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1 . It has always been assumed that noise is a problem unique to animals. But a new study by Dr. Ravandi, a botanist at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, has revealed that plants suffer too.

That plants can be affected indirectly by noise pollution has never been in doubt. What has remained unknown is whether or not plants themselves suffer directly from noise pollution.

Sounds are pressure waves transmitted (传播) through gases, liquids and solids. Scientists have previously assumed plants may be able to sense these waves as they are struck by them. A number of experiments have confirmed this in recent years — plants exposed to ultrasound in the lab have shown a range of negative responses including the expression of stress-related genes, slow growth and reduced seed development.

Yet exposing plants to ultrasound is not the same as growing them in the presence of actual traffic noise. To this end, Dr. Ravandi decided to set up an experiment to explore it.

Working with a team, Dr. Ravandi grew two species in his lab that are commonly found in urban environments — marigolds and sage. The plants, grown from seed and allowed to mature for two months in the same space, were divided into two groups. One group was exposed to 73 decibels (分贝) of traffic noise recorded from a busy motorway in Tehran for 16 hours a day. The other group was left to grow in silence. After 15 days had passed, samples were taken from the youngest fully expanded leaves on every plant in the experiment and studied.

None of the plants exposed to the traffic noise did well. Analysis of their leaves revealed all of them were suffering. Chemical compounds (化合物), such as hydrogen peroxide (HO) and malondialdehyde (MDA) , are indicators of stress in plants and both were found at much higher levels in the plants exposed to the traffic noise. Most notably, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in the sage plants exposed to noise were double what they were in those grown in silence and hydrogen peroxide (HO) levels were three times higher in marigolds grown with the noise than those grown in silence.

Dr. Ravandi’s findings make it clear that, though plants lack ears, the vibrations (震动) generated by the noise of traffic still bother them enough to give rise to dramatic stress responses that are not much different to those that would be found in plants exposed to drought, highly concentrated salt or heavy metals in their soil.

The question now arises whether all species are affected similarly by noise pollution. Nature is not silent. It remains a mystery if certain plant species have developed mechanisms to address noise pollution, which could potentially be transferred to urban plants in the future.

1. What did the new study focus on?
A.Plants’ exposure to ultrasound.
B.Plants’ sensitivity to pressure waves.
C.The direct impact of noise pollution on plants.
D.The seed development of plants grown with noise.
2. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The facilities of the experiment.B.The analyses of the experiment.
C.The process of the experiment.D.The background of the experiment.
3. What do we know about the findings?
A.Noise pollution had a little impact on plant leaves.
B.Noise-exposed plants showed certain levels of stress.
C.MDA levels in sage plants grown in silence were higher.
D.Traffic noise caused rapid pressure responses in all plants.
4. Which might be the potential significance of the findings?
A.Building barriers to protect plants from traffic pollution.
B.Studying the relationship between soil quality and plant health.
C.Exploring strategies to preserve plant ecosystems in rural areas.
D.Developing noise-resistant plant species for an urban environment.
2024-06-05更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届四川省成都市石室中学高三下学期高考适应性考试(二)英语试卷
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2 . You might know what to do if a human needs first aid, but what if your dog gets a bite or your cat eats something poisonous? Dr. Liam Donaldson, clinical director at Greencross Vet (兽医) Hospital at the University of Melbourne, says it’s important that pet owners understand basic first aid. Here, he shares his tips for dealing with common accidents and injuries.

Cuts & wounds

You don’t need to worry about disinfecting the injury site, but you do need to stop the bleeding, says Dr. Donaldson. “If there’s uncontrollable bleeding, apply pressure — even if it’s just using a T-shirt. Once you have applied pressure to reduce bleeding, take your pet immediately to a vet for assessment.” he advises.

Snake bites

Snakes have very small teeth, so their bite marks can be difficult to spot — and you might not see the bite happen. But if your pet shows signs of snake bite poisoning — sudden weakness and collapse, dilated pupils, vomiting, paralysis and shaking or twitching of muscles — get them to a vet without delay.

Tick bites

It’s a good idea to have a pair of tick-removal tweezers (镊子) on hand in case you need to remove a tick from your pet. “There’s often a lot of concern about whether you have to get all of the tick or not, but as long as you get the body of the tick off, generally the head will just remove itself over time,” says Dr. Donaldson. He recommends keeping the tick so that if your pet becomes ill, your vet can identify whether they were bitten by a paralysis tick (the type that can be deadly).


