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1 . Before buying something brand-new in Bangkok, why not find one-of-a-kind goods with only a little wear and tear in them? These are the best second-hand stores in the capital of Thailand.

Dasa Book Cafe

Those who love reading in Bangkok will be delighted to learn that Dasa Book Cafe offers nearly every storytelling type, including horror, comedy and drama. There are more than 16,000 titles in the shop, so spend some time getting lost in piles of used books. It also sells a wide variety of collectable used CDs.

Talad Rod Fai Train Night Market

This market is known as the first train market in Bangkok. While it is no longer near a train station because it moved to a different place, it keeps the name and remains home to some of the best used items in town. You can spend hours choosing goods and clothes. It is so popular that another one opened in the Ratchada area.

Classic Movie Poster

From the outside, this narrow shop might not look like much, but to those who are familiar with it, it is a goldmine of classic movie posters. It is an impressive collection, ranging from unknown Thai movies from the late 1950s to recent blockbusters (非常成功的电影).

Papaya Design Studio

This antique store looks more like a museum than a conventional furniture store. It is full of items ranging from Victorian-era pieces to bright classics in the 1960s. The owner travels to Europe several times a year to find more items, meaning you will discover something new every time you visit.

1. Which is the best choice if you want to buy some second-hand CDs?
A.Dasa Book Cafe.B.Classic Movie Poster.
C.Papaya Design Studio.D.Talad Rod Fai Train Night Market.
2. What do we know about Talad Rod Fai Train Night Market?
A.It is near a train station.B.It has a branch in another area.
C.It features food and books.D.It is the first night market in Bangkok.
3. What can you find in Papaya Design Studio?
A.Clothes.B.Books.C.Old furniture.D.Classic movies.
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章是退休医生Howard Tucker的演讲,讲述了他为什么退休后还坚持工作的原因。

2 . My name is Howard Tucker.

Studies have shown that keeping one’s brain stimulated may prevent many age-related cognitive impairments(认知伤害). I keep my brain stimulated by working, though for those who have retired or plan on retiring, a mentally stimulating hobby might be a suitable alternative. It is critical to know yourself and understand your limits and capabilities, but I firmly believe that retirement is the enemy of longevity (长寿).

With people continuing to live longer, it may soon be commonplace to see individuals working into their 80s, 90s and, in some cases, past 100, like me. I now spend my time teaching medical and law students at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland and I prioritize staying current with the latest trends in neurology (神经学), my area of specialization.

Over the years I’ve had to adapt frequently to the changing technology, which isn’t always easy for someone my age. Many doctors I’ve known simply retired because they did not want to learn how to use computers. But I believe that a desire to continue to learn is a must in one’s later years.

While technology has made a huge impact on the practice of medicine, I still urge my medical students to listen to patients, take a thorough patient history and look at the patient while questioning him/her. Then, I would have them look at the imaging studies.

I believe I am wiser now, in the sense I am less judgmental and more patient with my medical students who have forgotten how to take a thorough patient history, the most important part of the examination.

Of course, I’ve had to make adjustments over the years. Pacing is important. It feels like only yesterday that I would be going on rounds seeing patients in the hospital at 5:00 a. m. Now with my 102nd birthday less than two months away, I find myself sleeping in. But I wake up at 8:30 am, ready to face the day ahead of me.

1. What was Howard Tucker’s job in the past?
2. Why does Howard Tucker give the talk?
A.To celebrate his longevity.
B.To advocate lifetime learning.
C.To explain why he keeps working after retirement.
D.To clarify what is the most important in neurology.
3. How does Howard Tucker see technology?
A.Adapt to it as it is easy to learn.B.Learn it to avoid retirement.
C.Use it to replace old methods.D.Combine it with traditional ways.
4. What causes Howard Tucker to make adjustments over the years?
A.His ageB.His illness.C.His student.D.His sleep.
2024-07-06更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省常州市2023-2024学年高二下学期教育学会学业水平监测期末考英语试卷
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3 . Application Developer (SQL) — the Schindler Group

       General description

Remote Monitoring and Customer Solutions is the global competence centre within the Schindler Group for new service offerings and products. Our mission is to create technical solution implementations for the new business models and enhance customer experience by using cutting edge technology. We are developing digital products from idea to industrialization. To further strengthen our international team, we are looking for an experienced Application Developer with a focus on supporting mission critical SQL databases (SQL Server), with an application based on C#NET, SQL Server and Azure.

       Role and responsibilities

● Monitor and support databases including tuning, optimization, and ongoing maintenance.
● Develop high quality solutions, bug fixes and new features with the development teams.
● Support users by troubleshooting application issues, identifying root causes, and taking measures accordingly.
● Testing and debugging of new applications.

