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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文,文章主要介绍了Zandra Cunningham创建护肤品牌并取得成功的故事。

1 . Zandra Cunningham is the founder of a skincare brand. She has been recognized by the media as one of the youngest and most successful business owners in America.

When she was a kid, Zandra always loved lip balms (护唇膏) and bought a lot of them. But she found they eventually hurt her lips instead of relieving the dryness because of all the chemicals in them. She then started experimenting with different ingredients (成分) together with her mom. They tried a lot of times until they found the natural and healthy combinations they liked. Slowly, Zandra began selling her products at local farmers’ markets and trade events. Before her 10th birthday, she launched her brand and hoped it would empower other young girls.

Soon, it became a challenge for Zandra to separate her personal interests from what her customers actually wanted. “There are a lot of ideas that I feel are excellent but wouldn’t fit into the market,” she said. Being part of the younger market herself, Zandra recognized the issue and improved her products after truly listening to customers. “There are so many brands doing similar things, but there’s still so much room to grow. Your customers are out there, and you just have to reach out to them. That’s what will set you apart,” the 23-year-old shared.

When asked about her experience as a promising young businesswoman, Zandra said, “It wasn’t frightening. When you’re young, fear doesn’t have a strong hold on your mindset. ‘Maybe it’s not going to work’ never really crossed my mind.”

Characterized by encouraging statements and featuring a playful color combination, the packaging (包装) is a big part of why Zandra’s business has been so impressive. “There are a lot of products on the market that seem natural, but they actually aren’t,” she said. “I make sure my packaging can help people understand what each term means, and how to read and check ingredients.”

1. What pushed Zandra to get into the skincare business?
A.Her desire to create skin-friendly products.
B.Her interest in doing chemical experiments.
C.Her wish to set an example for other young girls.
D.Her goal of providing local people with cheap skin products.
2. How did Zandra deal with the trouble in her business?
A.She cooperated with powerful brands.
B.She stood by her own business decisions.
C.She made an effort to meet real market needs.
D.She took inspiration from successful businesswomen.
3. What plays a role in her business success according to Zandra?
A.Her work experience.B.Her parents’ support.
C.Her creative thinking.D.Her youthful positivity.
4. What does Zandra expect to achieve with her packaging?
A.To catch customers’ attention.
B.To collect customers’ opinions on skincare.
C.To educate customers about product knowledge.
D.To encourage environmental awareness in customers.
2024-06-02更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省河源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题
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2 . The walls of ancient Egyptian tombs (坟墓) can teach us much about the ancient Egyptians’ life. However, many paintings in the tombs were damaged by unlawful tomb diggers. Now a new study shows how a technology called portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) can be used to better study the paintings.

Developed in the early 20th century by physicist Henry Moseley, XRF and pXRF can be used to decide materials’ elemental composition (元素组成). Rather than the huge and immovable tool often used to study historical objects in labs, the tool needed in the pXRF study weighs only a few kilograms and can be taken into the field.

The research team headed by Philippe Martinez from Sorbonne University used the new tool to perform chemical imaging on paintings on site, allowing for the study of paint composition. As the ancient Egyptians used paints made from minerals (矿物), the paints have specific chemical markers. By using pXRF, scientists can use the chemical markers to create a map of damaged areas.

The team used the pXRF tool in the study of a painting of Ramesses II found in the tomb of Nakhtamun, which has traditionally been dated at the19th dynasty of ancient Egypt. And they discovered the necklace worn by the king in the painting may have been changed.

The king was first painted to be wearing a shebyu necklace, which was trendy during the 20th dynasty, some years after Ramesses II’s death. And it appears that the necklace was later changed to a wesekh necklace, which usually appears in paintings during his time. This means the tomb painters at first painted this 19th-dynasty ruler wearing a 20th-dynasty necklace, realized their mistake and then corrected it. The technology enabled the team to learn that the tomb owner, Nakhtamun, may actually have lived in the 20th rather than the 19th dynasty, and that the painting is not of a living king, but rather of a former ruler.

According to the researchers, the pXRF technology allows in-depth studies while helping prevent further damage. And it presents important details about the technological and artistic achievements of the ancient Egyptians.

