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1 . Unretirement: older people return to paid employment

The disappearance of 565,000 mostly older people from the UK’s labour force was one of the problematic effects of Covid. In other countries, employment levels recovered more quickly to pre-2020 levels, making the UK exceptional. But while evidence in the past few months points to a change of this trend — the rise of “unretirement” — there is no room for relief.

Government initiatives to address the issue have achieved little. The Treasury came up with the idea of “returnerships”, a variant of the skills training aimed at persuading mature people back to workplaces. But in reality this is not much more than a new label for existing training. Meanwhile, fewer than one in 20 of participants in the government’s “skills training camps” — courses intended to equip jobseekers for the opportunities in their area — are aged over 55.

Mel Stride, the work and pensions secretary, championed the idea of over-50s delivering takeaways, and doing other jobs more readily associated with younger workers.Age should not be a barrier to anyone willing and able to do this kind of work. But more importantly, government ministers should extend employment beyond low-wage private sector vacancies(空缺) to labour shortages in health, education and social care — where umemployment problem is serious.

Revealed in one survey, descriptions of returning to employment are highly variable.Some did so because they were struggling with the rising cost of living. Others found that they missed the company of co-workers, wanted to make a contribution to family finances or needed“a purpose in life”.

The 26.5% of adults aged 50 to 64 who are economically inactive — neither working nor seeking work — is still too high. The coexistence of high levels of economic inactivity with key worker shortages in vital areas such as teaching remains hugely problematic. But rising employment levels can be seen as part of a delayed return to normality. And Ministers still need to better target policies to encourage economically inactive 50–to 64-year-olds back to work.

1. Why do the UK government plans have little effect?
A.Mature people are unwilling to retire.
B.The government lacks related equipment.
C.The skills training isn’t essentially changed.
D.The government doesn’t provide professional training.
2. What should the government do for unretirement?
A.Strengthen association with younger workers.
B.Widen employment opportunities.
C.Offer diverse training courses.
D.Predict the potential problems.
3. What was a reason for unretirement according to the survey?
A.Financial struggle.B.Contribution to society.
C.Family’s expectations.D.Co-workers’ encouragement.
4. What is the text?
A.A news report.B.A book review.
C.A scientific report.D.A diary entry.
2024-06-23更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Is It OK to Be Unhappy?

Many people might say that you should always be happy, but is it okay to allow yourself time when sadness may prevail over happiness? We’ll explore how sadness offers people opportunities for self-reflection and why people should appreciate their sorrow.

What is unhappiness?

Many words are used to express sadness: suffering, misery, sorrow, pain, and more. It often results from other feelings like guilt, grief, anxiety, hopelessness, or anger.     1    It may differ from a person to another but it could change how you physically feel—a stomachache, headache, or difficulty sleep disorders.


Lots of people are growing unhappy due to mental health issues. Here are lists of situations: having problems with relationships, having trouble at home(eg. violence or financial issues), having trouble at school or work, comparing self to others, losing a loved one and being self-critical.

Is it OK for a person to be unhappy?

Everyone has different emotions: some are good while others can be negative. In other words, all people have feelings that are always changing in some way—and they happen for a reason! So is it OK to feel sadness?     3    

Sadness is a natural part of life.

It is okay to be unhappy. Being sad doesn’t mean you are not coping with the situation.     4    Learning to recognize sad emotions can make you adapt better, accept more easily, and persevere when things may be too hard at times.

Things will eventually get better.

Keep in mind your problems will not last forever and will eventually pass too! There is no right way to let go of sadness but what is not a secret is that the first step is the acknowledgment and acceptance of the pain you are feeling. It could be a lot but talking to someone you trust can be helpful.     5    Eat nutritious food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep.