Cats eating ivy and dogs eating sago palm or macadamia nuts are some of the most common poisonings Dr. Donaldson sees. “If it’s a macadamia nut, I would just keep a very close eye on them. If they start to show any gastrointestinal signs — if they go off their food, if they become sore in any of their legs — get them checked over by a vet,” he says. “If it was lilies or sago palm, I would recommend getting them to a vet, even if they’re not showing signs of illness, just because that can typically be life-threatening.”

1. If your pet dog gets seriously injured, what is the best solution?
A.To seek medical assistance.B.To disinfect the injury site.​
C.To apply pressure to reduce bleeding.​D.To use a T-shirt to stop bleeding.
2. A cat or dog should be sent to hospital immediately it eats _________.
A.Ivy.B.Sago palm.​
C.A macadamia nut.D.A common poisoning.
3. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A medical journal.              B.A biology textbook.​
C.A hospital advertisement.D.An animal care guide.​
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . In the rich countries of the West, the electric vehicle revolution is well occurring. Climate-conscious consumers drive Teslas or Polestars for reasons of morality (道德) and fashion. Poorer countries are also experiencing a wave of electrified trend. In Bangladesh, electric three-wheeler taxis, known as tuk-tuks, are rapidly replacing gas-powered ones on the streets. Such electric vehicles are climate friendly, cost effective, and help reduce air pollution.

Yet a glance under the hood (引擎盖) of these vehicles shows a poisonous secret: each tuk-tuk runs on five massive lead-acid batteries (铅酸电池), containing almost 300 pounds of lead (铅) in total. Every year and a half or so, when those batteries need to be replaced and recycled, about 60 pounds of lead leaks into the environment. Battery recycling, often at small-scale unregulated factories, is a highly profitable (高利润的) but deadly business.

Lead is dangerous, and any exposure to it is harmful to human health. Lead that has entered the environment hurts people on an unexpected scale. The numerous ways lead enters air, water, soil, and homes across the developing world and the enormous damage it does to human health, wealth, and welfare cause one of the biggest environmental problems in the world yet receives little attention.

The World Bank estimates that lead kills 5.5 million people per year, making it a bigger global killer than AIDS, malaria, diabetes, and road traffic deaths combined. On top of the shocking deaths, the social burden of lead poisoning is heavy, as is its contribution to global inequality — our research on the cognitive (认知的) effects of lead poisoning suggests that it may explain about one-fifth of the educational achievement gap between rich and poor countries.

But unlike many challenges faced by developing countries, lead poisoning is a problem that can be resolved through financial investment (财政投入). Better monitoring, research, and rules can help protect children all over the world from the unpleasant effects of lead poisoning and reduce the massive global costs it brings.

1. How does the author describe the lead problem in paragraph 2?
A.By listing some numbers.B.By analyzing hidden causes.
C.By making an interesting comparison.D.By explaining its working principle.
2. What can we learn about lead’s harm from the text?
A.Lead enters poor countries in one way.
B.Lead leaking has been avoided in all the countries.
C.Lead will definitely not harm anymore.
D.Lead poisoning may make poor societies poorer.
3. What can be done to solve lead poisoning in developing countries?
A.Fixing these used batteries.B.Reducing the cost of recycling lead.
C.Ignoring the illegal use of lead.D.Putting certain effort and money.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.The Impacts of Lead Poisoning on Man.
B.The Global Lead Poisoning Problem.
C.The Ways to Solve Lead Problem.
D.The Benefits of Using Electric Vehicles.
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4 . I traveled to Hawaii several months ago, in part to cover a story on invasive plants and animals and their impact on the state. As I worked on this story, I kept thinking about the fact that some plants and animals become uncontrollably invasive when they’re brought into a new ecosystem, while others don’t. For example, over the past two hundred years or so, there have been approximately 20, 000 non-native plant species either intentionally or accidentally brought into Hawaii alone. But only a small part of those plants — 200 species or so — have become invasive, threatening the environment, the economy, or human health. 

An example from Hawaii’s forests: the invasive plant strawberry guava thrives as it gives off a chemical that prevents all other plants from growing nearby, and it also absorbs more water than native species. What makes these particular species so successful? Most of the reasons involve how a particular species interacts with its new environment. First, invasive species may be highly adaptable to a variety of climates. Second, they are usually quite fecund (多产的), which ensures that they can multiply rapidly. Third, they are usually threatening when it comes to resources like nutrients and space, easily crowding out their native counterparts (对应的物种). And finally, invasive species thrive when there are no natural enemies or pests in their new space.

