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阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Harry Potter movies are huge hits and loved by children all over the world. Kids can lose themselves in the wonderful world of magic while learning values that are important to them.

That's why Paula DuPre Pesman, the associate producer of the Harry Potter movies, found it so hard to leave this behind when choosing to start her organization There With Care that helps families with sick children.

Her move towards charity work did not happen by chance. While working on the set of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", Pesman received a call asking if she could realize the wish of a child, who was a fan named Gillian with a wish to see a movie about Harry Potter. Though such a wish seemed impossible to achieve, Pesman brought together the crew who together overcame the challenges and put together a rough-cut screening for the young girl.

Pesman's determination to help Gillian came from her own experience of living with her husband, who had fought and won the battle with cancer. Carrying out Gillian's wish enabled her to witness how powerful supporting a family in need can be. So she left the career she loved in 2005 to start her organization.

There With Care provides many services that families in need rarely find, such as transportation to and from the hospital, gas cards, deep cleaning services, clothing and meals, especially when kids are in hospital. Now the organization has helped over 4,000 families.

Looking back, she said, "In a way I think everything came together so that today we would be here helping. It gave us a new purpose and a new way of helping people."

1. Why does the author talk about Harry Potter movies in paragraph1?
A.To introduce a nonprofit organization.B.To prove the popularity of the movies.
C.To express admiration for Pesman's choice.D.To explain why Pesman quit as a producer.
2. What inspired Pesman to found There With Care?
A.The success of Hary Potter movies.B.The experience of realizing a girl's wish.
C.Her enthusiasm for helping the needy out.D.Her living with her cancer-suffering husband.
3. Which words can be used to describe Pesman?
A.Warm-hearted and generous.B.Hard-working and creative.
C.Strong-minded and ambitious.D.Easy-going and understanding.
4. Which will be the best title for the text?
A.A Sick Girl's Wish Finally Came TrueB.There With Care Was Born from Movies
C.Harry Potter Movies Helped Sick ChildrenD.A Producer Left Movies to Do Charitable Work
2021-08-22更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省商丘市名校2019-2020学年下期期末联考高二英语试题

2 . When I left a company and started my own business, I thought I had it all figured out. When I made the decision to change my________and get fit, I thought I was on the right track. And when I purchased a second business, I assumed I was doing the right thing.________never occurred to me. I was all about making things happen.

During the next three years, I was________with work. But the busier I got, the less I________to accomplish. I even felt emotionally and physically________. When I visited the doctor, I was diagnosed(诊断)with Graves' disease, a disorder with________like physical anxiety, tiredness, etc. Dr. Joy advised me to do some________on Graves' disease and slow down a little.

Following the doctor's advice, I surfed the Internet and learned Graves' disease is often caused and________by stress. "How is your stress level?" I asked myself. The following day, the________resurfaced (重新露面)when I came across an old friend. After exchanging________, Cindy said, "You've taken on a lot. You'd better slow down and relax yourself."

I smiled. "I have to________that some of those projects I'm juggling(兼顾)are starting to get________."

"So, stop juggling and put something________. It's OK to tell people 'no'." With these words, she went away.

I wrote down everything I was juggling. My calendar was so filled with duties that I________had time to relax. I examined the________. It was clear that I didn't want to do it all. So I________to have white space on my schedule. I________using an orange highlighter(高光笔) to block out time for myself to________and focus on what's important.

I've learned to be________to myself. Every day I spend some alone time doing something interesting to________myself, which plays a big part in my well-being.

A.Speeding upB.Slowing downC.Showing offD.Calming down
3 . China ________ Denmark by 10:9 on Sunday to win the bronze medal on the last day of the world Women’s Curling (冰壶) Championship in Denmark.

4 . When I was just a little boy, my mom and I drove to my grandpa' s sister's house in another town. I went outside to _________ in the yard while they all sat around the _________ table to talk. After over an hour's playing by only myself, I got _________ and walked inside to see what they were doing. _________ on the kitchen table was a large, homemade tapestry (挂毯) that was still being _________ together. Pieces of multicolored fabrics (织物) were put everywhere. I sat on a chair and _________ as my great aunt painstakingly sewed a little piece onto it. I looked over at one edge of the tapestry and saw a piece of thread _________ out. Without thinking I reached over to _________ it.

"No! Stop!" It was my grandpa's sister's _________. I jumped back. Seeing the __________ look on my face she smiled and __________ showed me why she had shouted. That single piece of __________ went in and out of the different pieces of fabric. If I had pulled it, I might have torn (扯破) the entire tapestry and __________ her hours of work.

As I __________ that moment today, I can see that our __________ is a lot like that thread. We are all just a single string (细绳) in the world. We can't always see where we are going or what we are __________ to. However, don't feel __________ in the tapestry of life. Accept your __________ in it willingly. You may only be a single piece of thread but your love and your life help to __________ the whole thing together. You are put here for a purpose. __________ it and live for it each day of your life.

A.take advantage ofB.look back onC.look forward toD.make up for
2021-07-28更新 | 79次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省平顶山市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Have you ever wondered how you should respond to your children's angry feelings and behaviors? Here are some practical tips that can help your children manage their anger.