1. What can be learned about the pXRF technology from Paragraph 2?
A.It only works in laboratory settings.
B.It requires a large and fixed tool to operate.
C.It was developed to prevent painting stealing.
D.It is more convenient than the earlier technology.
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The process of repairing the tombs.
B.The researchers’ working methods.
C.The introduction to the technology’s inventor.
D.The valuable materials of the paints used in the paintings.
3. What does the underlined word “trendy” in Paragraph 5 mean?
4. What does the research on the painting of Ramesses II show?
A.Ramesses II paid great attention to his appearance.
B.Ancient Egyptian painters were careless about details.
C.The new tool was important to the dating of historical objects.
D.Technology developed very quickly during Ramesses II’s time.
2024-06-02更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省河源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题
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3 . Chances are that you can name a few animals that are facing extinction. But what about plants? With some 40% of plant species under threat of extinction — and given humankind’s dependence on the plant world — one might think they should be protected as soon as possible. However, so many people suffer from plant blindness which refers to the inability to see or notice the plants in one’s own environment, leading to the inability to recognize the importance of plants.

Now a paper published by Oxford University Press might have found a solution for that. That’s watching nature documentaries. Having noticed that TV shows like Seven Worlds, One Planet, Planet Earth II, and Blue Planet II increased viewers’ interest in the animals on the shows, the researchers set out to discover if TV shows could do the same for plants.

For the paper, they focused on The Green Planet. The show was watched by nearly 5 million people in the United Kingdom. It features various plant species and doesn’t shy away from environmental concerns. To figure out if the documentary attracted viewers enough to make them want to learn more, the researchers noted which species appeared on the show and then looked at data on Google Trends and Wikipedia page hits for those same species before and after the episodes (剧集) of the documentary aired.

Actually, some 28.1% of search terms representing plants mentioned in The Green Planet had peak (高峰时期的) popularity in the UK, measured using Google Trends, the week after the broadcast of the relevant episode. Wikipedia data showed this as well. Almost a third (31.3%) of the Wikipedia pages related to plants mentioned in the documentary showed increased visits the week after the broadcast. The researchers also noted that people were more likely to do online searches for plants that enjoyed more screen time on The Green Planet.

“Our results suggest that the viewers found certain plant species particularly attractive. These plants could be used for promoting plant conservation efforts,” said the paper’s lead author, Joanna Kacprzyk.

1. What is the problem mentioned at the beginning of the text?
A.The harm of introduced plant species to native plants.
B.Limited education about local wildlife protection
C.The lack of public awareness about plants.
D.People’s increasingly poor eyesight.
2. How did the researchers study viewers’ interest in The Green Planet?
A.By showing news about extinct plant species.
B.By comparing its popularity with other TV shows’.
C.By measuring people’s online behavior towards it.
D.By recording viewers’ preferences for social media sites.
3. What effect did The Green Planet cause?
A.Better sales of natural products.
B.A rise in online searches for specific plants.
C.Growing public interest in outdoor activities.
D.More educational websites related to wildlife.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.An effective solution to animal protection
B.The changing views about nature programs
C.Plant blindness: a widespread phenomenon
D.Nature documentaries: a hidden guardian of plants
2024-06-02更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省河源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . We live in a world where we are usually exposed to (接触) news on social media that can be scary, upsetting, or confusing.     1     However, as Mr. Rogers, the beloved host of a children’s show, once said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helpful.’ ”

One of the places where we can look for “the helpers” is on social media platforms.     2     For example, Ryan Kaji is a 9-year-old boy who runs the channel Ryan’s World. He makes videos about science experiments and games that are fun and educational for kids. He also donates to charities and causes that he cares about.

    3     One problem is finding reliable (可靠) and exact sources of information. Not all content on social media platforms is trustworthy. Some content creators may just want to make money from ads. Therefore, it is important to judge the reliability of the sources before we trust their content. Another challenge is keeping a healthy balance between online and offline activities. Spending too much time online can do harm to our physical health, such as causing headaches or sleep problems. Therefore, it is important to limit our screen time by doing other activities.     4    

Looking for helpers on social media can be a valuable way to find hope and comfort in difficulty.    5     Then we will form our own opinions. We can also be helpers ourselves by sharing helpful content on social media that can make a difference in the world.

