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1 . The science of why insects gather around lights at night has never been nailed down. Popular theories propose that moths and other insects navigate (导航) by the moon and mistake lamps for moonlight, or that the insects fly towards light to escape coming danger. Now researchers believe they have a more convincing answer: contrary to current theories, insects are not attracted to light from far away, but become trapped if they fly close to an artificial light source.

According to Dr Sam Fabian, study co-author and Imperial College London entomologist, moths and many other insects that fly at night evolved to tilt (倾斜) their backs to wherever is brightest. For hundreds of millions of years, this was the sky rather than the ground. The trick told insects which way was up and ensured they flew level. But then came artificial lighting. Moths found themselves tilting their backs to street lamps. This caused them to circle around the lamps endlessly, the insects trapped by their evolution.

Fabian and his colleagues filmed insect flight paths around lights in the lab. The videos reveal that time and again, moths and dragonflies turned their backs to artificial lights, which appeared to greatly change their flight paths. If the light is above them, they might start orbiting it, but if it’s behind them, they start tilting backwards and end up flying in circles or diving toward the ground.

Researchers have long warned that light pollution is a big driving force in the dramatic decline in insect populations. Moths and other insects that become trapped around lamps become easily caught by bats. The artificial lighting can also fool them into thinking it is daytime, causing them to bed down and skip a night’s feeding.

There are, Fabian believes, helpful lessons from the research. “What this tells us is that the direction of artificial light matters. Could we change lighting environments to not trap insects? For we’re facing a massive decline in insects around the world, and artificial light at night is one of the factors that could potentially be leading to this decline,” Fabian said.

1. What do the underlined words “nailed down” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Popularized widely.B.Discussed openly.
C.Defined accurately.D.Explored academically.
2. Fabian’s study found that moths circle around the lamps endlessly because ______.
A.they can’t keep their balance.
B.they use improper flight attitude.
C.they lose track of which way is up.
D.they are attracted to lights from far away.
3. What is the significance of the research finding?
A.It may lead to better conservation of insects.
B.Natural enemies of insects will be got rid of.
C.Artificial lighting will be greatly reduced at night.
D.It may raise concerns for insects’ eating behavior.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Why insects lose their ability to fly at night.
B.Why artificial light and evolution trap insects.
C.How artificial light impacts insect populations.
D.How insects evolved distinct strategies of flight.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My sister-in-law Carol said she’d already picked out a kitten for me. I agreed to go with her… just to look. I made no promise to take one home. After all, only two months had passed since I lost my beloved calico cat, Mandi. Maybe I needed to be pet-free for a while.

When we got there, three of the four kittens remained in the litter. Carol picked up one and handed it to me. The beautiful face and white fur on the right side of her nose reminded me of a clown-like mask. How could I resist? Then another kitten, with an evenly balanced white face, jumped into my lap and purred.

Driving home in my British sports car proved difficult with two mischievous kittens. One clung to my left arm and shoulder, watching the fast-moving scenery outside. The other paced back and forth from my lap to the passenger’s seat, making it hard for me to shift gears. Both mewed in a loud duet(二重奏) of protest. Of course, I hadn’t brought a cage. I had not planned to take home a kitten — or two.

The clown-like-masked female earned the name Squeakette with her tiny voice squeaking about each new discovery as she explored her new home. The male, lacking only a black tie in his formal clothes, took the name Sebastian for my favorite composer, Johann Sebastian Bach.

A few weeks later, a neighbor helped me carry down my six-foot artificial Christmas tree from the attic(阁楼). I thanked him with a batch of cookies, and then set up the tree in the comer of my living room.

Sebastian and Squeakette knocked it down before I opened the box of decorations. After setting it upright, I straightened the few bent wire branches back into place. As I checked for any other damage, a quick flash of black-and-white fur passed by me. Up they went, branch by branch. The tree danced around as the two kittens took turns climbing it together. Sebastian made it to the top a moment ahead of Squeakette.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1

He lunged at me from the top, paws stretched out like wings.

Paragraph 2

Sensing their interest, I found a smaller Christmas tree for them.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Several security guards of residential compounds in Beijing and workers were seen shoveling snow and some parked vehicles were covered by thick overnight snow. The first snowfall of winter arrived in Beijing early Monday, covering the Chinese capital with a mantle (披风) of white overnight and plunging (使……下降) the city into freezing temperatures, with even colder weather coming this week in northern China.

