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1 . Like many great ideas, Mahoney’s started small. In 2014, a friend invited her to perform an act of kindness to old men as a Facebook challenge. So Wagner occurred to her, a kind senior who was not only busy helping young people in_________, but also_________at the homeless shelter.

Mahoney wanted to_________Wagner better, so she asked to_________a day together. “It was the first time in years that someone had made a day about him,” says Mahoney. Their_________one-day experience made Mahoney think: How many other seniors might_________that kind of devoted attention? And had some seniors delayed their own dreams because they had been_________busy caring for others?

At the time, there was a student named Chisholm_________at the pub. He was_________interested, so they made a plan: to find local seniors with long time dreams and realize them. They soon settled on a(n)____________for their new charity: We Are Young, or WAY for____________.

By 2017, after organizing golf tournaments to____________funds, they were ready to realize their first wish. Since then, WAY has realized 38 dreams____________from taking a helicopter trip to____________ a football game in Qatar. Seniors can apply; wishes are then assessed by a committee that looks at factors such as____________conditions and financial need.

Although their____________operates only in Nova Scotia, each WAY wish is recorded and spread through a video. Mahoney and Chisholm have their own____________— the pair want people to be____________to realize a dream for a senior. “We want to create a nationwide movement that____________how we view and support seniors,” says Mahoney. “That is considered our social mission, and that is the difference our organization is trying to make to the____________.”

A.pay forB.take overC.count onD.benefit from
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Leave a book in a public place, so that someone else can pick it up and read it, then leave it again for another person. In an ideal situation, the book, once brought into the bookcrossing movement, can travel for years.     1    

One can always go through bookshelves and find a few books that do not quite belong there anymore.     2    Quite the opposite, bookcrossing is about giving books which you no longer like a new life. Someone will certainly like the books you did not enjoy.

After choosing the book you want to share with others, use its ISBN code or a title and register it at the official bookcrossing site.     3    Either print a label or write the rules of bookcrossing on the first page of the book. Include the unique code.

    4    In big cities, there may be special bookcrossing zones that cafes and libraries choose to open. However, it is a frequent practice to leave books “in the wild”: on a bench in a park, or in a tourist spot. It is a good idea to pack the book in a transparent plastic bag, in case of the bad weather.

Once the book has been found and registered, you will get e-mails. You will keep getting them every time someone finds your book in the future. Since its launch in 2003,the movement has gathered over a million members who have sent almost eleven million books out to travel.     5    A very noble goal, indeed!

A.Leave the book somewhere in public.
B.Attract the attention of potential readers.
C.Its purpose is to connect people through books.
D.You will get a unique code for the book from the site.
E.Are some authors fond of sending their own books around?
F.Must you contribute your favourite books to bookcrossing?
G.And it changes owners around the world and spreads love for reading.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The first person to live to 150 may already have been born, according to scientists. Worldwide life expectancy has more than doubled in the last 200 years and recent research shows it yet to reach a peak. So, what will life look like living to see your great-great-grandchildren and beyond?

Longevity (长寿) is one of the modern world’s great successes and science is beginning to find evidence that our genes have a lot to do with whether we will live a longer life. Researchers at Harvard Medical School in the US are convinced they have found a so-called “longevity gene” and are testing whether the addition of this gene to mice extends their lives. The long-term aim is to find a way of controlling the gene to add an extra decade or two to human life with gene therapy.

But, what other factors can you adopt now to extend your life? Firstly, exercise regularly. Just 30 minutes of gentle exercise three times a week can add years to our life expectancy. Secondly, a little of what you like does you good! Scientists believe that having small amounts of things we would normally classify as harmful might be good for us, such as chocolate, coffee or sunbathing! Thirdly, where you live can influence your life. So try to live somewhere peaceful and quiet where you get on with your neighbours.

Other factors include eating a healthy diet high in fruit, vegetables, fibre and Omega-3 oils, and keeping an active mind. A sense of community can help too, keeping in touch with family and friends.

So, living to 150 might be a realistic expectation for teenagers today thanks to future scientific advances. There is a certain amount of destiny with the genes you are born with but also you can help yourself by ensuring you stay fit and healthy for longer.

