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文章大意:本文为一篇新闻报道,介绍了Frank Herbert发表小说《沙丘》的经历及这部小说对于生态保护的意义。

1 . Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel Dune is widely considered one of the best sci-fi books ever written. It is also one of the first to take environmental concerns_________.

“It’s really calling attention to the_________ to think ecologically,” says Gerry Canavan, co-editor of the history of science fiction. “Prior to that moment, people just weren’t thinking in that way.”

Herbert _________ to find a publisher for Dune, facing 23 rejections before it was finally _________ by Chilton Book Company. As the book gained_________ -winning two most prestigious(有声望的)prizes in science fiction and eventually selling around 20 million copies_________ -it began to affect pop culture.

Dune _________ the environmental movement, which Herbert largely embraced. “I’m _________ to be put in the position of telling my grandchildren ‘Sorry, no more world for you. We have _________ all the resources,’” Herbert said at the first Earth Day in 1970.

Herbert was one of the earliest to__________ renewable energy ,installing(安装) his own solar collector and windmill. He believed that understanding the__________ of human actions could reduce environmental damage.

The __________ for Dune came from Herbert’s visit to Oregon’s sand dunes in 1957, where he __________ efforts to stabilize the landscape from local people. His novel serves as a cautionary tale about humanity’s relationship with the environment and the disastrous effects of __________ resource exploitation(开发).Dune challenges readers to consider the impact of their actions on the planet and serves as a__________ of the importance of sustainable living.

A.in timeB.in turnC.in advanceD.in total
A.picked upB.given upC.used upD.piled up
2024-06-16更新 | 83次组卷 | 3卷引用:河北省邯郸市魏县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位著名演员兼获奖旅行作家Andrew McCarthy与他的儿子Sam一起徒步旅行的亲身经历,并通过这次旅程探索了父子关系的变化与深化。

2 . Andrew McCarthy stars roles in era-defining movies such as Pretty in Pink, St. Elmo’s Fire and Less Than Zero. But he is also an award-winning travel writer whose books include The Longest Way Home (2012) and Walking With Sam (2021). In the new book, he looks back on an epic adventure, where he walked 500 miles across Spain’s Camino de Santiago with his 19-year-old son, Sam.

McCarthy had hoped the trip would be a way to re-examine their evolving relationship, as Sam was just stepping into his own manhood. “I wanted to get to know my son. Not just in the parent-child, dominant-submissive or unruly roles, but as adults, as equals, as peers (同龄人),” he said. “The Camino gave me the greatest luxury you have with adult children — which is time.” For McCarthy it was a chance to spend time with Sam, and perhaps avoid repeating the history he had with his own father. “My relationship with my dad ended pretty much when I left home at 17 years old, and I didn’t want that happen with my kids,” MeCarthy said.

The book’s structure follows the path of the Camino, with a chapter per day over the course.

It creates a pleasant rhythm of the trail. It also establishes a gradual sense of community and friendship among the other walkers they encounter, and paints a clear picture of McCarthy as somebody extremely in touch with his feelings.

Sometimes physical togetherness and shared experiences are the most you can ask for in a relationship, and there are lovely examples of both here. In one scene McCarthy realizes Sam is suffering from a sugar crash, and offers him a protein bar he’s been saving for just such a moment. “I reach out and rub his shoulder,” McCarthy writes.“He nods softly, gratefully. We sit together as thousands upon thousands of dandelion puffs (蒲公英) float in the air like dancing diamonds.” Walking with Sam captures this encouraging and hopeful expedition as the pair walk across the country and towards one another.

1. What do we know about Walking With Sam according to paragraph 1?
A.A fantasy novel.B.A travel memoir.
C.A prize-winning diary entry.D.An era-defining movie.
2. Why did McCarthy start the adventure?
A.To honor his father.B.To help his son fly the nest.
C.To bond with his son.D.To seek for writing inspiration.
3. McCarthy develops Walking with Sam by ______.
A.comparison and contrastB.cause and effect
C.facts and opinionsD.sequence of events
4. What does the author think of Walking With Sam?
A.Plain but functional.B.Inspiring and touching.
C.Brief but informative.D.Humorous and straightforward.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A new form of real estate is popping up along the beaches of South Africa, which are just big enough to fit a family of African penguins. Their unique selling point: a safe and cool place for penguins to breed (繁殖).