Snowfall reached 5.8 mm on average by early Monday, with the highest snowfall of 10.2 mm recorded in Fangshan district, Beijing Meteorological (气象的) Service data showed. Beijing typically sees its first snow of the season between late November and February, or even none at all. More snowfall is expected this week, with temperatures seen further sliding to as low as -20°Celsius. The Chinese capital last saw such similarly extremely cold weather on Jan. 7, 2021, when the temperature dropped to -19.6℃.

The cold snap (寒潮) in Beijing this week, compared with the autumn-like conditions a week ago, mirrored the sharp swings in temperatures recently. In October, Beijing experienced one of its warmest Octobers in decades in a year of weather extremes.

On Monday, the government warned of road icing in large parts of the city of nearly 22 million, with authorities shutting some expressways or partially closing sections. By 10 a. m. local time, 62 out of a few hundred flights had been cancelled at the Beijing Capital Airport. Railway authorities enforced speed limits on lines connecting Beijing and Guangzhou in southern China, causing delays in some passenger trains. By 7 a. m. Monday, more than 180 bus routes in Beijing had been suspended.

The official Beijing Daily reported that vegetable stocks were enough, hitting this year’s highest daily market volume of 23,800 tons, as merchants stocked up (备货) ahead of time. Huang, a Beijing resident working in the internet sector, said the snow in Beijing came early. “Normally, it doesn’t snow until the Spring Festival,” Huang said, referring to the start of the Lunar New Year, which typically falls in January or February.

1. Which of the following is not used to show the seriousness of the snowfall in paragraph?
A.By listing out numbers.B.By illustrating a viewpoint.
C.By citing data from the authority.D.By making comparisons.
2. What contrast in weather conditions did Beijing experience as mentioned in the article?
A.From hot summers to mild winters.
B.From dry conditions to heavy rainfall.
C.From autumn-like conditions to a sudden coldness.
D.From constant snow to unexpectedly warm temperatures.
3. Which of the following word is close to the meaning of “enforced” in paragraph 4?
4. What positive measure did merchants in Beijing take in anticipation of the snowfall?
A.Organized community support groups.B.Increased storage of essential supplies.
C.Created emergency shelters for the homeless.D.Offered discounts and sales to boost business.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了一种罕见的新西兰鸟类takahē被放归自然的报道。这种鸟类是新西兰毛利人的宝贵财富,在一百多年后再次出现在Whakatipu Waimaori 湖地区。

4 . For the first time in about 100 years, a rare bird called the takahē is walking freely along the Lake Whakatipu Waimaori Valley in New Zealand after 18 captive birds were released into the wild. The area is also home to a Maori tribe called Ngai Tahu, which has spent years campaigning for the birds to return to their land. The Maori are New Zealand’s Indigenous people (first people known to live there), and they consider the takahē bird to be “taonga”, meaning a treasure.

Takahē are large, round, flightless birds with red legs, and they have lived in New Zealand since prehistoric times. Like many New Zealand birds, takahē evolved to be flightless because there were no mammals to compete with. When Europeans arrived in New Zealand, however, predators such as cats and ferrets were introduced and killed off many flightless birds. Takahē were declared extinct in 1898, but a small number of the birds were discovered in 1948 in a remote part of the Murchison Mountains.

Since then, conservationists have been trying to restore the takahē population in captivity. They gathered the bird’s eggs in order to keep the chicks safe from predators. The chicks were raised by volunteers, who fed them while wearing sockpuppets on their hands to imitate the parent birds. There are now about 500 takahē birds in captivity. Several pairs of adult birds have been released into the island’s sanctuaries and national parks. Experts will monitor them to see how they adapt to their new environment. If everything goes well, they hope to release seven more birds this month and 10 young birds next year.

Ta Tipene O’Regan, an elder of the Ngai Tahu tribe, helped to release the birds. He told The Guardian newspaper, ”There are few things more beautiful than to watch these large birds running back into lands where they haven’t walked for over a century. ”O’Regan said, “It’s an absolute joy. ”

1. As for Maori people, takahē are ______.
2. What caused takahē flightless according to Paragraph 2?
A.Big bodiesB.Long time captivity.
C.Native people’s protection.D.No competitors.
3. What does the underlined word “chicks” refer to in Paragraph 3?
A.Eggs.B.Predators.C.Baby birdsD.Parent takahē.
4. Which is probably the best title?
A.Native Birds back in the WildB.A Big Joy of Maori Tribes
C.Rare Eggs Protected by VolunteersD.Distinct Mammals in New Zealand
2024-03-15更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省大同市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末质量监测英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One spring, I was hired as groundskeeper at a Country Inn, a famous bed-and-breakfast located in Washington state. The grand house is in a beautiful place. Many famous people have visited and even had their own rooms there. The owners, Philip and Cecelia, have done a perfect job for the house. However, the gardens were very overgrown. Worse yet, there was another problem: a very persistent doe (母鹿).

