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阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . Going into my Ph. D. program, I knew I loved to communicate science to the public as much as I liked doing science. But research soon consumed most of my time. Gradually, I felt I was losing touch with the bigger picture of why science matters.

To escape, I spent a weekend with some friends. They were excited to share stories about the latest books they’d consumed. But I couldn’t remember the last book I had read for fun. And I found myself mostly talking about my research. As I struggled to convey its broader relevance, I noticed the enthusiasm in my voice disappeared. “Is my Ph. D. killing my love of science?” I thought. I knew I had been living in a scientific bubble(泡泡), but that bubble seemed to grow smaller and smaller as the weekend progressed.

When I returned home. I resolved to read more for pleasure. I was recommended a science fiction book, so I started with that. It was like nothing I had ever read before. I was really into it. I was blown away by the scientifically reasonable technologies and scenes. It was refreshing to think about science in a new way.

I kept reading science fiction in the years after I finished my Ph. D. But I still hadn’t gotten back to communicating science to the public. Then, one night I found myself in a conversation with my new colleagues about science fiction concepts. One invited me to speak at the pop culture lecture.

When the day came. I felt nervous until I saw the eager attendees. After I finished, I was surrounded with enthusiastic audience. It suddenly occurred to me that this was my path back to science communication. Since then, I’ve given more than 20 talks, exploring concepts like genetic engineering and brain-machine interfaces.

For young researchers. it’s easy to slide into a scientific bubble. I’m glad science fiction gave me a way to break out. It not only provided something fun to do in my spare time. It also helped me professionally, fueling my ability to communicate the wonders of science to the public.

1. What did the author realize at that weekend?
A.He couldn’t fit in a new environment.B.His memory was declining with time.
C.He lost passion for science communication.D.His knowledge was only a scientific bubble.
2. Why did the author like science fiction?
A.He wanted to find inspirations from it.B.He wanted to put his knowledge to use.
C.It could explain many physical phenomena.D.It offered him a new angle to look at science.
3. Which word can be used to describe the lecture?
4. What is the aim of this passage?
A.To introduce science fiction.B.To prove how important science is.
C.To emphasize the author’s love for science.D.To show how science fiction helped the author.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Welcome

This brochure offers a short introduction to St John’s College as you follow the tourist route through the College. A full guide about the College, its buildings and its history, may also be purchased from the Porters’ Lodge. We welcome visitors, but please remember that the College is a place where researchers and students live and work. Please keep to the route marked on the attached map, follow instructions from our staff, and do not go anywhere marked “private”.

First Court

Much of the College is made up of quadrangles(四方院) or “courts”. There are three running west to east from the Great Gate to the river, known simply as First, Second and Third. First Court was built in 1511 to the south of the old hospital and contained living quarters, the original chapel(小教堂), library, hall and kitchens.

The Chapel

The 19th century chapel was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott, apart from the tower which was an afterthought made possible by a former member of St John’s College called Henry Hoare, who unfortunately died before he could pay for it all!

Chapel Court

The style of Chapel Court in the south range is Tudor, the west range Victorian and the remainder built by Sir Edward Maufe in 1938-40. Part of the west range was transformed into a new College library in 1994. The arms above the archway in the centre of the north range are those of John Fisher, carved by the famous sculptor, Eric Gill, who favors Catholic methods.

1. When touring in the St John’s College, what should visitors remember?
A.Private places are not accessible to tourists.
B.Tourists can choose specific routes randomly.
C.A full guide of the College is provided for free.
D.Researchers and students can be tourists’ guides.
2. What can be inferred about Chapel Court?
A.It is primarily a modern structure.
B.It integrates the artistic elements from the east.
C.It features a mix of different architectural styles.
D.It is a single-style building with minor alterations.
3. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A history book.B.A visitor guide.
C.An academic paper.D.An architecture magazine.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Dust off your suitcase to set up your out - of - office. The UK has some hidden places worthy of a short vacation. The following are the stylish accommodations you can choose during your vacation.

The Cow Shed in Woodbridge

Mixing caravan (大篷车) life and camping together, the Cow Shed could only be designed in a child’s imagination. And of course, it’s situated on a farm to provide the full experience. It sleeps up to four guests, with the interior giving you warm, rustic (淳朴的) atmosphere. Toilet and shower facilities are located on the grounds.

