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1 . In San Francisco, a large group of sea lions move themselves out of the bay waters and hang out on PIER 39, which is a popular tourist destination. According to dock (码头)officials, this is the most sea lions seen in the region in 15 years.

“Over 1,000 sea lions have been counted this week,” PIER 39 harbormaster Sheila Chandor told many different media. “The surge in sea lions is usually a good sign of their strong population and healthy living environment,” said Adam Ratner, Director of Conservation Engagement at the Marine Mammal(海洋哺乳动物) Center in Sausalito, California.

“California sea lions are sentinels(哨兵) of the ocean,” Ratner said. Their population to some extent reflects the health of the ocean. Therefore, seeing a large number of California sea lions is clearly a good thing.

For nearly 35 years, the slippery(滑的) residents have been a star attraction for tourists. That autumn in 1989, PIER 39 had just been repaired, but the ships had not yet been moved back. At that moment, the sea lions unexpected arrival not only attracted fans but also created enemies. According to a website, some dock residents and workers were scared away by the strong and very unpleasant smell and noise of their new neighbors, while others saw these animals as a bright spot after the destructive Loma Prieta earthquake.

The officials sought help from the Marine Mammal Center to find a way to deal with sea lions. Ratner said that the final decision is to let the sea lions stay and coexist with humans. “The fact proves that this is really a good thing,” he said. “This is just a proof of how we can truly work together and think about how we can share our coasts with marine mammals and other wildlife in a way that benefits all the parties involved.”

1. How does the author start the text?
A.By describing a situation.
B.By answering a question.
C.By holding a conversation.
D.By comparing different opinions.
2. What does the underlined word “surge” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Sharp increase.B.Tight control.
C.Slow development.D.Sudden movement.
3. What is Ratner’s attitude to the final decision?
4. What message does the author seem to convey in the text?
A.Sea lions are pretty cool animals.
B.Animals and humans can live in harmony.
C.Watching sea lions might not be a proper action.
D.Sea lions should be driven out of PIER 39.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是记叙文。讲述了Freed – Kernis退休后雕刻石头的故事。

2 . In 2019, after retiring from her career as a social worker, Ane Freed - Kernis decided to build a home workshop and devote all of her free time to stone carving. “I might be covered head to to e in dust but I’m happy — it was something I needed more of in my life when I hit 60,” she says.

This appeal has its origins in Freed - Kernis’ childhood. Growing up on her father’s farm in Denmark, she used to wander through the fields with her eyes fixed on the ground, looking for stones to add to her collection. “I’ve always been drawn to the shapes and textures(质地) of stones,” she says.

After moving to England in 1977 and training as a social worker, Freed - Kernis soon became occupied with her busy career and the demands of raising her son. Stones were the last thing on her mind, until her father died in 2005. “He took a stone carving course in his retirement, and I always thought stone seemed so fun but never had the time to look into it myself,” she says. “After he died, I became determined to learn in his honour.”

Signing up for a week-long stone carving course at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Freed - Kernis began to learn how to turn a block of rock into well-designed shapes. “It was really scary at the start because you would spend hours just hammering(锤打).”

Now 65, Freed - Kernis has a thriving small business built largely through word of mouth. She creates 12 to 15 pieces a year that can take anywhere from a few days to three weeks to complete, while her prices range from £ 200 to £ 3,000. “I’m making smaller ones,” she says. “I don’t have to depend on the money much, so I want to keep prices in the range that people can afford, mainly just covering costs and labour(劳动力).”