Every day when I came to work, there was new evidence of the deer’s big appetite. I tried many preventives: spray, human hair, soap, you name it-but none of those things had effect. Often when I was weeding, I’d look over and there she’d be, munching some tasty pieces. Worst of all, she feasted on the roses, in which Cecelia took great pride. I became so frustrated that I named her “Dinner”— and wanted to serve her on plates.

One morning, I was on my hands and knees pulling out vines and bushes when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. There was Dinner, not five feet away, munching a large leaf and staring at me. I felt a connection with this animal. We did have something in common-we were both mothers. I got the crazy idea of communicating with her and it seemed she wanted the same thing.

What’s up? I asked in my head.

I’m here because I feel safe, was the gentle reply I felt I heard. I have my fawns (幼鹿) bedded down nearby, and there is plenty to eat. When the twins are older after summer, I will move them deeper into the forest.

I understand that, I assured her. People come here too, from far away. I guess they’ll be interested to see you. I promise that nobody will harm you or your children. I don’t mind sharing the vegetation but Cecelia loves roses, too. She is very upset when they are all eaten.

A loud crash broke the magic. Our eyes met again briefly before she leaped off across the driveway, disappearing into the forest. Has I really communicated with the deer?


I went into the kitchen where Cecelia was preparing the evening meal.


Every day, I enjoyed watching Dinner with the twins and my presence never bothered them.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Growing up on a mountain farm in Tyrol, Fritz enjoyed watching how cows and horses interacted with each other more freely, once they’d been led out of the barn and into pasture. It was what he observed in his boyhood that took root in his pursuit of becoming a biologist. After he finished his study at university. Fritz landed work at Austria’s Konrad Lorenz Research Center, raising raven chicks by hand and teaching graylag geese how to open boxes as he pursued his PhD. Working this closely with free-living animals was exactly what he’d dreamed of as a boy.

In 1997, a zoo gave the research center its first northern bald ibis chicks (隐鹮) Nowhere near as teachable as geese—and not even close to super intelligent ravens—the ibises frustrated most of the scientists. But Fritz was fascinated. He devoted himself to taking care of them. After the ibises were first released back into the wild more than 20 years ago, Fritz learned that spending generations in zoo hadn’t reduced their drive to migrate (迁徙), though it did leave them geographically uninformed. In their search for “south”, some ended up in Russia. What the ibises needed, Fritz thought, was a guide.

Fritz decided he would teach the birds a new, safer migration route by guiding them himself in a tiny aircraft. And he was confident he could succeed in this daring, unconventional plan—because he had done it before. “Around that time, the movie ‘Fly Away Home’ was a huge hit with us biologists,” Fritz says. When he announced that he’d do the same with the ibises, he was initially laughed at. But Fritz didn’t give up. He modified an ultralight aircraft so it would travel at speeds slow enough for his winged students to keep up. He had been his young pupils’ only provider of food, love and hugs since they were just a few days old, and the ibises eagerly followed their teacher, who just happened to pilot a fairly noisy machine.

In 2004, three years after some initially bumpy (颠簸的) experiments, Fritz led the first batch of birds from Austria to Italy, and has since led 15 such migrations. Over that time, he has rewilded 277 young ibises, many of which then started to pass the route on to their own young.

1. What determined Fritz’s career choice?
A.Fritz’s childhood observation.B.Fritz’s passion for biology.
C.Fritz’s growth environment.D.Fritz’s interaction with animals.
2. What disappointed the scientists about ibis chicks?
A.They are easy to get lost in the migration.
B.They are lacking in the desire to migrate.
C.They are accustomed to the life in the zoo.
D.They are strikingly far from easy to teach.
3. Why did Fritz decide to teach the ibises a new migration route?
A.The ibises were too awkward to find a new migration route.
B.The ibises needed a guide for lack of geographical knowledge.
C.Fritz wanted to prove that he could succeed in a daring plan.
D.Fritz wanted to recreate a touching scene of a popular movie.
4. What is Fritz like according to the passage?
A.sensitive but courageous.B.innovative but demanding.
C.persistent and insightful.D.enthusiastic and cooperative.
2024-03-12更新 | 72次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省宁波市2023-2024学年上学期期末九校联考高二英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Recently, China has announced the list of the first five national parks. Each of them is divided into two parts — the core protection area and the general control area. In the core protection area, only research and surveillance (监视) in science are allowed. And the general control area is open to the public, allowing travel activities such as camping and hiking. In the future, national parks are expected to be natural classrooms. People can learn about different kinds of animals and plants through eco-friendly travel activities.