How can we eradicate invasive species once they’re in place? Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to do that — conservationists would have to notice that the species is a problem before its population has established and grown to an uncontrollable size. Instead, most conservationists battling invasive species aim for control in key ecological pockets.

It is a constant battle, though, and humans are always playing catch-up. If you’re thinking of planting unusual plants in your garden or keeping a foreign pet, perhaps reconsider and go for a native one. You never know when they might escape and tip over an ecosystem.

1. What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us?
A.A substantial number of species in Hawaii are severely endangered.
B.Not all uncontrollably invasive species threaten the environment.
C.A small number of plants are intentionally introduced.
D.Not all non-native species become invasive.
2. Which category does the reason for the strawberry guava’s thriving fall into?
A.The first reason.B.The second reason.
C.The third reason.D.The last reason.
3. What is the author’s attitude toward eradicating invasive plants or animals in time?
4. What does the author suggest pet keepers do?
A.Avoid the battle between native and foreign pets.
B.Create an ideal ecosystem for the pet.
C.Prevent the pet from escaping.
D.Get a native pet.
2024-06-02更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都东部新区养马高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . For centuries, Antarctica has attracted people from around the world. Explorers sought to travel there. Scientists have studied weather, wildlife, and geology there for decades.     1     In the last few decades, though, scientists have reported that the ice is melting.

    2     That’s a difficult question to answer. The loss of ice in Antarctica has not been linear (直线的). That means it isn’t a steady decrease. In fact, the rate of melting can vary greatly from year to year. Still, scientists warn that the continent’s ice sheet is shrinking.

    3     Climate change is warming the world’s oceans and affecting the currents (洋流) of the Earth’s oceans. These currents are bringing more warm water to Antarctica than ever recorded.

Today, the planet is warming at a rate that alarms scientists.     4     The effects of such a rise could cause major problems. It will increase flooding, especially in areas near shores. A large rise in sea level could even make some regions uninhabitable. This could cause millions around the world to become climate refugees (难民).

Can humans stop Antarctica from melting? Probably not — but experts do believe people can slow the process. How can you help? Pay attention to your carbon footprint.       5     Only changes on a large, global scale (范围) can truly make a difference to Antarctica.

A.How quickly is Antarctica melting?
B.Is human activity contributing to the melting of Antarctica’s ice?
C.The ice of Antarctica is the result of thousands of years of snow.
D.West Antarctica is the region most affected by these warm waters.
E.Talk with your family about ways to reduce your use of fossil fuels.
F.If this continues, melting ice could lead to a serious rise in sea level.
G.Experts say the melting of Antarctica’s ice sheet is caused by rising temperatures.
2024-06-02更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都东部新区养马高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . My parents had purchased an Island Packet 445 ten months prior, and the day to board this boat had finally come. I was 11 years old and knew absolutely nothing about this cruising (海上航游) lifestyle my father had been speaking so highly of for the previous five years. The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn’t want to leave my home. My father was excited, my mother nervous, my brother disinterested, and I sullen. I was not at all eager about this change in my lifestyle.

The first three months on the boat had not been very easy. What my dad called an adjustment period I called a nightmare. But, after three months of traveling, we had a lucky break. In La Paz, there was another cruising boat with a 13-year-old boy aboard. Two weeks later, Glen and I could be seen endlessly boogie boarding (趴板冲浪) the crashing waves to the beach. After meeting Glen, cruising for me began to get better and better. At some point during these months, I decided to give this cruising idea a chance.

One year later, we continued touring through the South Pacific. I was learning new skills and learning how to work independently. I often took a five-hour watch during the dark hours of long passages. This was quite a bit of responsibility to hand over to a 13-year-old, especially considering I was in charge of adjusting sails as the conditions changed, and keeping an eye and ear out for any problems. Almost everybody in the cruising community treated me as an adult while still understanding I was a child, thereby giving me the flexibility to make childish mistakes.

As of this writing, my family has now been aboard for three years. We have plans to return to Canada in 12 months and, similar to how I opposed moving onto the boat, I am now completely opposed to moving off it. I have so much fun and learn so many things on this boat that I can’t imagine ever returning “home”, a place I hardly even remember.

