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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了JJ Yosh和他收养的猫一起探险的故事,并鼓励人们带宠物一起探险。

1 . When it comes to selecting a hiking companion, cats are usually far down on the list. Unless, of course, your name is JJ Yosh. JJ is an adventure filmmaker and social media influencer from Boulder, Colorado. He adopted a cat named Simon from his neighbor a year ago and they’ve been inseparable ever since !

When he adopted Simon, JJ had big plans. He immediately started training the cat to become his sidekick (伙伴) through countless adventures. Luckily, Simon proved to be a quick student who loves the great outdoors just as much as his owner!“ Simon’s favorite places are his backyard hiking spots in Boulder, Colorado,” JJ said.“ He loves exploring the nearby mountains where we have caves and rocks to climb.” While hiking, Simon chose between riding in a backpack and simply resting on JJ’s shoulder. When they camped overnight, they slept in a shared sleeping bag.

There’s nothing Simon wouldn’t do to stay close to his favorite human! Everywhere they go, JJ and Simon get plenty of attention from curious strangers.“ The reaction is usually amazement and surprise that I would be taking a cat into the back country, and that Simon would sit so gracefully on my shoulder like a parrot,” JJ said.

The cat’s owner hopes to encourage more people to train their pets to join them out in the world as well. “On top of getting outside, I want people to realize cats can be just as adventurous as dogs if given the proper training,” he said. This is one of the best romances we have ever seen! Simon and JJ are giving us serious goals. Somehow we think our lazy house cats are a bit too set in their ways to try this, but you never know !

1. What is Simon and his owner ’ s relationship like ?
2. What does Simon like to do best at home ?
A.Hike in the backyard.B.Sit on JJ ’ s shoulder.
C.Sleep in a sleeping bag.D.Play in a backpack .
3. Why do strangers feel amazed at JJ ’ s hiking ?
A.He hikes in remote areas.B.He looks like a parrot.
C.His hiking partner is a cat.D.He hikes with a parrot .
4. Which is JJ ' s hope ?
A.Cats will replace dogs in hiking completely.
B.Cats can become humans’ most faithful friends.
C.Most people can realize the importance of cats in life.
D.More people can involve their pets in their adventures.
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2 . A study showed that farms with surrounding natural habitat experienced the most benefits from birds. The study, published in Journal of Applied Ecology, was conducted at 21 strawberry fields along California’s Central Coast. It found that birds were more likely to carry foodborne pathogens (病原体) and eat more berries without surrounding natural habitat.

The study looked at how different farming practices influenced the costs and benefits that wild birds provided on the strawberry farms. The scientists combined nearly 300 bird surveys and the tests of more than 1,000 droppings’ samples from 55 bird species to determine which birds ate pests, beneficial insects and crops, and carried foodborne pathogens.

They also ranked birds to see which were more likely to bring benefits or costs to farmlands. Barn swallows, for instance, got a “gold star” in the study. Their mud nests are commonly seen attached to the underside of eaves (屋檐), from which they fly out to fields, searching for insects.

Rather than result in a list of “good” and “bad” birds, the study found that most bird species brought both costs and benefits to farms, depending on how the landscape was managed. The presence of natural habitat was the single most important driver differentiating a farm where wild birds brought more benefits than harm.

Growers will tell you it’s impossible to keep birds off your farm—you can’t do that and don't want to from a conservation perspective. “Nature is messy, and birds are complex,” the researcher said. “The best we can do is understand how to take advantage of the benefits while reducing the harm.”

A related study in 2020 found that farms with natural habitat attracted more insect-eating birds and fewer strawberry-eating birds. Such habitats also bring greater numbers of bird species to the landscape. All together, these studies suggest that farming landscapes with natural habitat tend to be good for conservation, farmers, and public health.