Learn to let certain things go.

Do your children get in trouble with you if they cross their arms or yell about how life isn’t fair?     1     Children should have the right to express their anger, and it’s not going to come out in a mature(成熟的) way because their brains aren’t yet mature. This is hard even for adults sometimes!

Remember that their behavior is not a reflection of you.

Believing that your children's behavior is a symbol of how good or bad you are as a caregiver often makes you feel embarrassed and angry.     2     Instead, remind yourself that behavior communicates how a child feels under the surface. Kids who behave this way are not trying to torture(折磨) you; they're struggling emotionally ,and they need your help.


Children with anger problems get lectures and consequences all day long.     4     If your children frequently hit others when they are angry and instead choose to hit a pillow, wait until they’re calm, and then tell them how proud you are of their new behavior. They’ll be more likely to repeat the improved behavior in the future.

Set boundaries.

Although it’s crucial to stay calm and show compassion, that doesn't mean you should ignore unacceptable behaviors like damaging property or hurting others.     5     This can look like, “I'm not for hitting, but you can hit the pillow or the couch.”

A.Remain calm.
B.Praise any sign of progress.
C.Consider letting these behaviors go.
D.You may then react in ways you later regret.
E.They’re often hungry for adults to notice that they’re trying to change!
F.When your children do these things, give them an alternative (可替代的) way to let their anger go.
G.However, it’s not possible to help a child get calm when you are also reacting with anger!
2021-07-26更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南名校联盟2020-2021学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . To understand why humor is a kind of super food for the brain, you should know humor helps to know what our brains long for in the first place. You might think brains would prefer when we sit alone in a room and stare at a white wall—we don’t burn up much energy doing that. But the brain is like a muscle, and it needs exercise. What gives the brain a workout? Information. Humorous messages work best. When researchers asked people to look at a series of pictures while their brains were being scanned in a machine, it was the more complex pictures—a work of art, a group of animals that excited the neurons (神经元) in their heads most.

It’s the activity of those neurons, which, among other things, send and receive sensory information that “lights up” the scans in bright colors. In fact, there is an almost druglike effect taking place. The brain is filled with drug receptors (受体). Made of specialized proteins, these receptors stuck out of our neurons to pick up passing signals. The more neurons that are activated, the more pleasure we feel. In reality, learning and problem solving get us high as much as humor does.

Experts think that humor might feed the brain in much the same way that complex information does. People who study humor generally agree that most jokes are built around an improper, funny, surprising, or unusual combination of two basically different ideas. Humor has such great magic that we can develop it. We might as well start by telling jokes.

1. What can excite the brain neurons most?
A.Emptying the brain.B.A work of art.
C.A very simple picture.D.Staring at a white wall.
2. What do we know about drug receptors?
A.They can receive signals.B.They are machines.
C.They are electronic products.D.They can respond to proteins.
3. How can we make ourselves feel more enjoyment according to the text?
A.By ignoring problems.B.By eating enough food.
C.By making more neurons active.D.By taking more artificial drugs.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The function of the human brain.B.The effect of pictures on the brain.
C.The benefit of humor for the brain.D.The importance of ideas in jokes.
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . More and more interviews are being conducted via the Internet by way of your webcam(网络摄像头).However, due to the unfamiliar aspects of virtual interview ,these interactions (交流)can be challenging.

    1    However, there are several additional things you need to consider if scheduled for a virtual interview. Here are some key tips that help you present yourself at your best.

Make certain you are comfortable with the technology.     2    You’ll become the various technical aspects of virtual interviews so that you can believe in yourself and present yourself in a comfortable way.

Be sure your background is formal and neat. An untidy setting will give the impression that you’re disorganized and informal. So be certain to have your computer set up in an area where the background is as businesslike as possible.     3    

Eye contact can be skillful. This requires practice because most people firstly focus on the activity being shown on their own computer screens.     4    .It’s helpful to think of yourself as a television reporter and recognize that the camera represents your audience.

    5    . Be careful not to hunch (弓身)over your computer screen; remember to keep your body open; and try to make your gestures (手势)as natural as possible.

A.Watch your body language.
B.But technology has created a new and virtual idea.
C.They are popular because they save time and money.
D.The basic rules for successful interviews certainly apply.
E.You need to train yourself to fix your eyes on the camera.
F.Prepare and practice with an interview friend several times.
G.Also, make sure that your area is free from any interruptions or noise.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Though most dinosaurs are thought to have hunted primarily during the day, a little bird-like dinosaur may have been strictly a night hunter, a new study suggested.

The dinosaur, Shuvuuia deserti, was a small animal, about the size of a chicken, and it lived about 65 million years ago in the deserts of what is now Mongolia.

Shuvuuia's skeleton is among the most bizarre of all dinosaurs, the study said. It had a fragile, bird-like skull; strong arms with a single claw on each hand; and long legs. “ Acting at night, digging ability and long limbs are all features of animals that live in deserts today,“ said study lead author Jonah Choiniere, a University of the Witwatersrand scientist. “But it's surprising to see them all combined in a single dinosaur species that lived more than 65 million years ago." he added, “It had some of the largest pupils (瞳孔) ever measured in either birds or dinosaurs.”

