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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jack graduated from a famous university this July. He went to apply for a job in a big company and had to go through interviews before getting the job.

He passed the first two interviews easily, and then it was the boss’s turn to do the last one and make the final decision whether Jack would get the job or not.

The boss learned that Jack’s academic achievements were very good all the way, from the middle school until university. Never had a year when he did not receive prizes.

The boss asked, “Did you have any part-time jobs in school?” Jack shook his head and said, “No, I didn’t have part-time jobs.” The boss went on and asked, “Was it your father who paid for your school fees?” Jack replied, “My father passed away when I was one year old. It was my mother who worked and paid for my school fees.”

The boss continued, “Where did your mother work?” Jack told him that his mother worked as a clothes cleaner. Every day she would carry baskets of clothes home. After washing and ironing the clothes, she carried the baskets back to the store where she got paid.

Then the boss politely requested Jack to show his hands to him. Jack was confused and he showed his hands in front of the boss, a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect. The boss asked again, “Jack, have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?” Jack answered, “Never. My mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Besides, my mother can wash clothes faster than me.”

The boss smiled and said, “Jack, I am satisfied with your performance in the interviews, but I have another request. When you return home tonight, go and clean your mother’s hands, and then come to see me tomorrow morning.”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Jack left the office, feeling confused about the strange request._________________________________.
The next morning, Jack went back to the boss’s office.____________________________________.
2022-01-24更新 | 291次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省邯郸市鸡泽县第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期开学考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Chugach State Park

Chugach State Park is the largest urban park in theworld, spanning more than 200,000 hectares. In fact, it is almost ten times as large as Table Mountain National Park, the world’s second-largest. Chugach State Park is located in Anchorage, Alaska. The park itself contains various different geographical features, including tall mountains, foothills, lakes, and rivers. It also includes hiking trails that are very popular with tourists.

Pedra Branca State Park

It is an urban park spanning 12,394 hectares in one of Brazil’s largest cities, Rio de Janeiro. It can more accurately be described as an urban forest. The park protects half of what is known as the Atlantic Forest remnant of Rio de Janeiro. It contains more than 900 species of plants and almost 500 different species of birds, mammals, reptiles, and fish.

Margalla Hills National Park

The third-biggest urban park in the world, consisting of 17,386 hectares, is located in the city of Islamabad, which is the capital of the South Asian nation of Pakistan. The park was established in 1980. The park boasts several species of birds, reptiles, and mammals, and it is an extension of the Islamabad wildlife sanctuary. It also includes several hiking trails that are popular with tourists and locals.

Bukhansan National Park

It is located in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. The park itself, which has an area of 7,992 hectares, has been designated by the Guinness Book of World Records as the “Most Visited National Park per Unit Area,” and is visited by an estimated 5 million people a year. It is very popular with hikers and contains Buddhist temples. The park is also home to around 3, 100 animal species.

1. What do we know about Table Mountain National Park?
A.It is located in the US.B.It is the largest urban park.
C.It has an area of 20,000 hectares or so.D.It’s the most famous for its different species.
2. Which is your best choice if you are interested in studying varieties of plants?
A.Chugach State Park.B.Pedra Branca State Park.
C.Bukhansan National Park.D.Margalla Hills National Park.
3. What do Margalla Hills National Park and Bukhansan National Park have in common?
A.Both of them lie in Asia.
B.Both of them are of the same size.
C.Both of them are especially popular with foreigners.
D.Both of them are home to endangered animal species.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Imagine an island untouched by humans and without any large mammals.Colorful and strange birds of all shapes and sizes fly over forests and seaside hills. The sky is painted with endless clouds. Flightless birds nest safely on the ground, and seabirds cover the beaches. The sound of the bird song is overwhelming. The Maori named this place “Aotearoa,” Land of the Long White Cloud. The world now knows it as New Zealand.

When the Maori sailed their canoes across the Pacific Ocean from their homeland, Hawaiki, at least 120 different species of birds lived in Aotearoa. Eleven species of moa , an ostrich-like bird, moved freely, and the largest stood 11 feet tall. The Haast’s eagle dominated the skies with its wing span of nearly 10 feet. Because bats were the only mammals, Aotearoa was an actual bird paradise.

Unfortunately, the Maori overhunted the moa for meat. As the moa disappeared, the Haast’s eagle lost its primary food source. By the time Europeans arrived in New Zealand, both birds were extinct.

When European settlers arrived, they brought animals that attacked birds. These non-native animals exploded in number because they had no predators. Birds also lost habitat as forests were cut down for wood and pastures.