A.Why are people sad?
B.Take good care of yourself.
C.The answer is a definite yes.
D.So what does it feel like to be sad?
E.How can people get rid of sadness?
F.There are also a lot of other effective solutions.
G.Rather it helps you accept your problems and move on.
2024-06-23更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Vocal cords (声带) can easily get damaged by stress, infections, or overuse. It is not just overenthusiastic performers who are at risk of injuring their voice-boxes — according to a study, 30% of the population will experience a voice disorder at some point in their life.

In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, a team of UCLA engineers have invented a patch-like (片状) device that can be worn on the skin outside the throat to help people with voice disorders speak.

Even though the team’s device is an early prototype, it has the potential to offer a substantial improvement on current alternatives. When a person loses his voice today, the easiest fix is to resort to typing, texting, or writing notes to communicate. Typing can be slow and inconvenient, and writing notes is only possible in good lighting. More advanced solutions require special training to use, and surgical interventions are often invasive. A patch would theoretically be able to clear all these hurdles.

The tiny patch consists of a self-powered sensing component, which detects and changes signals generated by the throat muscle movements into high-accuracy, analyzable electrical signals, which are then translated into speech signals using a machine-learning algorithm, and an actuation component, which turns those signals into voice expression. The patch was tested on eight healthy adults who pronounced five sentences (including: “Hope your experiments are going well!”, “Merry Christmas!” and “I love you!”) aloud or in silence, and its accuracy was more than 90%.

There is a way to go yet. For now the device can only recognise the five phrases it was trained on. Plus, individual differences in vocal cords means the algorithm has to be personalised to each user. To make it practical at scale, the researchers will need to collect a lot more data.

1. What can be inferred from the first two paragraphs?
A.The device can be fixed in a person's body.
B.The device may be a fix to voice disorders.
C.Most people are influenced by voice injury.
D.Performers have a high risk of voice disorders.
2. How does the author introduce the advantage of the patch?
A.By listing data.
B.By giving examples.
C.By making comparison.
D.By analyzing causes and effects.
3. Which aspect of the device is mentioned in paragraph 4?
A.Its application.B.Its principle.
C.Its challenge.D.Its purpose.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward the device?
2024-06-23更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . 4 Summer Jobs to Get Paid and Take a Break

Camp counsellor (辅导员)

Most kids head off to camp during the summertime, and if you’re past the typical age of being a camper, relive your youth by becoming a summer camp counsellor. You can enjoy participating in activities, planning events, and partaking in arts and crafts. It’s one of the best summer jobs because it also builds your leadership skills while you earn extra money. Depending on your schedule, you can work to fit your needs. The average starting pay is $10.5 an hour.


Spending time on the water is something many people do during the summer. And if you're good at swimming, then being a lifeguard is a great option for you. The hours are flexible, and the pay is great, with the average hourly rate at $11.50.

Amusement park employee

An amusement park is a great place to work during the summertime. There are a variety of positions you can get hired for — from ride operator to food service to booth tender — and the average starting pay is $10 an hour. The hours are flexible and negotiable depending on where you decide to work: the larger the park, the more employees they’ll have, which could mean fewer hours they’ll need you to cover.

Dog walker

If you’re looking for a relaxing job, being a dog walker could be the right choice for you. Dog walking hours and pay are easily negotiable, as you can simply discuss with the dog’s owner what your availability is, when they need you, and what your pay rate is. Getting some exercise with a furry friend will feel more like a relaxing pastime than a job. And if you wish to continue being a dog walker, it’s the job that’s easiest to keep year-round.

1. What is the benefit of being a camp counsellor?
A.It brings back the glory.
B.It boosts artistic creativity.
C.It is easy to do and well-paid.
D.It develops competence in leadership.
2. For which job can the pay be negotiated?
A.Camp counselor.B.Lifeguard.
C.Amusement park employee.D.Dog walker.
3. What do the four summer jobs have in common?
A.They need full-time employees.B.The working hours are flexible.
C.The pay remains unclear.D.They need relevant certificates.
2024-06-23更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省三明市高三下学期三模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . With the only giant pandas, Yang Guang and Tian Tian, in the United Kingdom set to return to China from Scotland’s Edinburgh Zoo, crowds have been gathering around the panda enclosure(围栏) to bid them farewell.

