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1 . 10月16日是世界粮食日(World Food Day)。假设你是学生会主席李华,为提倡同学们节约粮食,你校决定开展“节约粮食人人有责”的活动,请你以学生会的名义写一封倡议书。
1. 活动目的;
2. 活动内容;
3. 号召同学积极参加。
参考词汇:节约粮食人人有责Saving food is everyone’s responsibility
Dear students,

The Students’ Union

2024-04-08更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省沧源佤族自治县民族中学2022-2023学年高二上学期第二次月考英语试题(含听力)

2 . A penny saved is a penny earned. And more and more benny-wise young Chinese are abandoning consumerism by leading an increasingly frugal (节俭的) life by developing anti-consumerism concepts.

According to a survey by JD.com, nearly 50% of respondents would use all means to save money and more than 30% plan to become deal-hunters to fit in their budgets. More than 80% of Generation Z Chinese spend less than 5,000 yuan ($737) a month. When shopping, they care the most about practicability, personal preference and price, instead of brands, popularity and brand spokesmen.

And more than 600,000 users have joined a group named Frenzied Money Savers on Douban, a popular social media platform, where members share sometimes extreme ideas, tips, books and everything to save hard-earned money. For instance, some recommended uninstalling shopping apps such as Taobao, Meituan and Pinduoduo and installing it each time you really need to buy something so as to hold back the urge to spend. And milk tea, coffee and takeouts are strongly opposed by many.

Chinese have long established and valued the saving culture with the country’s household savings rate leading the world. Young Chinese who are born in a relatively prosperous and abundant society have learned to get rid of the addiction to consumerism and use money in a more sensible and wiser way, which could help create a more healthy and upbeat social vibe (社会风气), besides reducing the huge waste and damages to the environment caused by over consumption.

Just as the American writer Theodore Thornton said, the habit of saving is itself an education. Yet saving is certainly not the final goal, but spending money where it truly deserves helps realize one’s life objectives. To save and spend wisely are lessons young people all over the world have to learn.

1. Why are more and more young Chinese becoming benny-wise?
A.They tend to accept consumerism.B.They spend money without hesitation.
C.They are shaped by multiple cultures.D.They are in favor of economical life.
2. What may Generation Z Chinese tare the most when shopping?
A.Budgets and service.B.Practicability and price.
C.Personal preference and brands.D.Shopping apps and platforms.
3. What message does the author want to convey in Paragraph 4?
A.Anti-consumerism is beneficial to social progress.
B.Saving money can be many people’s life objective.
C.Many social issues mainly result from consumerism.
D.Young Chinese are lucky to be born in a prosperous society.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.There is no increasing need for consumerism.
B.Old virtue of being frugal is still not outdated.
C.Tips on saving money are important for the young.
D.Consumerism has an impact on economic development.
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3 . Be a Green Guest

When people take a vacation, they often take vacation from responsibility, too. Our behavior at hotels is one of the biggest problems. We have our linens(纺织品)washed daily for us, and are provided with an endless stream of hot water—what's not to love about that? But all of this luxury equals serious consequences for the environment.     1     They offer programs and facilities that save water and energy. That's a good start, but there is a lot more you can do to cut down the amount of waste produced wherever.


In America alone, there are about 50,000 hotels. Now think if hotel management leaves out two small bottles for each hotel room every day, that's a huge amount of little plastic bottles that may not even get recycled. And what about all of that shampoo when you don't finish the bottle? A better way is to bring your own shampoo from home.

Turn off the lights.

You do it when you're at home, right? Do it at the hotel, too. Studies have shown that, in hotels, the majority of energy spent through lighting comes from the bathroom light being left on for more than one hour!     3     , remember to hit the switch!

Don't have your sheets or towels washed every day.

Sure, it's a luxury to have linens and towels. cleaned every day, but that's all it is. Washing a set of bed sheets and a pair of bathroom towels requires about 12-16 gallons of water. See if there is a policy for requesting that your towels and linens get washed weekly. In some hotels, it's as simple as hanging towels back up on a hook.     4     .

These tips are also useful for trips to a friend's or relative's house.     5     They will also save your hosts a lot of money.

A.Think about bathroom facilities
B.Just say "no" to hotel shampoos
C.When you're using the bathroom
D.After you're done with your business
E.They will save plastic, water, and electricity
F.More and more hotels are becoming eco-friendly
G.In others, you may ask the front desk for a personal request
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