       Job Type: Permanent

We offer:
● Dynamic team, flat hierarchies (扁平化的管理制度) and direct communication
● Flexible working hours and home office
● Above-average retirement allowance and generous holiday entitlement We look forward to receiving your application!
1. What do we know about the Schindler Group?
A.It is a website.B.It provides digital service.
C.It is an advertising company.D.It provides a part-time position.
2. What quality must a job applicant have in order to get this job?
A.Technological ability.B.Ability to start new businesses.
C.Management experience.D.Experiences in international companies.
3. What benefit can you get from this job?
A.Free training on SQL.B.Below-average working hours.
C.Generous welfare, D, Remaining in the job permanently.
2024-07-06更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省常州市2023-2024学年高二下学期教育学会学业水平监测期末考英语试卷
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了在地球最偏远的地方之一——格陵兰岛最北部的Qaanaaq镇,Toku Oshima和来自达特茅斯学院的科学家及工程师们正在努力将可再生能源引入该镇,以应对由气候变化带来的挑战和能源安全问题。

4 . “There is no time out on the ice,” says Toku Oshima, “no calendar but the migrations of sea creatures.” She can hunt and fish the same way her ancestors did, traveling by dog sled and sleeping in the wooden hut. In Greenland’s northernmost town, the old ways are still alive.

But those ways are under threat. Human-caused climate change has disturbed weather patterns and pushed the rhythms of animals out of tune with the ice and sun. Residents struggle to earn a living through hunting and fishing, leaving them unable to afford the imported oil that keeps their homes warm and lit during the long arctic night. The high cost of electricity and heat has forced some people to abandon their traditional livelihoods—or to leave the town altogether.

“Qaanaaq residents should be able to heat their homes without sacrificing their culture,” Oshima said. But that will require them to abandon the culprit behind their challenges of climate change and energy security: fossil fuels. Instead, drawing power from local wind and sunshine can reduce the cost of living in Qaanaaq, easing financial pressures on residents who already live at the edge of survival and it can help the town do its part to control the planet-warming pollution that threatens its very existence.

Together with scientists and engineers from Dartmouth College, Oshima is working to bring renewable energy to one of the most remote places on Earth. The effort is in its infancy, with Oshima’s partners still development they hope to install. To succeed in such an isolated and harsh environment, they are leaning on the expertise of those who thrived in this landscape for generations. Each design is intended specifically for conditions in Qaanaaq and tested by the residents themselves.

Dartmouth College engineer Mary albert, the U.S. co-leader for the project, sees it as a potential model for sustainability efforts the world over. “It’s cogeneration of knowledge,” she said, “so Qaanaaq residents can continue to live where they want to live and how they want to live.”

1. Why do some residents leave the town altogether?
A.They lack living necessities.B.Fewer creatures can be hunted or fished.
C.They want to make a fortune.D.They can’t afford high cost of power.
2. What should Qaanaaq residents do to help their culture survive?
A.Avoid heating their home.B.Purchase imported oil.
C.Give up fossil fuels.D.Turn to experts for help.
3. How do scientists and engineers solve the problem?
A.By lessening residents’ living cost.B.By reducing air pollution.
C.By developing local alternative energy.D.By fixing some equipment.
4. What is the significance of the project?
A.Promoting Qaanaaq local culture and lifestyle.
B.Helping Qaanaaq residents get back home.
C.Developing sustainable energy for the world.
D.Embracing renewable energy to save culture.
2024-07-06更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省徐州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
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5 . You’d never mistake a goat for a dog, but on an unreasonably warm afternoon, I almost do. I’m on a farm in northern Germany, trying to keep my head due to work stress. Sixty Nigeria goats are taking turns crashing their horns (角) against wooden fences. Then, during the chaos, something remarkable happens. One of the animals raises her head and stares thoughtfully at me, her widely spaced eyes and odd pupils seeking to make contact — and perhaps even connection.

It’s a look we see in other humans, in our pets and in our primate (灵长类) relatives, but not in animals raised for food. Or maybe we just haven’t been looking hard enough.

That’s a cool idea here at Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), one of the world’s leading centers for exploring the minds of goats, pigs and other livestock. Scientists here are exploring the mental and emotional lives of animals we’ve lived with for thousands of years, yet, from a cognitive (认知的) perspective, know almost nothing about.

The work is part of an effort to overturn the idea that livestock are dumb and unworthy of scientific attention. Over the past decade, researchers at FBN and elsewhere have shown that pigs show signs of empathy and that goats match dogs in some tests of social intelligence. What shocks some experts is that cows can be potty (便盆) trained, suggesting a self-awareness behind the blank stares and chewing.

“There’s a lot to be learned by studying the mental lives of these creatures,” says Christopher, a Johns Hopkins university psychologist. Disregarding livestock, he says, has been a “missed opportunity” by the scientific community. The field faces challenges, however. Farm animals can be huge, many are hard to train, and traditional funders and standard journals have generally rejected such studies. But as scientists push past these obstacles, they are getting insights not only into minds of livestock, but into the evolution of our own cognition. What they learn could even change the way we house and treat these creatures.