A.We’d better find some topics to talk about with the helper.
B.Exercising, reading, and learning art are all good choices.
C.Phones and computers have made information easier to gain.
D.They offer a lot of content that can educate or support young viewers.
E.It enables us to see things from different viewpoints and learn new things.
F.However, looking for helpers on social media also comes with some challenges.
G.Sometimes, it can be hard to deal with the negative thoughts that these events cause.
2024-06-02更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省河源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题
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5 . While the classic sandwich will always have its place, there are plenty of exciting lunchbox ideas that will satisfy both kids and parents alike. When kids join in planning and packing their lunches, they’re more likely to enjoy and finish their meals. So, why not give these ideas a try?

Bento Box Bliss

Bento box lunches are gaining popularity. These containers allow you to make a meal with a variety of foods. Fill one section with colorful fruit slices, another with bite-sized vegetables, and the remaining ones with proteins (蛋白质) like chicken and eggs. Finish with a small treat like a handful of berries. The possibilities are endless, and kids will love these different kinds of food.

DIY Lunchables

Homemade Lunchables offers a healthier choice than store-bought food. Pack a selection of whole-grain biscuits, slices of cheese, and a handful of cherry tomatoes. Kids can make their own sandwiches by adding their favorite food to round out the meal. It makes lunchtime an enjoyable experience.

Wrap () it Up

Try using wraps instead of regular sandwiches. It is advised to use the flatbread (扁面包) instead of bread. It can be filled with lots of different things. You can make a turkey wrap with cream cheese, or a vegetable wrap if you prefer a plant-based option. Wraps are not only easy to get ready but also easy for little hands to hold.

Mini Pancake Stacks

Who says pancakes are just for breakfast? Mini pancakes can be a pleasant lunchbox surprise. Make small pancakes and sandwich them with cocoa butter and sliced bananas. Add a little honey for more sweetness. With just a few steps, you can complete them. These cute stacks are not only tasty but also fun to eat.

1. What’s an advantage of Bento box lunches?
A.Offering many sandwich options.B.Using simple materials as food sources.
C.Helping strictly control how much kids eat.D.Enabling kids to enjoy a well-balanced meal.
2. What do we know about homemade Lunchables?
A.It costs much time and effort.B.It allows kids to show creative ideas.
C.It is much tastier than takeaway food.D.It makes kids increase their food intake easily.
3. What do the last two lunchbox choices have in common?
A.Both are easy to prepare.B.Both are popular with little kids.
C.Both suit kids enjoying sweet treats.D.Both feature fast food with high calories.
2024-06-02更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省河源中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了著名设计师兼雕塑家林璎(Maya Lin)的生平事迹以及她的一些作品。

6 . Maya Lin, designer and sculptor, has created some of the most iconic works and spaces with the belief that art can address important issues. Her latest projects are no different, from museums to sculptures for Presidential centers.

Lin, 62, grew up in Ohio, the daughter of college professors who were Chinese immigrants. As a 21-year-old student at Yale University, she gained national prominence when her entry won a design competition for the new Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Her winning design — two black granite (花岗岩) walls engraved with the names of US service members who died in the Vietnam War (1954-1975) or remain missing — is considered one of the most influential in modern architecture.

Lin went on to design the 1989 Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama, and dozens of other projects globally, all with social and environmental justice in mind. She told The Wall Street Journal she uses facts in her art. She said, “I am going to present you with what the story is, but I am not going to draw the conclusion for you.” Currently underway is Lin’s plan for the new Museum of Chinese in America in New York City. Lin said she wants it to be a celebration of Chinese American stories and contributions to the country.

Lin is also designing a sculpture to honor former President Barack Obama’s mother, who died in 1995, at the Obama Presidential Center in Illinois. When Obama awarded Lin the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016, he called her work “physical acts of poetry, each reminding us that the most important element in art or architecture is human emotion.”

