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语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

My relationship with needles was not very close. I only recently overcame my fear of getting my blood drawn. So when I     1    (offer) the opportunity to try acupuncture (针灸) for the first time for my anxiety and     2     (tense), I was uneasy.

Anyway, I tried out New York’s newly opened acupuncture studio, WTHN. The place is beautiful, simple but modern. My acupuncturist first inquired     3     I was looking to achieve by completing this session. Then I settled facedown onto the heated table and comfortably lay there     4    the guidance of the acupuncturist. She inserted (插入) hair – thin needles into my ankles and slowly worked her way up,     5     (hit) certain points throughout my body, until she arrived at my head. With each needle, I felt a bit of pressure, but no pain. After all needles were inserted, she explained that I was going to lie in     6     position for the next 20 – 25 minutes to let     7     (they) work magic.

The idea of needles being placed into certain parts of your body sounded like a horror film when     8     (describe) out loud for me; however, after trying acupuncture, I could tell you that it was     9     (complete) different. This approach allowed me to calm down totally     10     step away from the things that were causing me stress to focus on my health.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . There’s no better way for us to learn about the amazing creatures that share our planet than up - close and personal animal encounters.

Researching Ocean Creatures in the Maldives

The Marine Life Discovery Center in the Maldives is a great place to learn about all kinds of ocean animals. You can join the scientists and help protect the ocean environment. Moreover, the center runs a rescue program for sea turtles.

Helping Baby Elephants in Kenya

Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is children’s favorite place. This center is set up to save baby elephants, and visitors can interact with the babies while giving food to them. However, many other kinds of wildlife also end up here. This is a unique place to interact with African animals of all shapes and sizes.

Conserving Rhinos (犀牛) in South Africa

The two new Marataba Conservation Camps will give you new experiences. Visitors are expected to take part in all research projects and will see wildlife and get to collect related information. Rhino Conservation is at the heart of Marataba, which has wonderful views of the Waterberg Mountains.

Finding Rare Animals in New Zealand

New Zealand is filled with unique animals, like the tuatara, an animal that lived on Earth before the emergence of human civilization and its closest relative died out during the age of the dinosaurs. You can go to Southland Museum and Art Gallery to meet one or spot them in the wild on Tiritiri Matangi Island.

1. What can visitors do in the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary?
A.Feed baby elephants.B.Join in elephant rescue programs.
C.Carry out research projects.D.Interact with various unique animals.
2. Where are prehistoric animal lovers most likely to go?
A.Kenya.B.The Maldives.C.South Africa.D.New Zealand.
3. Why does the author write the text?
A.To introduce four special countries.B.To share the author’s animal encounters.
C.To recommend some wildlife trips.D.To raise awareness of animal protection.
2024-08-01更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省渭南市大荔县2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量检测英语试卷
书信写作-告知信 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom向你询问中国人如何庆祝元宵节的,请你给他写封回信。要点如下:
1. 节日时间;
2. 节日的庆祝活动;
3. 发出邀请。
1. 词数 100 左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Tom,


Li Hua

2024-07-22更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省渭南市蒲城县蒲城中学2023-2024学年高一下学期学业质量期中检测英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a sunny morning, when Jessie sat at her desk in Mrs. Williamson’s class. They were learning about science, which Jessie normally enjoyed. However, a bird stayed outside the classroom window, which Jessie’s desk was right next to. So it caught much of Jessie’s attention.

“Jessie, are you listening?” Mrs. Williamson’s question cut in Jessie’s thoughts.

Jessie turned to her teacher. “What was that?” she asked.

The teacher frowned (皱眉), saying it was the second time that morning that she hadn’t been listening and that she was supposed to do better. Jessie’s face turned red, thinking Mrs. Williamson shouldn’t have said that to her. Jessie couldn’t help it if the bird by her desk was distracting (分心) her.

When the bell rang for a break, the teacher stopped Jessie. “I hope you will think about what I said in class,” she told her. “A rule is a rule. And it’s important for everyone to follow the rules.”

Jessie nodded to show she understood, but she didn’t really take it seriously, still thinking Mrs. Williamson was being too strict. Then she rushed outside to play ball games with other kids. They first picked teams and made the rules for the game. According to the rules, when a team got two outs, they had to go to the outfield (外场).

Jessie’s team was in the outfield first. In the game, she tried her best. Soon, the other team got two outs, and then it was Jessie’s turn to kick the ball.

注意: 1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Instead of giving Jessie’s team a chance to score, the other team quit.


Jessie went to Mrs. Williamson’s office.

完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When my husband, Jerry, died of an illness, I became angry easily. I hated being _______ and soon a hard wall round my heart took shape.

One day, driving down a busy road in my town, I noticed a new fence(篱笆)being _______ round a home I’d always admired. A woman was _______ the flowers and cutting the grass at the back of the house. Each time I drove past the house, I watched the great _______ of the fence.