The Badger Pod in Achiltibuie

If you really fancy going off- grid (脱离电网), this Badger Pod in Achiltibuie, Scotland, is the place for you. A small, remote village on the North - West coast of the Scottish Highlands, you’ll be far away from all your day - to - day stresses. Sleeping two guests in an outsized bed, it is perfect for a couple’s retreat away from the family.

The Moon Conker in Llanafan- fawr

Located in a small rural village in Wales, the Moon Conker is the perfect place to unwind and rest away from busy day - to - day life and be at one with nature. Sleeping two guests in a super king - sized bed for extra comfort, you can observe the night sky through one of the many skylights in the Conker.

The Riverside Cabin in Cornwall

Found right on the edge of a stream in prime, picturesque Cornish countryside, the Riverside Cabin is the kind of delightful escape many people dream of. This place is cosy yet airy. It’s just a 20- minute drive to Falmouth, an art y coastal town that’s full of small independent bars and restaurants.

1. What is special about the Cow Shed in Woodbridge?
A.It is located on a farm.B.Its toilet is put on the grounds.
C.It has home y atmosphere.D.It combines caravan life with camping.
2. What do the four places have in common?
A.They are on the coast.B.They sleep up to four guests.
C.They are imaginative in shapes.D.They allow travelers to embrace nature.
3. Where can the text be found?
A.In a history book.B.In a travel brochure.
C.In a geography magazine.D.In an adventurous story.
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is TRUE about the man’s job?
A.The salary is good.B.He enjoys the job.C.The working hours are convenient.
2. Why does the man want to be a male nurse?
A.He wants to help sick people.
B.He wants to earn money from sick people.
C.He can’t get any other job.
7日内更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省九江市武宁县振风高级中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What was the woman trying to do?
A.Enroll in classes.B.Get a new phone.C.Ask her friend for help.
2. What does the man suggest?
A.She should wait till later.
B.She should change her plan.
C.She should see her teacher.
3. How does the woman think of the man?
A.He is lucky.B.He has bad luck.C.He is in trouble.
7日内更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省九江市匡庐星瀚高级中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Volunteer Summer Camp for Teens in Costa Rica

Are you 16 or 17 years old and wanting to volunteer abroad this summer? International Volunteer HQ’s Summer Camp for teen volunteers is an awesome way for 16- and 17-year- old volunteers to spend part of their summer holidays contributing towards important community initiatives and learning about Costa Rican culture.

What to expect and how you’ll make an impact:

The Teen Volunteer Summer Camp is an incredible cultural immersion (沉浸) experience available to individual volunteers aged 16 and 17 and it is fully accompanied by adults.

Participants will take part in planned activities including volunteering in local community projects, taking local dance lessons, going on cultural adventures, and joining nature tours led by our professional guides.

The Volunteer Teen Camp has two available start dates in August. The first is available on August 1st, and participants can join for a 1-3 week duration. The second start date is August 15th for a maximum of one week.

Why join the Volunteer Summer Camp in Costa Rica with IVHQ?

When you volunteer as a teen in Costa Rica, you’ll be adding value to the local community, while also developing personally and professionally by:

* Contributing to community- driven volunteer projects

* Developing your communication skills

* Learning about Costa Rica’s culture, food and history

* Discovering Costa Rica’s beautiful beaches, national parks and cities

Volunteer requirements:

* Volunteers must provide IVHQ with parental agreement in order to participate on the program.

* Independent volunteers aged 16 and 17 can join this project for 1 -3 weeks.

* Volunteers must provide two character reference letters.

* All volunteers are required to have enough volunteer travel insurance.

* All volunteers must speak fluent English.