1. What do researchers at Harvard focus on?
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Supporting evidence for the research of genes.
B.Potential application of the research in Harvard.
C.A further explanation of the factors of longevity.
D.A reasonable doubt about the factors of longevity.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards living to 150?
4. Which can be a suitable title of the text?
A.How to Live to 150B.Genes Decide Lifetime
C.Stay Healthy by ExerciseD.The Importance of Healthy Living
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Hundreds of little robots are rolling around colleges and cities in the United States, Britain and elsewhere. The robots, about 50 centimeters tall, are bringing food like pizza to hungry students.

The Starship robots were being tested in limited numbers before the pandemic started. But pandemic-related worker shortages and a desire for contactless delivery have expanded their use. “We saw demand for robot usage just go through the ceiling,” said Alastair. He is the head of Starship Technologies,whose robots recently made their 2 millionth delivery. “I think demand was always there, but it was brought forward by the pandemic effect.”

The Starship robots use cameras, sensors and GPS to move around and even cross streets on their own at the speed of 8 kilometers per hour. Operators keep watch on several robots at a time but they say they rarely need to stop or move them around a barrier. When a robot arrives, people enter a code from their phones to open the robot and get their food.

There are some limitations for now. The Starship robots have to be recharged regularly. They are slow and cannot travel far. They cannot leave food at the door. And big cities like New York and London are not welcoming them.

Maloney is the vice president at Domino’s Pizza. His company is testing robots from Nuro, a California-based company. The Nuro robots are about 1.8 meters tall and can travel at a top speed of 40 kilometers on streets, not sidewalks. Maloney said Nuro delivery costs more than using human drivers for now. But as the technology gets more popular, the costs will go down.

Witcher is a technology expert with Forrester. He said it is easy to get excited about robots. But they will need to prove to companies they are better than human delivery drivers. It is “the right time and place for companies considering robots to test them and learn from them and do their own evaluation.”

1. What does the underlined phrase “go through the ceiling” in par graph 2 mean?
A.Stay steady.B.Change quickly.
C.Increase rapidly.D.Decline gradually.
2. What can we learn about the Starship robots?
A.They are popular in large cities.
B.They can cross streets on their own.
C.They should be recharged frequently.
D.They travel at a speed of 18 km per hour.
3. What does Maloney think of Nuro delivery?
A.It is cheap.B.It is promising.
C.It isn’t fast enough.D.It isn’t worth testing.
4. Which statement will Witcher probably agree with?
A.Robots should be tested and evaluated.
B.Robots should be applied in villages soon.
C.Robots should be put into massive production.
D.Robots are less popular because of the pandemic.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . For Jeannie, a mother of three living in New York City, kindness starts first thing in the morning. Though she doesn’t work until the afternoon, she gets up around 5 a.m. to spend some quality family time around the kitchen table before seeing her daughter off to school.

Jeannie makes a point to add kindness to every aspect of her life, from being a community member to parenting to her job. “I want to be a living example not just to my kids, but to anyone I come across,” she says. “I don’t wait to be kind. I just go forward.”

Growing up, Jeannie’s mother taught her the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. Today, she has conveyed similar values to her own children. “And when we go grocery shopping, we always buy some extra food that we can offer to anyone we see who might be hungry.” she says.

Kindness comes in handy in Jeannie’s place of work, too. “I deal with various attitudes every single day,” she laughs. “I’m the one residents call when they need help. It’s important that they know that I’m there to listen and that I’m going to take care of them as quickly as possible.”

Not only does Jeannie’s family inspire her to be kind, but her community does, too. “I see little acts of kindness that continue to grow,” Jeannie explains. “Watching someone offer their seat to an elderly person or someone with a disability, or help someone else carry a stroller or shopping cart up the stairs - that’s how I grew up. Making the best of any and every situation, especially for others.”

