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1 . 国内某英文报社开设有专门帮助读者解决困惑的求助信箱(letters to Mr. Helper)。假如你是高三学生李华,请就以下学习生活中的烦恼,给Mr. Helper写一封信,寻求他的帮助。
注意: 1.为使语句连贯,可以适当增加细节;
Dear Mr. Helper,

I’m Li Hua, a Senior 3 student. Faced with great pressure in life, I’m writing to seek your help.


Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


2 . On Christmas Day in 2012, when I was fourteen, I didn’t get a single Christmas present. That wasn’t a _________. It was what I had _________. A week before Christmas, I decided that _________ presents, I wanted donations to buy presents for the children in the local orphanage (孤儿院).

When I told my family and friends about my plan, there were a lot of _________ but also support. However, it was only on Christmas Day that the reality hit me. When my baby sisters jumped out of bed, singing carols and opening presents, I lay there feeling _________ and making a list of all the things I really wanted for Christmas that year. I realized I had made a huge mistake.

As I _________ on the door of the orphanage that morning, I felt _________ because I realized how unprepared I was for what was _________. I even had the _________ of dropping the bags of presents outside the orphanage and________. I almost did, but then a kind woman opened the door and smiled when she __________ me in. I was taken to a room full of children, and was __________ angry at how empty it felt. I wanted the room to be filled with __________instead of fear. I wanted to make these children smile but I was __________.

But then something happened. As the workers in the orphanage __________ presents, the __________ in the room changed. I could see the __________ in the eyes of the children and their bodies filled with hope. I __________ feeling so powerless. A little girl, Diana, ran up to me and __________ my legs. I didn’t know I was crying __________ she asked me, “Auntie, why are you crying?” This only made me cry more.

A.asked forB.paid forC.sent forD.applied for
A.in search ofB.in case ofC.instead ofD.in addition to
A.gave upB.put awayC.put upD.gave out
2022-04-02更新 | 174次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届安徽省高考冲刺卷(一)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Zhang Fan, 36, a movie visual effects designer who returned to Beijing from New Zealand for work last year, was surprised by the improvement to the city’s air quality. “I remember the smell in the air and the frequent smoggy days before I left in 2013, after getting a job offer from a film company in New Zealand, ” he said. Last year, a Chinese company offered Zhang a more promising position, so he returned, saying that he could find more opportunities in his line of work in Beijing than elsewhere. In addition to rapid economic development in the Chinese capital, he said the most impressive change is the local air quality. “People discussed air pollution a lot when I was in Beijing previously. Now, it seems that the topic has disappeared completely, as every day is good in terms of air quality,” Zhang said. “The sky in Beijing these days is so clear. ”

On Jan. 4, the municipal authorities in Beijing announced a comprehensive success in improving air quality, with the city’s annual average concentration of PM2. 5 in the air, falling to 33 micrograms per cubic meter, and ozone (臭氧) concentration dropping to 149 mcg per cu m last year.

Yu Jianhua, spokesman for the Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau, said at a news conference, “This is a milestone for Beijing’s hard work in fighting air pollution and also means that the city has met its air quality target outlined in the 14th Five-Year Plan(2021-25) ahead of schedule. Beijing has demonstrated to the world over the past 20 years that a mega city with a rapidly increasing GDP, vehicle count, population and energy consumption can move forward to cut air pollution effectively. The PM2.5 reduction over the past few years has surpassed that of developed countries during the same period.

According to the Bureau, the city’s average concentration of PM2.5 dropped by 63 percent last year from 2013, an average annual reduction of about 8 percent. The city experienced 288 days of good air quality last year—up from 112 days in 2013—and just eight days of heavy air pollution. This achievement is clear to see and exciting, but it has not been easy work.

1. Why did Zhang Fan returned to Beijing?
A.He was tired of his life abroad.B.He has a deep affection for the city.
C.The city’s air quality has improved.D.A golden chance was offered to him.
2. How do the municipal authorities show the improvement to the city’s air quality?
A.By using examples.B.By using figures.
C.By offering experimental findings.D.By citing personal experience.
3. What does the underlined word “mega” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
2022-04-02更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届安徽省蚌埠市高三第三次教学质量检查(三模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Japanese automaker Toyota says it will team up with the country’s space agency to develop a vehicle called the Lunar Cruiser to explore the moon. The name comes from a popular Toyota vehicle called the Land Cruiser. The company said it plans to launch the vehicle in the late 2020s. After that, Toyota said the vehicle could assist people living on the moon by 2040 and could possibly be sent to Mars as well.