1. Why does the author mention Nigeria goats?
A.To conserve wild life.B.To conduct researches.
C.To relieve work stress.D.To introduce livestock studies.
2. Which of the following has been confirmed by scientists?
A.Nigeria goats are mild animals.
B.Pigs can relate to others in some cases.
C.Goats beat dogs in some intelligence tests.
D.Self-awareness exists behind the goats’ blank stares.
3. Why are the farm animal studies ignored?
A.Farm animals are stupid.
B.These studies lack practical values.
C.Few sponsors are willing to fund those studies.
D.Farm animals are unworthy of scientific research.
4. What is Christopher’s attitude towards farm animal studies?
2024-07-06更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Mobile phones are set to be prohibited in schools across England as part of the government’s plan to minimize disturbance and improve behavior in classrooms. New mobile phones in schools guidance issued today backs headteachers in prohibiting the use of mobile phones throughout the school day, including at break times.

Many schools around the country are already prohibiting mobile phone use with great results. This guidance will ensure there is a uniform approach across all schools.

By the age of 12, 97% of children have their own mobile phone, according to Ofcom. Too much time spent on mobile phones in schools can lead to online bullying, distraction and classroom disturbance which, in turn, can lead to lost learning time.

Last year, UNESCO called for smartphones to be banned from schools as evidence showed it was linked to reduced educational performance and that too much screen time had a negative impact on children’s well-being.

Schools will be supported to prohibit mobile phone use with different approaches including banning phones from the school, handing in phones on arrival at school, and keeping phones securely locked away at school.

The guidance will respond to concerns from parents about mobile phones, with the latest data from Parent Kind’s National Parent Survey, revealing that 44% of parents are concerned about the amount of time their children spend on electronic devices, rising to 50% of parents of secondary school children.

“We are making long-term decisions to ensure all pupils have world class education. This guidance builds on that work which has delivered 89% of schools rated good or outstanding by Ofsted, up from just 68% in 2010. Our plan is working with school standards rising across the board. England has leveled up the international rankings for academic attainment through our multimillion-pound Maths and English program. We are now one of the top performing countries in the Western world for Maths and reading. The government will continue to build on this progress by delivering crucial reforms including by creating the Advanced British Standard.” Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said.

1. What does the underline word “uniform” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. Which of the following approach is NOT backed by the new guidance?
A.Introducing phone lockers in the school.B.Disabling the Internet access in the school.
C.Requiring students to hand in phones on campus.D.Restricting students from taking phones to school.
3. Which adjective can best describe the new guidance?
4. What is mainly talked about in the text?
A.Mobile phones use meets with opposition in British schools.
B.A new guidance of mobile phones in schools has come into effect.
C.British education has made great achievements in the past few years.
D.The British government rises to the challenges posed by parents actively.
2024-07-06更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . As someone who has been lucky enough to earn his living in the world of book reviewing, I've gradually developed a number of reading-related habits.     1    

When to read

I read from-morning till bedtime, with breaks for my job, family, exercise and household chores.     2     However, somehow they manage to spend three or more hours a day watching television or scrolling through social media on their phones. You pay   your money and you takes your choice.

Where to read

Realistically, the best place to read is at a table or desk with lots of good light. Other good locations include the public library, an outside table at a coffee shop away from background music and other customers, and the quiet car on the train to New York.     3     Trust me: You never will. Instead, as the Nike slogan says, Just Do It.

Be choosy, but not too choosy

    4     A book has to fit my mood or even the season. Spooky stories are for winter;   comic novels for spring. What’s more, I like to mix it up, the old with the new, a literary biography this week, a science fiction classic the next. I can adjust my expectations up or down but the book must be, on some level, exciting.


I can't open a book without a pencil either in my hand or nestled conveniently in that space between my right ear and skull. For a long time, my weapon of choice was a pencil, but it now tends to be a Paper Mate disposable mechanical pencil. I place two or three vertical lines next to key passages, scribble notes to myself in the margins. All these practices serve one end: to keep me actively engaged mentally with the words on the page.

A.Choose a proper tool
B.Be prepared to take notes
C.You probably do something similar.
D.I spend a lot of time hesitating about what to read next.
E.Many people complain that they have no time for books.
F.In truth, though, don't expect to find an ideal place to read.
G.I hope a few of my practices will be useful in your own reading life.
2024-07-05更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省徐州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . How to Overcome Challenges When Learning from Failure

Failure is a bitter pill to swallow, isn’t it? But, it’s often in the most difficult moments, in the ashes of defeat, that we find our greatest opportunities for growth.     1     This guide will look into the common challenges associated with learning from failure and how to overcome them.

