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文章大意:本文为一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了乐队Suenalo在拘留中心帮助问题青年这件事激发了Chad Bernstein成立Guitars Over Guns组织,帮助更多孩子的故事。

1 . They thought it was going to be easy. A piece of cake. The band, Suenalo, were excited that they would present their skills to a group of troubled youth at a detention center (少管所).   

They arrived at the invitation of a friend, who was an adviser at the center. He had mentioned a career day where members of the community came to speak to the teens about their jobs. Usually the speakers were bankers or lawyers, so he thought it would be interesting for the kids to meet some musicians and maybe even hear some music. “They need something cool to get their attention” was the pitch from the friend.

The kids, about 40, were brought in, looking distant, some even angry. Chad Bernstein, the trombone player, started telling the career of a musician from touring to copyright to the business aspects, trying to draw their interest. However, it didn’t. Sensing that they couldn’t win, the band, a little thrown, decided to play one song. With music going, the kids seemed to respond, their heads nodding to the beat. One of them sang a lyric (歌词). The band sang it back. Then, one by one, the musicians began picking up the beat. Chad started free styling a rap, going back and forth with the kid, and in no time, other kids jumped in. Suddenly the band and the kids were creating a song from scratch and all of them were in musical heaven.

For Chad, that moment inspired him to found Guitars Over Guns, an organization that pairs at-risk middle-schoolers with professional musicians. As both music teachers and life coaches, the musicians give the kids a way to find their creative voices and get through dark times. Over time, the kids have dropped their tough fronts and shared personal stories, from family tragedies to ordinary struggles at school with friends.

“So far we’ve helped over 2,700 students. Our work is highly satisfying because it shows us that a music career is more than a job, it can have more impact,” says Chad Bernstein.

1. Why did the band come to the detention center?
A.To get attention.B.To display skills.C.To plan their careers.D.To chat about music.
2. What can we learn about the song created on the spot?
A.Its lyrics were from the kids.B.Chad owned its copyright.
C.It was composed cooperatively.D.The kids picked up its beat.
3. What does Guitars Over Guns do to help at-risk teens?
A.Offer guidance on life.B.Give full school instruction.
C.Relate personal stories.D.Promote awareness of risks.
4. What kind of person is Chad Bernstein?
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2 . Urban agriculture, the practice of farming within the restrictions of a city, is becoming increasingly popular and is viewed as a sustainable alternative to big industrial farms. By some estimates, between 20% and 30% of the global urban population engages in some form of urban agriculture. But until recently, its carbon footprint remains understudied.

Using data from 73 low-tech city farms, community gardens and personal plots of land, Newell and his team compared the average carbon emissions of food produced at low-tech urban agriculture sites to those of conventionally grown crops. The team found that because of urban gardens’ relatively low yields, along with the energy used in constructing the planting beds, big-city spuds (马铃薯) were significantly more carbon-intensive than commercially grown ones. This held true even when the researchers factored in emissions from transporting commercially grown produce to often distant grocery stores. That doesn’t mean that growing vegetables in big cities is totally bad, however. “Urban farming is great, ” if imperfect, says Carola Grebitus, a food choice expert. It can be a powerful tool for job creation and education, she says, and a good way to introduce fresh produce to urban “food deserts” where healthy fruits and vegetables are hard to come by. Community gardens can also provide a place to connect with nature, and the added green space can reduce the risks of heat and flooding.

Conscious of these benefits, Newell’s team highlighted several ways to make urban agriculture more sustainable. One option is to be selective about what crops are grown. For instance, tomatoes grown in the soil of open-air urban plots had a lower carbon intensity than tomatoes grown in conventional greenhouses. Another strategy is to rely on existing constructions. Include old structures into a new garden’s design instead of taking down old buildings. Finally, take the local climate, water quality and soil into account. Growing plants that are ill-suited to an area requires more water, energy and pesticides (杀虫剂), all of which affect the environment.

1. What can we know about urban agriculture from paragraph 1?
A.It is thoroughly researched.B.It is welcomed by city people.
C.It is environmentally friendly.D.It is limited to industrial farms.
2. How does the author explain the reason for urban agriculture’s higher carbon intensity?
A.By making a comparison.B.By telling a story.
C.By giving a definition.D.By using a quote.
3. According to Carola, what is a benefit of urban agriculture?
A.It adds variety to urban people’s diet.B.It provides recreational opportunities.
C.It strengthens the bonds of community.D.It helps to contain drought and flooding.
4. What is recommended to make urban agriculture more sustainable?
A.Reconstructing gardens.B.Developing greenhouse crops.
C.Selecting pesticide-free vegetables.D.Growing plants suited to local conditions.
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3 . The past few months have brought electrifying news that, for the first time, a gene treatment has provided some hearing to children born with deafness.