Within a few hundred years of humans discovering and living in New Zealand, more than half the unique bird species were extinct. The whekau,found throughout New Zealand in the 1800s, was declared extinct in 1914. The piopio,considered the best songbird in Aotearoa, was last seen in the mid-1900s.

Thirty percent of the species now alive are in danger because of other animals and loss of habitat. Scientists estimate nature would take 50 million years to replace the birds lost over the last 1,000 years. New Zealand conservationists are working to save the threatened species.

1. What does the first paragraph tell us?
A.New Zealand is a paradise for birds.
B.Aotearoa does not really exist.
C.The Maori founded New Zealand.
D.No mammals lived on the island.
2. What does the underlined word “predators” probably mean in Paragraph 4?
3. What mainly caused the disappearance of birds ?
A.Threats from man and other animals.
B.The arrival of Europeans.
C.The lack of food sources.
D.The increase in farmland.
4. What is the author most likely to talk about next?
A.Why local officials stop hunting.
B.What living conditions for natives are like.
C.How many animals have survived on the island.
D.What efforts conservationists take to guard bird species.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Freshman year of high school is a big transition (过渡) for any student.

Luckily, you’re not the only person going through this, and plenty of others have made the transition before you too.

One of the ways in which high school is different from middle school or junior high the most is the higher expectations. You’ll find that you’re expected to keep closer track of your own schedule and responsibilities with fewer people checking up on you. At the same time, your classes are likely to become more challenging, and you might be participating in new school activities as well.       

Some students find it hard to keep up with everything at first, which is totally normal. One way to prepare in advance: for these higher expectations is to make sure that you have organized schedules in place before you start high school.

Another important skill for meeting these higher expectations is building a strong support network. No matter how strong a student you are, at some point you will need some help. Keeping healthy relationships with your friends and teachers is a great way to make sure that you have people who are willing to help when you need them.

Try to get to, know at least some of your teachers beyond your classroom communication. Be an active learner during class and stay after class to ask questions. Take advantage of email or class messaging systems. The better your teachers know you, the better prepared they’ll be to help when you need them.

It’s important for you to keep in mind as you start high school that no one is perfect. Transitions are hard for everyone, and starting high school is a big transition. These challenges provide a great chance to reinvent yourself.
1. In the author’s view, the biggest difference between high school and middle school is____.
A.the higher expectationsB.the higher pressure
C.high academic achievementD.different relationships
2. Which of the following suggestions is NOT mentioned in the text?
A.Careful schedules.B.Healthy relationships.
C.Using network information.D.Reinventing yourself.
3. What is the best title for the text?
A.How to Meet Your Teachers* High Expectations
B.How to Become an Active Learner in High School
C.What to Prepare to Keep up with Everything in High School
D.How to Get through the Transition of Freshman Year of High School
4. Who is the article intended for?
A.Parents of high school students.B.Teachers in high school.
C.Students in Senior One.D.Students in junior school.
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5 . At the beginning of my Senior Two, I received my letter from the New York University (NYU) exchange program, and I was very relieved (如释重负的). I finally had the chance to take high level courses, experience college student life, and gain some extra credit. My aim was to learn the basics of accounting, economics, marketing, and psychology.

When I arrived, I found that there were only 30 students in the program. I was so excited, but also nervous. I was worried that I would not make friends in my new environment. However, I turned out to be totally wrong. NYU hosts free events every week, giving students the chance to meet new people and explore New York City. My favorite events were the Broadway show trips. But there were always a limited number of spots. Therefore, I had to sign up online as soon as I received the reminder and hope that I would be chosen to go.

This summer, I have watched ten Broadway shows, including To Kill a Mockingbird, Aladdin, and Frozen. Actually, I was fully attracted by the shows. Watching a performance almost every week was so amazing. On the way to the different shows, I always met someone new and we’d often chat about our lives. I was so thankful for making so many new friends.

By the time the shows were finished, it was usually late at night. However, I wasn’t scared as Times Square was always so busy, filled with people and lights. This summer was the best ever and I certainly caught a glimpse (一瞥) into college life at NYU. Surprisingly, it is not as scary as I thought.

1. Who might be the author of this text?
A.A college student.B.A high school student.
C.A high school teacher.D.A student’s parent.
2. What made the author anxious when arriving at New York?
A.’ The difficult courses.B.The challenging program.
C.The trouble in making friends.D.The strict and serious teachers.
3. Why are the Broadway shows mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.To introduce some Broadway shows.
B.To show the author’s performance skills.
C.To attract people to watch Broadway shows.
D.To express the author’s appreciation for the program.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.A Taste of NYU College LifeB.An Exploration in New York
C.The Amazing Courses at NYUD.The Attractive Shows of Broadway
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . From sleep machines to Al-controlled house cleaning robots, a wide variety of advanced technologies and products are being exhibited at the 4th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai. Here are some products you don’t want to miss.