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, the conservation charity that owns and manages Edinburgh Zoo, said that the pandas will leave for China, but the exact date and time of departure will not be announced because of safety and security reasons.

Yang Guang, whose name means sunshine, and Tian Tian, whose name translates to sweetie, arrived at the Edinburgh Zoo in December 2011 as part of a 10-year agreement between the zoological society in Scotland and the China Wildlife Conservation Association. The agreement was later extended by two years because of the pandemic.

Since their arrival, Yang Guang and Tian Tian have accumulated a great deal of public interest, and the BBC billed the panda enclosure as a “rock star” attraction that has been at the top of the must-see list of more than 600,000 visitors to the zoo each year. Vanessa Moreland-Strange and Andrew Strange, a couple living near Edinburgh, brought their two children to the zoo recently to say goodbye to the pandas. The family told China Daily they had visited the panda enclosure 28 times since 2018 and “every time was the best time”.

To bid farewell to Yang Guang and Tian Tian, the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland has been holding a series of events since January that have proved extremely popular. Activities priced between 30 and 500 pounds ($38 and $630) included a one-hour guided tour and behind-the-scenes experience to help the keepers feed Yang Guang. The tickets sold out in just 90 minutes. The zoological society members said the sales raised more than $53,280 and the money will be used by the charity to help save wildlife from extinction.

1. Why was the pandas’ departure time not made public?
A.Due to safety concerns. B.Due to less attention.
C.Due to weather conditions. D.Due to a change in the plan.
2. How many years have the giant pandas been in the UK?
3. What is the raised money intended to do?
A.To prevent wildlife dying out.B.To host a chain of events.
C.To guarantee safe return of pandas.D.To promote cultural exchange.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Attractions at the Edinburgh Zoo
B.Awareness of Giant Panda Protection
C.Farewell to only Giant Pandas in the UK
D.Conservation Achievements in Edinburgh
2024-06-23更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省宁德市高三下学期5月质量检测(三模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Regrets are known for leaving people in the past, trapped in an unhappy state. Over time, maybe you blame yourself for ending an old romantic relationship, making a bad career choice or being too afraid to step outside your comfort zone.

“The regrets that really haunt people are unresolved regrets, things they could never fix,” Bruine de Bruin, an expert in psychology says. “If you feel like you should have gone to university, you can fix that when you’re relatively young. That can be harder to do when you’re older.” Fortunately, many older adults are better equipped to handle their emotions. “They have the wisdom that comes with life experience,” says Pär Bjälkebring, senior psychology lecturer at Gothenburg University in Sweden. “When they encounter a situation a younger person would regret, they can handle it.” For his research, Bjälkebring asked younger and older adults to record their regrets for a week. “The older participants look at regrets in a different way, and try to accept what is happening,” Bjälkebring says. “Over a week, older adults have less regret and use strategies to handle them. They’re more functional.”

Research shows that the most common reason for regret is missed opportunity. People fantasise about benefits they believe they’ve missed while ignoring the disadvantages that would have naturally arisen. Never got that promotion? You likely think about the missed income without considering the extra stress that the position would have brought. Instead of imagining an alternate reality, focus on the good in your life. “Avoid making comparisons.” Bruine de Bruin says. “Making comparisons undermines the happiness you have. Try to rejoice instead of regret.” “People tend to forget inaction — you may have fewer regrets if you act more and avoid things less.”

Regrets have a tendency to make you feel terrible, but those negative feelings aren’t always harmful. Research shows that initially, regrets help you learn from mistakes. Those who express regret over a decision they’ve made tend to make a better decision next time. Changing your thought process can free you from feelings of guilt, shame and sorrow.

