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1 . 听下面一段材料,完成下面5个小题。请根据材料内容用适当的词填空,并填写在横线上,每空1词。本段材料读两遍。

Interviewer: David, what do you see as the main problems with the environment?

David: Well, in a nutshell, the most     1     problem of all is the climate. The world's climate seems to be getting warmer.

Interviewer: We've seen a lot of     2     of that, haven't we? Hotter summers, warmer winters, that kind of thing.

David: Yes, we have. Also, scientists have found that the ice at the Poles is beginning to melt.

Interviewer: We've heard that too. Is that really happening?

David: Yes, I'm afraid it is. And at sometime in the future, the ice may melt completely. Then it's possible that the sea could rise and coastal cities like New York and Shanghai could disappear under water.

John: It sounds very     3    .

David: I couldn't agree with you more. It's scary!

Interviewer: Can you explain why the climate's getting warmer?

David: Well, I'll do my best! It's pollution that's the problem. Gases from cars enter the atmosphere and stop the sun's heat from leaving the atmosphere. And factories give out chemicals that do the same thing. So as a result, the climate is getting warmer.

Interviewer: From what I understand, carbon dioxide from cars is a     4     problem.

David: You're absolutely right. Carbon dioxide is the gas that does most       5     to the atmosphere. But we have a problem with trees too. You see, trees give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. So they're very useful because they use up the carbon dioxide.

2019-10-11更新 | 255次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版 新教材 Unit 5 Period 1 Listening and speaking 02
2 . Listen again and complete the table




dim suma kind of traditional    1    from    2    
    3    using a cellphone without caring about othersa combination of the words    4    and     5    
    6    a shorter way of saying     7    from the Internet
听力填空 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 听下面一段材料,请根据材料内容用适当的词填空,并填写在横线上,每空1词。

Interviewer: David, what do you see as the main problems with the environment?

David: Well, in a nutshell, the most     1     problem of all is the climate. The world's climate seems to be getting warmer.

Interviewer: We've seen a lot of     2     of that, haven't we? Hotter summers, warmer winters, that kind of thing.

David: Yes, we have. Also, scientists have found that the ice at the Poles is beginning to melt.

Interviewer: We've heard that too. Is that really happening?

David: Yes, I'm afraid it is. And at sometime in the future, the ice may melt completely. Then it's possible that the sea could rise and coastal cities like New York and Shanghai could disappear under water.

John: It sounds very     3    .

David: I couldn't agree with you more. It's scary!

Interviewer: Can you explain why the climate's getting warmer?

David: Well, I'll do my best! It's pollution that's the problem. Gases from cars enter the atmosphere and stop the sun's heat from leaving the atmosphere. And factories give out chemicals that do the same thing. So as a result, the climate is getting warmer.

Interviewer: From what I understand, carbon dioxide from cars is a     4     problem.

David: You're absolutely right. Carbon dioxide is the gas that does most     5     to the atmosphere. But we have a problem with trees too. You see, trees give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. So they're very useful because they use up the carbon dioxide.

2020-08-25更新 | 131次组卷 | 1卷引用:【高中新教材人教版同步备课】必修1【新教材精创】5.1 Listening and speaking 练习(2)(含听力)
听力填空 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 听短文填空,完成以下练习。
1. What is Max going to do this vacation?
2. What is Max going to do there?
They'll learn ____skills. For example, I'll learn how to make a____. There'll be some ____there to show us how to live in the wild. I think it's going to be____.
3. What does the girl plan to do this vacation?
She is going to an ____youth camp. She is going to give a ____about student life in China.
4. What does Max think of the girl’s vacation plan?
2019-09-18更新 | 151次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版 新教材 Unit 1 Period 1 Listening&Speaking&Talking 练习(含听力)
听力填空 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . Listen again and complete the table




dim suma kind of traditional    1    from    2    
    3    using a cellphone without caring about othersa combination of the words    4    and     5    
    6    a shorter way of saying     7    from the Internet

2019-09-29更新 | 111次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版 新教材 Unit 2 Period 5 Listening 02(练习)
6 . Listen to three conversations and match them to the pictures.
A.   B.C.
1.    1    
2.    2    
3.    3    
2019-10-11更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版 新教材 Unit 2 Period 5 Listening 01 练习
7 . Listen to the conversation again and complete the plan.
    1     the things we’re going to do.
Record the     2     it takes to do the activities.
Only     3     at a time.
Do     4     first.
2019-09-30更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版 新教材 Unit 1 Period 5 Listening 练习
听力填空 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why is a good night’s sleep important for the first student?
2. Why does the second student never exercise?
3. What is the expert’s bad habit? Do you think it is a health problem?
4. What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit?
2024-05-03更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019选必三unit 4课后作业C层 提升练Using Language-1(含听力)
听力填空 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 听下面一段独白,并填写空白。

How to Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Eat healthy food.·A heart-healthy diet includes foods that are     1     in fats, sugars, and salt.
·Heart-healthy foods include seeds, fruits and vegetables and certain fats, like plant oil and fish.
    2    .·Adults need at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of activity each week.
·It includes walking fast, dancing and riding a bike.
    3     if necessary.People who weigh too much have a higher risk for heart disease and other health problems.
Say no to smoking.Don’t smoke, and     4     other people’s smoke.
    5     stress.·It can help prevent serious health problems.
·Deep breathing and thinking are good ways to relax.
2024-05-03更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019选必二unit 5课后作业C层 提升练Using Language-1
听力填空 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . Listen to three conversations and match them to the pictures.
A.   B.C.
1.    1    
2.    2    
3.    3    
2019-09-29更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版 新教材 Unit 2 Period 5 Listening 02(练习)
共计 平均难度:一般