Electric bicycle Brina 2

For many people,a daily commute (通勤) is often a source of headache. Emove Inc, an exhibitor from Argentina, has presented electric bicycle Brina 2 as a solution. Running on long-ange batteries, the e-bike has a maximum speed of 25 miles per hour. Almost all the components are designed within the carbon fiber frame. Its scientific design makes the ride more stable and comfortable than other conventional e-bikes.

AI robot — a right-hand assistant for life and production

AIrobot from AgileRobotsAG, a leading intelligent robotics company from Germany, helps make life and work easier. With the ability to synthesize (综合) and adjust motion tracks in real-time, the robot is a great assistant. For instance, it can aid humans in tasks like loading and unloading, polishing and quality inspection.

Power-PROXT — a reliable stretcher bed

Power-PROXT is an electric ambulance stretcher bed designed by Stryker Corporation from the U.S.Compared with traditional stretchers, Power-PROXT is driven by a high-speed motor that enables it to easily lift or lower a load weighing 318 kilograms within 2.4 seconds. More importantly, it can smoothly and safely lift and move, providing greater safety for patients.

Sleeping cabin — a night guard for sound sleep

A recent study found that more than two-thirds of surveyed university students in Brazil are experiencing poor sleep quality.The sleeping cabin made by The Dow Chemical Company from the U.S. can provide its users a better sleep. As a combination of great material and technology, the cabin can provide customers with a deeper and more refreshing sleeping experience.

1. Which product most probably interests a factory manager?
A.Brina2.B.AI robot.C.Power-PROXT.D.Sleeping cabin.
2. What can Power-PROXT be used for?
A.Travel to work.B.Quality control.C.First aid.D.Sleep improvement.
3. Which word can best describe these products?

7 . It was already 11:00 p.m., Christmas Eve of 2009. Herman and I locked our store and went home. We were not ________ because some child’s gift was still on the layaway (预约购货) shelf. The person who had put a dollar down on the package never ________.

Early Christmas morning we and our twelve-year-old son, Tom, opened gifts. But there was something dull about this Christmas. Tom was growing up; I ________ his childish eagerness of past years. And then a strange ________ suddenly appeared inside. It seemed to be telling me to go to the store. Looking at the icy sidewalk outside, I said to myself,“That’s ________!” But it wouldn’t leave me alone. ________ it was getting stronger. Finally, unable to stand it, I got dressed and ________ my way to the store.

In front stood two boys with no hats or gloves. The younger one’s face was wet with ________, but seeing me, he stopped crying. I immediately ________ them into the store.“My little brother Jimmy wants ________ We have these three dollars.” I looked at the money and then their ________ faces. “I’m sorry,” I said,“but we have no...” Then the remaining package caught my eye. I ________ it and there was a pair of skates! What a miracle (奇迹)! And miracle added upon miracle, they were his ________. They fit well.

The older boy ________ the dollars to me. I refused and said the skates were a Christmas gift for Jimmy. Their smiles stretched wide. What I saw in Jimmy’s eyes was pure joy, which was beautiful. My ________ rose.

2022-01-12更新 | 221次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省石家庄市第二中学2022-2023学年第一学期高二(上)开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Nowadays, in the age of round-the-clock entertainment, it’s not easy to be bored. But that’s not necessarily a good thing.     1     It could be just what you need to generate your best ideas and increase your efficiency.

First and foremost, boredom makes you more motivated. Being bored encourages you to search out something less boring to do.     2     Or if you decide there’s nothing worth watching on TV, you might choose to switch it off and make your own entertainment by taking up a new hobby. So the boredom you’re feeling now could encourage your motivation and help you come up with some of your best ideas.