Three River-Source National Park on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the largest national park in China. Because it is home to the sources of the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers, people call it “China’s water tower”.

Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park is in Heilongjiang and Jilin Provinces. It covers an area of 14,100 square kilometers. It is our country’s biggest and only place for wild Siberian tigers and Amur leopards to live in.

Wuyi Mountain National Park in Fujian Province is a UNESCO natural and cultural heritage site. The forest makes up over 96 percent of the park. The park is the paradise of birds, kingdom of snakes and world of insects. You can also see the Danxia landform there.

Giant Panda National Park connects panda habitats in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces. Inside the park are more than 1,600 wild giant pandas. They make up over 70 percent of the pandas in China.

Hainan Tropical Rain forest National Park is the largest tropical forest in China. There are more than 400 kinds of plants that can only be found in Hainan.

1. Which is called “China’s water tower”?
A.Three River-Source National Park.B.Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park.
C.Giant Panda National Park.D.Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park.
2. The underlined word “paradise” means ________.
A.a perfect placeB.a happy feeling
C.a good exampleD.a sweet smile
3. Which of the following is not mentioned?
A.Three River-Source National Park is the largest national park in China.
B.Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park covers an area of 14,100 square kilometers.
C.There are more than 1,600 wild giant pandas in Giant Panda National Park.
D.More than 400 kinds of plants and animals can only be found in Hainan.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.The beautiful scenes of natureB.The home of animals and plants
C.The introduction to the five national parksD.The relationships among the five national parks
2024-03-09更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省上饶市余干县私立蓝天中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(提高卷)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo has long worked to make her city less dependent on cars. She wanted to see more people using bicycles to get around. Over a number of years, the city government set limits on cars and increased the amount of bike paths from 200 kilometers to over 1,000 kilometers.

This year, Parisians are not complaining about too much automobile traffic. Instead, they say there are too many bikes. “Now, it’s really like a bike traffic jam(阻塞),” Thibault Quere, a spokesperson for France’s Federation of Bicycle Users, said. ”It’s kind of a good difficulty to have, especially when we think about what Paris used to be.”

Some famous roads along the River Seine are completely closed to cars. Now you see people riding bikes, running and walking with their families along the river. In another part of Paris, a bike path on Sebastopol Boulevard is one of the busiest in Europe, after opening in 2019. In one week in early September, it reached a record high of 124,000 riders.

The city will host the Summer Olympics in 2024 and plans to add more bike paths by then. Paris wants to reduce its pollution by half during the games, even as visitors from around the world will be in the city for the event. Organizers say all of the competition sites will be reachable by bike through a 60-kilometer network of bike paths.

The change to Paris, however, has not been easy. With more people using bikes, more people are making mistakes. Some of them are new to cycling and disobey traffic rules. But the environment may be improving. Cycling is good exercise and helps reduce pollution, which is still a problem for the large city. The French government blames atmospheric pollution for 48,000 early deaths in the country each year.

Hidalgo was re-elected in 2020 and plans to keep making what she calls a “Paris that breathes”. Her newest five-year bike plan includes over $250 million for more bike paths and bike parking. The new budget is an increase of over $100 million from her first five-year plan.

1. What can be learned from the second paragraph?
A.Hidalgo’s effort has paid off. B.Parisians prefer to travel by car.
C.Parisians find it difficult to ride bikes. D.Quere disagrees with Hidalgo.
2. Why does the author mention the data in paragraph 3?
A.To compare the famous roads in France.
B.To praise people enjoying riding bicycles.
C.To stress the importance of France in Europe.
D.To show how busy a cycle path is in Paris.
3. What do the organizers probably wish visitors to do during the Summer Olympics in 2024?
A.Tour local bike shops. B.Ride to competition sites.
C.Promote the sights in France. D.Support the athletes around the world.
4. Which word can best describe Anne Hidalgo?
A.Friendly. B.Helpful. C.Determined. D.Honest.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . An impressive invention made by a 17-year-old teenager, called Anna Du, is helping to clean up small pieces of plastic from the ocean.