1. What does the underlined word “sullen” in the first paragraph probably mean?
2. What made the author start to embrace the cruising idea?
A.Overcoming the fear of nightmares.
B.Having fun with someone of his age.
C.Learning how to work independently.
D.Making a breakthrough in boarding skills.
3. Which of the following words can best describe the author?
A.Stubborn but reliable.B.Childish but adaptable.
C.Inconsiderate but flexible.D.Dependent but responsible.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Benefits of the Cruising Lifestyle
B.First Day aboard Island Packet 445
C.What Motivates a Teenager to Change His Lifestyle
D.How a Young Sailor Learns to Love the Cruising Life
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Have you got any electronic devices hanging around your home that you no longer want or use? Between us, we have millions of bits of unused tech kept in drawers.     1     There are several ways to make the most of our unwanted gadgets (小物件).

Probably the best cure for our throwaway culture is to fix our broken tech.     2     They can be learned at repair clubs and repair cafés — free meeting places where you'll find tools and materials to help you make any repairs you need. In the UK, the interest in mending our stuff and giving it a new life is reflected by the popularity of a TV series called The Repair Shop, where craftspeople rescue and resurrect (重新使用) items that their owners thought were beyond saving.

    3     Materials used to make them can be extracted and reused in other things. As an example, Elisabeth Ratcliffe from the Royal Society of Chemistry told the BBC: “There are about thirty different elements just in a smartphone, and many of them are very rare.” These can be used in touch screens and solar panels. Many of the biggest players in the industry (including Apple and Samsung) will gladly take your old gadgets back and handle them responsibly.     4    

A final choice for your unwanted items is to up-cycle them. You can breathe new life into them by transforming them into valuable pieces or collectable retroitems (复古物品), which could be sold on.     5     By up-cycling, you contribute to waste reduction and innovation in product reuse.

A.Recycling is another solution.
B.All you need is patience and skills.
C.Another cure is to give them away.
D.However, they don't need to be thrown away.
E.You can have fun in repair clubs and repair cafés.
F.You can make some cash and create needed space in your home.
G.You might even get some cash back when buying their new products.
2024-05-31更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届四川省大学考联盟高三下学期模拟联考英语试题
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8 . Wildlife conservation initiatives offer a meaningful way for individuals to actively participate in the protection of endangered species while gaining insights into how they can contribute to their preservation. For those passionate about wildlife, several programs present opportunities for involvement:

Animal Rescue Project, South Africa:

Engage alongside experienced conservationists in Cape Town, solving the challenge of finding new homes for homeless dogs and cats. The project involves an animal hospital equipped to cater to their medical needs and an adoption center dedicated to finding them permanent homes. Due to financial constraints, the center relies heavily on volunteers to handle daily tasks and provide hands-on care for these animals.

Sea Turtle Conservation Project, Sri Lanka:

Witnessing a decline in sea turtle populations due to various commercial activities, this project focuses on supporting hatcheries(孵化场) in their conservation efforts. Participation in the Sea Turtle Conservation Project in Sri Lanka supports hatcheries in their conservation efforts, including providing financial assistance.Your participation not only aids in providing financial support to these hatcheries but also contributes to the sustainability of sea turtle populations.

Wildlife Conservation Program, Australia:

Immerse yourself in activities such as animal care, facility maintenance, and enrichment tasks, offering an incredible opportunity to gain firsthand international work experience. This program also serves as an excellent opportunity to make a meaningful contribution while fostering connections with like-minded individuals from across the globe.

Marine Conservation Program, Bali:

Set in Tianyar, where coral reef degradation threatens the ecosystem, this initiative aims to restore and conserve the reef to ensure a sustainable future for the local community and marine life.

1. What is the primary objective of the Animal Rescue Project in South Africa?
A.To provide medical care for injured wildlife.
B.To conduct research on endangered species.
C.To organize volunteer activities in Cape Town.
D.To rehabilitate and rehome stray dogs and cats.
2. How does participation in the Sea Turtle Conservation Project in Sri Lanka contribute to the preservation of sea turtle populations?
A.By organizing awareness campaigns about marine conservation.
B.By establishing new habitats for sea turtles.
C.By providing financial support to local hatcheries.
D.By regulating commercial fishing activities.
3. What makes the Wildlife Conservation Program in Australia an attractive opportunity for participants?
A.The chance to explore the cultural heritage of Australia.
B.The opportunity to engage in international work experience.
C.The availability of luxurious accommodations for volunteers.
D.The focus on research projects studying various animal species.
2024-05-30更新 | 246次组卷 | 3卷引用:四川省成都市金牛区成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . It is generally assumed that humans are the only species that deal with the social memories and the ability to remember friends and loved ones even if one has not seen them for a long period of time. But humans may not be alone. New research from Johns Hopkins University has shown that chimpanzees (黑猩猩) also recognize their friends even when they have not seen them in years.