1. What is Maya Lin’s principle to make her creation?
A.Art is to lead to reputationB.Art is a physical act of poetry.
C.Art is to create something distinguished.D.Art can be a medium to approach affairs.
2. What is conveyed in her work for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?
A.US soldiers’ sacrifice in the Vietnam War.
B.The influence of the Vietnam War on America.
C.The bloody and cruel scenes of the Vietnam War.
D.Vietnamese soldiers’ fearless fight in the Vietnam War.
3. Where will the sculpture of Barack Obama’s mother be housed?
A.Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.
B.Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama.
C.Museum of Chinese in America in New York City.
D.Obama Presidential Center in Illinois.
4. Which of the following best suits the topic of the passage?
A.Designing with talents
B.Stirring up emotions in art
C.Becoming a great Chinese immigrant
D.Creating the most influential architecture
2024-04-03更新 | 81次组卷 | 9卷引用:广东省佛山市顺德区第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期英语开学试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . An American company has developed a new technique (技术) to make bread stay fresh for 60 days.

Scientists found that a kind of mould (霉菌) caused bread to go bad. The new technique kills the mould and keeps the food for longer time. This means there will be less waste of food in the world in future.

Food waste is a big problem in most developed countries. In the US, an average (普通的) family throws away 40% of the food they buy, which adds up to $165bn every year, about 330 million tons in weight. Bread takes a larger part. In the UK, 32% of the bread they buy is thrown away as waste when they can still be eaten.

The bread usually goes mouldy (发的) in around 10 days, but the American company says the new technique will keep the bread free from mould for two months.

”We treated a piece of bread in a special machine. At 60 days it had the same amount of mould as it was first made,“ says Mr. Stull, the leader of the company.

Although there are a lot of bread makers interested in the new technique, few customers like the idea. They say they don’t think a piece of bread which lasts for 60 days tastes good.

”We’ll have to make our customers accept the idea. But it will take some time,“ says Mr. Stull.

1. What is the key point of the new technique?
A.It can prevent the world from wasting food.
B.It kills the mould and keeps bread fresh for longer time.
C.It keeps the same amount of mould.
D.It makes bread taste good.
2. How much of the bread is wasted in the UK?
A.Nearly half.B.A quarter.C.More than half.D.About one-third.
3. What can we know from the passage?
A.Food waste can be reduced immediately (立刻) with the new technique.
B.We will buy bread that can last longer.
C.Few customers are sure about the technique.
D.Poor countries are in great need of food.
4. What is mainly talked about in the passage?
A.A new technique has been invented to keep bread fresh longer.
B.There is great waste of food in developed countries.
C.There is a kind of mould that causes food to go bad.
D.Customers don’t like food that lasts for two months.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . You can improve learning by handwriting your class notes. Although computer technology is often necessary today, using a pen or pencil activates more areas of your brain than a keyboard does. These are findings of a new study.

As digital devices (数码设备) have taken over society, “keyboard activity is now often suggested as a substitute (替代品) for early handwriting,” a new study notes. The idea is that typing may be easier for young children. “Some schools in Norway have become completely digital,” notes Audrey van der Meer, the new study’s leader. She believes that “young children should learn to write by hand successfully, and, at the same time, learn to manage a keyboard. ”

Using a pen involves more of the brain than using a keyboard, the new findings show. This is because writing and printing involve complicated movements that activate more areas of the brain. The increased brain activity gives the brain more “hooks” to hang your memories on, Audrey explains.

Think about it. The same movement is required to type each letter on a keyboard. In contrast, when we write, our brain needs to think about the shape of each letter. We also need to use our eyes to watch what shapes we’re writing. And we need to control our hands to press a pen or pencil to shape different letters. All of this uses and connects more areas of the brain.

Along the way, these processes appear to “open the brain up for learning”, says Audrey. So learning through only one form—digital—could be harmful, she worries. She also points out that taking notes by hand encourages “visual notetaking”. Rather than typing blindly, the visual notetaker has to think about what is important to write down. Then, key words can be “interlinked by boxes, arrows, and supplemented by small drawings”.

