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听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. When did Dessi Sieburth start loving birds?
A.At 6.B.At 8.C.At 14.
2. Why does Dessi make boxes for bluebirds?
A.They are common birds.B.They are easy to track.C.They have lost nest places.
3. What’s the function of Dessi’s website?
A.To do research about birds.B.To teach people about birds.C.To raise money for birds.
4. What did Dessi do in Alaska recently?
A.He interviewed biologists.B.He bought some gold there.C.He studied on a species of bird.
2024-08-15更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省乐山市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The ocean covers more than 70% of the planet, making the deep sea one of the largest habitats on Earth. Many of the fish living in the depths of the ocean look like the scary aliens in the horror films, with giant teeth, glow-in-the-dark bodies and bulging eyeballs. But why do these fish have such otherworldly features?

The strange appearance of deep-sea fish is largely a reflection of the extreme environment they live in. Most of the deep ocean, which starts 200 meters below the surface, has little to no light, high pressure systems, low food availability, and is much colder than the rest of the ocean, with an average temperature just above freezing at 4 degrees Celsius. “The deep sea is a really harsh place to make a living, so a lot of animals have really had to adapt some niche adaptations to survive in that environment,” Mary MeCarthy, a fish biologist said.

Without many opportunities to find food, deep-sea fish have developed traits to help them hunt prey (猎物), one of the most fearsome being a massive set of jaws. For example, Sloane’s viperfish (蝰鱼) has sharp teeth that are so large that it cannot close its mouth. These sharp teeth are also clear, which means they can hide their weapons from prey until it’s too late. Other deep-sea fish like the pelican eels (鹈鹕鳗) have mouths that, when stretched, take up the majority of their bodies so that they can capture and swallow large fish they find in these deep-sea food deserts.

Some deep-sea fish have a secret weapon that makes them a prey magnet—the ability to generate their own light. This light can attract prey, in part, because marine creatures may think they are about to swallow a small glowing creature(when really they are about to become the meal).

1. What is Paragraph 1 about?
A.The definition of deep-sea fish.
B.The phenomenon of strange-looking deep-sea fish.
C.The importance of deep-sea fish on the planet.
D.The reasons for the appearance of deep-sea fish.
2. Which of the following words can best replace the word “traits” in Paragraph 3?
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The extreme surroundings impact the appearance of deep-sea fish.
B.The massive set of jaws can protect the fish from being hunted.
C.Most deep-sea fish can generate the light to capture their prey.
D.Most deep-sea fish have large and wide mouths.
4. Where can we find this passage?
A.In a science magazine.B.In a fashion journal.
C.In a tourist handbook.D.In a geography book.
2024-08-15更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学2023~2024学年高二上学期期末模拟测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . In a new study, researchers have discovered bottled water sold in stores can contain 10 to 100 times more bits of plastic than previously estimated—nanoplastics (纳米塑料) so tiny that they cannot be seen under a microscope.

At one-thousandth the average width of a human hair, nanoplastics are so small that they can migrate through the tissues of the digestive tract or lungs into the bloodstream, distributing potentially noxious synthetic (人造的) chemicals throughout the body and into cells. One liter of water contains an average of 240,000 plastic particles from seven types of plastics, of which 90% are identified as nanoplastics and the rest are microplastics, according to the new study.

According to Sherri Mason, a researcher, the new finding strengthens long-held expert advice to drink tap water from glass or stainless steel containers to reduce exposure. That advice extends to other foods and drinks packaged in plastic.

Nanoplastics are the most worrying type of plastic pollution for human health. “The chemicals can be carried to your liver, kidney, and brain and even make their way across the placental boundary and end up in an unborn child,” said Mason.

“Based on other studies, we expected most of the microplastics in bottled water would come from leakage of the plastic bottle itself, which is typically made of PET (聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯) plastic,”said Qian, a doctoral student at Columbia University. Studies have found that particles of this plastic can be broken off by repeatedly opening and closing the cap of the bottle, crushing the bottle or subjecting it to heat, such as in a car.

“We can avoid consuming foods and beverages (饮料) in plastic containers. We can wear clothing made from natural fabric s and buy consumer products made from natural materials,”said Jane Houlihan, an expert in environmental health.“We can estimate the plastic in our daily lives and find alternatives whenever possible.” Several studies have also reported lower microplastic levels in tap water.

