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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了在明尼苏达州举行的一次越野赛中,Melanie Bailey背着另一个参赛者Danielle Lenoue过终点线并接受医疗检查的善行义举。

1 . On Oct. 11, hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race in Minnesota. Melanie Bailey should have _________ the course earlier than she did. Her _________ came because she was carrying a _________ across the finish line.

As reported by a local newspaper, Bailey was more than two-thirds of the way through her _________ when a runner in front of her began crying in pain. She _________ to help her fellow runner, Danielle Lenoue. Bailey took her arm to see if she could walk forward with _________. She couldn’t. Bailey then _________ to let Lenoue climb onto her back and carried her all the way to the finish line, then another 300 feet to where Lenoue could get _________ attention.

Once there, Lenoue was _________ and later taken to a hospital, where she learned that she had serious injuries in one of her knees. She would have struggled with extreme __________ to make it to that aid checkpoint without Bailey’s help.

As for Bailey, she is more __________ about why her act is considered a big __________. “She was just crying. I couldn’t __________ her,” Bailey told the reporter. “I feel like I was just doing the right thing.”

Although the two young women were strangers before the __________, they’ve since become friends. Neither won the race, but the __________ of human kindness won the day.

A.went awayB.stood upC.stepped asideD.bent down
2023-06-11更新 | 16062次组卷 | 40卷引用:吉林省长春市第五中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 困难(0.15) |
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2 . On March 7, 1907, the English statistician Francis Galton published a paper which illustrated what has come to be known as the “wisdom of crowds” effect. The experiment of estimation he conducted showed that in some cases, the average of a large number of independent estimates could be quite accurate.

This effect capitalizes on the fact that when people make errors, those errors aren’t always the same. Some people will tend to overestimate, and some to underestimate. When enough of these errors are averaged together, they cancel each other out, resulting in a more accurate estimate. If people are similar and tend to make the same errors, then their errors won’t cancel each other out. In more technical terms, the wisdom of crowds requires that people’s estimates be independent. If for whatever reasons, people’s errors become correlated or dependent, the accuracy of the estimate will go down.

But a new study led by Joaquin Navajas offered an interesting twist (转折) on this classic phenomenon. The key finding of the study was that when crowds were further divided into smaller groups that were allowed to have a discussion, the averages from these groups were more accurate than those from an equal number of independent individuals. For instance, the average obtained from the estimates of four discussion groups of five was significantly more accurate than the average obtained from 20 independent individuals.

In a follow-up study with 100 university students, the researchers tried to get a better sense of what the group members actually did in their discussion. Did they tend to go with those most confident about their estimates? Did they follow those least willing to change their minds? This happened some of the time, but it wasn’t the dominant response. Most frequently, the groups reported that they “shared arguments and reasoned together”. Somehow, these arguments and reasoning resulted in a global reduction in error. Although the studies led by Navajas have limitations and many questions remain, the potential implications for group discussion and decision-making are enormous.

1. What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about?
A.The methods of estimation.B.The underlying logic of the effect.
C.The causes of people’s errors.D.The design of Galton’s experiment.
2. Navajas’ study found that the average accuracy could increase even if ________.
A.the crowds were relatively smallB.there were occasional underestimates
C.individuals did not communicateD.estimates were not fully independent
3. What did the follow-up study focus on?
A.The size of the groups.B.The dominant members.
C.The discussion process.D.The individual estimates.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward Navajas’ studies?
2023-06-11更新 | 15534次组卷 | 26卷引用:吉林省长春市朝阳区长春外国语学校2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
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3 . Bike Rental & Guided Tours

Welcome to Amsterdam, welcome to MacBike. You see much more from the seat of a bike! Cycling is the most economical, sustainable and fun way to explore the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and countless lights. You can also bike along lovely landscapes outside of Amsterdam.

Why MacBike

MacBike has been around for almost 30 years and is the biggest bicycle rental company in Amsterdam. With over 2,500 bikes stored in our five rental shops at strategic locations, we make sure there is always a bike available for you. We offer the newest bicycles in a wide variety, including basic bikes with foot brake (刹车), bikes with hand brake and gears (排挡), bikes with child seats, and children’s bikes.


