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1 . I’ve been motivated — and demotivated — by other folks’ achievements all my life.

When I was a teenager, a neighborhood friend ________ a marathon race. Feeling motivated, I started running ________, but then two things happened. First, a girl I met one day told me she was ________ for a “super,” referring to a 52.4-mile double marathon. Then, the next day I went on my longest run — 15 miles. To be honest, I ________ it! Between the girl making my ________ seem small and the pure boredom of jogging, I decided that the only ________ I’d ever run again is if a big dog was running after me!

So I ________ cycling. I got a good bike and rode a lot. I ________ of entering cycle races until I flew to San Diego to visit my sister. While she was at work one day, I ________ her bike and went for a ride. The ________: the roads there went through large valleys where I’d be riding uphill for miles at a time. I’d never faced such ________. That day, I got ________ by about 100 “local” bikers who were used to such roads. When I got back home, suddenly riding my bike didn’t seem quite as ________.

I’ve ________ a lot since then. I’ve come to accept that whatever ________ I set for myself, they just have to be my own.

A.gave upB.went onC.turned toD.dealt with
2024-06-11更新 | 5810次组卷 | 12卷引用:河南省周口市川汇区周口恒大中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Natural disasters can cause people’s fears at any age.     1    , but you do have lots of influence on how your children may face the possible disasters. Let’s see how to talk to your children about natural disasters correctly.

● Be honest

When there is information about natural disasters, try not to hide it.     2    . They may want to know more about where the natural disaster is and the path that it is on. Give proper explanations or even check books out from the library.


Ask your children what they are nervous about so that you can solve their concerns. Deal with any of their fears, big or small, and provide some kind of comfort. Whether these disasters are happening far away or close to home, they need to know that you will keep them safe.

● Make a plan for your family

There is no place on Earth that is free from possibly suffering some type of natural disaster. All families should have a disaster plan and emergency supplies at home. Create a family safety plan, and share it with your children.     4    .

● Talk about the helpers

    5    . The idea that firefighters, paramedics (护理人员), and other disaster service workers will be there to help in case of an emergency helps children take away some of the anxiety.

A.Answer questions
B.Take away your children’s fears
C.It is completely natural to be afraid
D.They just have to wait with nothing to do
E.It can prepare them for what to do if a disaster happens
F.Instead, offering detailed information and explanation can help calm your children
G.Teach your children about the different types of helpers that show up in a disaster
2024-06-10更新 | 95次组卷 | 3卷引用:河南省驻马店市树人高级中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . I’ve gotten deep into rhythm games that I simply don’t typically have access to from the US. And a playlist of songs can only take you so far. When Arcaea released on the Nintendo Switch I though, “Eventually, my time is here.” Originally released for mobile phones in 2017, Arcaea is an incredibly full rhythm game from lowiro. The Switch version alone comes with over 150 songs, multiple game modes and two distinct ways to play.

Song choice is the most important part of any rhythm game in my opinion. That, and variety, which Arcaea has plenty of. The game has the usual modes. World Mode, Music Play and Story are all available. It’s all par for the course and not really worth explaining.

Going back to the Story mode though, I know unlocking and reading little tidbits (花絮) about the characters in rhythm games is a big deal for a lot of people. The story is incredibly basic and the characters don’t really differ that much in my opinion. It’s frankly dismissible. I never found myself eager to spend currency and unlock new information regarding people or even the world.

The only aspect of the game that Arcaea excels in is its song choice. Like I said earlier, it has over 150 songs, with a few new original ones added. There’s an amazing mix of genre and sound. Arcaea doesn’t give players five versions of the same song with different vocalists or only include songs with different, but still connected, genres. In the grand scheme of things, 150 tracks may not seem like a large number to boast. Still, I genuinely felt as though the Switch versions song library was just as good as any mobile rhythm games’. Especially since all are included with your base purchase.