While walking along her local beaches in Massachusetts, the young student began collecting waste plastic bags and bottles. But what she noticed was a large number of tiny pieces of plastic or microplastics that were impossible to pick up. At just 12 years old, Du set out to solve the problem. After testing a few prototypes(原型)in her backyard, she invented a remotely operated vehicle that uses the infrared camera(红外摄像机)to detect microplastics on the ocean floor. More recently, Du has also created a simulation(模拟)model that uses artificial intelligence to predict where microplastics are located.

Du’s robot invention has earned her awards at top science fairs in the US, and she’s now a nationally recognized advocate for microplastic awareness and pollution prevention. “When I first started doing science fairs, I had no idea that a young girl without lots of money and just a little advanced engineering knowledge could make a difference in the world. I’ve learned that I truly love working on a problem that’s so much larger than me,” Du said.

Du has also released a new book to help spread the word not only about the dangers of microplastics but also about the ways to relieve the problem. Titled Microplastics &Me, the book follows Du’s own story of how she went from worrying about the environment to designing award-winning solutions. Writing for kids her own age, the young girl alerts her readers to the threat of microplastic pollution and urges them to care about the environment. The book hopes to encourage young students to get into science, technology, engineering and math(STEM)subjects and to inspire a new generation of inventors and engineers. What’s more, Du has even raised more than $7,000 to distribute the book free to kids and libraries in high-need communities.

1. What inspired Du to make the invention?
A.There was too much rubbish along the beaches.B.The plastics were too small to collect by hand.
C.The sea was polluted seriously.D.She was interested in AI.
2. What can we learn about Du from paragraph 3?
A.She has a spirit of challenge.B.She is too poor to make a difference.
C.She doesn’t study hard in engineering.D.She wins international recognition.
3. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
4. Why does Du write the book Microplastics & Me?
A.To inspire readers to share their stories.
B.To raise the awareness of microplastics pollution.
C.To encourage high schools to offer STEM subjects.
D.To collect money for kids in high-need communities.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Slobodchikoff, a biologist who has spent years working to better understand the calls of dogs, used that knowledge to help people who were having trouble with their pets.

A man reported his dog wanted to bite him. So Slobodchikoff went to the man’s house. He watched as the owner walked over to the dog, towered over the pet and then said, “Good dog!” in a low-pitched(音高) voice. “The dog ran into a corner,” Slobodchikoff recalled. The owner had scared the dog. Slobodchikoff recommended that the man should do the opposite. The owner took that advice—and ended up developing a great relationship with his pet.

Not everyone has the time to study dog communications or the money to bring in an expert. Slobodchikoff thinks tech could help. He thinks a cell phone app or device that you could point at a dog. This would record video and audio(音频) of a dog’s behavior and then upload it.An artificial intelligence(AI)system would later analyze it.

The AI “ would translate this for you into English or any other language,” says Slobodchikoff. The result, he explains, may be something like “‘I’m hungry’ or ‘I need to go outside to pee’ or ‘I want to go for a walk.’”

To train the AI system, Slobodchikoff planned to get data directly from pet dogs, but for some reason, he hasn’t yet restarted the project to date, but hopes to soon.

Search an app store for a pet translator and you’ll find plenty. Some are completely unscientific and silly. MeowTalk, however, is a cat-translation app based on an AI model. In 2021, its creators reported that the AI model achieved 90 percent accuracy at identifying nine different emotional states in meows. These included angry, happy, hunting, pain and rest. The app picks conversational phrases based on these emotions, like “nice to see you,” or “let me rest.”

People who have tried the app say it doesn’t always work well. But better translations of barks and meows may be just around the corner.

1. What might the man do to calm the dog?
A.Tower over the pet dog.B.Follow the dog to the corner.
C.Give the dog delicious food.D.Speak in a high-pitched voice.
2. What is the function of the AI system in Slobodchikoff’s view?
A.To analyze data.B.To train a dog.
C.To record a dog’s behavior.D.To collect data from a dog.
3. What can we know about MeowTalk?
A.It can communicate with cats.B.It can judge cats’ state of mood.
C.It can store 90 conversational phrases.D.It can be used to track pet cats.
4. What is mainly talked about in the passage?
A.A biologist’s puzzle.B.Slobodchikoff’s achievements.
C.Trials of animal translator technology.D.The invention of Slobodchikoff.
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