1. What does the underlined word “haunt” in Paragragh 2 mean?
2. What enables the older to better tackle regrets?
A.Their inner capacity.B.Their education experience.
C.Their expectation of life.D.Their integrated emotions.
3. Which misconception may lead to the occurrence of a regret?
A.Losers are always in the wrong.
B.You can’t have your cake and eat it.
C.What is lost is always better than what is gained.
D.Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards the sense of regret?
2024-06-22更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省龙岩市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . When your child plays youth sports, we know you want to be the best parent you can be and make sure they're set up for success! It's easy to get caught up in the game just like the players and coaches do.     1     Check out these tips for parents with kids who compete in youth sports.

·    2    

Don't force children to play basketball just because you were a child basketball player, or because you missed an opportunity of a basketball career. Some parents may find themselves caring more about how well the child plays than they do. It may be a sign to take a step back. Let your young athlete create their own path.

·Let the coach do the coaching.

    3     While you may want to step in and give out pointers to your child, always let the coach do the coaching. The biggest problem with parents coaching is you might be telling them one thing while the coach is telling them another. It's essential to keep the roles of parents and instructors separate.

·Encourage positive life lessons.

You should leave the coaching to the coach, but what you can do is encourage core positive values. Talk to them about the importance of commitment.     4     Don't let them get discouraged if they're playing badly. Explain to them that it takes hard work and dedication to be good at something.

·Be a positive role model.

Make sure that you're being a positive example on the field for your child. Treat the other players and the coach with respect, and your child will follow. It's also important to set a good example of being active. Get outside and play with each other.     5    

A.Never live your dreams through your children.
B.This makes it more likely for them to get injured.
C.A coach is the instructor encouraging young players.
D.Avoid getting children trapped with competitiveness.
E.But you can support your kids in sports in constructive ways.
F.If they see you up and moving, it'll motivate them to get up too.
G.They should also be reminded of their contributions to their team.
2024-06-22更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省泉州市高三下学期5月适应性练习(三模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . In order to facilitate public transportation for expats (侨民) in Shanghai, the Suishenxing app has recently introduced an English version.

According to Suishenxing team, starting immediately, expats can obtain the Suishen Code through the Suishenxing app. This code enables one-touch access to buses, subways, and ferries within Shanghai, offering discounts on public transportation and a 10%discount on subway transfers if the monthly subway expense exceeds 70 yuan.

How can expats use the Suishenxing app for smooth travel?

Download the App

Search for relevant keywords such as Suishenxing (for the Chinese app market)or SH MaaS (for overseas app markets on App Store and Google Play). Download the Suishenxing app, which supports language switching between Chinese and English.

User Registration

New users can register using domestic/overseas phone numbers or third-party authorization. For registered users, the system defaults (默认) to the last language version used during login.

Open an Account

After successful registration, follow the system prompts (提示) on the homepage and click Activate. Fill in real-name information and choose Alipay or WeChat as the payment channel. The system adopts a pay-after-ride model, reducing the fare automatically from the default payment channel.

Access the Suishen Code

After successful identification, return to the app’s homepage, and the Suishen Code (Shanghai City Travel Code) will be displayed automatically.

When traveling, users can present the Suishen Code to gates on buses, subways, ferries, etc., for convenient passage. Users can check their ride order details through My-My Orders - Travel Method on the app.

1. What is an advantage of Suishenxing app for expats in Shanghai?
A.Efficient subway transfers.B.Free public transportation.
C.More convenient travel.D.More choices in transportation.
2. What does the Suishen code help with while traveling?
A.App’s downloading.B.Registration with phone.
C.Choice of the payment channel.D.Easier access to transportation.
3. In which column of the newspaper can the text be found?
2024-06-22更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省龙岩市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Self-care has become something of a buzzword that is used a lot. However, self-care as a daily practice goes beyond spa days and yoga classes.     1    

Regular exercise

Yes, it’s important to listen to your body and take rest days. However, don’t let every day become a rest day! It’s important to push yourself to exercise on a regular basis, as this brings with it both physical and mental benefits. If you’re feeling too tired and just don’t want to do it, remember that doing exercise can give you an energy boost.     2    

Financial planning

Money matters can be a significant source of stress and anxiety, but practising financial self-care through planning can help to remove this burden. Creating a budget and sticking to it can empower you to take control of your financial wellbeing.     3     It provides stability and reducing stress in the long run.