1. What does the underlined word “noxious” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. How do microplastics mainly enter bottled water according to the text?
A.By being present in the air.B.By contaminating the water source.
C.By breaking off from the plastic bottle.D.By being added during the producing process.
3. What does Jane Houlihan suggest doing to reduce plastic consumption in daily life?
A.Increasing the use of water containers.
B.Purchasing products made from synthetic materials.
C.Choosing natural fabrics and materials whenever possible.
D.Avoiding products packaged in glass or stainless steel containers.
4. Which can be the best title for the text?
A.How to Reduce Plastic Use in Daily LifeB.New Study on Bottled Water Pollution
C.The Benefits of Drinking Tap WaterD.The Health Risks of Nanoplastics
2024-08-11更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省邢台市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 容易(0.94) |


Help us keep Stinson Beach clean this summer! Warmer weather and handfuls of holidays bring more people out to the beach which sometimes means more garbage too; join us once per month to clear litter and maintain the beauty there.

When: One Friday a month between May and September. 10: 00 am—1: 00 pm.

Where: Stinson Beach parking lot.

Supplies: We invite volunteers to bring their own reusable supplies! Limit waste by bringing your own bag or bucket and gloves if possible — but don’t worry if you don’t — we’ll have some supplies on site for you to use.

Group entry: Groups of five or more require special arrangements and must be confirmed in advance. Please review the List of Available Projects and fill out the Group Project Request Form.

Age, Skills, What to bring:

Volunteers aged 10 and up are welcome. Read our Youth Policy Guidelines for youth under the age of 15.

Bring your completed Volunteer Agreement Form. Volunteers under 18 must have the parent approval section signed.

We’ll be working rain or shine. Bring layers for changing weather and rain gear (雨具).

Bring a personal water bottle and sunscreen. Wear clothes that can get dirty. Long pants and closed-toe shoes are required.

No experience necessary. Training and tools will be provided. Fulfills community service requirements.

1. What is the aim of the project?
A.To attract the tourists.B.To beautify the beach.
C.To provide trip study.D.To conduct a research.
2. What is required for volunteers under 18?
A.Fine weather.B.Rich experience.
C.School uniform.D.Parent permission.
3. What does the project provide for volunteers?
A.Training.B.Long pants.C.Rain gear.D.Water bottles.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Electronic waste, or e-waste, has reached levels that cannot be continued. More efforts are needed to take precious metals from abandoned laptops and smartphones. Research shows that over 57 million tons of e-waste was created worldwide in 2021 and people are frustrated about the lack of options to recycle their tech.

Building a low-carbon economy will depend on battery technology for electric vehicles and energy storage. Taking the elements from used batteries will be an environmental necessity. Lithium-ion (锂离子) batteries also contain cobalt (钴) and copper (铜), but as mining for these metals creates poisonous pollution that can ruin the environment, so too can battery recycling if not done properly. It’s a problem that needs to be solved quickly.

Another strong pressure in mining e-waste for recycled materials is that supplies could stop entirely. Up to 30 different elements are used in smartphones, and six of them are predicted to run out in the next century.

“Developing a circular economy where minerals used in tech devices are saved and repurposed could help us to bypass supply chain issues in the future while also helping to reduce environmental impacts,” said RSC president Tom Welton. “It is essential that governments and businesses urgently do more to deal with the world’s growing e-waste crisis and ease the worry on supply chains.”

The US generates more than six million tons of e-waste each year and recycles only15 per cent. So there is a huge need to increase and regulate recycling instead of shipping waste abroad, where it is taken apart or made into pieces, releasing poison that can expose workers, including children, to diseases like cancer. Vast quantities are simply burned or buried in landfill to pollute the air, soil and water.

Electronic equipment is forecast to generate nearly 75 million metric tons of e-waste annually by 2030—almost double what was created in 2014. Less than 20per cent of global e-waste is currently recycled and that needs to change.

1. What’s the author’s attitude towards the future supplies of certain elements?
2. What does Tom Welton suggest?
A.Regulating local recycling.B.Boosting efforts to take metals.
C.Increasing global e-waste recycling.D.Developing a circular economy for tech minerals.
3. Why does the author mention the US e-waste in the fifth paragraph?
A.To show the focus on the problem from the government.
B.To make a further prediction about worsening problems.
C.To illustrate the seriousness of the problem.
D.To find a solution to the problem.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Mining’s environmental impact.B.Lack of recycling options for tech devices.
C.Need for a circular economy in tech devices.D.Growing e-waste crisis and supply chain effects.
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What are the speakers doing?
A.Watching the sky.
B.Studying the secrets of the atmosphere.
C.Taking pictures of the countryside.
2. What is a shooting star described as according to the man?
A.A planet.B.An airplane.C.A burning rock.
3. What might the woman do later?
A.Write a book.
B.Work in a library.
C.Read about astronomy.
2024-08-05更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵阳市清华中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末监测英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Upon her arrival at the South Pole Penguin Research Lab, Mary observed her friend Tom tenderly caressing a penguin cradled in his arms. As the offspring of the lab’s scientific staff, Mary and Tom were frequently in the presence of emperor penguins, which were under scrutiny to discern how they coped with the harsh climatic conditions — a knowledge that could be instrumental in enhancing human endurance in extreme environments.