Historically, the penguins dug holes in layers of guano (鸟粪), but in the 19th century, traders started selling guano as fertilizer, leaving the penguins and their eggs increasingly exposed to predators (捕食者) and the burning sun. This has caused African penguin populations to decrease. That’s why conservationists have come to the rescue with the African Penguin Nest Project (APNP), which aims to employ artificial nests to provide penguin parents a safe and shaded place to raise their chicks.

While guano trade petered out by the late 1800s, recreating the layers that accumulated over thousands of years isn’t an option, because seabird populations have declined so much over time and it would take around 600 years to produce one usable guano layer. Hence, the project decided to build artificial nests. At first glance, they look fairly simple--a domed structure made from two molded shells of fabric coated in ceramic slurry (陶瓷浆料),with a small entrance measuring about 20 centimeters wide.

Getting the right temperature and dampness inside the nest was the toughest and most crucial part. The two-layer design and ventilation holes (通风孔) create an air conditioning effect, while the white paint reflects the sun, helping to maintain an interior temperature of less than 35 degrees Celsius.

The project started to use the nests in late 2018.“Within a matter of minutes, penguins were running into them,” says Graham, coordinator of APNP. “That tells you how desperate they are for any opportunity to find a safe place to nest. However, population recovery relies on more than merely giving African penguins a safe place to breed. It’s not simply a case of ‘we give them a nest, the species are saved ‘. There has to be more.”

1. What do we know about artificial nests?
A.They function better than natural nests.
B.They are designed and built scientifically.
C.They are unique attractions of South Africa.
D.They are equipped with mini air-conditioners.
2. What is the goal of APNP?
A.To raise money to preserve penguins.
B.To promote the sale of artificial nests.
C.To help penguins fight against diseases.
D.To provide habitable shelters for penguins.
3. What does the underlined phrase “petered out” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.turned upB.dried outC.faded awayD.fell apart
4. Which of the following statements might Graham agree with?
A.Penguins breed more chicks in safer places.
B.Various conservation efforts need be combined.
C.Artificial nests have achieved the desired effect.
D.Artificial nests should be applied to other species.
2024-06-13更新 | 97次组卷 | 4卷引用:江西省萍乡实验学校2024-2025学年高三上学期开学检测考试英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Our family was sitting on the porch swing enjoying the summer breeze when my husband pointed to something on the swing’s chain next to him. We _______ forward to see a large praying mantis (螳螂) attaching to the chain. We held our _______ and watched, not wanting to scare it away. We sat and _______ chatted for the next half hour as we watched the insect _______ up and down the chain. It seemed _______ by our presence, and we were _______ to observe its slow, precise movements.

We wouldn’t have _______ it if my husband had not pointed it out. Too often, we move through life, _______ of the beautiful blessings surrounding us each day. The _______ of sitting and watching an insect for half an hour is something I do not want to ________ for granted. Too often, I define myself by my productivity. I start my morning with a checklist and ________ my worth by how much I get done by the day’s end.

I’m learning to ________ my tireless striving for productivity and simply ________ the gifts of this beautiful world when I see them. Each creature displays a small ________. To sit and watch a unique bug like a praying mantis is an act of admiration. I think I’ll ________ and sit for a while in search of another beautiful bug just to appreciate the beauty of nature.

A.pull throughB.go outC.turn upD.come back
阅读理解-阅读单选(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |
真题 名校


Help restore and protect Marin's natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge. We'll explore beautiful park sites while conducting invasive (侵入的) plant removal, winter planting, and seed collection. Habitat Restoration Team volunteers play a vital role in restoring sensitive resources and protecting endangered species across the ridges and valleys.


Groups of five or more require special arrangements and must be confirmed in advance. Please review the List of Available Projects and fill out the Group Project Request Form.


