . On May 21, 2022, Tom Turcich of New Jersey became the 10th person to walk around the world. Over seven years, he walked 48,000 kilometers across six continents and 38 countries with his dog Savannah.

Speaking to CNN, Turcich explained (解释) that, after a friend died in an accident at the age of 17, he started to look at life differently, and decided to go on a journey around the world. It took him over eight years to save and plan before Turcich finally left his home on April 2, 2015 on his way to Panama. He had a stroller (折叠推车) to carry his hiking equipment, a sleeping bag, a laptop, a camera and a box of food.

About four months into the journey, Turcich adopted (收养) Savannah from an animal shelter in Texas. She joined him for the rest of the trip, becoming the first dog to walk around the world. The pair walked around 30-40 kilometers a day, spending most nights camping. Some parts could not be done on foot, however, such as when Turcich and Savannah took a boat from Uruguay to Antarctica. In late 2017, Turcich also had to return home to recover from an illness he got while traveling through Ireland and the UK.

Turcich and Savannah started walking again in May 2018, going through Europe, North Africa and Turkey before getting stuck in Azerbaijan for six months because of the COVID-19 pandemic. They were able to travel to Kyrgyzstan before taking a plane to Seattle. From there, he and Savannah walked back to New Jersey. Turcich said the most difficult place to walk through was “deserted” Wyoming.

Now that he’s back home, Turcich says he wants to stay in one place for a while and write a book about his trip.

1. What inspired Turcich to travel around the world?
A.His different view on life.B.His great interest in Panama.
C.His friend’s invitation to hike.D.His present for the 26th birthday.
2. Which word can be used to describe Turcich?
3. What happened to Turcich in late 2017?
A.He took a boat to Antarctica.B.He met his partner—Savannah.
C.He had to go back home for being ill.D.He got stuck in Azerbaijan with Savannah.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A man and his dog walk around the world
B.A man plans to be a writer by traveling
C.A man and his friend travel around the world
D.A man stops travelling because of the COVID-19
2023-02-10更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市东川明月中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
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8 . To a regular person, Spitfire may look like just an ordinary dog, but to fans of the dock diving circuit, he is an incredible athlete in the same league as sport stars like Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant

Before COVH-19, eight-year-old Spitfire and his 16-year-old owner, Sydney, dominated the dock diving circuit like never before in the history of the sport. If you’re unfamiliar with the sport of dock diving, it’s essentially dogs running on a wooden dock and jumping as far or as high as possible before diving into a pool of water. And no dog did this better than Spitfire. Between 2016 and 2019, he broke 21 world records.

Spitfire came into the Mackey family in 2013. Back then, he was just an adorable dog with big eyes that Sydney instantly fell in love with. Sydney and her mother learned about dock diving in 2016, from a family friend who encouraged them to try it with Spitfire. In May of that year, they decided to give the sport a try and their pet proved to be a natural.

It wasn’t long after that very first jump that Sydney and Spitfire started making waves in the world of dock diving. They took the sport by storm and they dominated events across the United States like no team had ever done before. In three years, time, they broke many world records, and became known as an unbeatable pair of players.

Before he jumps into the air, the world’s best dock diver reaches a speed of about 30 miles per hour, and when he takes to the air he can reach a distance of 31 feet before hitting the water, or 8 feet 6 inches when he’s going for height. It’s no wonder they call him the flying dog.

But while Spitfire is undoubtedly the star of the show, most dock diving experts are convinced that despite his athletic abilities, he would have never reached his true potential without his young owner’s guidance. Sydney’s “Ready? Ready? Go, Go, Go!” pep talk to get Spitfire fired up has become famous on the dock jumping circuit.

