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听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What is the best cure of loneliness?
A.Trying different lifestyles.
B.Talking to a trusted one.
C.Keeping enough sleep.
2. What do many successful people owe their success to?
A.Their hard work.B.Their career planning.C.Their social skills.
3. Why should we communicate?
A.To broaden our views.
B.To encounter beautiful things.
C.To experience another kind of life.
7日内更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025年高考英语第一次模拟考试(新高考八省专用)-2024年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用版)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.A couple.B.Friends.C.Trainer and trainee.
2. How does the man keep working out at home?
A.By using apps.B.By watching videos.C.By teaming up with families.
3. Why does the woman have trouble sticking to a plan?
A.She needs motivation from others.
B.Her plan is designed unreasonably.
C.She is always disturbed by other things.
4. Which course will the woman choose first?
A.A VIP course.B.A free course.C.A tailored course.
7日内更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025年高考英语第一次模拟考试(新高考八省专用)-2024年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用版)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What do the speakers mainly talk about?
A.Energy production.B.Information safety.C.Smart cities.
2. Which is among the man’s research focuses?
A.Traffic release.B.Equality promotion.C.Data management.
3. What does the man mean in the end?
A.Personal information can be secured.
B.B. Data leakage will never happen.
C.Greater security can be achieved.
4. Who might be the woman?
A.A professor.B.A journalist.C.A scientist.
7日内更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025年高考英语第一次模拟考试(新高考八省专用)-2024年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用版)
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to Fall Back in Love with Reading

Do you remember the last time you spent time reading books for pleasure? In the age of digital distractions, it is easy to struggle to find the time and headspace to get lost in literature.     1    The following tips will help you fall in love with reading again.

    2     Whether it’s a thriller, romance, or even an on-fiction book about your favorite hobby, make sure you choose something that will hold your attention from beginning to end. If you’re unsure where to start, ask your friends or family for recommendations, checkout online reviews, or browse through your local bookstore or library.

Set aside time for reading books. Whether it’s 20 minutes before bedtime or an hour on your lunch break, carving out sometime in your schedule will make it easier to sit down and read. And if you find that you don’t have much free time, try listening to audiobooks.     3    

Keep a reading journal. In your journal, you can write down your thoughts about what you’re reading or graffiti pictures inspired by the book.     4    This is a great way to engage with what you’re reading on a deeper level and a fun way to document your reading journey.

Make reading a social activity. Whether you start a book club with your friends or join an online reading group, being able to discuss what you’re reading with others can make the experience more enjoyable.     5    

A.Find a book that interests you.
B.Create a positive reading routine.
C.But that doesn’t mean reading books is a thing of the past!
D.By this way, you can easily fit reading into your busy lifestyle.
E.Plus, it’s a great way to get recommendations for what to read next!
F.The others in your book club may come from different backgrounds.
G.It doesn’t have to be very involved, just a couple of sentences to jog your memory.
2024-06-15更新 | 88次组卷 | 3卷引用:2025年高考英语第一次模拟考试(新高考八省专用)-2024年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用版)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The fact that gender diversity is something that companies constantly desire highlights the problem in itself. Actually, there are several professional industries where the female to male ratio (比例) is still nowhere close to equal. Across industries, the workforce gender balance is still highly skewed (偏向……的), even in domains which do not conventionally involve laborious work. The tech industry is a case in point, with the workforce imbalance definitely being one of the most prominent on the list.

Diversity and inclusion need to go hand in hand, and women around the world are increasingly assuming important positions and taking core decisions in the tech sector. These women are driving technological change and innovation which impact the industry at large.

Gender diversity, like diversity in general, is important for varied perspectives and thought processes in a company. These perspectives are what help shape advancements and new ideas in technology and overall operations for the success of the business. This is especially true for technologies such as AI. The effects of personal biases on AI can tilt (使……倾斜) the results and, thus, they require a number of inputs and caution on the team’s part, to be able to produce accurate solutions based on diverse and inclusive data.

According to a 2017 report on Higher Education by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, women were at or near parity (对等) among undergraduate degrees in science IT and computer. Most women equal men when it comes to skills, but face discrimination in other areas, thus creating a gap and reducing the will to continue at the company.

