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1 . Does Chinese philosophy influence your parenting? It is the question I am most often asked. Chinese philosophy contains many lessons that are useful, accessible and timely when applied to the challenges of parenting. Confucianism and Daoism suggest ways to guide your children toward meaning and fulfilment rather than wealth and fame.

Parenting is tough, especially because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Different kids need different things. How do we stay focused on what matters most? How do we navigate difficult times with our kids and support them when they struggle? All of us want our children to be successful, partly because we love them and want them to be happy. But it is easy to mistake “success” with certain kinds of academic or athletic achievements.

Of course, one can define success in this way. But ancient Chinese philosophers believed that real success is not measured by fame, money or power. A successful life is one in which a person flourishes: they are happy, fulfilled, and they find meaning in what they do and who they are. This type of fulfilment comes from loving and being loved by others within the context of meaningful, lasting relationships; giving generously of what you have to others; caring for and having a genuine love of nature; and shouldering your responsibility.

Most of us know that having an Ivy League degree and a high-paying job is not going to make our children happy and fulfilled in life. Yet we worry about how they will find things they love to do and that they are good at. Philosophers from the two most influential ancient Chinese traditions — Confucianism and Daoism — talk more about human flourishing, virtue, happiness and fulfilment than about “success”.

Chinese philosophers argued that we genuinely flourish — are happiest and most fulfilled — when we develop these virtues. This can never be measured in terms such as earning power, entering famous schools or getting jobs. Instead, it is measured in how we treat people — how one loves and is loved by one’s family and friends — and in what one does to make the world a kinder, gentler, more humane and beautiful place. They encourage us to help our children learn more about the world around them.

The Confucians and Daoists were a little like yin and yang: Confucians have a lot of active, hands-on ways to help children grow, such as participating in traditions, while the Daoists recommend simpler activities, such as exploring the beauty of nature. Their diverse views on living a good life are precisely what makes Chinese philosophy such a great resource for parents.

Parenting is messy. It is not simple or straightforward but complex and difficult. There are no magic solutions that make things easy or smooth. Most of us will need to piece together different approaches in order to find something that works well and feels right in different situations, for different children, and at different times in a child’s life.

1. According to the author, parenting is challenging because________.
A.Parents don’t know what success refers to
B.Children don’t believe in Chinese philosophy
C.There are many theories of parenting to choose
D.One can’t find a standard approach to suit every child
2. What is the opinion of ancient Chinese philosophers?
A.People who flourish can feel successful because they live a meaningful life.
B.Only when people make contribution to society can they feel successful.
C.A successful life can be measured by reputation and wealth.
D.Success just means one should be friendly to nature.
3. What can we infer from this passage?
A.Confucians think graduating from famous university can make children intelligent and fulfilled.
B.Daoists are more influential than Confucians because of their simpler activities.
C.Confucians and Daoists together can provide parents abundant resources.
D.It is enough for parents to just learn Chinese Philosophy well.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards adopting Chinese Philosophy to parenting?
A.Critical .B.Objective.
共计 平均难度:一般