1. What does the study focus on?
A.Pathogens found on the strawberry farms.
B.The species of birds near farmers’ fields.
C.The effect of birds’ natural habitat on farming.
D.Damage to crops and strawberries on the farm.
2. What can we learn about barn swallows?
A.They can bring benefits for farmland.
B.They are good at nesting on the rocks.
C.They will add to the cost of farming.
D.They are more likely to carry some viruses.
3. What mainly concerns the researchers?
A.How to keep wild birds off farms.
B.How to maximize the benefits of birds.
C.How to run more farms with natural habitats.
D.How to balance birds’ protection and farm profits.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.More birds, more strawberries
B.Farms—the natural habitats of wild birds
C.Bringing out the best in wild birds on farms
D.The natural habitats of birds are being destroyed
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3 . China announced the establishment of the first — ever five national parks during the COP15 biodiversity summit.

Sanjiangyuan National Park

Located on the Qinghai — Tibet Plateau, the Sanjiangyuan area is home to the headwaters of the Yangtze. Yellow and Lancang rivers, which help to raise billions of lives. The glaciers and snow mountains are beautiful and animals such as snow leopards and blue sheep are tough. In Sanjiangyuan National Park, ecological protection and development of animal — farming areas are carried out.

The Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park

The Siberian tiger and the Amur leopard are endangered speciesunder global protection. The Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park is important for the survival of these animals and restoring and keeping stable populations. Tigers and leopards can walk around freely in the mountains.

The Giant Panda National Park

The Giant Panda National Park on the borders of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces is home to 1,339 wild pandas, 70 percent of China's total. As an umbrella species, countless creatures which share the habitat with the pandas also gain a better living environment. Rare animals such as golden snub-nosed monkeys and takins also thrive in the area.

Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park

Hainan black — crested gibbons, listed as the world’s most endangered primate (灵长类的) species, are found only in the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park. To preserve the tropical rainforest ecosystem, the people in the core area moved out to leave an undisturbed environment for ecological restoration.

Wuyishan National Park

UNESCO described Wuyi Mountains as the most outstanding area for biodiversity conservation in southeast China. It is a lotus land of rare wildlife, with many species only found in China. For the past one hundred years, biologists from China and abroad have researched and discovered more than 1,000 new species in the mountains.

1. In which park can you see glaciers and snow mountains?
A.The Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park.B.Sanjiangyuan National Park.
C.The Giant Panda National Park.D.Wuyishan National Park.
2. What animals share the habitat with the pandas?
A.Blue sheepB.The Amur leopard.
C.Black — crested gibbons.D.snub — nosed monkeys.
3. How did people protect the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park?
A.They moved away from their original living places.
B.They defended the animal — farming areas.
C.They set up areas for animals to walk around freely.
D.They helped scientists research and discover new species.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . You plan and hope, keeping a close eye on the forecast. Even so, the vacation you expect gets ruined by the bad weather. I’m pretty sure that everyone has their story of the plans messed up by weather forecasts.     1    Why is it that even with all the technological wonders in the world, it’s still a challenge to predict the weather?

    2    A lot of data from different sources, like satellites, are accumulated and analyzed. Powerful computers use this data to make predictions. The idea of using numerical analysis to predict the weather originated in the 1920s with Lewis Fry Richardson’s writings. Later, with the help of supercomputers, this became a more practical approach.

Weather forecasts often go wrong, but not quite as often as you might think. We tend to focus mostly on what goes wrong, so it feels like the forecasts are always inaccurate. A five-day forecast is actually pretty accurate —     3    For a seven-day forecast, the numbers go down to about 80%. But add more days and the uncertainty necessarily builds. These numbers are also much better than what they used to be.     4    

To determine the state of the atmosphere at any point, and therefore make a forecast, several different changes must be taken into account.     5    The changes are used as initial conditions that can be fed into mathematical models. The models are designed based on patterns in historical data and the typical behavior of weather. Advancements in data collection and the processing power of computers also help explain why forecasts today have improved so dramatically.

A.You can trust the forecast at your own risk.
B.Why are our weather forecasts so inaccurate?
C.The forecasts are right about 90% of the time.
D.Weather forecasting is a complicated process.
E.These deal with wind, temperature, pressure, and others.
F.A five-day forecast today is as accurate as a one-day forecast in 1980.
G.There are many changes involved in describing the state of the atmosphere.
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5 . Entire towns in western Germany were destroyed last week by “the flood of the century”, said Susanne Scholz in Express, and the whole country is in shock. The images on TV news looked like they were coming from a tropical monsoon zone (热带季风区), not our first-world nation. Never did we think we would see our own citizens “trapped in houses on the edge of crash, in danger of being swept away by masses of water”.