One of the only questions I really wanted answered when I first opened up Arcaea was, “How does this play with Nintendo Switch controls?” The game is especially keen to let players know it has two vastly different game options. Naturally, my expectations were high. I’ve had bad luck with rhythm games on the Switch. Unfortunately, Arcaea falls into the same issue I’ve found with similar games.


Overall, I think Arcaea is a good game, but the problem with the Nintendo Switch port is that a lot of its benefits are found in the mobile version. I didn’t really enjoy playing this on my Switch. It wasn’t fun on the hands or wrists. If your phone can’t handle more games space-wise or isn’t built for rhythm games, I would say get this. Playing with the touch screen requires a little maneuvering, but eventually works. Plus, the music is just amazing.

1. Why does the author say the game is “all par for the course and not really worth explaining”?
A.It is boring so it’s no value explaining.B.It has a very large number of varieties.
C.It contains uncommon modes as well.D.It does not go beyond our imagination.
2. What is the author’s attitude to the song choice about the game?
3. What may the author write in the “……” part?
A.The problems he found when playing Arcaea on his switch.
B.The drawbacks about playing rhythm games on a switch.
C.His positive comments about the rhythm game from lowiro.
D.His brilliant experience when playing Arcaea on his switch.
4. Where does the passage probably come from?
A.An online forum.B.A daily newspaper.
C.An investigation report.D.An autobiography.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Episode 4: The Invisible Pirate

Paper boy: Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
: Hero Pickles’s Story will be brought to the big screen! Victory bless the England!
Sonetto: The Hero Pickles... This is...
Rock Girl: Hey, coming through! Tommy, she’s not here again today? I’ll take this motorbike if she doesn’t show up!
Paper boy: Hush —! Don’t be such a bugger! Did you listen to the radio this morning? Her ship has been sunk!
Vertin: Are you talking about Regulus of the APPLe?
Paper boy: Whooo areee youuu ?!
Vertin: I’m her friend. She left something here.
Paper boy: Huhh — These are...!
: Be quiet. Don’t get caught ! Take chances around that cafe!
Vertin: Thank you very much for your assistance.
Paper boy: You are very serious. If you really wanna thank me, just take a copy of the Times.
: See, it’s all good news on the first two pages,only comes along every once in a thousand years , right?
Sonetto: P...Please give me a copy.(a sheepish nod)
(Sonetto hastily stowed the newspaper away and, with a studied composure, made her way to the café.)
(Scene transition)
Vertin: Do you like the world outside...Sonetto?
Sonetto: (gasp) Huh —!
: Nnnno, I am just...I am just curious. I will throw it away when I finish it. Please don’t take it to heart.
(upon the deserted café table, a loaf of bread floated, diminishing gradually.)
Sonetto: Hum? That voice...Timekeeper, look at that table!
Regulus: Hum~hum~Yummy~So yummy~♪
: One more earl grey with brown sugar, please~♪
Sonetto: Oh! The optical arcana could to be invisible...... Now I understand.
(Sonetto swiftly retrieved her cane and gestured towards the teacup )
Regulus: Wow.....! ! W、w、w、what?!
: Who spilled my tea!
Sonetto: Regulus, will you cooperate or not? Please answer me.
Regulus: ......Ehhhooohhh — (sigh) Your foundation is just an authority working with government. If I register in , my location will be exposed anywhere anytime.... I’m not doing it ~★
(Sonetto let out a sigh, gazing into the distant sky.)
(This appears to be a ritual she follows before each battle.)
Sonetto: ......Made the peace be with us.
1. Where may the conversation accurately took place before Sonetto headed towards café?
A.the motorbike storeB.EnglandC.blockD.theatre
2. What can we infer from the conversation?
A.The conversation ended up with Sonetto’s successful cooperation.
B.Sonetto is a patriotic girl who actually familiarize something true.
C.Regulus faked her own death so as to conceal herself in case of being discovered.
D.The Hero Pickles’s ship had been sunk, which was definitely a tragedy.
3. What is the most likely genre of this excerpted article?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Alexis was a student, the only son of his wealthy parents, and felt entitled to the luxuries he had in his life. On a class field trip, Alexis met the forester, Justin, who had been living in a wooden house in the forest over ten years. When learning Justin’s life, Alexis laughed at him with his friends.