Takao Sato heads the company’s Lunar Cruiser project. He told The Associated Press the vehicle is based on the idea that people eat, work, sleep and communicate with others safely in cars. He hopes theLunar Cruiser can serve the same purpose in space. “We see space as an area for our once-in-a-century transformation, ” Sato said, “By going to space, we may be able to develop telecommunications and other technology that will prove valuable to human life. ”

Another company, Gitai Japan Inc., is partnering with Toyota to develop a robotic arm for the Lunar Cruiser. It will be designed to perform jobs such as carrying out inspections and maintaining the vehicle. The company said the arm will be built to work with different tools. These tools could be used to study the moon’s surface more closely.

Interest in space has been growing in Japan in recent years. Japanese space exploration company iSpace announced last April that it would transport an explorer belonging to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the moon in 2022. Japan’s iSpace will provide the lander to carry the UAE’s rover(探测器).

The company plans to launch the lander on a Falcon 9 rocket built by American company SpaceX. Japanese citizens followed the trip to space last year of billionaire Yusaku Maezawa. He spent 12 days aboard the International Space Station. Maezawa also plans in the future to orbit around the moon on a SpaceX’s Starship spacecraft.

Toyota engineer Shinichiro Noda said he thinks the lunar project can extend the company’s tradition of serving customers to a place beyond Earth. He said Toyota currently has vehicles almost everywhere. “But this is about taking our cars to somewhere we have never been, ” Noda said.

1. What’s the ultimate purpose of the Lunar Cruiser project?
A.To better human life.B.To make safe vehicles.
C.To prove the previous idea.D.To transform communication.
2. What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Japan’s enthusiasm in space.B.Japan’s achievements in space.
C.Japan’s potential in space travel.D.Japan ’s ambition to explore space.
3. What’ s Shinichiro Noda’s attitude towards the lunar project?
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Japanese Curiosity in Moon Travel Generated
B.Great Contribution Made in Exploring Mars
C.Rover Built by Toyota to Be Landed on Mars
D.Toyota to Help Develop Vehicle to Explore Moon
2022-04-02更新 | 270次组卷 | 4卷引用:2022届安徽省蚌埠市高三第三次教学质量检查(三模)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The “24 solar terms” are a vital part of the Chinese calendar, which has     1     (it) origin with the ancient Yellow River basin. The Chinese calendar     2     (include) “24 solar terms”provides detailed guidelines and timetable for agricultural     3     (activity).

A complete set of “24 solar terms” first     4     (appear) in an ancient book The Huainanzi in early Han Dynasty. These 24 solar terms were soon absorbed into The Taichu calendar, the first well documented calendar in     5     history of China.

The Chinese Agriculture Calendar is     6     (actual) a combination of the lunar and solar calendar systems. There     7     (be) 365. 2422 days in one “sidereal year” while 12 lunar months add up to 354 days. To make both the lunar calendar     8     the solar calendar agree, a leap lunar month needs to be added every 2 to 3 years. Since the early Han Dynasty, a lunar month without a major solar term     9     (adopt) as a leap month (闰月) .

With more far-reaching cultural exchanges, the “24 solar terms” have been known     10     people in other parts of the world and were added to the “UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage” list in 2016.

阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Recent research indicates that the ability to remain calm under pressure has a direct link with work performance. Talent Smart has conducted research on over a million people and found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress.     1    .

Research conducted at the University of California found that people who focused daily on feeling grateful for what they’d experienced improved moods, energy, and physical health.     2    , with them focusing the brain’s attention on something that is completely stress-free. Any positive thought will act to keep the brain's attention away from stress.

Taking regular time off to relax can help keep stress under control. Technology enables constant communication and the expectation that you should be available all the time.     3    . Turning off work emails and mobile phones provides a break from these possible sources of stress.