“For many decades, dinosaurs were considered to be day-active,“ study coauthor Lars Schmitz, a biologist at the W.M. Keck Science Department in California, said in a statement. "Now we're adding new evidence that some small, predatory(食肉的)dinosaurs could have been night-active instead, which changes the thinking about dinosaurs."

The study investigated how vision and hearing abilities of dinosaurs and birds compared, and concluded that Shuvuuia's vision and hearing were not at all ideal for the daytime. Schmitz explained that the dinosaur's extraordinary hearing and night vision were beneficial for life in the desert, where high temperatures discouraged daytime hunting.

“We think it would have caught its prey — small mammals — at night when the temperatures were cooler, Schmitz told CNN.

The study was published Thursday in the peer-reviewed journal Science, a publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

1. What can we know about Shuvuuia deserti?
A.It was a bird hunting at night.
B.It only lived about 65 million years ago in Mongolia.
C.All the dinosaurs are thought to have hunted during the day.
D.It was a small animal whose size was probably the same as a chicken.
2. What does the underlined word “bizarre" in paragraph 3 refer to?
3. What can we learn from the study lead author Jonah Choiniere?
A.It is common to know all the features are combined in a single dinosaur species.
B.The dinosaur species has the largest pupils ever measured in either birds or dinosaurs.
C.All the features of animals living in deserts are acting at night, digging ability and long limbs.
D.The new evidence changes the thinking about dinosaurs.
4. What does the dinosaur's extraordinary hearing and night vision play a role in?
A.Hunting in complete darkness.
B.Getting more food to survive.
C.Helping them live in the desert.
D.Giving an example of how evolution functions.
2021-07-21更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南开封市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末统一检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In the Brazilian Amazon, a species of monkey called the pied tamarin(绢毛猴)is fighting for survival, threatened by habitat loss and urban development. But the severely endangered animals faces another enemy: the red - handed tamarin, a monkey that lives in the same region.

They compete for the same resources, and the red - handed tamarinds habitat range is expanding into that of the pied tamarins'. Their conflicts sometimes end in violent argument.

But in a recent study, scientists have discovered that the red - handed tamarin is changing its vocal calls to better communicate with the pied tamarin. Tainara Sobroza, an ecology Ph. D. student who worked on the study, says these calls are used to warn other species that they are invading their territory, or coming too close to a crucial survival resource. "When this happens? the two species usually engage in vocal battles," she says, which sometimes prevent the violent physical battles between the two species.

Researchers compared the change in calls to speaking with an accent, "They might need to say 'tomahto' instead of 'tomato — that's the kind of delicate difference in the accent, so that they can really understand each other," Jacob Dunn, a professor of evolutionary biology who worked on the study, told The Guardian.

When analyzing the vocal call of both species, the scientists discovered that the red - handed tamarins, new call has a narrower bandwidth (带宽)and an increased amplitude (振幅),making the sound clearer and the duration of the call longer. The result is a call that travels better through the thick forest.

The hope is that this work will help conservationists to better design reserves and other survival chances for the pied tamarins. And because these two species are so rarely seen physically in the same space, listening is one way to do that work. "We don't have to actually see,"   Sabroza says. "We can hear the ecological interaction. "

1. What do we know about the pied tamarins?
A.They are in danger of dying out.
B.They live in the urban areas.
C.They are competing with each other for survival.
D.They are invading the red - handed tamarin's habitat.
2. What is the purpose of the change in calls according to the survey?
A.To engage in physical battles.B.To better communicate with each other.
C.To make the sound louder.D.To survive in the thick forest.
3. What is the text mainly about?
A.Monkeys change their calls to communicate with their enemy.
B.Listening plays an important role in protecting ecology.
C.The pied tamarins, habitat is occupied by their enemy.
D.Habitat loss and urban development influence tamarins' survival .
4. Which section of a newspaper is this text probably from?
2021-07-20更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

What is 5G technology?

If you have     1     good knowledge of 4G technology, then just imagine something that    2    (give) you a thousand times more data volume(数据量)in the same time with higher speed and no waiting time.

You may think that sharing photos, watching     3     (movie) , working online with workmates, or having group video calls with faraway family is already pretty fast and pretty dependable. But when you use 5G technology, you're going to remember this post and be like, “Whoa — so that's what they were talking about!”

We're talking about data sharing     4     (fast) than the blink (眨眼)of an eye.

It's going to mean a lot for health care organizations and hospitals which will be able     5     (get) a sea of patient data at once and produce more personalized care for patients. One report     6     (make) by UC Berkeley even shows that 5G will     7     (tie) to a better medical environment and lower costs for patients. In     8    (educate), it means teachers can include VR technology into lessons, or prepare videos     9     students in seconds. Even preparing a 3D video will take less than a second, instead of ten minutes,     10     is pretty unbelievable.

2021-07-19更新 | 175次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省信阳市2020-2021学年高一下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题(含听力)
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