Another day, I pulled off the road to _______ the finished fence. The carpenter had done such a good job that I didn’t have the idea to _______ at once. I touched the fence. It still smelled of fresh paint. Over the low fence, I saw the woman _______ at the back. “Hi! I come to see your fence. It’s _______,” I called, waving. “Well, hey,” she smiled, as she stood up straight and cleaned the dirt on her hands.

She let me in and showed me around her _______. Then she explained. “The fence isn’t for me but for all the passers-by. I think they will ________ seeing something really pretty. Many people, like you, stop moving on and come to have a ________.” At the time of my leaving, she said, “Come back any time. And leave the gate of my garden ________ when you go out. It looks more friendly.”

I ________ left the gate half-opened and ________. Feeling something deep inside me, I made a ________ to leave the gate of my heart open for whatever might come my way.

A.pointing toB.tending toC.shouting atD.turning to
A.came downB.drove offC.broke outD.showed off
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . If you’re a teenager, starting good money habits now will put you ahead for the rest of your life.     1    

Understand the power of time.

    2     What matters is time. Let’s look at an example: At the end of your summer job, you have $1,000. You invest it at a rate of 5%. At the end of those 50 years, you will have $11,467.49.

Start a money saving habit.

If you start the habit of saving money now, that habit will always be with you. Every dollar you get, whether it’s a gift, an allowance, or pay from a job, get into the habit of saving a part of it. Half of it would be ideal.     3     The older you get, the harder it can seem to save even 10% of your money.


There is so much information available on the Internet. You can find articles that will teach you how to make $100 fast. There are also so many personal finance books to choose from to learn about where to start. You can talk to your parents for advice on money management, too.

Avoid FOMO.

FOMO means a fear of missing out on all the fun. You’ll think everyone is having more fun than you as a teenager. However, it’s important to give up what you want now for what you want most. What you want now is to take the money you made at your summer job and go on Spring Break.     5     But all of that will be true in time.

A.Add up all your bills.
B.It’s time to start now because you don’t have many expenses.
C.Seize chances to get educated.
D.Here are money tips for you.
E.Cash tends to burn a hole in our pockets.
F.You probably aren’t making a ton of money right now, but that doesn’t matter.
G.You may not like it when you’re eighteen.
2024-07-19更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省渭南市富平县2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Should humans explore space? If you ask me, I’ll definitely give a positive answer.

The exploration of space has a direct impact on the lives of humans, as well as the state of our world. Satellites moving around the earth enable communication across the world, connecting people of different continents and broadcasting information worldwide. The Global Positioning System (GPS) can identify our location anywhere. Furthermore, weather satellites can predict harmful weather conditions. It allows humans to prepare for deadly natural disasters and save lives.

Space programs can also indirectly contribute to the solution to poverty and world hunger. For example, large pieces of land could be used far better if humans applied technologies. The most effective tool is the artificial earth satellite. It can screen areas of land within a very short time, indicating useful measures such as the condition of crops, soil rainfall and droughts. It can then send this information to ground stations on the earth for better use.

Furthermore, access to better education means better life prospects and opportunities for human beings. Rural (乡村的) communities have disadvantaged access to education. And satellite communication technologies are trying to bridge this gap. With the development of technology, students can now access any information and connect with peers and teachers in different parts of the world through video conferences and the creation of virtual classrooms.

Space exploration is something we can do for future generations. Mankind is using the resources provided on the planet, but these will run out one day. Overpopulation can be a threat for all mankind. With the development of space technology, it will be wise to use and explore the vast potential of other planets, such as the availability of mining resources on asteroids or other planets.

1. What can space exploration do according to Paragraph 2?
A.Improve the traffic on the earth.
B.Promote travel between countries.
C.Help prevent deadly natural disasters.
D.Help humans communicate and exchange information.
2. How can space programs help with poverty and world hunger?
A.By benefiting crop production with artificial earth satellites.
B.By transporting food worldwide more easily.
C.By creating job opportunities for the poor.
D.By protecting available electricity resources.
3. What does the author think of exploring mining resources on other planets?
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Why Is Space Exploration Important?
B.Why Should Humankind Keep Thinking?
C.Why Should We Recover Space Technology?
D.Why Should Humans Keep Developing Technologies?
2024-07-19更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省渭南市富平县2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Colette Maze has been playing the piano for over a century. She practices four hours a day and her fingers never tire. Music is her spiritual food. The piano, her passion and her friend, instills a sense of wonder in life each day, making her a source of inspiration to all.

Colette Maze was born in Paris in 1914. She started playing the piano at the age of five. As a young student, she was taught a technique by the legendary piano master Alfred Cortot, which focuses on relaxing the arms and hands when playing. To this day, the manner in which Colette Maze touches the piano while playing the tender music of Robert Schumann and Claude Debussy is still unusual and attractive.