Days of severe rain got rivers to burst their banks in the states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, and in neighboring Belgium and the Netherlands. In the small town of Sinzig, the River Ahr reached its highest level at about 23 feet, flooding a nursing home and drowning 12 disabled residents who could not flee.

Authorities have so far confirmed some 200 deaths across Germany, but hundreds more people remain missing. While authorities say it’s too early to put a price tag on the damage, the images of flooded homes and electrical stations, damaged bridges, and cars crumpled (变皱) by fallen trees tell a tale of vast material loss. “The German language hardly knows any words for the damage that has been brought about,” said Chancellor Angela Merkel. She praised the thousands of volunteers who came to pump out water, load sandbags, and search for survivors.

“Disaster control clearly failed,” said Peter Tiede in Bild. State and local authorities responsible for evacuation (疏散) warnings relied on smartphone apps that many Germans don’t have — and service was out anyway because the storms had downed the cell towers. Only old-fashioned alarms work in such emergencies, yet our few loudspeaker vans never left the stations. Public radio, meanwhile, “was playing pop music while hundreds of people were being washed away, houses collapsing, villages torn down to the ground.” It’s simply unforgivable. “How bad will it get when such a flood hits a major city like Cologne or Hamburg instead of villages and small towns?”

1. How did the whole country react to the flood?
A.They were indifferent.B.They were quite surprised.
C.They were in high spirits.D.They were well-prepared.
2. What was the direct cause of the disaster?
A.Days of heavy rain.B.Failure in disaster control.
C.Old-fashioned alarms.D.Delayed Evacuation warnings.
3. What does Angela Merkel intend to say?
A.The German language is limited.B.Volunteers are needed badly.
C.The damage is beyond description.D.New vocabulary should be added.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Authorities Should Be to BlameB.Major Cities Are Ready for Emergency
C.Harmful Floods Raise Concerns in GermanyD.Deaths Are Confirmed in Terrible Floods
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了小森林运动的相关情况。小森林运动是印度商人Shubhendu Sharma发起的,如今在欧洲得到推广。

6 . There are patches of green taking root in European cities. It is part of a popular movement that started in Asia to clean the air, cool down temperatures, and improve the quality of life of city residents.

This movement began in India with Indian eco- entrepreneur Shubhendu Sharma who was inspired by the tiny forests in Japan created by Akira Miyawak, a botanist who saw this as a solution to regenerate the land. In 2014, Sharma gave a Ted Talk about how valuable the mini ecosystems he was planting across India are. Sharma planted them anywhere he could, near schools, factories, and houses. These mini ecosystems grow ten times faster than conventional forests and are considerably more biodiverse.

Now, Europeans are following his example and tiny forests are springing up across the continent. But first, Europeans had to adapt his methods to the different soil conditions, species and climate, while taking into account the effects of climate change. “Species growing here are more likely to do well and be able to adapt to climate change,” said Belgian biologist Nicolas. “So, I contacted scholars and tree nurseries to identify suitable native tree species and locally sourced materials to improve the soil.”

The first tiny forest was planted in the UK in 2020 in a programme run by ecologist Victor Beumer for Earth-watch. He said that the organization plans to collect data about biodiversity and carbon sequestration (碳封存) so that the environmental influence of the forests can be tracked in the long term. There are 17 of these forests now and 21 will be planted by 2022. These mini forests are seen as an asset that can help residents weather heat waves, improve water retention, remove carbon from the air, and the best benefit.

While these European forests are still relatively young and the full impact of them on the environment is still unknown, one thing is a given. Bringing more nature into cities will have a positive impact on the life of urban residents. Being in nature is good for your health, and wellbeing.