    4    , so an adequate amount of sleep is essential. During sleep the brain ‘recharges’, organizing the day’s memories and storing or abandoning them, so that you wake up clear-headed. Self-control, attention and memory are all reduced without enough sleep.

The easiest way to make stress off-and-off lies in something that people do every day: breathing. The practice of focusing on breathing teaches the brain to let go of stressful thoughts for a while. Close the door and just sit in a chair and breathe.     5    , which prevents the mind from wandering.

A.We should learn to take control
B.Sleep shortage raises stress levels
C.In addition, positive thoughts help reduce stress
D.However, this exposes people to stress more frequently
E.The goal is to spend the entire time focusing only on breathing
F.In the following section four effective ways to manage stress will be outlined
G.A big step in managing stress involves controlling your reactions to situations
2022-03-28更新 | 454次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022届安徽省安庆市高三第二次模拟考试(二模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Climate breakdown threatens to cause a global food production crisis. The UN forecasts that by 2050, feeding the world will require a 20% expansion in global water use for agriculture. It is hard to see how agriculture can feed the population of the planet, let alone toward the end of the century and beyond. Agriculture is a major cause of climate breakdown, and both river and air pollution. Industrial fishing is similarly driving ecological collapse in seas around the world.

However, at this critical time, farming (a new kind of food technology) is creating astonishing possibilities to save both people and the planet. Farming will enable the return of vast areas of land and sea to nature, greatly reducing carbon emissions (排放物). It means an end to the employment of animals, a stop to overfishing, and a dramatic reduction in cutting down forests and the use of pesticides (杀虫剂). It is the best hope for stopping the destruction of the planet and, if it is done right, it means cheap and abundant food for everyone.

We are about to welcome one of the biggest economic transformations, of any kind, for 200 years. Arguments continue about plants against meat-based diets; however, new technologies will soon make these arguments irrelevant. Before long, most food will come neither from animals nor plants, but from micro-organisms (微生物).

Not only will food be cheaper, it will also be healthier. Due to the fact that farming creates food products built up from simple components rather than broken down from complex ones, hard fats and other unhealthy components can be screened out. Meat will still be meat, but it will be grown in factories rather than in the bodies of animals. Fats will still be fats, but food is likely to be better, cheaper and much less damaging to the living planet.

1. What is the major cause of sea ecological breakdown?
A.Food production.B.Global farming.
C.Industrial fishing.D.Climate breakdown.
2. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us about farming?
A.Its benefits.B.Its security.C.Its research.D.Its limits.
3. What will provide the majority of food in the near future?
A.Sea animals.B.Wild plants.C.Micro-organisms.D.Farm products.
4. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude to farming?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Children are innocent and not so mature. They do not understand that advertisers try to push their products and market in such a way that children want to buy them. Children take everything at face value and believe without a doubt the messages in the advertisements. Advertisements are made in such a way as to attract the attention of children. Children do not understand it to be marketing strategy. Children are an extremely easy target audience and get easily carried away.

Research has shown that junk food advertisements influence children greatly leading to an increased demand for junk food by children. When children watch young adults in good shape eating junk foods in the advertisements, they assume that it is good for health. They do not know that junk food is not good for health. They are unaware of the fact that junk food does not contain nutritional value. They may even think that by eating these junk foods they might become like the thin and fit models in the advertisements.

A research conducted has shown that children increased their consumption of junk foods after seeing these advertisements. They are seen to be so influenced by these ads that they almost doubled their consumption of these unhealthy snacks and foods.

In a study they exposed children to candy commercials. It was seen that those children who were exposed to the candy commercials were highly influenced. In fact, these children chose candy over fruits as snacks. They preferred candy rather than a healthy food like fruits. When the commercials were eliminated(消除)and the children watched them less, it had a positive effect. It encouraged them to pick the fruits over the candy.