1. Why does Jeannie get up as early as 5 a.m.?
A.To go to work early.B.To drive her daughter to school.
C.To help others in her community.D.To prepare breakfast for her family.
2. What does Jeannie do to help others?
A.By offering seats to others.B.By carrying a stroller for others.
C.By buying extra food for others.D.By cooking for homeless people.
3. What can we learn about Jeannie?
A.She’s the owner of a grocery store.B.She buys some extra food for herself.
C.She’s a mother of three college students.D.She’s always ready to help others in need.
4. What can be inferred about Jeannie’s community?
A.People there are friendly and nice.B.It is very convenient to shop there.
C.There are many elderly people there.D.The disabled are treated unfairly there.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Four Stylish Cottages to Book

Church Cottage

This three-bedroom cottage is just two minutes from the South West Coast Path. Enjoy magnificent views and cool air then return home to the comforts of handmade bedding and underfloor heating. The artwork is a highlight — there’s a selection of carefully chosen pieces by young British artists hanging on the cottage’s walls.

Details: Three nights £400 (churchcottage.cornwall.com)

Little Nut Cottage

A wood-burning stove and a hot tub for warming up after a hike around the hills-all the essentials are here at this cottage. There are many non-essentials, too, from an electric car-charging point to smart TVs. With high-tech facilities for entertaining, it’s probably one for a grown-up rather than a trip with kids.

Details: Three nights £ 600 (littlenutcottage.co.uk)

Henllys Farmhouse

This historic farmhouse is perfect for larger groups, sleeping 14 and with enough room to allow everyone their own space. It’s within walking distance of beautiful beaches, hills or autumnal woodland. Newport is nearby for shops, where you can have a delicious dinner.

Details: Three nights £ 700 (airbnb.co.uk)

The Craftsman Barn

It stands in a little comer of Praktyka, a farm near Bideford. Co-owner Ania offers jewellery-making workshops, but guests are encouraged to explore whatever creative pursuits they fancy.

Details: Two nights £ 200 (praktyka.co.uk)

1. Which cottage is a good choice for an art-lover?
A.Church Cottage.B.Little Nut Cottage.
C.Henllys Farmhouse.D.The Craftsman Barn.
2. What can people probably do at the Little Nut Cottage?
A.Buy special jewellery.B.Have a delicious dinner.
C.Enjoy hand-made bedding.D.Entertain with high-tech devices.
3. Which website can you visit to learn about the cheapest cottage?
A. airbnb.co.ukB. praktyka.co.uk
C. lttlenutcottage.co.ukD. churchcottage.cormwall.com
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The moonlight poured in through the windows, lighting the room. Oliver was sitting at the table, totally _________ in his book. Oliver was a book_________ . He read books whenever he could. Grandma Agnes felt _________ Oliver when she heard him talk _________ about the books he read because they were poor. She knew the money she gave him for lunch was_________on those books instead.

The next day, on the bus, Oliver was reading his storybook again when he heard a noise and _________his eyes. He saw the bus driver_________ at a blind older woman. She _________ to the driver that her daughter was ill in hospital, and that she _________ to bring her purse. The driver mistakenly believed that she was making __________ to avoid paying the bus ticket! Knowing she wouldn’t be able to __________the driver, the older woman was about to get off the bus, when Oliver __________.

“I’ll pay for her fare, sir!” he said. Then Oliver helped the __________ older woman into the seat next to him and paid her fare. When he __________ to his seat, the woman said to him, “Thank you, little kid, you have a sweet voice!”

“I’m a big boy! And my name is Oliver,” Oliver said __________.

“I’m Mary,” the older woman __________ herself and expressed her __________ for helping her. Although Oliver had planned to use the money to buy the next book in the series he was reading, he couldn’t __________ to see Mary in trouble.

They had a __________ before Oliver’s stop arrived. Oliver liked Mary. She __________ him of Grandma Agnes. When he talked with her, she listened to him with the same patience as Grandma Agnes.

A.happy aboutB.surprised atC.satisfied withD.sorry for
A.turned downB.gave upC.stepped inD.woke up
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . For most people, one of the hardest things to deal with is when someone they love is in emotional pain and they simply don’t know how to help. Actually, it can be a challenge to figure out what to say to your loved ones as they struggle with an emotional blow. But don’t worry too much.     1     You can try the following tips.

Focus on the person’s feelings. Don’t mention the time that you went through a similar experience and pulled through it. It won’t help most people. Instead, let them know that you are sad that they are sad.     2     Even if your friend just lost their grandma and you lost your grandma several years ago, everything can be different.