1. What can we learn about Sharma from the text?
A.He likes giving a talk about tiny forests.
B.He started the tiny forest movement in Europe.
C.He has planted tiny forests everywhere he liked.
D.He is a leading figure of the movement of tiny forests.
2. What is implied in Nicolas’s words in paragraph 3?
A.He used native species to grow small forests.
B.It’s difficult to carry on the movement in Belgium.
C.He chose some natural fertilizers to improve the soil.
D.He has improved Sharma’s methods of growing forests.
3. What can we infer about these European forests from the text?
A.They have been taken seriously by the governments.
B.They have benefited local residents physically and mentally.
C.Their influence on the environment arouses the public’s curiosity.
D.The further studies on their connection with nature are to be carried out.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for this text?
A.Europeans Have Struggled to Improve Air Quality
B.Tiny Forests Become More Diverse in Europe
C.Tiny Forests Are Dotting European Countries
D.Europeans Decide to Change Their Environment
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The author, Lewis Caroll, describes an amazing creature in the famous fairy tale Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. It _________ the way of giving Alice’s own thimble (顶针) as a gift for herself, leaving the children readers a strong impression. _________, when the kids try to search for this creature in real life, they will be _________ that this creature does not exist anymore. This is the dodo, a flightless bird that has gone _________ hundreds of years ago.

Dodo were _________ to the island of Mauritius, which locates in the east of Madagascar. Their appearance could only be described _________ illustrations and written accounts from those who have seen them. The images of a dodo _________ depict (描述) it as a bird with gray feathers,yellow feet, and a beak with black, yellow and green in colors.

As the bird is _________, it was historically recorded as fat and clumsy, but now it is thought to be well-adapted. The island where dodos used to live is believed to have plenty of food _________ and few predators, so dodos did not ____________ to evolve with strong wings to fly and find food.

____________ arrived when Dutch sailors discovered Mauritius in 1598 and handed in the first ____________ of dodos to the world. In the following years, the dodos were ____________ by sailors and also by the animals they ____________, including pigs, rats, and monkeys. Their ____________ and habitats were destroyed, leading to the rapid ____________ of dodos’ population.

Finally, in 1662 the last dodo closed its eyes, and they are thought to have ____________ by 1690. It had been less than 100 years from the ____________ of the dodos to their extinction. The bird is considered as an icon of extinction, ____________ people about the fact that human activities can have ____________ influences on biodiversity.

A.comes up withB.looks forward toC.sets down toD.lives up to
A.linked toB.concerned aboutC.based onD.faced with
A.died awayB.passed downC.passed onD.died out
2022-03-24更新 | 282次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届内蒙古包头市高三一模考试英语试卷
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一个14岁的英国少女Zea Tongeman创建了一个把回收和享受乐趣结合在一起的应用程序,鼓励人们为一个更好的世界回收资源。

8 . Zea Tongeman, a 14-year-old student, who is crazy about the Internet, applied technology to create an application that encourages people to recycle while having fun.

Zea was really inspired when she attended “Little Miss Geek Day”, an event that aims at making technology more accessible and appealing to young women and inspiring them to consider technology careers. Soon after, she entered “Apps for Good”, a competition that encourages students to create positive change through technology. Teaming up with her friend, Jordan Stirbu, she laid the foundations for “Jazzy Recycling”.

The “Jazzy Recycling” application is designed to encourage young people to recycle more, which wins the favor of the youth. It turns waste disposal into a game and helps you find places to recycle. Then you scan what you need to recycle, share it, and get rewards such as shopping vouchers (代金券) and games to be unlocked for what you have recycled.

Tapping into the teen enthusiasm for sharing every little aspect of their daily life on social media like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, recycling efforts can be shared too as a fun game among friends, which makes more people take part in recycling activities.

Zea explains why she is addicted to the Internet and how technology has changed her ideas about the future, “I used to think technology was just fixing computers and using smartphones; I have become very tired from just using what is available. I have discovered another side to it and that I can make technology of my own.”

In fact, Zea Tongeman has taken the idea of recycling seriously and hopes all her fellow beings would give it a serious thought. This teen girl from the United Kingdom has made use of computer programming to create her own app that would encourage people to go recycling for a better world.