Routine maintenance

From doing the dishes to tackling laundry piles, routine maintenance tasks are the unsung heroes of self-care. While these chores may seem ordinary, completing them can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional state. Engaging in routine maintenance tasks is a form of self-respect.     4     Embracing these tasks as acts of self-care transforms them from burden so me chores into opportunities for nurturing our wellbeing.

Establishing a sleeping routine

    5     However, adequate sleep is non-negotiable when it comes to self-care. Quality sleep boosts cognitive function, regulates mood, and strengthens the immune system. Prioritizing sleep is an act of self-respect that pays dividends (红利) in every aspect of our lives, from productivity to emotional resilience(恢复).

A.So do the exercise, and let the energy come after!
B.Financial self-care is an investment in your future self.
C.The best exercise is the exercise that you actually do!
D.If you notice a chore that needs doing, do it straight away.
E.The following habits will make you feel better in the long-run!
F.In a world that highlights productivity and culture, sleep is often sacrificed.
G.It involves caring for our living space and, by extension, ourselves.
2024-06-22更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省龙岩市高三下学期三模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Ammonia (氨) is one of many pollutants present in wastewater and can be poisonous for marine and land life. Therefore, in a process called air stripping(空气吹脱), it is removed from wastewater and later use o as a fertilizer or fuel. Air stripping transforms ammonia into a gas that can then escape the wastewater from its surface. But this process is not efficient: it is energy-intensive, and requires specific temperatures, air supply, and a lot of chemicals, making it expensive.

Addressing these disadvantages, researchers from South Korea have demonstrated that the simple application of an electric field during air stripping can considerably improve the efficiency of ammonia removal, even under sub-standard conditions.

“So far, the removal of ammonia from wastewater was thought to be dependent on only pH, temperature, and air supply. However we have shown that an electric field can also act as a modulator (调节器) of this process,” says Prof. Young-Chae Song, the lead investigator on this study.

Prof. Song and his team used a combination of live experiments with an ammonia removal tank and deep learning to understand how electric fields of different strengths influence the efficiency of ammonia removal from wastewater. They found that electric fields with an alternating current of 50 MHz and a power of 15 V/cm significantly improve the ammonia removal efficiency, increasing it from 51% to 94%, even under sub-standard conditions. Therefore, improved ammonia yields could be achieved while considerably reducing the consumption of energy and chemicals.

Prof. Song comments, “Our findings showed that electric field application provides a similar efficiency of ammonia removal to conventional methods at a much lower temperature, air supply, and pH. Moreover, the energy needed to power the electric field is a minute part of the energy required to achieve these ‘excellent’ conditions.”

Indeed, this new electric field-coupled platform could provide a more economical way of getting-ammonia from wastewater and reducing the carbon footprint associated with this process.

1. What happens to ammonia during air stripping?
A.It becomes a fertilizer.B.It stays on the water.
C.It changes into another state.D.It disappears in the process.
2. What can be inferred from Prof. Song’s words?
A.Electric fields slow the process of the removal.
B.Much energy is needed to achieve good conditions.
C.The removal of ammonia depends on electric fields.
D.The use of electric fields improves the traditional method.
3. What is the function of the new platform?
A.To power air stripping.B.To lower the temperature.
C.To provide economical energy.D.To remove ammonia at a lower cost.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The discovery of electric fields.
B.An electric field-coupled platform.
C.A new technological advancement.
D.Electric field s of different strengths.
2024-06-22更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届福建省宁德市高三下学期5月质量检测(三模)英语试题
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