“We’re thirteen, Tom. It’s the age to mature and cease interacting with the lab’s penguins as if they were playmates,” Mary remarked, commencing her cleaning duties. “These creatures are subjects of research, not domestic animals.”

“But these avians are responsive to my touch!” Tom defended, his exhalation manifesting as a mist in the icy atmosphere. “You’re merely attempting to become a penguin whisperer once more,” Mary retorted, a soft grin playing on her lips as she shook her head. The penguins exhibited a playful demeanor as they strolled, plunged, swam, and frolicked in pursuit of their live piscine quarry before partaking in their meal.

A sudden blare of an alarm, accompanied by the flashing of red lights, interrupted the scene, indicating an issue at hand. The siblings hastened to investigate. “The temperature has plummeted further — there’s ice crystallizing on the water’s surface,” Tom observed. Despite the perpetual cold, Mary had never witnessed ice forming in that location before. Upon inspecting the habitat monitor, she realized that the temperature had dipped significantly. “The heating system must have malfunctioned!”

Promptly, Mary dispatched a message to their parents' research team, who were immersed in field studies outside. With the adults indisposed, the children were left to manage the plummeting temperatures until reinforcements arrived.

As they waited apprehensively, time seemed to dawdle, and the escalating cold induced shivers. “I ponder what emperor penguins accomplish amidst such frigid conditions, considering they remain at the Pole throughout the winter rather than migrating to warmer climates,” Mary mused. “They huddle,” Tom replied. “They cluster so closely that those in the core remain sufficiently warm.” “What occurs with the ones on the periphery?” Mary inquired. “They press inward toward the center, then subsequently migrate back to the periphery, and once again grapple against the flow of their peers to regain the warmth of the huddle’s heart. This behavior was documented by scientists in the early 21st century,” he stated, his gaze fixed on the sizable assembly of penguins within the lab.


“I have an idea to stay warm!” Tom shouted excitedly.


Two and a half hours later, the parents returned with help.

2024-08-04更新 | 69次组卷 | 2卷引用:广东省五华县田家炳中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末学业水平考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Laughter is a universal language for humans to connect with each other and form social bonds. Even as babies, we giggle when our parents pull funny faces, and then gradually learn to make others laugh as we grow up.     1     Scientists have observed behaviors in animals that suggest that your pets might be secret jokesters.

Have you ever seen dogs let people come close to their toy, and then playfully run away with it? Biologist Charles Darwin saw this as the dog’s version of a practical joke. Mare Bekoff, biology professor, also observed dogs playfully teasing each other by approaching slowly and then quickly running away.     2     And he’s also said that animals may goof around (瞎胡闹) as a way to cope with stress.

In a 2024 study, Isabelle Laumer and colleagues watched four ape species interact with each other and observed 18 distinct teasing behaviors. They saw young apes move towards an adult quietly, pat them to surprise them and then wait and watch the response, behaviour similar to that shown by human children.     3    

What about laughing? While playing, dogs sometimes produce a breathy snort (哼) that could sound like laughter.     4     Rats make a joyful squeak (吱吱声) similar to a giggle when they are tickled, says Jeffrey Burgdorf, professor at Northwestern University.

    5     Are the apes in Laumer’s study really joking around or just attention-seeking? What would be the evolutionary purpose of animals teasing? “In humans, humour can serve as an ice-breaker, removing social barriers and strengthening relationships,” says Laumer. “We don’t know if it’s the same in apes or other animals, but it’s possible.”

A.But is it a uniquely human experience?
B.His study showed that rats intend to tease.
C.Dolphins let out a squeak when they are hungry.
D.Dolphins let out sounds of joy when play-fighting.
E.His work concluded that dogs just want to have fun.
F.But is a rat’s giggle really a sign of a sense of humour?
G.So, a sense of humour may have appeared early in our evolutionary timeline.
2024-08-04更新 | 109次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省泰安市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Bright and early on the morning of our first full day in Antarctica, L’ Austral’s Captain Fabien’s voice woke us up as it came through a loudspeaker. If we looked outside right now, he said, we’d see a beautiful sea of icebergs in the golden sunlight. My sister and I jumped out of bed, staring in amazement as we sailed past giant pieces of ice. In the distance, we spotted a group of humpback whales feeding on smaller fishes. Next door, my parents were also waking up to the sights of a new day in Antarctica. Over breakfast, my sister and I excitedly told them about the whales we saw from our room that morning.

