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语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 语法填空

Giant panda Ya Ya arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on Thursday from Memphis, Tennessee.

Ya Ya returned     1     China from the United States after a 20-year loan for a joint research and conservation project, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.

In December, the Memphis Zoo     2    (announce) that it would return Ya Ya, who arrived in the US in 2003.

The zoo hosted a farewell party for the 23-year-old female panda on April 8, with hundreds of people     3    (attend) the event, Xinhua News Agency reported.

In January, Chinese netizens showed their concern for Ya Ya, who appeared somewhat malnourished (营养不良) in pictures and videos     4    (post).

In     5    (respond), the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens said in     6     announcement that the zoo had taken good care of her, and there is no indication that she was neglected, based on videos of her and the results of     7    (month) health reports and annual physical examinations.

In 2006, Ya Ya began to shed fur, a condition     8     worsened in 2014.     9    (expert) at the Memphis Zoo and in China tried various forms of treatment but were     10    (able) to resolve the problem, the association said.

2024-04-20更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省鹤山市鹤华中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末模拟考试英语试卷
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . What do we know about the man?
A.He is sick.
B.He wants to raise a dog.
C.He is allergic to long-haired animals.
2024-04-20更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省绍兴市上虞区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末教学质量调测英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . As we continue to explore farther out into our solar system and beyond, the question of humans living on other planets often comes up. Manned bases on the Moon or Mars for example, have long been a dream of many. There is a natural curiosity to explore as far as we can go, and also to make human existence permanent (永久的). In order to do this, however, it is necessary to adapt to different extreme environments. On the Moon for example, a settlement must be self-supporting and protect its inhabitants from the airless, severe environment outside.

Mars, though, is different. While future bases could adapt to the Martian environment over time there is also the possibility of modifying (改造) the surrounding environment instead of just co-existing with it. This is the process of terraforming — adjusting Mars’ atmosphere and environment to make it more Earth-like. But the bigger question is, should we?

One of the main issues is whether Mars has any native life or not and if it does, should it be preserved as much as possible? If the answer is yes, then large-scale human settlements on Mars should be completely off-limits. Small settlement might be fine, but living on Mars should not be at the cost of any native habitats, if they exist. If Mars is home to any indigenous life, then terraforming should be a non-issue; it simply should not be done.

What if Mars is lifeless? Even if no life exists there, that untouched and unique alien environment needs to be preserved as it is as much as possible. We’ve already done too much damage here on our own planet. By studying Mars and other planets and moons in their present natural state, we can learn so much about their history and also learn more about our own world. We should appreciate the differences of other worlds instead of just transforming them to suit our own ambitions.

1. What is the best title for the text?
A.Is there life on Mars?B.Can we adapt to Mars?
C.Should we terraform Mars?D.Are Mars and Earth So Different?
2. What does the author think we should do if life is found on Mars?
A.Ensure that it’s not harmed.B.Make peace with the Martians.
C.Change the unpopulated regions.D.Assess the advantages and disadvantages.
3. What does the underlined word “indigenous” in paragraph 3 mean?
4. How does the author develop his ideas in the text?
A.By referring to others’ research.
B.By commenting on different planets.
C.By proving the benefits of terraforming.
D.By arguing in support of one viewpoint.
2024-04-18更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 假设你是 BBC Learning English 节目的主持人孙晨,今天要向听众介绍伦敦唐人街,并邀请游客参观唐人街。请根据提示写一篇新闻稿。字数:100 词,注意行文连贯。要点如下:
交通:交通便利,大概步行 15 分钟就可以把整个唐人街游览一遍。

Welcome to BBC Learning English. I am Sun Chen, the host of today’s programme In this programme, we will take you around London’s Chinatown.


So until next time, it’s goodbye from both of us at BBC Learning English.

2024-04-18更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省珲春市第二高级中学校2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段文字,150字左右,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In Rome there was once a poor slave whose name was Androclus. His master was a cruel man, and so unkind to him that Androclus ran away. He hid himself in a wild wood for many days; but there was no food to be found, and he grew so weak and sick that he thought he would die. So one day he climbed into a cave and lay down to wait for death, and soon he was fast asleep.

After a while, a great noise woke him up. A lion had come into the cave, and was roaring loudly. Androclus was very afraid, for he felt sure that the beast would kill him. Soon, however, he saw the lion was not angry, but that his foot were hurt.

Then Androclus grew so courageous that he started to examine the lion’s paw to see what was the matter. The lion stood quite still, and rubbed his head against the man’s shoulder. He seemed to say, “I know that you will help me.”

Androclus lifted the paw from the ground, and saw that it was a long, sharp thorn that hurt the lion so much. He took the end of the thorn between his fingers; then he gave a strong, quick pull, and out it came. The lion was full of joy. He jumped about like a dog, and licked the hands and feet of his new friend.