1. Freed-Kernis was first attracted by stones when ______.
A.she was 60B.she was a child
C.her father diedD.she moved to England
2. What can we infer about Freed-Kernis from paragraph 3?
A.She never cared about her father.
B.She led a disappointing life in Denmark.
C.She spent lots of time studying stone carving.
D.She learned stone carving under the influence of her dad.
3. How did Freed-Kernis feel when she started stone carving course?
A.Hopeful and proud.
B.Confident and satisfied.
C.Nervous and frightened.
D.Impatient and unprepared.
4. Why is Freed-Kernis making smaller pieces?
A.They are easier to move by her.
B.They are more affordable to people.
C.She wants to save costs and labour.
D.She is too old to focus on making large ones.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . At some point, something will have to be done about the stuffed toys (毛绒玩具). I haven’t counted them because, truthfully, I’m not prepared to know how many there are. Lately, our neighborhood’s message boards are filled with posts about parents trying to make space, to clear out the things their kids no longer need. The tone of some of these posts can best be described as “emergency”. “Help!” they sometimes begin. “I have to get this out of my house.”

“The proliferation (激增) of children’s toys is the outcome of a long, gradual cultural change,”says Gary Cross, a professor at Pennsylvania State University. To understand how we got here — drowning (淹没于) in all those stuffed toys and bricks — it helps to look as far back as the late 19th century. “Parents were no longer passing their jobs on to the children,” Cross says. “Instead, they connect across generations through the gifting process. From the early 20th century on, goods became the things that define relationships between family members, and the way of marking success as a family.”

Then, how can parents deal with the proliferation of children’s toys at home? Naeemah Ford Goldson, a professional organizer, is also a mom of two. In her own home, Goldson likes to include her kids in the work of sorting out their toys. They know that the items they don’t need anymore will be given to people who can use them, to families who might not be as fortunate as theirs. “Doing so helps them build those habits of letting go,” she says, “so then they don’t become adults who are too dependent on material things instead of experiences, or people, and the memories we make with people.”

Her idea made sense. She told her 5-year-old they should pick some to give to kids in their community who came from another country and had to leave their toys behind. She immediately took a pink bear from the pile.

1. Why does the author present the posts in paragraph 1?
A.To show the popularity of children’s toys.
B.To offer suggestions about choosing children’s toys.
C.To praise the role of social media in buying children’s toys.
D.To introduce the influence too many children’s toys bring about.
2. What has caused the huge increase of children’s toys according to Cross?
A.Children’s demands.B.The growth of technology.
C.The traditions in the 18th century.D.The practice of gifting among family members.
3. What does Goldson do to avoid too many toys?
A.Involve her kids in organizing toys.B.Put away toys for her kids.
C.Buy her kids fewer toys.D.Sell unwanted toys to neighbors.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.The Rise of Toy Stores in NeighborhoodsB.The Importance of Choosing Proper Gifts
C.The Challenge of Managing Children’s ToysD.The Joy of Collecting Children’s Toys
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了都柏林国际文学节(ILFD)为其2024年的以 “颠倒的文字”为主题节目征集方案。

4 . International Literature Festival Dublin (ILFD) is now seeking plans for its 2024 programme edition responding to the theme of “Words Upside Down”. For this year’s open call, ILFD invites artists, creative practitioners (从业人员) and groups from all arts backgrounds to give in event plans responding to the theme and suitable for showing at ILFD’s new Literary (文学的) Village in one of Dublin City’s finest parks, Merrion Square Park, running from 17th to 26th of May, 2024.

We encourage plans which accept curiosity and wonder, cause conversation or new ways of listening. This year, we are especially interested in work that will bring its audience in close contact with either the natural or the artificial (人工的) world or both. We welcome plans which are suitable for audiences aged 16 and above. Above all, we welcome plans that break away from the forms of traditional literary events. We are only able to accept plans made from artists based in the island of Ireland.

Successful applicants (申请人) will be supported by the festival team to bring their ideas to life during this year’s programme which will be presented in Dublin City’s Merrion Square Park. The closing date for applications is Monday 11th of March, 5 pm.