You might not immediately think of “family vacation” when talking about a trip to Antarctica, but tour companies like Adventures by Disney are changing that. The company offers guided group trips to destinations across all seven continents in the world.

Our adventure started when we flew to Buenos Aires and explored the beautiful Argentine capital for a day. After leaving Buenos Aires, we flew to Ushuaia on an Adventures by Disney plane. Then, it was the journey toward the Drake Passage. After a speedy Drake Passage crossing, we reached Antarctica early, adding a half day to our scheduled four days on and around the continent.

To those unfamiliar with Adventures by Disney, the fact that you can experience Antarctica — the most distant, extreme continent — with Disney might be surprising. During the trip, there were thoughtful acts, from stamped postcards to send from an Antarctica post office to a champagne (香槟) party on our final stop of the journey; Adventures by Disney truly thought of everything for us. Antarctica is a life-changing destination packed with experiences that can’t be copied. We experienced seasickness when travelling across the Drake Passage, hiked up ice hills alongside lovely animals, and had a taste of champagne. And honestly, it’s going to be hard for the next family trip we may take to compete.

1. How did the author and her sister feel when sailing past the icebergs?
2. What happened first on the author’s journey?
A.They flew to Ushuaia.
B.They toured around Buenos Aires.
C.They passed through the Drake Passage.
D.They hiked up ice hills alongside lovely animals.
3. What can we infer about their travel from the last paragraph?
A.The author might feel bad when crossing the Drake Passage.
B.The author was the most impressed by the champagne party.
C.The author believes that their next travel will be more thrilling.
D.The author thought an Antarctica post office should be established.
4. Which can serve as the best title for the text?
A.Exploring Antarctica — A Place with Various animals
B.An Antarctic Adventure for Scientific Research
C.A Comfortable Travel Experience
D.A Family’s Journey to Antarctica
2024-08-02更新 | 110次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省阜阳第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Bees are cute and give us delicious things, like honey, and useful things, like beeswax. But they’ve also got those infamous stingers (毒刺). Bees can be a little scary, and in groups, they can be deadly. So when reports hit the news about Colony Collapse Disorder (蜂群崩溃症候群), some of us might have thought, what’s the big deal?

What would happen if all the bees died? Unfortunately, we’d lose a lot more than organic candles if bees went extinct. There are more than 20,000 species of bees in the world, Together, they are probably the most important group of insect pollinators (传粉者). If all the bees suddenly disappeared, there would be a gap in our ecosystems that would be very hard to fill. First, flowers would likely go extinct without bees. Other plants that bees pollinate might survive with other pollinators. But they would be at a disadvantage.

Some animals rely on bees for food. If we lost the bees, some of our most beautiful natural species could be next. All these changes would have chain effects throughout ecosystems and into human society. Humanity probably wouldn’t starve without bees with many of our main crops pollinated by the wind. But nutritious fruits and vegetables could be lost or become so expensive that few people could afford them. And eating healthily is hard enough as it is. It’s hard to know just how such a huge change to the natural world would end.

Luckily, this is just an imagination, right? But, Colony Collapse Disorder is very real. Scientists believe human activity is to blame. The loss of bees has also been linked to the pesticides we use and to man-made climate change. And some studies showed that it’s not just bees. Insect numbers have dropped dramatically over the last few decades. Nearly half of all insect lives may have died out in the last 35 years. Bees and other bugs may be a little scary, but a world without them would be much scarier.

1. How does the author lead in the topic in Paragraph 1?
A.By listing the harms bees bring about.B.By explaining a theory about bees.
C.By reviewing the history of bees.D.By telling facts about bees.
2. Why are bees important in the ecosystem?
A.They help control other insects’ populations.B.They provide honey and beeswax.
C.They serve as a key link in the ecosystem.D.They pollinate our main crops.
3. What is the possible danger if bees died out?
A.Loss of biodiversity and food variety.B.Endangered insects becoming extinct.
C.Climate change speeding up its pace.D.The rapid growth of certain flowers.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.Bees: Cute But Dangerous.B.Colony Collapse Disorder Is Real.
C.Honey: A Double Edged Sword.D.Bees Are a Threat to Humans.
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