    3     You may well fall back on daydreaming to remove boredom. Unlike what parents and teachers may have told you, daydreaming is good for you. In fact, if you find it difficult to stop your mind from wandering during boring meetings or tasks, it could be a result of your impressive brain capacity(能力). Similarly, people doodling(胡写乱画) during a boring meeting are better able to recall details of it than those who simply sit and listen.     4    

So next time you feel bored from the task in hand-or simply lacking in passion, don’t worry.    5    

A.It could be harmful to your health.
B.Feeling a bit bored does have its benefits.
C.Without distractions to kill boredom, your thoughts can wander.
D.After all, such feelings will make you more motivated and efficient.
E.Put simply, some people seem better at focusing on more than one thing at a time.
F.For example, feeling bored at work could inspire you to explore a change of career.
G.If you think there’s nothing to interest you, you’ll start to lose the ability to think creatively.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In a recent staff meeting, my colleagues and I discussed ways to alleviate the current stress our 11th-grade students were feeling. I offered a successful strategy that I use for organizing work in the classroom-negotiating (协商) due dates. The assistant replied, “Yes, a good idea, being flexible with due dates.” Flexible? That was not the word I used, and to me, those two words are not interchangeable; flexibility and negotiation are not the same thing.

Being flexible can help decrease stress and anxiety in the classroom. It shows willingness on the part of the teacher to listen, engage in conversation with students, and shift and adapt when possible. But the balance of power has not really changed. The student still needs to ask for permission, which may or may not be given. In a week when my work seems manageable, I may be feeling generous, but in a week when my workload is high, I may be less likely to lean toward flexibility. So flexibility might mean an extra hour, half a day, or a few days.

In either case the student has no power. In many ways, by the time students reach the stage of having to ask, it’s too late. The stress has already increased, and students are placed in a position where they may make poor decisions, like cutting classes, to get some extra time.

Negotiation is different. It happens at the beginning of the process and is a proactive (先行一步的) approach that encourages shared ownership, an acceptance of equal responsibility. Negotiating brings the teacher and students together to address the issue equally. The date by which work will be done is a question for all, but the student does need to do the work, and the teacher needs to assess it. There are competing needs and schedules and workloads.

Sometimes even the smallest things are worth considering carefully. In teaching, there is nothing small. As a teacher, I usually self-reflect my practice, and strengthen my practice.

1. What does the author think of the assistant’s reply?
A.It is a convincing statement.
B.It is a wrong interpretation.
C.It is a detailed description.
D.It is a positive response.
2. What is the author’s opinion of being flexible?
A.It makes the students feel free.
B.It is a win-win choice in class.
C.It is a strategy to remove stress.
D.It allows the teacher the final say.
3. How does negotiation work according to the author?
A.By encouraging competition among students.
B.By helping teachers assess their responsibility.
C.By creating harmony and equality in the class.
D.By providing a way to reduce students’ workload.
4. What can we infer about the author from the text?
A.He is expert at arguing with others.
B.He is committed to his teaching work.
C.He is worried about the current education.
D.He is doubtful about the assistant’s ability.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . At the foot of an Icelandic volcano, a newly-opened plant is taking CO₂ from the air and turning it to rock. This technology is known as “direct air capture(捕捉)” or DAC. It’s a bit like “mining” the sky for CO₂—simple in principle, but very difficult to carry out.

To do this, you need the right geography conditions. That is why Climeworks, a Swiss company, built the Orca plant in Iceland. There, fans draw air into big black containers where the filter(过滤器) catches CO₂. Once the filter is full, it is heated to around 100℃ to separate CO₂ with sufficient energy from volcanic activity. Next, the collected CO₂ is combined with water and pumped deep underground into rock formations. Within a few years, the CO₂ will turn into stone.

However, exciting and promising as this technology is, it won’t save us from climate change on its own. While Orca, the largest plant of its kind in the world, can capture up to 4,000 tons of CO₂ per year, the yearly global emissions(排放) are around 33.4 billion tons of CO₂, so the plant can deal with 0.00001% of our yearly emissions. Besides, the process is expensive and requires large amounts of energy.

Daniel Egger, the chief commercial officer at Climeworks, said that while his company is at an “industrial level”, it is not where it needs to be to make a difference in fighting climate change. But we have to learn to walk before we can run.

Carbon storage(碳储存) is just arising as a technology. It won’t help us fix climate change yet, but it can be important down the line, if we have the right conditions for it.

1. What can we learn about DAC according to the text?
A.It is the best way to fix climate change at present.
B.It requires enough heat and energy to operate.
C.It is highly developed in removing CO₂.
D.It can be applied anywhere in the world.
2. Why are some data used in paragraph 3?
A.To indicate the bright future of the technology.
B.To provide the research results for the readers.
C.To show the challenges DAC faces at present.
D.To call for more plants like Orca to be set up.
3. What is the author’s attitude towards the technology?
4. From which is the text probably taken?
A.A science report.
B.A company leaflet.
C.A chemistry textbook.
D.A social web page.
共计 平均难度:一般