According to reports, biased treatment within the workplace is the most frequently cited reason for leaving, followed by poor management. There is still scope for a shift in attitudes at workplaces, which is a major obstacle when it comes to retaining women employees. In order to retain this talent and hire more talent like this, governments, NGOs and leaders from tech organizations need to come together to help close the gender gap further by providing more flexible work options and decision-making opportunities for women.

More and more women across the world are interested in pursuing tech careers or maintaining their existing ones. There is a need to encourage them to take up roles in AI and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) with opportunities that are both fair and equal. Given the computer-driven nature of AI, there is a need for women from diverse backgrounds to balance out the conventionally male-dominated profession to give an accurate representation. Thus, an inclusive and diverse workforce, combined with better HR policies will retain and draw in more women. This, in turn, will help the entire tech industry to develop a more comprehensive, empathetic (感同身受的) way of operations, which will undoubtedly influence the future socio-cultural thread driven by products and services developed by them.

1. From the first paragraph we know that ________.
A.gender balance problem remains to be solved
B.laborious work demands more gender balance
C.not all industries have gender balance problem
D.gender balance problem has been more serious
2. Women employees are reported to leave their jobs mainly because of ________.
A.unsatisfying incomeB.unfair treatment
C.competitive workplaceD.poor management
3. Which of the following can help to retain and attract more women?
A.Encouraging women to take up all kinds of roles.
B.Treating women employees more kindly than to men employees.
C.Offering women diverse work choices and decision-making opportunities.
D.Providing a tolerant working environment combined with favorable welfare.
4. What is the purpose of writing this passage?
A.To appeal to women to protect their proper rights
B.To present the fact of gender bias in the tech industry
C.To call for more women representation in the tech industry
D.To teach the tech industry how to get rid of gender bias
2024-06-15更新 | 37次组卷 | 2卷引用:2025年高考英语第一次模拟考试(新高考八省专用)-2024年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用版)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文的体裁为议论文。文章围绕城市化这一主题展开,讨论了城市生活的正面与负面看法,并引用了经济学家Edward Glaeser和环保主义者Stewart Brand的观点来支持城市化带来的积极效益,包括促进信息流通、经济效益以及对环境的相对较小影响。文章旨在反驳将城市化视为纯粹负面现象的观点,提倡应视为发展进程中不可避免的一部分,并着重于如何有效管理城市增长的问题。

6 . Many people view cities largely in negative terms — as crowded, dirty, unhealthy environments that are breeding (繁殖) grounds for disease and crime. People fear that as cities get bigger, living conditions will get worse. To a growing number of economists, urban planners, and environmentalists, urbanization is good news. Many planners now believe big cities offer a solution to dealing with the problem of Earth’s growing population.

Harvard economist Edward Glaeser is one person who believes that cities bring largely positive benefits. Glaeser’s optimism is reflected in the title of his book The Triumph of the City. Glaeser argues that poor people flock to cities because that’s usually where the money is. Cities are productive because of “the absence of space between people”, which reduces the cost of transporting goods, people, and ideas. While the flow of goods has always been important to cities, what is most important today is the flow of ideas. Successful cities attract and reward smart people with higher wages, and they enable people to learn from one another. In the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street, employees work in one open, crowded space sharing information. “They value knowledge over space. That’s what the modern city is all about.”

Another champion of urbanization is environmentalist Stewart Brand. From an ecological perspective, says Brand, moving people out of cities would be disastrous. Because cities are dense, they allow half of the world’s population to live on about four percent of the land, leaving more space for open country, such as farmland. People living in cities also have less impact per capita (人均) on the environment. Their roads, sewers (下水道) , and power lines are shorter and require fewer resources to build and operate. City apartments require less energy to heat, cool, and light than larger houses in suburbs and rural areas. Most importantly, people living in dense cities drive less. They can walk to many destinations, and public transportation is practical because enough people travel regularly to the same places. As a result, dense cities tend to produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions per person than scattered, sprawling suburbs.

Despite the negative aspects such as pollution and serious problems like urban slums, it is a mistake to see urbanization as evil; instead, we should view it as an inevitable part of development. Rapid growth itself is not the real problem — the larger issue is how to manage the growth.