● The content of the plan must be presented during the festival dates.
● The festival expects that the artist or author is able to work independently and has a clear idea for the operation of their plan.
● The festival will provide access to its technological equipment (projectors, speakers, media players, etc).
● Funds ranging from € 500 to € 1,000 are provided for each project.
1. What do we know about the programme titled “Words Upside Down”?
A.It will run on 11th of March.
B.It is one of ILFD’s 2025 programmes.
C.It will raise money for the new village.
D.It will be shown at Merrion Square Park.
2. What kind of plans are preferred?
A.Plans aimed at primary school students.
B.Plans related to traditional literary events.
C.Plans made by creative artists from Ireland.
D.Plans bringing artists into the natural world.
3. How will the festival team support the applicants?
A.By providing experts’ guidance.
B.By paying applicants for € 2,000.
C.By deciding the content of each plan.
D.By offering technological support.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . How to gain happiness? Aristotle, a famous Greek philosopher(哲学家), believed that happiness is achieved through the development of certain virtues, stressing a balanced lifestyle.     1    .

Balancing Personal Strengths and Relationships

Aristotle combined virtues like modesty, honesty, and sociability into one principle: balance knowing yourself with getting along with others. Modesty(谦虚) involves recognizing both your true strengths and weaknesses clearly.     2    . Honesty means being true in your expressions. Sociability stresses the necessity of making and keeping friends.

Managing Emotions and Actions

    3    . Aristotle said it’s normal to feel emotions like anger, but the key to happiness is how you handle these feelings. Justice(公平) involves treating others fairly and balancing one’s needs with the needs of others. Strength involves facing fears and carefully considering risks before acting, which helps you achieve your goals confidently.

Practicing Kindness and Tolerance(宽容)

Generosity, tolerance, and grace are virtues that Aristotle considered to be part of kindness. Generosity isn’t just about giving things to others, but also about doing so thoughtfully.     4    . Grace combines a sense of humor with the seriousness required in certain situations, helping to keep a pleasant and supportive presence around others.

    5    . He teaches us that happiness is not just about seeking pleasure or avoiding pain, but about developing a balanced character. By developing these virtues and finding a balance in everything we do, we can lead truly happy and satisfying lives.

A.Aristotle stressed the importance of knowing oneself
B.This principle combines self-control, justice, and strength
C.Such realistic self-view makes you more confident and happier
D.Tolerance involves excusing others’ mistakes while keeping self-respect
E.In short, Aristotle’s approach to happiness is about finding balance in life
F.Here’s a simple explanation of his ideas designed for high school students
G.A person who knows how to be happy needs to develop a balanced sense of justice
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Everyone has ever been in a situation where they need some help. Unfortunately, it can feel tough to ask for help. Maybe you feel embarrassed or scared that you’ll be turned down.     1    .

Choose the right time

Don’t ask someone for help when they are obviously busy. For example, don’t ask your professor for help with homework right as they are trying to start class. If you’re not sure whether or not it is a good time, just ask. You can say, “I’d love to ask for your help with something.     2    ?”

Speak up

In most cases, if you don’t ask for help, you won’t receive it. Sometimes people might be hesitant to step up and offer help. If you need something, speak up and ask.     3    . If you’re lost, step into a nearby store to ask for directions, or ask the bus driver which bus station you want to go to. Don’t feel embarrassed by asking for help.


People aren’t mind readers. Instead of just saying “I need help.”, clearly state what it is that you need. For example, instead of saying to your teacher “I’m confused. Can you help me?”, say “I don’t understand how to solve the math problem. Can you please show me a sample problem?”

Be determined

    5    . That can be frustrating (令人沮丧的). However, it is important not to give up. Keep trying to get help and make it work for you. You might feel like you don’t receive the sort of helpful advice that you are hoping for. Just try again. Sometimes, you may need to reach out to a few people before getting assistance.

A.Be specific
B.Ask in a positive way
C.Can you help me again
D.Here are some tips for you
E.Is there a time that’s good for you to talk
F.For example, maybe you’re traveling alone in a new city
G.Sometimes, the help you get might not be what you expected
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . With over 70% of the country blanketed in forest, Bhutan is rich in outdoor activities and charming villages that showcase a distinctive culture found nowhere else on the Earth. Here are our picks for the best places to add to your Bhutan traveling list.


