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1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

This is the year 2070. Today is my    1     (fifty) birthday, but I look like a person of eighty- five. I have serious kidney (肾脏) problems because I don’t have enough water     2     (drink). I’m afraid I don’t have much time left to live. I’m already one of the oldest people in this society.

I remember when I     3     (be) five years old, everything was very different. There were lots of trees in the parks. I could enjoy a shower for half     4     hour. At that time,     5    (woman) all had beautiful hair. Now, we have to shave (剃光) our heads to keep them clean without the use of water.

I remember there were “Saving Water” warnings in many public places, but nobody     6     (pay) attention. We believed water would last forever. Now, all the rivers and lakes are either dry or polluted. Water is much     7     (expensive) than gold and diamonds.

In the past, doctors suggested adults drink eight glasses of water a day. Nowadays, I am allowed half a glass only. Most people are weak and sick.

When my son asks me about my childhood, I tell him about how pleasant it was to fish in the rivers     8     how healthy people were. When he asks, “Why is there no clean water now?” I feel guilty (有罪的). I belong     9     those people who simply turned a blind eye to all the warnings.

I hope the people living in the 2020s     10     (true) understand the importance of saving water.

2023-12-10更新 | 81次组卷 | 2卷引用:青海省西宁北外附属新华联外国语高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次月考(期中)考试英语试题
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2 . Scientists at the University of Minnesota report Thursday in the journal Science that about a third of all food grown around the world never gets eaten. In terms of calories per person, cutting food waste is more of an immediate opportunity to feed more people than increasing crop yields around the world.

“But not all these calories are equal, when you look at how they hurt the global food supply,” says Paul West, who led the study. “Throwing away a pound of boneless beef effectively wastes 24 times more calories than discarding a pound of wheat. If you throw out some cabbage at a fancy restaurant in upstate New York, it doesn’t have much impact on the world’s food system. But throwing out a small steak has a huge impact—maybe more than all the cabbage in the restaurant put together. Wasting other animal products, such as chicken, eggs and dairy, has less effect on the global food supply than beef, but still more than vegetables and grains.

The US, China and India together throw out enough food each year to feed more than 400 million people, the team found. And the biggest global contributor to that loss is the US. Each day the average Americans waste up to about 1,200 calories per person. They throw out 290 effective calories from beef. They also waste about 550 calories from chicken and pork.

On the other side, India wastes the least amount of food and meat of the three countries. Each Indian, on average, effectively throws out about 44 calories a day, mostly rice and wheat.

China falls between the US and India. Each Chinese person wastes about 280 calories of wheat and rice every day. But the Chinese also love pork and each person effectively tosses 200 calories from pork each day. “The food service industry in China has really high amounts of waste,” West says. “It’s a cultural standard for them to order seven to nine dishes in restaurants to honor the guests. All that food doesn’t get eaten.”

1. What is the most direct way to feed more people in the world?
A.Reducing food waste.B.Eating less than necessary.
C.Growing more crops.D.Replacing grain with meat.
2. What does the underlined word “discarding” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. Which country is the most wasteful in the world?
A.India.B.The US.C.The UK.D.China.
4. What message does West seem to convey in the last paragraph?
A.China should adopt Western food culture.B.The number of dishes should be limited by law.
C.Chinese people should eat more wheat and rice.D.Food waste in Chinese restaurants is very serious.
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3 . 最近的一项调查显示,我国每年餐桌上浪费的食物价值高达2,000亿元,相当于2亿多人一年的口粮。近日,某英语报以Join in the“Clean Your Plate ”Campaign 为题向中学生征文。请根据提示,用英语写一篇短文应征。
注意: 1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

Join in the “Clean Your Plate”Campaign

A survey indicates each year China wastes 200 billion Yuan worth of food, which is enough to feed over 200 million people.

2021-06-28更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省湟川中学2020-2021学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般