1. Why does the author mention the New York Stock Exchange in Paragraph 2?
A.To indicate the space there is valuable.
B.To show how goods can be exchanged.
C.To illustrate the importance of information flow.
D.To describe what a modern city should look like.
2. The underlined word “champion” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to a person who ________.
A.advocates somethingB.challenges something
C.achieves somethingD.protects something
3. Stewart Brand believes that ________.
A.urbanization would be more disastrous
B.life in cities is more economical than in rural areas
C.public transportation consumes more energy in cities
D.people living in rural areas have less impact on the environment
4. How does the author support Stewart Brand’s idea in Paragraph 3?
A.By quoting authorities.B.By making comparisons.
C.By analysing the causes.D.By criticizing opposing views.
2024-06-15更新 | 60次组卷 | 3卷引用:2025年高考英语第一次模拟考试(新高考八省专用)-2024年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用版)
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给的段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.


Anxious, Devin sat in the back seat of the car. “I have so much energy!” he said. “Do I really have to sit and watch?”

“It’s just for one more game.” Devin’s father said as he drove into the parking lot by the outdoor basketball court. “It’s better to stay on the safe side.”

Devin sighed. “It’s been a week since I got injured,” he said. “It doesn’t hurt at all.”

But it did hurt when he was in last week’s game. He twisted to avoid a defender and ended up spraining his ankle. “The doctor said 10 days,” his father reminded him. “No jumping. You can ease back into basketball next week.”

Devin ran his fingers over the logo on his basketball uniform. He was ready for the game, but he knew he’d be spending it on the bench. The summer season was short — just eight games —and he’d already missed one.

“I just want to help my team win,” he said as he got out of the car. “I can’t do that if I’m not on the court.”

Devin loved hearing the thump (沉闷的撞击声), thump, thump of basketballs and the feeling of excitement before every game. Hip-hop music from the loudspeaker made him feel like dancing. The energy in the air would make it even harder for him not to participate.

Before the game, Coach reminded the players to make smart passes and play tough defense. Without Devin’s leadership and skill, his team would need a huge effort.

By halftime, Coach praised the players for their hard work. With Devin unable to play, the team had only one extra player, so no one was getting much rest.

The game was fierce. The score stood at 47 to 49 with three minutes left in the game. Devin sat down and rubbed his hands together. “I’m a loser here on the bench. I can do nothing to help.” he thought.

Coach called a timeout(比赛暂停) and gathered the players to give some advice.

1. 续写词数为150左右;

Suddenly, Coach turned to Devin. “Do you have anything to add?


The game was over and his team had a two-point victory!

2024-06-15更新 | 52次组卷 | 3卷引用:2025年高考英语第一次模拟考试(新高考八省专用)-2024年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用版)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Navarre Scott Momaday became the first Native American to win a Pulitzer Prize after publishing his first novel, House Made of Dawn, in 1968.

Momaday didn’t feel that the recognition was as deserving as others thought. The Kiowa writer had always considered himself a poet above all else. “I don’t think of myself as a novelist,” he told the Los Angeles Times’s Edward Iwata. “I still feel poetry is the highest form of literature.” Many years after House Made of Dawn’s publication, he still saw its success as an accident.

Momaday died at age 89, and he left behind an astonishing literary achievement. His barrier-breaking novel paved the way for a new generation of Native American authors, including James Welch, Leslie Marmon Silko, Louise Erdrich and Joy Harjo. His distinctive style and vivid descriptions make the comparison to poetry appropriate. “That’s exactly what it was,” says Kevin Gover, a citizen of the Pawnee Tribe of Oklahoma. “It really reads like poetry. It is quite unique. I’ve seen very little that’s like it before or since.”

Momaday was born on February 27, 1934, in Lawton, Oklahoma. When he was a baby, the family relocated to a reservation in Arizona. They moved once again to Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico, when he was 12. Momaday has said that the main character of his first novel is a combination of the troubled individuals he knew as a child at Jemez Pueblo. After earning a master’s degree and PhD in English from Stanford University, Momaday taught at several institutions. He wrote House Made of Dawn in the mornings before class.

“House Made of Dawn was about what it means to be Native in contemporary circumstances,” says Gover, who remembers following the novel’s publication and rise to literary praise when he was a child. “Momaday was from my part of the country, down in southwest Oklahoma. I remember we were all amazed — not that we could appreciate when we were kids the quality of his work — but just the fact that somebody like us had produced something that was winning such praise.”