Hand Brake, Three Gears

Foot Brake, No Gears

1 hour



3 hours



1 day (24 hours)



Each additional day



Guided City Tours

The 2.5-hour tour covers the Gooyer Windmill, the Skinny Bridge, the Rijksmuseum, Heineken Brewery and much more. The tour departs from Dam Square every hour on the hour, starting at 1:00 pm every day. You can buy your ticket in a MacBike shop or book online.

1. What is an advantage of MacBike?
A.It gives children a discount.B.It offers many types of bikes.
C.It organizes free cycle tours.D.It has over 2,500 rental shops.
2. How much do you pay for renting a bike with hand brake and three gears for two days?
3. Where does the guided city tour start?
A.The Gooyer, Windmill.B.The Skinny Bridge.
C.Heineken Brewery.D.Dam Square.
2023-06-11更新 | 14886次组卷 | 47卷引用:吉林省长春市第五中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |
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4 . The goal of this book is to make the case for digital minimalism, including a detailed exploration of what it asks and why it works, and then to teach you how to adopt this philosophy if you decide it’s right for you.

To do so, I divided the book into two parts. In part one, I describe the philosophical foundations of digital minimalism, starting with an examination of the forces that are making so many people’s digital lives increasingly intolerable, before moving on to a detailed discussion of the digital minimalism philosophy.

Part one concludes by introducing my suggested method for adopting this philosophy: the digital declutter. This process requires you to step away from optional online activities for thirty days. At the end of the thirty days, you will then add back a small number of carefully chosen online activities that you believe will provide massive benefits to the things you value.

In the final chapter of part one, I’ll guide you through carrying out your own digital declutter. In doing so, I’ll draw on an experiment I ran in 2018 in which over 1,600 people agreed to perform a digital declutter. You’ll hear these participants’ stories and learn what strategies worked well for them, and what traps they encountered that you should avoid.

The second part of this book takes a closer look at some ideas that will help you cultivate (培养) a sustainable digital minimalism lifestyle. In these chapters, I examine issues such as the importance of solitude (独处) and the necessity of cultivating high-quality leisure to replace the time most now spent on mindless device use. Each chapter concludes with a collection of practices, which are designed to help you act on the big ideas of the chapter. You can view these practices as a toolbox meant to aid your efforts to build a minimalist lifestyle that works for your particular circumstances.

1. What is the book aimed at?
A.Teaching critical thinking skills.B.Advocating a simple digital lifestyle.
C.Solving philosophical problems.D.Promoting the use of a digital device.
2. What does the underlined word “declutter” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What is presented in the final chapter of part one?
A.Theoretical models.B.Statistical methods.
C.Practical examples.D.Historical analyses.
4. What does the author suggest readers do with the practices offered in part two?
A.Use them as needed.B.Recommend them to friends.
C.Evaluate their effects.D.Identify the ideas behind them.
2023-06-11更新 | 14816次组卷 | 23卷引用:吉林省长春市第五中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
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5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Chinese government recently finalized a plan to set up a Giant Panda National Park(GPNP).     1     (cover)an area about three times     2     size of Yellowstone National Park, the GPNP will be one of the first national parks in the country. The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that     3     (be)previously unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority     4     (increase)effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in management.

After a three-year pilot period, the GPNP will be officially set up next year. The GPNP     5     (design)to reflect the guiding principle of “protecting the authenticity and integrity(完整性)of natural ecosystems, preserving biological diversity, protecting ecological buffer zones,     6     leaving behind precious natural assets(资产)for future generations”. The GPNP’s main goal is to improve connectivity between separate     7     (population)and homes of giant pandas, and     8     (eventual)achieve a desired level of population in the wild.

Giant pandas also serve     9     an umbrella species(物种), bringing protection to a host of plants and animals in the southwestern and northwestern parts of China. The GPNP is intended to provide stronger protection for all the species     10     live within the Giant Panda Range and significantly improve the health of the ecosystem in the area.

2022-06-08更新 | 17580次组卷 | 48卷引用:吉林省辽源市第五中学校2022-2023学年高一上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
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6 . Tricks To Becoming A Patient Person

Here’s a riddle: What do traffic jams, long lines and waiting for a vacation to start all have in common? There is one answer.     1    .

In the Digital Age, we’re used to having what we need immediately and right at our fingertips. However, research suggests that if we practiced patience, we’d be a whole lot better off. Here are several tricks.