During the field trip, Alexis and his classmates passed by an entrance to a cave. “This looks so cool!” Alexis exclaimed. He wanted to go inside the cave, but his teacher stopped him.

The next day, Alexis reached the cave with his four friends, only to find they couldn’t take their schoolbags through the entrance. One by one, the teenagers entered the cave and were amazed to see how wide it was from the inside. Albert picked a large stone up and hit one of the walls with it. “This place is so cool!” he laughed quietly before the rocks from the wall came falling.

“Watch out, Albert!” Alexis said and pulled Albert towards himself. The teenagers screamed in fear when they saw the rocks fall. They couldn’t see anything because of the dust floating in the air.

The friends were scared when they realized they were trapped in the cave. “HELP! WE ARE STUCK!” the teenagers started screaming for help, hoping someone would hear them.

Fate sent Justin to the cave. The forester picked berries every day from the trees near the cave. While he was walking back to his house, five bright-colored schoolbags caught his attention. Then he approached the cave and shouted, “Hey! Who’s in there?”

“I’m Alexis ! I came here yesterday with my teacher! Help us, please! We are stuck!”

“Okay, calm down, children! I’ll help you out!” Justin said.

Justin quickly called 911 and informed them about the kids in the cave. Thinking the paramedics (护理人员) would take at least twenty minutes to arrive, he decided to help the kids himself before it was too late. Justin quickly grabbed a shovel and a flashlight and rushed back to the cave’s entrance. Meanwhile, Alexis and his friends tried to stay calm. A few minutes later, Alexis and his friends could see the flashlight shine through the cave’s entrance. Seconds later, they rushed outside the cave and took a deep breath in the fresh air.

Just then, the paramedics arrived.

1. What may lead to Alexis looking down on Justin?
A.His lower education.B.His poor family.
C.His bad reputation.D.His living condition.
2. How did Alexis feel about the cave at first?
3. Why did Justin appear near the cave?
A.It was his daily routine.B.He saw five colorful schoolbags.
C.He came to look for the children.D.He heard the screaming for help.
4. What lesson can we learn from the story ?
A.Lucky or unlucky.B.Don’t judge a person by his looks.
C.Curiosity kills the cat.D.Once in a blue moon.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍世界上最高的节日,Qoyllur Rit’i这个节日在海拔4300米秘鲁安第斯山脉举行庆祝活动。

6 . It felt as if we had been climbing for hours. I stopped to catch my breath as a wave of dizziness swept over me in the thin mountain air. I was on an amazing trip with my family to experience the festival of Qoyllur Riti, which takes place at 4,300 meters high in the southern Andes of Peru.

As I looked back down the trail we had climbed, and up towards where we had to go, the colorful sight struck me a lot. Entire families wearing local costumes were travelling to this unique festival from all over Peru. Among them were old men, mothers with small babies and children all following the same route. Many of them had horses and donkeys carry their food, blankets, cooking pots and tents. Others had made their way on foot through the mountains for days to attend this remarkable event.

We continued climbing upward for another hour and a half before reaching the Sinakara Valley. Right across this flat piece of ground people were putting up shelters and tents to protect themselves from the freezing mist and rain. It was clear, however, from the sound of the drums and singing rising from the campsite that the weather was not going to weaken the festival spirit. The air of excitement, even from our place more than a mile away, was palpable.

After dinner, we went to bed fully clothed inside our sleeping bags. We were up early the next morning, the main day of the festival, despite having slept badly on the frozen ground. The ukukus, men wearing black masks and costumes, had left the campsite in the early hours to climb the nearest mountain by the light of the full moon.

From time to time during the procession, they stopped to dance on the glaciers, believing this would bring luck to their villages for the year to come. In the dawn light, we watched them winding their way back down like a large black snake. As they descended, they were joined by groups of dancers in bright traditional costumes. They performed wherever there was space. Although there did not seem to be anyone organizing them or any timetable, the whole festival had become a huge harmonious celebration.