Contrary to the social conventions of the times, Maze decided to pursue music as a career. “She decided she was an artist, a musician, not a housewife, so she married the piano,” said her son Fabrice Maze. Later she became a piano teacher and a single mother with great difficulty. The piano always brings her solace. “Music is an affective language and a poetic language. In music, there is everything — nature, emotion, love, dreams,” Colette Maze said.

Colette Maze’s talent and enthusiasm are priceless, especially during the times of the pandemic. “She helps improve morale (士气). Though at an old age, she is in good form for she has passion and can look after herself. Her sense of humor, her joy and her love of life make other people smile,” Fabrice Maze said.

Colette Maze explained that life is not about being old or young. “Youth is inside us. Life is all about staying passionate and curious. You can’t let that slip away. If you appreciate what’s beautiful around you, you will find a sense of wonder in it,” she said.

1. How did Alfred Cortot influence Colette Maze?
A.He presented her with a special piano.
B.He invited famous pianists to train her.
C.He took her to enjoy piano concerts.
D.He taught her an approach to play the piano.
2. What does the underlined word “solace” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What can we learn from Fabrice Maze’s words in Paragraph 4?
A.Colette has been changed a lot by music.
B.Colette is highly valued by musicians.
C.Colette inspires others to live with strength.
D.Colette don’t care about others’ lives.
4. What lesson can we take from Colette Maze’s story?
A.Be active and passionate about life forever.
B.Family support is important to career success.
C.Repeat helps to promote excellence.
D.Communicating with masters always helps one become better.
2024-07-19更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省渭南市富平县2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . On Nov.13, 2023, the Kenyan government announced a surprise public holiday for a nationwide tree planting day, part of its plan to plant 15 billion trees by 2032.

“This Monday on Nov.13, the public across the country were expected to plant trees as a contribution to the national efforts to save our country from the terrible effects of climate change,” said Kindiki, the Home Minister of Kenya.

Kenya’s present forest coverage stands at about 7%. Deforestation speeds up climate change, which is worsening droughts in the Horn of Africa, including Kenya, where rains have failed for five seasons in a row. So the government has set aside more than $ 80 million this year, managing to augment tree coverage to more than 10%.

“It is a moment for Kenyans to stand together in the defense of our environment,” said Soipan Tuya, the Environment Minister. He referred to the day as “a ‘hummingbird(s)’ contribution day”. Hummingbirds are small birds, but they play an important part in the environment by pollinating(授粉)flowers.

He added, “Having been planting trees for most of my life, I thought I was doing rather well, but the government’s plan to plant 15 billion trees by 2032 was ‘an unprecedented(史无前例的)show of promise by the government towards our climate action duties.’”

1. What is the purpose of the public holiday?
A.To increase economic income.B.To encourage people to plant trees.
C.To allow people to get more rest.D.To remind people to get close to nature.
2. Which word is the closest in meaning to “augment” in paragraph 3?
3. What does Soipan Tuya want to say by referring to the day as “a ‘hummingbird’ contribution day”?
A.We should get on well with birds.B.No contribution is too small to leave an impact.
C.Each animal is important to nature.D.It is time to protect hummingbirds.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Kenya Is Taking Action to Protect Wildlife
B.Kenya Is in Face of Environmental Problems
C.Kenya Improves Relationships with Their Neighbors
D.Kenya Surprises the Public with a Holiday to Plant Trees
完形填空(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要说明了Kristin Schell用桌子加强了社区之间的联系,文章还介绍了活动创立的经过和感想。

10 . Kristin moved to a new home in Austin, Texas. One day, Kristin needed backyard furniture for a _________ and bought some decorations and a picnic table from Low’s. The delivery driver set the table Joavii in her front yard by mistake. It gave Kristin a(n) _________ to make good use of it. “After the party, I _________ the table green and put it in the front yard, just a few feet from the sidewalk,” she says.

Neighbors began to _________ to introduce themselves and sit down for a chat. Kristin invited people to join her at the table for coffee or iced tea. “It was a _________ way to slow down and connect with others. It only takes you a little.” she says. The table was _________ and had a communal (共用的) sense.

Construction workers on _________ in the neighborhood took their lunch breaks at the table. A babysitter walking by with young kids sat down to _________.

People often _________ to invite others into their homes. They think their house is too messy, not big enough or they don’t have enough time. “Our perfectionism (完美主义) can __________ us to miss out on the joy of connecting with others,” Kristin says. Her picnic table takes away the __________ — and the pressure.

“I’ve learned that hospitality (热情) doesn’t always mean __________ people to a meal or a big party. At the picnic table, all I have to do is to __________. “She likes how it makes her take a small __________ toward reducing lonelines and building relationships in her __________. “People’s greatest need is to know that they are loved and that they belong,” she says.

A.bring aboutB.stir upC.stand upD.stop by
A.show upB.catch upC.pick upD.take up
2024-07-17更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省渭南市富平县2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般