1. What did Momaday think of his winning the Pulitzer Prize?
A.It’s rewarding.B.It’s honorable.
C.It’s unexpected.D.It’s challenging.
2. Why does the author list Native American authors in paragraph 3?
A.To compare Momaday with them.
B.To emphasize Momaday’s influence on them.
C.To help readers understand Momaday’s book.
D.To tell Momaday’s writing style comes from them.
3. Which most impacted Momaday’s creation of House Made of Dawn?
A.Lawton, Oklahoma.B.Stanford University.
C.The reservation in Arizona.D.Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico.
4. What does Gover intend to say in the last paragraph?
A.It’s hard for Native American authors to succeed.
B.Modern society favors the literary creation.
C.House Made of Dawn wasn’t a hit at first.
D.He has loved literature since childhood.
2024-06-15更新 | 47次组卷 | 2卷引用:2025年高考英语第一次模拟考试(新高考八省专用)-2024年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用版)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . If you’re interested in increasing your academic knowledge, consider taking an online college course.

Open Culture

It provides access to over 1,700 college courses for free. They’re chosen from subjects like literature and computer science or specific schools like Harvard and Oxford. If you want to obtain an online degree, you pay the relevant fees. The site also provides access to certificates, movies, and e-books. Some course categories include:




It offers free membership classes in several subjects, like law and literature, taught by college professors and industry experts. Premium (高级) membership courses are available for a fee. There are various course types, which are short courses, online degrees, ExpertTracks and Microcredentials. You can complete the courses at your own pace. Featured courses include:

Copywriting Fundamentals

A Beginner’s Guide to Fashion Design

Academic Earth

It matches prospective students with online coursework, either to audit (旁听) or work towards a degree. It’s free to audit classes, but if you seek course credits, you pay a fee before attending the class. You may also select the university you wish to receive your online degree based on the ones the site offers. Its degree program includes subjects like:




It affords students access to free courses and paid degree courses from several distinguished international colleges and universities. From the site, you can explore earning a certification or a degree based on your learning goals. If you’re seeking a new career path, the site can help you with the process by offering courses to develop your skills and earn professional documents. A few of the free classes offered include:

Financial Markets

Introduction to Psychology

1. What is special about FutureLearn’s courses?
A.They can all be learned flexibly.B.They all belong to premium members.
C.They’re all related to law and literature.D.They’re all taught by college professors.
2. If you want to make a career change, which will you go to for a new skill?
A.Academic Earth.B.Open Culture.
3. What do the online learning platforms have in common?
A.They’re fit for beginners with free time.
B.They specifically serve working people.
C.They only charge for their certain courses.
D.They offer courses for awarding degrees only.
2024-06-15更新 | 48次组卷 | 3卷引用:2025年高考英语第一次模拟考试(新高考八省专用)-2024年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用版)
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Walking into the Suzhou Art Museum in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, the eyes of visitors are immediately drawn to an artwork hanging high on the wall     1     describes a vivid and lifelike cat,     2    (give)the surface impression of a contemporary art piece.

“Viewers mistake it     3     an oil painting at    4    (one)sight. We hope to fill the traditional craft with contemporary expressions,” says Zhang Fan, 48, one of the creators of the piece.

Next to the artwork     5    (be)two Su embroidery(苏绣)works coping with abstract photos taken by US photographer Michael Yamashita. All of these works are produced by Zhang and his mother, Zhang Meifang, 78,     6     master embroiderer who created the collision piece in cooperation with     7    (establish)physicist Tsung-dao Lee. In 2005, the Zhangs set up an embroidery innovative center, applying the ancient techniques of silk thread to modern art forms, including oil paintings, wall paintings, sculpted     8    (relief)and photos.

Su embroidery, known for its complicated techniques, elegant style and bright colors,     9    (typical)features birds, flowers, cats, landscapes, and figures. Most embroiderers in Jiangsu concentrate on Su embroidery, making     10     popular among both the upper class and the public for its delicate needlework.

2024-06-15更新 | 79次组卷 | 3卷引用:2025年高考英语第一次模拟考试(新高考八省专用)-2024年高考英语一轮复习考点通关卷(新高考通用版)
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