1. What do we know about family’s climb up and down the trail?
A.They were too tired to enjoy the sight.
B.They regretted extremely taking the trip.
C.They were fascinated by the scenes there.
D.They were greeted warmly by local people.
2. The underlined word in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
3. What can be inferred from the festival participants?
A.They were all dressed in plain clothes.
B.They were determined to reach the festival.
C.They only continued their journey during daylight hours.
D.They performed dances to demonstrate their traditional costumes.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A health report.B.A sports newspaper.
C.A fashion forum.D.A culture magazine.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Earlier this month, an opinion study said about 75 percent of the French public want to ban bullfighting (斗牛). But a small group of supporters say it is a tradition that should continue.

Baptiste is a 16-year-old boy training to be a bullfighter who lives in Arles, a town in southern France. He says opponents do not understand bullfighting. “Bullfighting is a tradition, an art, a dance with the bull,” Baptiste said. He is one of 12 students in Arles learning how to fight bulls.

Opponents wonder how it can be called “an art” when an innocent animal is killed in the end. During a recent protest march, one sign read: “Bullfighting is not a fight; it’s the killing of a tortured (折磨) innocent.”

Aymeric Caron is a French lawmaker who sent a bill to Parliament that would ban bullfighting. It is currently being debated. He said some parts of France permit bullfighting as long as fewer than 1,000 bulls are killed each year. Just because it is a tradition, he said, does not “morally justify a practice”.

Other lawmakers in Caron’s party are not supporting his bill, so it is unlikely to pass. But the news of the anti-bullfighting proposal started a discussion throughout France.

Frederic Pastor oversees the bullfights in the city of Nimes. He said the bull is “glorified (给予荣耀)” during the fight although it is killed. Nimes is home to 14 bullfighting shows each year. They bring in over $60 million to the city.

Tiphanie Senmartin Laurent is one of the protesters. She said most people are against bullfighting. “Torture is not a show,” she said.

Spain is considered the place where bullfighting began. People there are also questioning the practice. Bullfighting was banned in the Spanish province of Catalonia in 2010 but later brought back. A major court in Spain called the practice a “cultural asset”. That means it is considered a tradition that has value. A new proposal on animal safety in Spain does not discuss bulls.

1. What can be known about Baptiste from paragraph 2?
A.He is expert in bullfighting.
B.He is far from opposed to bullfighting.
C.He comes from a northern French town.
D.He doesn’t understand why bullfighting becomes a tradition.
2. Which may Aymeric Caron agree with about bullfighting?
A.It is sort of an art.
B.It means a lot of harm to the innocent animal.
C.It is a symbol of culture in Spain.
D.It makes humans know more about the bull.
3. What did Aymeric Caron’s bill lead to actually?
A.Bullfighting’s being banned.
B.The public’s interest in the sport.
C.A national discussion on bullfighting.
D.The higher frequency of bullfighting shows in France.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Bullfighting Is Increasingly Popular in France
B.Challenges Faced by Bullfighting
C.The Rise and Fall of Bullfighting
D.France Considers a Ban on Bullfighting
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . There’s no doubt that loneliness hurts. Functional MRIs show that the area of the brain triggered by social rejection is the same area that’s triggered by physical pain. To understand why loneliness hurts, let’s take a closer look at friendship through the eyes of two heavyweight philosophers.

In one corner we have Aristotle, who wrote that without friends, there’s no reason to live. The Greek great believed that friendships are based on the virtues of the friend.     1     But the problem with Aristotle’s theory is that if you lose some virtues, you should also expect to lose some friends. And that’s not how friendships work — at least not the good ones.     2    

So as a sharp counterpunch to Aristotle, let’s turn to the renowned Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant, who said that all people have value regardless of their virtues. Since we view our true friends with this kind of unconditional love and respect, we can assume they view us the same way.     3     Being away from our friends takes away these life-affirming interactions. Worse, having no friends means our value, or dignity, isn’t being appreciated.