Volunteers aged 10 and over are welcome. Read our Youth Policy Guidelines for youth under the age of 15.

Bring your completed Volunteer Agreement Form. Volunteers under the age of 18 must have the parent/guardian approval section signed.

We'll be working rain or shine. Wear clothes that can get dirty. Bring layers for changing weather and a raincoat if necessary.

Bring a personal water bottle, sunscreen, and lunch.

No experience necessary. Training and tools will be provided. Fulfills (满足) community service requirements.



Meeting Location

Sunday, Jan. 15   10:00 am — 1:00 pm

Battery Alexander Trailhead

Sunday, Jan. 22   10:00 am — 2:30 pm

Stinson Beach Parking Lot

Sunday, Jan. 29   9:30 am — 2:30 pm

Coyote Ridge Trailhead

1. What is the aim of the Habitat Restoration Team?
A.To discover mineral resources.B.To develop new wildlife parks.
C.To protect the local ecosystem.D.To conduct biological research.
2. What is the lower age limit for joining the Habitat Restoration Team?
3. What are the volunteers expected to do?
A.Bring their own tools.B.Work even in bad weather.
C.Wear a team uniform.D.Do at least three projects.
2024-06-11更新 | 5585次组卷 | 11卷引用:河南省周口市川汇区周口恒大中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

After getting up late on a sleepy Sunday, I saw my dad at the kitchen table reading the Sunday edition of the local newspaper. I made a sandwich and sat down next to him, asking him what was new. He turned sadly to me and said that the municipal council (市政委员会) was planning to introduce a measure to pull down the community garden nearby. He mentioned that he used to work on it with his dad, so the place had some fond childhood memories for him.

He then put down the paper, walked over to the closet and-after a bit of searching-pulled out a thick, black binder (活页夹). Inside, there was a whole bunch of old photographs. After thumbing through a few pages, my dad found the one of him and his dad together at the community garden, just like he’d said. “Wow, your cheeks were super rosy back then!” I said, surprised.

With nothing planned for the afternoon, my dad and I decided to take a trip over to the community garden to see how it was doing these days. Not great, as it turned out. Crumpled (皱巴巴的) soda cans, cigarette butts (烟头) and other trash were everywhere. Pots of soil were still there, but what few plants remained were either dead or dying.

We looked at each other and knew what we had to do. After gathering some tools and garbage bags, we went straight to work cleaning up the place. I phoned up some of my school friends and, soon enough, a half-dozen people were collecting trash bags and sweeping paths. Someone had even brought bags of fresh seeds and soil along with new flowers, so we uprooted the old dead plants and flowers and planted anew.

After only a few hours, the community garden looked totally changed. Despite our hard work, there was still the matter of the upcoming council vote. We created a plan: take photos of the garden and spread the news about the vote. Using the photographs, we would then collect signatures (签名) to show continued local interest and then present these to the council.


After two weeks of photo-taking and signature-collecting, it was time to present at the local council meeting.


In the end, our efforts paid off.

2024-06-10更新 | 64次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省南通市如皋市2024-2025学年高三上学期期初调研测试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A recent study has found that using wood for construction instead of concrete and steel can reduce emissions. But Tim Searchinger at Princeton University says many of these studies are based on the false foundation that harvesting wood is carbon neutral (碳中和). “Only a small percentage of the wood gets into a timber (木料) product, and a part of that gets into a timber product that can replace concrete and steel in a building,” he says. Efficiencies vary in different countries, but large amounts of a harvested tree are left to be divided into parts, used in short-lived products like paper or burned for energy, all of which generate emissions.

In a report for the World Resources Institute, Searchinger and his colleagues have modelled how using more wood for construction would affect emissions between 2010 and 2050, accounting for the emissions from harvesting the wood. They considered various types of forests and parts of wood going towards construction. They also factored in the emissions savings from replacing concrete and steel.