Less than 10 minutes away from the airport, the historic riverside town of Paro is known for the National Museum, Rinpung Dzong and symbolic Tiger’s Nest Monastery. Wander along Paro’s streets and the Paro Weekend Market to explore shops and stands offering handmade souvenirs. When you’ve worked up an appetite, step into any restaurant for fresh, handmade momo dumplings.


In Bhutan’s capital city, spend the day creating your own stamps at the Bhutan Postal Museum, touring the massive Thimphu’s museums and watching policemen manually direct traffic(there are no traffic lights in the entire city). When the sun sets below the mountains, enjoy yourself at bars like Grey Area, a popular art bar with live music where you can shout “tashi delek!”, a Xizang’s expression for good luck and health.


Beloved for riverside farms where cows eat among rice and pepper fields, Punakha is home to what is its most beautiful temple, which sits along the Punakha River. Punakha’s low altitude means it tends to be hotter and sunnier than nearby towns and districts, which means you’ll need to take precautions to avoid sunburn.


Fashion lovers can expect to visit behind the curtain in Bhutan’s textile center, Khoma. In the eastern district of Lhuentse, this village is home to roughly 1,000 residents—and few cars. Khoma’s artisans spend their days weaving delicate patterns and designs on traditional Bhutanese looms (织布机), creating colors from the area’s minerals and plants.

1. What is recommended for visitors traveling in Thimphu?
A.Acting as a policeman.B.Enjoying the nightlife.
C.Purchasing ancient stamps.D.Trying handmade dumplings.
2. What should visitors carry while traveling in Punakha?
A.Food.B.Life jackets.C.Sunblock.D.Warming clothing.
3. Which attraction best suits tourists who are interested in traditional crafts?
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Enjoying your workouts can be a complete game changer when it comes to keeping a consistent exercise schedule and avoiding burnout.     1    

Making exercise more fun

The Heart Matters magazine gives a few recommendations on how to make exercise more fun, such as asking others to join you and exercising for a specific cause, like a marathon for raising funds for an organization.     2    . But why?

Research shows that enjoying your exercise can be important for its long-term effectiveness. When you are positively engaged in something you choose to do and want to do as opposed to something you have to do, it changes your mindset. A positive mindset during exercising is absolutely essential.

    3    . You are more likely to stick to it if you enjoy it. Most people would rather make a habit of something that brings them pleasure as opposed to something boring. So, what do you find enjoyable? What is fun for you?

There are so many types of exercise

There are so many types of exercise that people can do.     4    . Running is an excellent form of exercise, as is walking. Dance classes can be super fun as well, and so can sports. Playing sports is a form of exercise that shouldn’t be forgotten.

Thinking outside the box is a must, since gyms and workouts that require lots of equipment aren’t always available or possible, and depending on these to exercise can possibly leave you without a workout at times. Team sports like basketball, tennis or football with friends are great for your fitness.     5    , or choosing other types of exercise like rope jumping, surfing, rock climbing or belly dancing. Those are all excellent forms of exercise, and your mind and body will thank you for years to come.

A.Exercise benefits you a lot more than before
B.In short, making it fun should be a top priority
C.You’d better form the habit of doing exercise daily
D.Thus, exercise doesn’t have to mean going to the gym
E.Another benefit of enjoying your exercise is insisting
F.Don’t think twice before enjoying these sports as a workout
G.Discover how enjoying exercise can make you healthier and happier
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . A team of three students won $700,000 this week for using artificial intelligence (AI) to read passages from an ancient papyrus scroll (纸草卷轴). The document is one of the more than 800 scrolls known as the Herculaneum papyri that were carbonized by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Researchers discovered the passages in the 18th century, but attempts to read them proved in vain: Unfolding them by hand only caused them to fall apart.