The two became such good friends that Androclus found his new life a very happy one. One day some soldiers found Androclus in the cave and took him back to Rome. It was the law at that time that every slave who ran away from his master should fight a hungry lion. For each of these occasions, a fierce lion was locked up for a while without food, and a time was set for the fight.

Paragraph 1

When the day came, thousands of people crowded in to see the fight.

Paragraph 2

The people, who had expected to see the man killed by the lion, were filled with wonder.

2024-04-17更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖市2022-2023学年高二下学期教学质量统测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The Internet’s carbon footprint is as bad as air travel. While it is difficult to measure precisely, estimates place it at over two percent of global greenhouse gas emissions(排放)—the same as the air travel.

Information may appear to spread around the world unseen to our eyes, but it actually passes through enormous data centers placed strategically about the globe, which store, organize and deliver everyone’s data. These centers are extremely energy intensive. In the EU, they consume close to three percent of its total energy usage and also require lots of water to prevent their computers from overheating. In the US, about a fifth of data centers draw water from already stressed water sources.

A typical spam email(垃圾邮件)emits around 0.03g of CO2 emissions, though longer messages read on a laptop can go all the way up to 26g. Now multiply that by 333 billion(roughly the number of emails that get sent every day in 2022). That puts all those work emails into perspective. One study found if every British adult sent one less “thank you” email a day, it would save 16, 433 tons of carbon a year. It even predicted that the ICT industry could account for up to a fifth of the world’s energy consumption by 2025.

However, there are measures that we can take to reduce our digital carbon footprint. For instance, you can unsubscribe from marketing and other spam emails and only subscribe to newsletters that you still regularly read. Have regular data checks where you delete old contact lists and other documents that no longer have any use. Keep a clean inbox and delete emails you no longer need.

1. Why does the author make a comparison in the beginning?
A.To present the digital carbon footprint.
B.To emphasize the importance of air travel.
C.To advise people not to travel by airplane.
D.To inform the disadvantages of the Internet.
2. What can we infer about data centers?
A.It enjoys a wide popularity.
B.It has various kinds of functions.
C.It causes large energy consumption.
D.It has quite a complex mode of operation.
3. What’s the purpose of mentioning the figures in Paragraph 3?
A.To draw the readers’ attention.
B.To illustrate a certain information.
C.To highlight the change of CO2 emission.
D.To stress the importance of reducing CO2 emission.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards reducing digital carbon footprint?
2024-04-17更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖市2022-2023学年高二下学期教学质量统测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

7 . No matter how many times Sandy has rescued an animal, she never gets over the casual cruelty some people display toward unwanted pets. When she lost her own “angel” dog, she started Logan’s Legacy to help other pets in need.

Sandy recently received a phone call about a small dog, possibly a puppy, that had been abandoned on a street. Since she was too far to help on, she called a friend who lives nearby to get there as soon as possible. When her friend Tom arrived, he found a tiny dog curled(蜷缩)in a tight ball with the chain firmly tied to a tree. Someone had left food and water for her, but the puppy was too frightened to eat or drink. Once gathered up in a blanket and placed into the back seat of the car, she began to get weak quickly from dehydration(脱水)and exhaustion.

The moment she got some water and food, the puppy made a rapid recovery, and her lovely and sweet personality could finally shine! “We have named her CiCi,” Sandy added, “She is feeling so much better. She has been observed at my place and she is doing great. This sweet baby girl will never feel fearful again, and won’t ever be abandoned again.” After winning hearts at Sandy’s office, CiCi has been approved for adopting and will soon leave for her new life. Sandy and her fellow rescuers are trying their best to find her the perfect family to love her and treat her with the respect all living creatures deserve!

1. What did Sandy feel it hard to overcome?
A.The casual humanity.B.The cruelty of humanity.
C.The kind human nature.D.The weakness of kindness.
2. How was the dog’s condition when first found?
A.She suffered a serious illness.
B.She had nothing to eat or drink.
C.She got lost far away from home.
D.She was scared and in poor health.
3. What will be CiCi’s probable future life?
A.She will stop taking medicine.
B.She will continue further treatment.
C.She will have a perfect match for home.
D.She will get on well with Sandy forever.
4. What can be the best title of this passage?
A.A Warm Home for CiCi
B.Dog Saved Heart Fulfilled
C.A Terrible Experience of CiCi
D.Saving Dogs Saving Themselves
2024-04-17更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖市2022-2023学年高二下学期教学质量统测英语试题
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . “When one door closes,” the saying goes, “another door opens.” For one _______ dog, it appears that saying is also suitable for doggy doors.

A dog named Sheldon took part in a program to _______ a service dog. Unluckily, he couldn’t quite make the _______. Whenever he would _______ something interesting, Sheldon’s concentration flew out of the window and all he wanted to do was _______ the source.