Dealing with emotional stress and burnout

Failure often comes with a heavy emotional burden.     2     The first step in overcoming this challenge is acknowledging these emotions. It’s okay to feel disappointed — but don’t let your failure define you. Instead, view it as a temporary setback, not an endpoint.

Maintaining focus and vision

After a failure, it’s easy to lose sight of your original vision. But maintaining your focus on your long-term goals is critical. Take a step back, reflect on your vision, and rearrange your strategies accordingly. Yes, you might need to adjust your plans or timelines, but don’t let failure ruin your overall vision.     3    

Continuous learning and skill development

The greatest lesson from failure is the opportunity to learn. Develop a growth mindset and invest in continuous learning — attend workshops, read books, or take online courses.     4     Analyze your mistakes, draw lessons, and use those insights to refine your strategies. With each failure, you’re beginning with more experience.

Accepting failure as a pathway to success

    5     It’s merely a detour on the road to success. It offers an incomparable opportunity for growth and innovation. By addressing these challenges with the right mindset, you can transform your setbacks into comebacks and transform failure into your stepping-stone towards success.

A.Don’t forget that failure itself is a teacher.
B.Learning from failure can be complicated.
C.To strike this balance, make data-driven decisions.
D.Failure is not the opposite of success — it’s a part of it.
E.You can adapt to changes and avoid the same mistakes.
F.You kicked off this journey for a reason — hold onto that.
G.Feelings of inadequacy, stress, and fear can quickly lead to burnout.
2024-07-05更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述两个女孩Emma Bassermann和Zoe Ireland-Meklensek救助一对困于海中夫妇的故事。

9 . It was a warm but breezy afternoon. Belinda and Robert Stone were enjoying a peaceful afternoon. They decided to go for an ocean ______.

But the couple didn’t realize how ______ the current was until they noticed they were floating in the direction of the neighboring ______, so Belinda decided to swim toward the beach they came from, ______ the current. “I just couldn’t get anywhere,” said Belinda, 64,who began to scream out for a(n)______.

Two teenage girls — Emma Bassermann, 14, and Zoe Ireland-Meklensek, 13 — were boogie-boarding near the shore. Zoe heard Belinda’s cries for help and ______ her. The two girls swam toward her.

They quickly reached Belinda, and brought her to ______. Belinda, grateful but still______, again repeated that her husband was ______ farther out in the ocean. Then immediately the two girls swam off to get Robert.   “When we reached him, he was shocked, and he was really ______,”said Zoe, who reassured him that his wife was okay and he was going to be okay.

While they pulled him to shore, the current kept pulling them ______, but they kept going and going.   “Both of us together ______ a really good team,”   said Emma. ______ washed over   Belinda as the girls and Robert reached the shore.

“What really sticks in my mind is the ______ of those children,” said Belinda.   “They really were a couple of ______ on that beach.”

A.in confusionB.at a lossC.out of breathD.at sea
2024-07-05更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省徐州市2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One of my first nights on call started by responding to a message on my phone, and then I arrived at the animal hospital hurriedly.

I had been working as a veterinary (兽医的) nurse at a university hospital for only nine months. My job included assisting doctors in performing operations on animals. And I was already familiar with the basic operation procedure: preparing operation tools, giving anesthesia (麻醉), positioning the animal on the operation table, cleaning the injured part, and at last, attaching the steel plate to the broken bone.

On this particular night, the only information given was an emergency that needed my immediate attention. I was calm, yet anxious as I headed to the hospital. Shortly after arriving at the hospital, I found that two doctors and another nurse had just arrived. They were checking the patient in a stall (牲畜棚) near the operation room.

I entered the stall, surprised to find there stood a tiny horse. Obviously, she lived outside all year round. Her entire body was covered with caked-on mud. She looked normal. The only thing out of place was the unnatural angle at which she held her right back leg, which was injured. As I came closer, I realized she was shaking and sweating, even though the night was cool.

As I approached, I heard her family talking to her, their voices quiet and serious. “It’s okay, Doro. We love you. Doctors will fix you right up, ”said a small child. Her name was Daisy and the horse was 28-year-old with a broken leg. For a horse, such an injury usually means the death sentence. And Doro’s age was against her.

Her family included Mom, Dad, Daisy and her twin brothers, who were as worried as the little girl about the seriousness of the horse’s condition. Looking wide-eyed and frightened, Daisy turned to her father and asked, “Daddy, you won’t let Doro die, will you? ”That look in her eyes struck everyone’s heart. I knew we would be working all night to save Doro.

Soon, we anxiously prepared for the operation.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。

I rushed into Central Supply, the area where all our operation tools were kept.


“Doro has woken up and now you can see her. Come!” I cheerfully told the family.

2024-07-05更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省常州市2023-2024学年高二下学期教育学会学业水平监测期末考英语试卷
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