    3     Make a compassionate(有同情心的) statement and then just sit quietly. Let your loved one talk if they want to. Or you can just give them a hug and let them relax, knowing you are there for them. Instead of offering statements that you think are comforting, stay silent and let them start a conversation if they want one.

Don’t add your opinion. Part of learning how to comfort someone is not to give advice. Even if you think you have the perfect solution to the problem, don’t offer it. Every single person is different. Your loved one has different weaknesses and strengths than you or another friend that has gone through the same thing.     4    

Provide practical help. If you are concerned about how to comfort someone, you can just find some daily stuff to help your loved one.     5     Don’t be afraid to consistently offer the same type of help, such as bringing dinner the same night of every week.

A.Don’t focus on you.
B.Just listen and don’t talk.
C.Remember that no two experiences are the same.
D.They want to talk about what’s happening in the present.
E.Therefore, don’t offer advice unless your loved one asks.
F.This is a great way to show your friend that they can count on you.
G.Simply listening and focusing on your loved one can make a big difference.
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Researchers say they have found microplastics (微塑料) -tiny pieces of plastic that come as a result of the disposal of industrial waste-deep in the lungs of living     1     (human) for the first time.

The research, which     2     (publish) in the journal Science of the Total Environment last week, is the first study     3     (identify) the plastics in the lungs of living people. The plastics have     4     (previous) been found in human blood, waste and in the depths of the ocean.

In the study, researchers     5     (collect) lung tissue from surgical procedures on patients as part of their routine medical care. Researchers identified 12 types of microplastics,     6     are commonly found in bottles, packaging, and clothing, along with other manufacturing processes.

The study notes     7     “increasing concern” with the harm that could come with swallowing and breathing in microplastics.

The world produces about 300 million metric tons of plastic a year and about 80% ends     8     in landfills and other parts of the environment. Microplastics can range from 10 nano-meters-    9     (small) than the human eye can see-to 5 millimeters in diameter, about the size of the eraser on the end of a pencil. Researchers have found them     10     (float) in the air, in tap or bottled water, and in the sea or soil.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Science reporting on climate change does lead Americans to adopt more accurate beliefs and support government action on the issue, but these gains are fragile, a new study suggests. Researchers found that these accurate beliefs fade quickly when people are exposed to coverage skeptical of climate change.

“It is not the case that the American public does not respond to scientifically informed reporting when they are exposed to it,” said Thomas Wood, associate professor of political science at the Ohio State University. “But even truly accurate science reporting recedes from people’s frame of reference very quickly.”

Results showed that accurate science reporting didn’t persuade only politicians and people who initially rejected human-caused climate change also had their opinions shifted by reading accurate articles. The study involved 2,898 online participants who participated in four waves of the experiment during the fall of 2020.

In the first wave, they all read authentic articles in the popular media that provided information reflecting the seientifie views on climate change. In the second and third waves, they read either another scientific article, an opinion article that was skeptical of climate science, or an article on an unrelated subjeet. In the fourth wave, the participants simply were asked their beliefs about the science of climate change and their policy attitudes.

To rate participants’ scientific understanding. the researchers asked after each wave if they believed that climate change is happening and has a human cause. To measure their attitudes, researchers asked participants if they favored government action on climate change and if they favored renewable energy.

“What we found suggests that people need to hear the same accurate messages about climate change again and again. If they only hear it once, it recedes very quickly,” Wood said. It was significant that accurate reporting had positive effects on all groups, including those who originally rejected climate change. But it was even more encouraging that it affected attitudes.

1. What does the underlined word “recedes” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us?
A.The research object.B.The research result.
C.The research purpose.D.The research procedure.
3. Why did researchers ask participants the second question?
A.To survey the government’s satisfaction rate.
B.To make an assessment on their attitudes.
C.To teach them scientific understanding.
D.To measure action on climate change.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Science Report Of Climate Change Can Affect Minds
B.Online Participants Joined In A Four-Wave Experiment
C.Accurate Science Reporting Don’t Persuade Only Politicians
D.People Should Hear Accurate Messages About Climate Change
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