1. What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us?
A.Children are eager to watch advertisements.
B.Advertisements are focused on face value.
C.Children are easy to be impacted by advertisements.
D.Advertisements are mainly designed for young children.
2. How do advertisements attract children to junk food?
A.By using recent research findings.B.By using good images of models.
C.By introducing its nutritional value.D.By showing its increased demand.
3. Who is to mainly blame for the increasing consumption of junk foods?
4. How is the influence of advertisements on children shown in Paragraph 4?
A.By contrastB.By definitionC.By using figuresD.By reasoning
2022-01-24更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省蚌埠市2021-2022学年高三上学期第二次教学质量检查英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The Greenwood fire took its name from the nearby lake where lightning struck on Aug.15, causing a wildfire that burned for weeks. Fueled by drought and wind, its persistence dominated headlines for much of late summer and early fall in Minnesota. When the last flames were finally put out, the northern Minnesota fire had consumed nearly 27,000 acres, countless firefighting resources, and at its worst, the lives that some had built around nearby McDougal Lake. Vast areas of forest were left burned-out, with the black and bare remains of what were once massive pines.

But, despite the destruction left behind, Mother Nature is set to a comeback. When organic matter is burned from the forest floor, seeds dropped by plants and trees begin to take hold, with the sprouting species emerging first. The trees above have died, which sends a chemical signal to the root system that is actually more expansive than just under that tree, and that chemical response encourages those root systems to re-grow. Ten years ago, a fire ripped through 93,000 acres of Minnesota forest in and around the BWCA. Today, that burnt area's rebirth is well underway.

"Here in the Pagami Creek wildfire scar, we have Jack Pine, Red Pine, Black Spruce, Aspen and paper birch-those are our main species, those are the ones that are growing quickly. It's 10 years on, and these trees are 10 to 15 feet tall in many areas," said Kyle Stover from the U.S. Forest Service.

A wildfire kills most things in its path, but despite the flames and intense temperatures, rarely is everything reduced to ashes -and that plays a key role in a forest's regeneration. Just one year after the fire, the survivors dominate the forest, and grasses replace the burnt ground. Wildflowers are abundant bushes and small trees have started to grow, and Jack Pine returned. So, it's an amazing ecological system of creating new forest life when it appears that all is lost, one that has evolved throughout the ages, where fire has always played a vital role.

1. What can we learn about the Greenwood fire?
A.It was a natural occurrenceB.It was caused by drought.
C.it gained half-year fame.D.It took many people's lives.
2. What happens to the burnt area after the fire?
A.Seeding growth is held up.B.Burnt organic matter hardly functions.
C.Root systems spread further and widerD.Chemicals in the soil are in greater demand.
3. What can we say about the trees and plants in Minnesota?
A.They are flammableB.They are fire-resistant
C.They are fire-adapted.D.They are overgrown.
4. What does the underlined word "one" in the last paragraph refer to?
A.A fire.B.A lifeC.A time.D.A system
2022-01-24更新 | 169次组卷 | 2卷引用:安徽省淮南市2022届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题
完形填空(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . When I was in college, some of my classmates and I used to take the same bus to school. Gradually we became friends and had the _________ of eating street food every night while _________ the bus. We were all _________ students and usually had little pocket money, but we spent a lot without _________

There was one guy who seldom spent money and _________ telling us not to waste money. I understood his mindset,_________ my other friends didn’t. They started teasing him and made him feel _________ by giving him a nickname“Shylock”,the mean miser(吝啬鬼)in Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice. I really felt pity for him and often _________ to them,"Maybe there is a reason why he saves." However,every time I got the same _________ that they teased not only him,but also me. Although the boy felt bad at first,he decided not to take it __________ later. He still remained __________ no matter how they teased him.

They all thought he was mean. However, everyone changed their __________ later. It was on a fine day when my friend’s dad was in serious condition and __________ to be taken to hospital. Money was necessary but we had no money. It was he, "Shylock", that __________ my friend out by paying for the hospital fee. Besides that, one classmate who was __________ for GATE exam application fee also got his aid. He gave him money without thinking. All my remaining __________ were not able to show their faces to him because of __________

So, __________ all of them, I went to "Shylock" and said sorry. He said, "There’s no need to say sorry We are friends, although there are always __________ between us. Anyway, I'm more interested in giving than spending money __________ no matter what people think of me. "

A.waiting forB.getting onC.cleaning upD.keeping off
A.consideredB.admittedC.concentrated onD.insisted on
2022-01-20更新 | 127次组卷 | 2卷引用:安徽省宣城市2021-2022学年高三上学期期末调研英语考试
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