That’s where the Vesuvius Challenge comes in. Brent Seales, a computer scientist, and two businessmen, Nat Friedman and Daniel Gross, launched the Vesuvius Challenge in March 2023, offering more than $1 million in prize money for reaching a series of milestones using “computer vision, machine learning and hard work”. For the biggest prize, the organizers released high-resolution CT scans of the scrolls and explained the contest’s rules: Participants would need to decipher (破译) at least 85 percent of four passages. A series of smaller prizes were also awarded throughout the year.

The winning team consists of Nader (an Egyptian PhD student in Germany), Julian Schilliger (a robotics student in Switzerland) and Luke Farritor (a computer science student in Nebraska). Their submission was “met with widespread amazement” by the review team of papyrologists. Farritor also won the challenge’s $40,000 “First Letters” prize in October, when he deciphered the scroll’s first word “porphyras”, which means “purple” in ancient Greek. Nader and Farritor began working together the following month and were joined by Schilliger shortly before the December 31 deadline.

The team ultimately trained machine-learning algorithms (算法) to decipher more than 2,000 characters—more than what was needed to win the Grand Prize. These passages appear to be a philosophical discussion of life’s pleasures, including music and food, though the papyrology team is still studying the results. “It seems familiar to us, and we can’t escape the feeling that the first text we’ve uncovered is a 2,000-year-old blog post about how to enjoy life,” write the organizers.

1. Which statement fits the papyrus scroll in paragraph 1?
A.Its 800-word texts were well-known.B.It was successfully unfolded.
C.It was discovered in 79 AD.D.Its text contents were unavailable.
2. What should participants do to win the biggest prize?
A.Explain language rules.
B.Decipher four passages word by word.
C.Develop a type of CT scanner of the scrolls.
D.Translate most characters of the given passages.
3. What is the author’s main purpose in writing paragraph 3?
A.To introduce some background information.
B.To summarize the above paragraphs.
C.To lead to a philosophical conclusion.
D.To put forward a scientific theory.
4. What do we know about the winning team’s achievement?
A.It is under discussion.B.It is beyond expectation.
C.It is familiar to philosophers.D.It is uncovered by the organizers.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . For much of history, biologists and behaviorists assumed that intelligence of species could be neatly organized into a hierarchy. Modern man was placed at the top, followed by other mammals (哺乳动物). Then came the birds, reptiles (爬行动物) and insects.

However, research suggests that intelligence is actually distributed in different ways across the animal kingdom. In the 1960s, a new generation of researchers pushed the rest of the academic community to define animal intelligence in looser terms. They thought the conventional definition of intelligence — something made up of both consciousness and the ability for abstract thought — was too particular to our own species. Because every animal followed a completely different evolutionary journey, intelligence should be measured in relative terms instead of absolute terms.

In the following decades, a variety of technologies that allow us to observe animals for longer periods of time without disturbing their normal routines revealed that animal behaviors are far more complex than many previous thoughts. In Melbourne, some remote controlled machines are helping researchers to better understand the breeding patterns of southern right whales. Meanwhile, they use the computer to learn to understand, track and predict the movements of organisms.

Regardless of our rapidly changing conception of animal intelligence, it is best recognized when the behavior of an animal is similar to our own behavior. For example, elephants, which are said to remember and return to the tomb sites of dead members of their herd. They also exhibit an unusual interest in the dead bodies of other elephants, signaling their attention to death and perhaps even realizing their own death.

As time passes, we are continuously amazed at the level of cognitive (认知的) complexity exhibited by animals. At times, their madness can be difficult to spot. Modern technology finally allows us to look with some precision. Though the search only got underway a few decades ago, we have already discovered more similarities between animals and ourselves than we previously expected.

1. What does the underlined word “hierarchy” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. What did the researchers think of the conventional definition of intelligence?
3. Why are elephants mentioned in paragraph 4?
A.To make a prediction.B.To make an assumption.
C.To prove an exception.D.To prove a viewpoint.
4. What is the topic of the text?
A.Human cognition.
B.Human intelligence.
C.The distribution of animal intelligence.
D.The species classification in the animal kingdom.
共计 平均难度:一般