1. What is “Little Miss Geek Day” intended to do?
A.To inspire students to go recycling.B.To encourage students to create more.
C.To introduce some famous young ladies.D.To get girls interested and involved in technology.
2. How does the “Jazzy Recycling” appeal to the young?
A.It combines recycling with fun.B.It offers money to those who recycle.
C.It raises their awareness of waste disposal.D.It provides varieties of convenient services.
3. Which of the following best describes Zea Tongeman?
4. What can we learn from Tongeman’s story?
A.Teenagers have a talent for creating apps.
B.Technology plays a significant role in education.
C.Competitions inspire teenagers to achieve success.
D.Youngsters can make a difference in their own ways.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Being caught in a flood is incredibly dangerous. Like many other natural disasters, floods can occur with little to no warning.     1    

● If a flood warning has been issued, seek shelter immediately,     2     It only takes six inches of moving water to knock a person of their feet, and being knocked unconscious by a fall into moving water could be fatal. Additionally, as little as one foot of flood water can sweep cars away.

● Watch out for damaged areas.     3     Avoid bridges that cross rapidly-moving water, as floodwaters can cause bridges to collapse. The soil under usual routes will be muddy and less able to support the weight of vehicles. Find alternate routes over high ground or wait for the authorities to indicate which roads are safe.

    4     If told to evacuate (撤离), do so as quickly as possible.

● Stay inside a car trapped by fast-moving water. Only get out if the water begins to flood the car itself. then move to the roof of the vehicle.

● If trapped within a flooding building. move to the highest floor. Do not go into the attic, as it is possible to become trapped there without a way to escape. Only relocate to the roof if necessary.     5    

● Avoid power lines, as they are often damaged or knocked down during strong storms and flooding. A downed power line can cause surrounding water to become charged. leading to electrocution.

A.Roads and other paths will have been destroyed.
B.Sit down with your family to establish a plan of action.
C.Listen to emergency broadcasts for further instructions.
D.Once there, signal for help, such as drawing SOS on it.
E.Here are some tips on how to survive a flood.
F.If you have to go through water, bring a stick.
G.Never attempt to walk, swim or drive through floodwaters.
2022-01-25更新 | 205次组卷 | 3卷引用:内蒙古赤峰市2021-2022学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Some parents may have had trouble getting their kids away from electronics and outside this summer. But for one Virginia family, this wasn’t the case. Josh and Cassie Sutton recently completed a full-length hike of the Appalachian Trail with their son, Harvey.

At just 5 years old, Harvey, who earned the nickname “Little Man” from fellow hikers, is one of the youngest people known to have completed the roughly 2, 100-mile trail that stretches across 14 states in 209 days.

When Harvey was 2 years old, his parents began training him for hiking by going on mini walks. They slowly increased their mileage day by day—eventually making him adapt to his big adventure. “A lot of people are surprised at how well he did. They’re like, ‘How did you get your 5-year-old to do that because my 5-year-old won’t even walk half a mile without com-plaining?’” Mom Cassie Sutton said.

The Suttons said that while the adventure of the 2, 100-mile hike was fun as a family, it did have its challenges—especially when it came to keeping Harvey entertained. “We learned that he is gifted in hiking, but as long as we’re playing make-believe with him all day long, then he moves quickly and hikes a lot faster than a lot of us imagine,” Josh Sutton said.

While the Suttons have plans for more hikes and family adventures ahead, the family is getting adjusted to life at home again as Harvey begins his latest adventure: kindergarten.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.A 5-year-old hiked 2, 100 miles in about 7 months.
B.Josh earned the nickname “Little Man” because of his son.
C.Harvey is the youngest person to cover the 2, 100-mile trail.
D.One Virginia family had trouble getting away from electronics.
2. What is the challenge of making Harvey finish the adventure?
A.Playing make-believe.B.Keeping him amused.
C.Hiking fast enough.D.Having meals as a family.
3. Which word can best describe Harvey in hiking?
4. What is Harvey’s next adventure?
A.To have more games.B.To get adjusted to family life.
C.To have more hikes with his family.D.To receive pre-school education.
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