●Practice gratitude (感激)

Thankfulness has a lot of benefits: Research shows it makes us happier, less stressed and even more optimistic.     2    . “Showing thankfulness can foster self-control,” said Ye Li, researcher at the University of California.

● Make yourself wait

Instant gratification (满足) may seem like the most “feel good” option at the time, but psychology research suggests waiting for things actually makes us happier in the long run. And the only way for us to get into the habit of waiting is to practice.     3    . Put off watching your favorite show until the weekend or wait 10 extra minutes before going for that cake. You’ll soon find that the more patience you practice, the more you start to apply it to other, more annoying situations.

    4    .

So many of us have the belief that being comfortable is the only state we will tolerate, and when we experience something outside of our comfort zone, we get impatient about the circumstances. You should learn to say to yourself, “    5    .” You’ll then gradually become more patient.

A.Find your causes
B.Start with small tasks
C.Accept the uncomfortable
D.All this adds up to a state of hurry
E.It can also help us practice more patience
F.This is merely uncomfortable, not intolerable
G.They’re all situations where we could use a little extra patience
2023-06-12更新 | 7559次组卷 | 24卷引用:吉林省长春市第五中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |
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7 . What comes into your mind when you think of British food? Probably fish and chips, or a Sunday dinner of meat and two vegetables. But is British food really so uninteresting? Even though Britain has a reputation for less-than-impressive cuisine, it is producing more top class chefs who appear frequently on our television screens and whose recipe books frequently top the best seller lists.

It’s thanks to these TV chefs rather than any advertising campaign that Britons are turning away from meat-and-two-veg and ready-made meals and becoming more adventurous in their cooking habits. It is recently reported that the number of those sticking to a traditional diet is slowly declining and around half of Britain’s consumers would like to change or improve their cooking in some way. There has been a rise in the number of students applying for food courses at UK universities and colleges. It seems that TV programmes have helped change what people think about cooking.

According to a new study from market analysts, 1 in 5 Britons say that watching cookery programmes on TV has encouraged them to try different food. Almost one third say they now use a wider variety of ingredients (配料) than they used to, and just under 1 in 4 say they now buy better quality ingredients than before. One in four adults say that TV chefs have made them much more confident about expanding their cookery knowledge and skills, and young people are also getting more interested in cooking. The UK’s obsession (痴迷) with food is reflected through television scheduling. Cookery shows and documentaries about food are broadcast more often than before. With an increasing number of male chefs on TV, it’s no longer “uncool” for boys to like cooking.

1. What do people usually think of British food?
A.It is simple and plain.B.It is rich in nutrition.
C.It lacks authentic tastes.D.It deserves a high reputation.
2. Which best describes cookery programme on British TV?
3. Which is the percentage of the people using more diverse ingredients now?
4. What might the author continue talking about?
A.The art of cooking in other countries.B.Male chefs on TV programmes.
C.Table manners in the UK.D.Studies of big eaters.
2023-06-11更新 | 7327次组卷 | 24卷引用:吉林省通化市梅河口市第五中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
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8 . Indoor plants might look as if they just sit around not doing much, but in many ways they are the unsung heroes of the home.     1    , but studies have shown that they can promote people’s wellbeing by improving their mood (心情), reducing stress and helping their memory. What’s more, indoor plants are easy to look after and are not very expensive.

What are indoor plants?

Indoor plants, also known as houseplants or pot plants, are plants that like to grow indoors. Many of these species (物种) are not ideally suited to growing outside in the UK, especially in the winter.     2    .

Why are indoor plants good for you?

Will Spoelstra, who works at the Royal Botanic Gardens, says, “    3    . I find during the winter months, plants around the house can really lift your mood.” Several studies have backed this up and found that indoor plants can improve creativity, focus and memory. There is also research showing that pot plants can clean the air around them by removing harmful gases, such as carbon dioxide. They also remove some harmful chemicals from paints or cooking.     4    .

Which plants can you grow?

Aloe vera, peace lilies and spider plants are some of the species that are easy to grow indoors. You can buy plants from supermarkets, garden centres or online. Younger plants are often cheaper than fully grown ones, and you get to care for them as they mature — which is part of the joy of owning plants. “    5    ,” Spoelstra says. “It can bring a new interest and focus into people’s lives and help to make the link between home and nature.”