1. Why does keyboard activity come first for children’s early handwriting?
A.It can train their hands.
B.It may be easier to operate.
C.It has been adopted by many schools.
D.It helps them adapt to the digital society.
2. What does paragraph 4 intend to show?
A.The disadvantages of keyboards.
B.Handwriting turns on parts of the brain.
C.Keyboards require people to “think more”.
D.The relationships between the brain and hands.
3. What can be inferred from Audrey’s words in the last paragraph?
A.We should learn in different ways.
B.Handwriting and drawing are similar.
C.We should challenge our brain to get smarter.
D.Handwriting can help remember new information.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Keyboards are not bad
B.How to read brain activity
C.Handwriting beats typing when taking notes
D.Differences between typing and handwriting
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 容易(0.94) |

9 . Are you crazy about teaching young children? Are you looking for an exciting overseas working experience? Then we are the right place for you in Switzerland.

Ylaa Child Care Center has opened its first location in Basel, Switzerland in 2011.The concept has been very successful, and a second location has been opened in May 2012. Ylaa is a day care center for children starting 3 months old till 6 years old. Ylaa is aimed to provide high-quality child care services and an exciting and individual-focused learning program in a multicultural environment.

We are looking for a full time Nursery Teacher.


● Preparing the program together with other managers and team members

● Working with 1 or 2 other team members to take care of a group of children (6-10 children)

● Managing communication with parents including daily reports, regular meetings and yearly development reports

● Backing up other team members for absences


● You are a fluent English speaker and have completed a degree in Early Childhood Education or similar

● You have 2-3 years of working experience with young children in day care centers or nurseries

● Knowledge of German is a plus

● You are at least 24 years old


● Good working conditions: salaries according to Swiss standards, paid vacation, lunch subsidies, insurances

● Internal and external trainings

● Career development opportunities in a growing organization

Please email your complete application. Applications sent via Post will not be considered nor returned.

For more information visit our website www.ylaa.cn.

1. Who is the text intended for?
A.Salesmen.B.Job hunters.
C.College students.D.Actors.
2. The person who wants to get the job must ________ .
A.be less than 24 years old
B.have worked with young children for 4-5 years
C.speak two more foreign languages fluently
D.have a degree about early childhood education
3. How should you send your application if you want to apply for this job?
A.By posting letters.
B.By sending an email.
C.By telephone.
D.By interviewing for yourself.
2024-03-24更新 | 94次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省湛江市雷州市第二中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . As we close out the final days of this year, treat yourself to a deliciously distracting new book —a book that you can dip into and out of throughout the holidays. Read up, rest up, and enjoy yourself.

Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and beyond

A must-have guide for yoga-loving mamas, Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond offers helpful relaxation techniques and breathing exercises that are tailored to each pregnant woman. The book also lays out valuable techniques for labor and staying in touch with your body as it continuously changes.

Mindfulness Activities for Kids

We could all use a little more peace in our lives. Uniquely suited for children and parents to do together, the 40 mindfulness exercises recommended here —from pausing to fully enjoy a tasty sandwich to taking chalk walk together—will not only teach children calm and gratitude, but also bring grown-ups and their littles closer together.

Before She Disappeared

Frankie Elkin is a recovering alcoholic who devotes her time to solving cold cases, especially those involving people of color. A new investigation brings her to Boston, searching for a Haitian teenager who disappeared months ago. But as Frankie starts asking questions, someone else will stop at nothing to keep the answers hidden.

Oak Flat

Lauren Redniss’ Oak Flat tells the story of the land near the San Carlos Apache Reservation through an Apache family fighting to protect the land which the U. S. government and two world-power mining enterprises are attempting to seize and destroy for its copper resources. Visually striking and deeply reported, Oak Flat tells a larger story of endless westward expansion and native resistance.

1. Which book can help to improve family relations?
A.Oak Flat.
B.Before She Disappeared.
C.Mindfulness Activities for Kids.
D.Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond.
2. What do we know about the book Oak Flat?
A.It’s a brief account of mining enterprises.
B.It centers on an Apache family’s struggle.
C.It sings high praise of the US government.
D.It supports westward expansion and native resistance.
3. Who are the target readers of the four books?
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