1. Why are Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To show Spitfire owns the same number of fans.
B.To show Spitfire’s incredible talent in basketball.
C.To show Spitfire’s excellent performance in sports.
D.To show the importance of sports stars to the league,
2. At first, what inspired Sydney to try the dock diving with Spitfire?
A.His friend’s encouragement.B.His devotion to the dock diving.
C.Spitfire’s good performance in diving.D.The popularity of the dock diving.
3. What can we learn about the dog and bis owner from the fourth paragraph?
A.They didn’t perform well at the beginning.
B.They achieved impressive results in the events.
C.They were ever defeated by other teams.
D.They seldom participated in the events in US.
4. What do most experts think of Spitfire?
A.He can’t live up to the title of sports star.
B.He doesn’t obey his owner’s orders at times.
C.They doubt whether he has his athletic abilities.
D.Sydney’s guidance contributed to his achievements.
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Spenser’s First Web

Spenser was a small black spider (蜘蛛). Like all of his brothers and sisters, he had eight legs to help him walk and run. He was now big enough to know how to move all his legs together and not trip over them. Spenser was getting bigger every day.

Today Spenser felt nervous. It was time for him to learn to spin (织) a web on his own. He had watched his mother build beautiful, soft webs from the silk she made herself.   His mother’s webs were lovely. They took a long time to make, and in the morning, they were covered with drops of dew that made them look like castles.

“OK, Spenser,” said Ms. Spinney. “It’s time to spin your first web. Let’s begin by making a big plus sign.” Ms. Spinney was Spenser’s teacher. She was old and small but very strong. She quickly used her silk to make a plus sign between two nearby leaves.

Spenser was able to make silk, but he had trouble attaching it to anything. No matter how hard he tried, the threads (丝) slipped away and fell to the ground. Spenser tried hard, but he was getting tired.

“Take a break, Spenser,” said Ms. Spinney. “You’re trying very hard, but I can see that you’re getting frustrated (沮丧的).”

“I’m not frustrated!” said Spenser. “I’m mad that I’m not good at it, and I’m sad that I can’t do it. ”Spenser felt like he was going to cry.


Ms. Spinney smiled kindly.


Spenser went back to his web making spot to see if he could do it again.

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10 . Lillian, 17, had just started working as a lifesaver at a beach in Australia on New Year’s Eve when beach-goers started to point and shout at the water. The workers quickly examined the situation and saw that a kangaroo had jumped out of the bushes (灌木丛) — straight into the sea.

The animal seemed confused by the fishermen standing on the rocks. So instead of turning back and heading back into the bushes, it jumped right into the water! The poor thing bobbed(摆动)around in the waves and went underwater several times before Lillian decided to take action.

As with any other animal rescue, it’s important to approach the situation with prudence. Wild animals that are stressed can become dangerous to their rescuers, and Lillian was aware of the risks as she took her rescue board and hit the water at a run. “It just didn’t want to come on to the beach because it was kind of scared,” she said. “I was trying to figure out how to get it on the board. But considering that it’s a wild animal, even though I was helping, I wouldn’t want to be hurt by it or make it more stressed out.”

As beach-goers recorded the rescue on their phones,Lillian paddled (用浆划船) behind the animal carefully and guided the kangaroo onto the beach. As soon as Lillian’s feet touched the sand, the beach erupted in cheers for her!“It was quite special. As people there were cheering and clapping, the kangaroo was just sitting there up in the bushes staring at me, as if it was conveying something with its shining eyes,” Lillian said. “I didn’t think that was going to ever be my first rescue, I may have more rescues in the future, but none would be as memorable as this one.”

1. What happened to the kangaroo?
A.It jumped off the rocks by mistake,
B.It jumped into the sea by accident,
C.It was forced to leave the bushes.
D.It was washed away into the sea.
2. What does the underlined word “prudence” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. How did the kangaroo react to its rescuer?
A.It couldn’t wait to leave her.
B.It was worried about her safety.
C.It was confused about her action.
D.It seemed grateful for her help.
4. Which of the followings can best describe Lillian?
A.Far-sighted and independent.B.Talented and positive.
C.Brave and cautious.D.Determined and ambitious.
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