A.All plants are different
B.Not only do they look beautiful
C.There are many benefits to growing plants indoors
D.Instead, they grow better inside, where it is warmer
E.Plants like peace lilies and devil’s ivy are among the best
F.Changing the pot of your plant from time to time will also help
G.Learning about the requirements of each plant can be very rewarding
2023-06-11更新 | 7690次组卷 | 20卷引用:吉林省长春市朝阳区长春外国语学校2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |
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9 . With gas prices rising and airport security lines snaking longer than ever, why not book your next domestic vacation on a train? Compared to other alternatives, it’s comfortable and relaxing. Here is some advice on how to make a trip by rail as pleasant as possible.

Plan ahead. Most long-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accommodations, sell out very quickly.     1     But no matter when you travel, it’s a good idea to make your reservations at least 90 days in advance.

Use a travel agent. Consider turning your travel plan over to a travel agent and letting him double-check all the details, make suggestions, and then handle the actual reservations. A good one can sometimes find you discounted tickets.     2     Then you won’t have to walk through several cars on a moving train three times a day for your meals.

Bring a blanket. When you’re riding on trains, you won’t be provided with a blanket for free, even if your trip is an overnight one.     3     In the summer in particular, the air conditioning can make them quite cold.

Arrive early. Most trains operate just once a day and some run only three times a week, so missing yours can be a disaster.     4     Note: The times listed on the schedules are departure times, not arrival times.

Have fun.     5     Read a book, knit, do a crossword puzzle, or simply watch the world unfold outside the window. To calculate your speed as you do, divide 3,600(the number of seconds in an hour)by the number of seconds it takes you to travel one mile(the distance between two mileposts). If it takes the train 53 seconds to travel one mile, you’re going 67.92 mph.

A.Train trips aren’t for impatient types.
B.You’ll have views from both sides of the train.
C.The temperature on rail cars is often hard to control.
D.That’s particularly true during busy summer months.
E.You might have to wait longer than 24 hours to catch the next one.
F.Chances are the cost will be a lot less than the cost of one bedroom.
G.He may also book you in a sleeping car that’s right next to the diner.
2023-01-11更新 | 7006次组卷 | 37卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述了一位DIY高手Terri Boltonis的技能以及DIY项目可能会在女性群体中变成一种潮流趋势。

10 . Terri Bolton is a dab hand when it comes to DIY (do-it-yourself). Skilled at putting up shelves and piecing together furniture, she never pays someone else to do a job she can do herself.

She credits these skills to her late grandfather and builder Derek Lloyd. From the age of six, Terri, now 26, accompanied Derek to work during her school holidays. A day’s work was rewarded with £5 in pocket money. She says: “I’m sure I wasn’t much of a help to start with, painting the rooms and putting down the flooring throughout the house. It took weeks and it was backbreaking work, but I know he was proud of my skills.”

Terri, who now rents a house with friends in Wandsworth, South West London, says DIY also saves her from losing any deposit when a tenancy (租期) comes to an end. She adds: “I’ve moved house many times and I always like to personalise my room and put up pictures, so, it’s been useful to know how to cover up holes and repaint a room to avoid any charges when I’ve moved out.”

With millions of people likely to take on DIY projects over that coming weeks, new research shows that more than half of people are planning to make the most of the long, warm summer days to get jobs done. The average spend per project will be around £823. Two thirds of people aim to improve their comfort while at home. Two fifths wish to increase the value of their house. Though DIY has traditionally been seen as male hobby, the research shows it is women now leading the charge.

1. Which is closest in meaning to “a dab hand” in paragraph 1?
A.An artist.B.A winner.C.A specialist.D.A pioneer.
2. Why did Terri’s grandfather give her £5 a day?
A.For a birthday gift.B.As a treat for her work.
C.To support her DIY projects.D.To encourage her to take up a hobby.
3. How did Terri avoid losing the deposit on the house she rented?
A.By making it look like before.B.By furnishing it herself.
C.By splitting the rent with a roommate.D.By cancelling the rental agreement.
4. What trend in DIY does the research show?
A.It is becoming more costly.B.It is getting more time-consuming.
C.It is turning into a seasonal industry.D.It is gaining popularity among females.
2023-06-12更新 | 6874次组卷 | 21卷引用:吉林省长春市朝阳区长春外国语学校2023-2024学年高一上学期9月月考英语试题
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