But the very thing that made him a failure as a service dog meant he was likely _______ for another dog job. Sheldon was sent to the State Farm Arson Dog Program, where his sensitive (灵敏的) nose soon put him _______ the class for detecting the accelerants (探测肋燃剂) used to light illegal fires.

_______ John Tadlock of the Saginaw fire department, after his _______ Sheldon went on to become the department’s best accelerant detection dog.

In his first ________, Sheldon and his partner Tadlock were called to a car shop to look into some cars that had been ________ under suspicious (可疑的) circumstances. After three days, no one had been able to figure out how the fire got started — but the cause wasn’t ________ to Sheldon. “I put him to ________. It took him about 30 seconds to give me an alert (警报),” Tadlock said. Sheldon found the evidence with no ________.

For a dog with a super sense of smell, we guess whether you’re tailing bad guys or hunting for a job, it’s always best to follow your ________.

A.hunt downB.return toC.learn aboutD.depend on
A.in the front ofB.at the bottom ofC.in the middle ofD.at the top of
A.Playing withB.Paired withC.Agreeing withD.Faced with
2024-04-17更新 | 44次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省许昌市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . My family always had some sort of animal around, but none of them were truly mine. My parents didn’t permit me to _________ my own until I was seven years old. Finally, I was _________ to have my own _________, a fish called George. I said it was my responsibility to _________ it.

Every Friday I would clean out his bowl. I found myself _________ invitations to go somewhere immediately after school, because I would have to feed my fish first. Every day he would remind me that I was _________ and that I had someone depending on me.

One day, I came home from school and headed to my room to _________George. I found a _________ thing had happened. I _________ my bag and ran over to the bowl. I saw my best friend George floating around lifeless.

My mom walked into my room. I turned around as tears started to well in my eyes. “Mommy, George d…d…died.” With that __________ word I started crying uncontrollably. My mom came to my side as I hid my face in my pillows.

Suddenly, I realized that George hadn’t just __________ me. He had taught me what __________ meant. I learned it through feeding him and cleaning his bowl. This made me feel __________ . To my seven-year-old self, this was a great __________ . Slowly, a smile crossed my face. George was gone.__________ , the lessons he taught me would forever be carved into my memory.

A.take care ofB.make use ofC.get hold ofD.look forward to
A.reading outB.putting awayC.turning downD.showing off
2024-04-16更新 | 85次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省许昌市2023-2024学年高二上学期2月期末英语试题
文章大意:本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了飓风伊恩(Ian)袭击佛罗里达州时,约翰尼(Johnny)游了四个街区去救自己因为缺少一条腿而坐轮椅的母亲凯伦·劳德(Karen Lauder)的故事。

10 . When Hurricane Ian hit Florida, Karen Lauder refused to leave her home because she was wrong about the intensity(强度) of the storm. Karen is 84 years old and depends on a wheelchair to get around because she is missing a leg. Her son, Johnny Lauder, tried repeatedly to get her to leave, but she refused.

Johnny and his whole family live within a few blocks of one another. They kept in touch with Karen as the storm continued violently(猛烈地) outside, watching the water rising dangerously all around them. When Karen reported that the water in her house had reached her bottom, Johnny knew he had to take action.

First, Johnny ensured his sons and their pets were taken care of. Then, he jumped out of a window and began to swim. Johnny used to work as a rescue swimmer. He is obviously a strong swimmer, but the flood water was filled with dangerous materials. There was also a strong current (水流), and he had to swim against it for most of his trip to Karen’s. As he made his way through the water, Johnny stopped periodically to snap selfies(自拍) to show his worried family that he was okay.

Johnny was racing against the clock. He knew he only had a short period of time to get there before the water rose above Karen’s head. It took him 40 minutes to swim four blocks. The sound of Karen shouting inside was music to his ears!

“If it would’ve been 20 minutes later, she wouldn’t be here,” Johnny said.“She’s never been happier to see me.”

Karen is now safe, although she is in the hospital being treated for infections(感染) she got in the water. The family have all lost everything they owned, including their houses, but they’re grateful just to be here.

1. Why did Karen decide to stay in her house when Hurricane Ian came?
A.She had nowhere to go.
B.She was too old to move.
C.She thought the storm was not violent.
D.She lost her wheelchair and was unable to leave.
2. Why did Johnny take selfies along the way to Karen’s home?
A.To record his swimming trip.B.To show off his swimming skills.
C.To warn other rescuers of danger.D.To report his safety to his family.
3. How did Johnny’s family keep in touch in the storm?
A.By shouting.B.Over the phone.
C.Through e-mail.D.With other’s help.
4. How did Johnny feel when he heard Karen shouting?
共计 平均难度:一般