    4     This may seem obvious, but there’s a catch. Your connection has to be oriented (以……为方向) toward the other person — not in what they can do for you and your loneliness. So say hi to a neighbor, hold the door for someone, or volunteer at the soup kitchen.     5     However, they’ll help you feel more connected to the world. And the more of these small steps you take toward connection, the farther away from loneliness you’ll get.

A.This may sound fine at first.
B.They last through thick and thin.
C.This tells us why loneliness hurts.
D.These acts may not make you a lifelong friend.
E.The more friends you have, the happier you’ll be.
F.We feel like we’re not accepted by the people around us.
G.Thus, the cure for loneliness can be found in other people.
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Little New Year (Chinese: Xiaonian), usually a week     1     the lunar New Year, falls on Feb 2 this year. It is also known as the Festival of the Kitchen God, the God     2     oversees the moral character of each household.

There are numerous customs     3     (associate) with honoring the Kitchen God and determining the date of Little New Year. The date of this holiday     4     (assign) sometimes according to location, with people in northern China celebrating it on the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month,     5     people in southern China celebrating it on the twenty-fourth.

In one of     6     (distinctive) traditions of the Little New Year is the     7     (burn) of a paper image of the Kitchen God, sending the god’s spirit to Heaven     8     (report) on the family’s conduct over the past year. The Kitchen God then is welcomed back to     9     home through the pasting of a new paper image of him beside the stove. From this vantage point, the Kitchen God will oversee and protect the household for another year.

The     10     (offering) to the Kitchen God include pig’s head, fish, sweet bean paste, melons, fruit, boiled dumplings, barley sugar, and Guandong candy.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文为一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了乐队Suenalo在拘留中心帮助问题青年这件事激发了Chad Bernstein成立Guitars Over Guns组织,帮助更多孩子的故事。

10 . They thought it was going to be easy. A piece of cake. The band, Suenalo, were excited that they would present their skills to a group of troubled youth at a detention center (少管所).   

They arrived at the invitation of a friend, who was an adviser at the center. He had mentioned a career day where members of the community came to speak to the teens about their jobs. Usually the speakers were bankers or lawyers, so he thought it would be interesting for the kids to meet some musicians and maybe even hear some music. “They need something cool to get their attention” was the pitch from the friend.

The kids, about 40, were brought in, looking distant, some even angry. Chad Bernstein, the trombone player, started telling the career of a musician from touring to copyright to the business aspects, trying to draw their interest. However, it didn’t. Sensing that they couldn’t win, the band, a little thrown, decided to play one song. With music going, the kids seemed to respond, their heads nodding to the beat. One of them sang a lyric (歌词). The band sang it back. Then, one by one, the musicians began picking up the beat. Chad started free styling a rap, going back and forth with the kid, and in no time, other kids jumped in. Suddenly the band and the kids were creating a song from scratch and all of them were in musical heaven.

For Chad, that moment inspired him to found Guitars Over Guns, an organization that pairs at-risk middle-schoolers with professional musicians. As both music teachers and life coaches, the musicians give the kids a way to find their creative voices and get through dark times. Over time, the kids have dropped their tough fronts and shared personal stories, from family tragedies to ordinary struggles at school with friends.

“So far we’ve helped over 2,700 students. Our work is highly satisfying because it shows us that a music career is more than a job, it can have more impact,” says Chad Bernstein.

1. Why did the band come to the detention center?
A.To get attention.B.To display skills.C.To plan their careers.D.To chat about music.
2. What can we learn about the song created on the spot?
A.Its lyrics were from the kids.B.Chad owned its copyright.
C.It was composed cooperatively.D.The kids picked up its beat.
3. What does Guitars Over Guns do to help at-risk teens?
A.Offer guidance on life.B.Give full school instruction.
C.Relate personal stories.D.Promote awareness of risks.
4. What kind of person is Chad Bernstein?
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