Lead researcher, Dr. Christopher Krupenye was inspired to create this research study due to his sense over the many years that he worked with apes (猿) that individual chimpanzees recognized him even if he hadn’t seen him in a while.

“You have the impression that they’re responding like they recognize you and that to them you’re really different from the average zoo guest,” Dr. Christopher told CTV News. “They’re excited to see you again. So our goal with this study was to ask if that’s the case: Do they really have a lasting memory for familiar social partners?”

In order to test whether chimpanzees remember their friends, the researchers printed photos of chimpanzees who had died or left zoos in Edinburgh, Scotland, Belgium, and Japan. Then they showed those photos of the animal’s former group mates alongside photos of stranger apes to the participating animals at the zoos. Using eye tracking technology, the researchers were able to discover that the apes spent more time looking at their friends than they did at the apes they were not familiar with.

The research team believes that apes’ long term social memory can stretch back at least twenty six years. Additionally, they believe that this may indicate that like humans, chimpanzees can miss their friends and families.

Whatever the case, it is clear that this study shows that chimpanzees are similar to humans. So the next time you visit the zoo take some time to befriend your local chimpanzees. They may just remember you for many years to come.

1. What do people usually agree with according to paragraph 1?
A.Only humans have the long-term social memories.
B.Humans and chimpanzees have the same ancestors.
C.Chimpanzees have longer social memory than humans.
D.Chimpanzees are the only species to recognize humans.
2. What inspires Dr. Christopher to study chimpanzees?
A.Their flexible body language.B.Their identification ability.
C.Their understanding of friendship.D.Their control of their behaviors.
3. How does a chimpanzee probably respond seeing a photo of a familiar partner?
A.He may remain still.B.He may get stressed.
C.He may lose temper.D.He may become excited.
4. What can be inferred about chimpanzees from the study?
A.They are guided by social emotions.B.They can be trained to remember humans.
C.They pay much attention to the value of friendship.D.They show their feelings openly as humans do.
2024-05-30更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届四川省百师联盟高三下学期信息押题卷(三)全国卷英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . An owl (猫头鹰) named Flaco escaped New York’s Central Park Zoo last week after his cage was broken. This set off a bird-hunt of police officers and park rangers (护林员) . Zoo officials worried that Flaco, who had been kept in his zoo cage for 13 years, may have lost the survival abilities he needed in the wild. They placed some of his favorite treats in the open air to attempt to trap him.

Flaco was not fooled. Instead, he was sighted flying over 5th Avenue, and Central Park’s skating rink. A number of New Yorkers came into Central Park to try to catch a glimpse of Flaco, taking photos with excitement.

But this week, zoo officials announced they accepted that Flaco remained in Central Park because he had been seen bringing up bones and fur from the park’s community of rats. “He has been very successful at hunting and consuming lots of rats in the park.” zoo officials told the New York Post. “And that’s amazing. He’s hunting on his own. He’s flying better. Flaceo really seems to be enjoying himself out there.”

There is a caution attached to this story of an owl who is making it on his own in the city that never sleeps. Owls are nocturnal. They go around searching for food at night. They sleep during the day, or try to, like lots of people who work the overnight shift. Yet some New Yorkers who don’t know proper bird-watching behavior reportedly see Flaco sleep in a tree during the day, and begin to shout at him. It interrupts his sleep. Flaco can’t try to say “shh, shh” with the traditional New York reply. After all, a bird can’t give someone the bird.

1. Why were zoo officials concerned about Flaco’s ability to survive?
A.Because his favourite food was too little.B.Because he might be attacked by people.
C.Because his cage was severely damaged.D.Because he was kept in his cage for long.
2. What can we infer about Flaco from the third paragraph?
A.He has adapted to the wild.B.He has found his previous home.
C.He still faces great challenges.D.He dislikes the rats in the park.
3. What does the underlined word “nocturnal” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Scary-looking.B.Shy and quiet.C.Active at night.D.Badly-behaved.
4. Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.The park rangers set Flaco free on purpose.
B.New Yorkers do not care Flaco’s appearing in Central Park.
C.Owls often go around searching for food during the day and sleep at night.
D.Flaco managed to escape being trapped by the park rangers.
2024-05-30更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省南充市仪陇县2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
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