Under some circumstances, the researchers found significant emissions reductions. But each case required what they considered an unrealistically high portion of the wood going towards construction, as well as rapid growth only seen in warmer places, like Brazil. In general, they found a large increase in global demand for wood would probably lead to rising emissions for decades. Accounting for emissions in this way, the researchers reported in a related paper that increasing forest harvests between 2010 and 2050 would add emissions equal to roughly 10 percent of total annual emissions.

Ali Amiri at Aalto University in Finland says the report’s conclusions about emissions from rising demand are probably correct, but the story is different for wood we already harvest. “Boosting the efficiency of current harvests and using more wood for longer lived purposes than paper would cut emissions,” he says. “We cannot just say we should stop using wood.”

1. What is wrong with previous researches according to Searchinger?
A.They got wrong statistics.B.They included too many factors.
C.They used an incorrect concept.D.They were applied in limited countries.
2. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The process of the new research.B.The background of the new study.
C.The challenge of the new research.D.The achievements of the new study.
3. When will the emissions drop off greatly according to the new study?
A.When wood grows slowly.B.When wood is used to make paper.
C.When wood is used to build a house.D.When wood is harvested in countries like Brazil.
4. What is Ali Amiri’s attitude toward the new result?
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . For many of us, the closest we get to wild animals is at a zoo. These places let us see amazing animals from big cats to tiny lizards, and what they are like. It’s an enjoyable and educational experience for us, but is it the best environment for these animals?

    1     Later on, live animals were captured by explorers, brought home and put on show to the public in menageries (野生动物园).     2     Modern zoos, however, have transformed the living environments for animals, making bigger enclosures, removing bars, and to some extent, copying their natural habitats.

Some people have questioned the cruelty of keeping animals captive (圈养的) for entertainment, but zoos are keen to show that they help wildlife by educating us about conservation. In the UK, the introduction of the Zoo Licensing Act of 1981 required zoos to educate the public.     3    

Probably the biggest claim from zoos today is that they help protect species in the wild that are under threat due to climate change. Robert Young, Chair in Wildlife Conservation at Salford University said, “There are quite a lot of different species around the planet which we wouldn’t have today if it wasn’t for zoos.”     4     Actor Leonardo DiCaprio recently praised Chester Zoo in the UK for its conservation work. It brought “a rare fish species back from the dead” after breeding and releasing a school of golden skiffia fish back into their native river.

    5     For instance, a virtual reality zoo enables the public to see rare animals and have amazing interactions. Jon Coe, a zoo designer, told the BBC, “Taking a walk through a her d of elephants in Serengeti National Park in Africa, I think, is going to be possible pretty soon.”

A.Animal welfare was not a priority.
B.Animal protection is becoming a global issue.
C.What we should do next is not to disturb wildlife.
D.New opportunities to meet wildlife are being explored.
E.Some zoos have programs to preserve the future of endangered species.
F.Long ago, people could only see wild animals as dead exhibits in a museum.
G.Since then, more zoos have been involved in raising people’s awareness of wildlife conservation.
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
9 . What was the weather like in the afternoon?
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上。

China recently shared exciting news about its space exploration efforts, and revealed the names of its manned lunar lander and a new crew spaceship. This development marks     1     important step in the nation’s efforts     2     (explore) outer space. The lunar lander is named Lanyue,     3     means “embracing (拥抱) the moon”. This choice reflects the dream and confidence of the Chinese people in their space exploration efforts.

The crew spaceship has been named Mengzhou, or Dream Vessel,     4     (indicate) its role in realizing the dream of landing on the moon and exploring newfrontier s in space. Mengzhou will have two versions: one for exploring the moon and the other for trips between Earth     5     the Tiangong space station, and the latter takes over the duties from the current Shenzhou spaceship.

These names, Lanyue and Mengzhou, were selected     6     (careful) from nearly 2,000 suggestions by the public to show the wide     7     (participate) and interest of the Chinese people     8     their country’s space missions. China plans to send its first manned mission to the moon around 2030. The Lanyue lander is designed with a landing and propulsion (推进) section to carry two astronauts to the moon. The Mengzhou spacecraft, designed for space travel,     9     (include) a reentry module for the astronauts and a service module     10     (equip) with power and propulsion systems.

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