1. What will volunteers do in the camp?
A.Instruct dance lessons.B.Take guided nature tours.
C.Go on outdoor adventures.D.Visit some community activities.
2. How can participants benefit from this summer camp?
A.They can learn standard English.B.They can get money for their effort.
C.They can gain rich experience in teaching.D.They can better their skills in communication.
3. What is needed to apply for the camp?
A.Affording three weeks’ free time.B.Being accompanied by one parent.
C.Having previous related experience.D.Offering two letters of recommendation.
听力选择题-短文 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What should a public speaker avoid doing according to the woman?
A.Talking too loudly.B.Speaking too fast.C.Saying too much.
2. Why should the closing of a speech be carefully planned?
A.It’s usually the most remembered part.
B.It’s the last chance to make your point.
C.It’s as important as the opening words.
3. What does the woman suggest a public speaker do during the speech?
A.Show a good sense of humor.
B.Motivate the audience to act.
C.Meet challenges with courage.
2024-09-16更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省赣州市第三中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考英语试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the man doing?
A.Introducing the woman to his neighbors.
B.Giving the woman advice on how to find a flat.
C.Showing the woman around the neighborhood.
2. What is the woman eager to do?
A.Visit the night market.B.Jog in the high school.C.Shop in convenience stores.
3. Why does the woman look for a library?
A.To get some information.B.To find a map of the city.C.To borrow some books.
4. Where will the speakers go next?
A.To a restaurant.B.To a bookstore.C.To a park.
2024-09-16更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省赣州市第三中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考英语试卷
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文,主要讲的是Tonto National Monument正在招募有动力、热情且热衷于与公众互动的个人,以成为其秋季、冬季和春季季节中有趣且富有教育意义的解说团队的一员。

9 . Tonto National Monument is looking for motivated, enthusiastic individuals with a passion for interacting with the public and being a contributing member of a fun interpretation team for the Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons. Tonto National Monument was originally created to protect two 14th century cliff dwellings (悬崖屋), but it is also rich in wildlife, botany, geology, history, and sweeping views of the Sonoran Desert landscape.


*Hike a steep 1/2 mile paved trail gaining 350 feet in height to the Lower Cliff Dwelling.

*Staff Lower Cliff Dwelling, providing informal interpretation to visitors and resource protection.

*Staff Visitor Center with park rangers (管理员), providing information to visitors about the Monument and reminding visitors of proper hiking safety such as water and proper footwear.

*Assist Park rangers with various projects including photography, publication development, community outreach, education programs, and digital media.

*Attend field days with staff to explore surrounding areas and increase knowledge.


Volunteers will work a total of 32 hours a week, four days in a row with three days off. Weekends may be required.

Work Environment:

Tonto National Monument overlooks the Tonto Basin in southeastern Arizona and is part of the Sonoran Desert. Volunteers can expect to spend approximately half of their time outdoors in all weather conditions. Temperatures can reach down below freezing in the winter and in the 90s by April. Working outdoors, you may encounter a variety of animals including snakes, bees, javelina, and many bird species.

Type: On-Site Position

Dates: 10/23/2024-5/4/2025

Training Required: No

Background Check Required: No

1. Why was Tonto National Monument built?
A.To preserve historic sites.B.To save geological resources.
C.To promote wildlife protection.D.To conduct biological research.
2. Which is included in a volunteer’s jobs?
A.Taking photos for vistiors.B.Making hiking safety rules.
C.Guiding hiking in the desert.D.Telling visitors about the park.
3. What are the volunteers expected to do?
A.Get trained before working.B.Be fluent in a foreign language.
C.Work even in bad weather.D.Make observations of different species.
2024-09-16更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省南昌市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Zhen Xin, from Beijing, just finished the “Five Great Mountains Challenge” in August, 2023 — in only five days. She is only 16 years old,     1    

The “Five Great Mountains Challenge” is about climbing China’s five greatest mountains-Mount Tai in Shandong, Mount Hua in Shaanxi, Mount Song in Henan, Mount Heng in Shanxi, and Mount Heng in Hunan-in

100 days.

Because of the hot weather, Zhen did most of her hiking at night. “When you can’t see what’s coming next, many of your fears and worries go away.     2     .” Zhen explained.

Zhen said the key to hiking is one’s mentality (心态) . Whenever she came across a vendor booth (货摊) along the hiking road,     3     . And whenever she felt she was about to give up, she would treat herself to a drink or some snacks.

Of all the mountains she climbed, Mount Hua stood out as her favorite because of its steeper trails. “They’re more dangerous than those of the other four mountains,” she said. But instead of making her afraid the challenge improved her concentration (专注力) .

    4     . It was caused by the largest tourist rush she had ever seen. “We could only move up one step every five minutes or so, ”she said.

Zhen decided to climb the five great mountains when she finished her junior high school. “     5     . As I grow older, I want to share them with others,” she said.

A.she will feel scared easily.
B.You’re less likely to give up.
C.she would stop and rest for a while.
D.I want to have some special experiences.
E.so she became the youngest person to do that.
F.she would remind herself to carry on until the next one.
G.However, Zhen said the most difficult hike was climbing Mount Tai.
共计 平均难度:一般