Eli Lilly announced this week, for example, that a profoundly deaf boy from Morocco given its treatment as part of a clinical trial in Philadelphia can now hear. And five children in China treated similarly at younger ages gained hearing with some able to verbally communicate without their cochlear implants (人工耳蜗). Their hearing recovery, first covered by the press in October 2023, is described in detail this week in The Lancet.

“It’s an enormous achievement,” says geneticist Karen Avraham of Tel Aviv University. Otolaryngologist (耳鼻喉科专家) and gene therapist Lawrence Lustig of Columbia University, whose lab was among the first to test the same approach in mice, agrees. “Other than cochlear implants, we haven’t really had any successful treatments to treat deafness,” he notes.

The various efforts from companies and academic centers each use a virus to insert the same gene, OTOF, into the children’s inner ear so the so-called hair cells there can sense sound and transmit it to the brain.

The new deafness treatments add to a string of recent successes for the gene treatment field, but also raise questions. The ear’s hair cells don’t divide, so the new copies of OTOF they contain should persist and continue to instruct the cells to make OTOF. Gene expression could drop off over time or the ear could mount an immune response that shuts it off.

But Lustig is optimistic that the various challenges will be overcome. “Now that we’ve got one success story, there’s going to be more money coming in to fund some of these other projects,” he says.

1. What do we know about the new treatment?
A.It is a totally mature practice.B.It’s a China-only clinical trial.
C.It uses a virus to sense sound.D.It aims to treat the deafness.
2. Which of the following best describes the impact of the treatment?
3. What is the problem of the gene treatment?
A.The brain refuses to receive it.
B.Gene stops to produce hair cells.
C.Gene expression might be weakened.
D.Companies really profit a lot from it.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Electrifying News Based on Some Clinical Trials
B.Gene Treatment That Brings Deaf Children Hope
C.Ways How Scientists Develop Cochlear Implants
D.Challenges About the New Deafness Treatment
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4 . It wasn’t until after I graduated from college, and realized that there’s no such thing as all-encompassing (包罗万象) knowledge, that I was able to read for pleasure. A sense of curiosity directed me and I started to see dictionaries as field guides to the life of language. Looking up words felt less like a failing than an admission that there are lots of things I don’t know and an opportunity to discover just how many.

I prize my 1954 copy of Webster’s New International Dictionary, Second Edition. I often consult it, during evening games of Scrabble or midday magazine reading. When I come across unfamiliar words while reading novels, I look them up. When I start encountering these words elsewhere, the linguistic (语言的) universe seems to shrink to the size of a small town.

Dictionaries heighten my senses: They direct my attention into a conversation with language. They make me wonder what other things I’m blind to because I haven’t taught myself to notice them yet. Recently spotted examples include orrery, “a mechanical model, usually clockwork, devised to represent the motions of the moon and Earth (and sometimes also other planets) around the sun.” The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) also tells me that the word comes from the fourth Earl of Orrery, for whom a copy of the first machine was made, around 1700. Useful? Obviously not. Satisfying? Deeply.

Wikipedia and Google answer questions with more questions, opening up pages you never asked for. But a dictionary builds on common knowledge, using simple words to explain complex ones. Using one feels as if I’m prying open an oyster (蚝) rather than falling down a rabbit hole. Why leave solvable mysteries up to guesswork?       

For me, dictionaries are a door into that kind of uncalculated knowledge-seeking. They remind me that following your curiosity instead of brushing it aside is one of the best ways I know to feel connected to more than what’s right in front of you.

1. What can we know about the author?
A.He merely read for fun before graduation.
B.He longed to learn about all knowledge.
C.He considered dictionaries chances of enrichment.
D.He admitted being a failure when learning languages.
2. Why does the author mention the example of orrery in paragraph 3?
A.To introduce a word.B.To indicate a finding.
C.To clarify a concept.D.To support a statement.
3. What does the underlined part in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Encountering new problems.B.Entering a different world.
C.Acquiring essential common sense.D.Simplifying tough questions.
4. According to the passage, which of the following can best describe dictionaries?
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5 . A city can become famous and experience a significant increase in visitors due to the influence of a well-liked film or a TV drama. For audiences, stepping into the scenes and experiencing the daily lives of the characters has become a new travel trend. Over the past year, several films and TV dramas have put their shooting locations into the public spotlight.

Qingdao in Shandong province

The Wandering Earth 2, a sci-fi that explores digital life and space journey, showcases impressive sci-fi scenes.90 percent of the film was shot in different places of Qingdao city, including the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge-the world’s longest cross-sea bridge, and the TAG Art Museum. For sci-fi fans, visiting Qingdao to explore the movie’s filming locations has become a popular trend.

Jiangmen in Guangdong province

The hit show The Knockout made Jiangmen an important tourism destination. As the hometown for many overseas Chinese, the city features historical cultural street scenes and South Asian-style architecture. The city has recorded more than 3.34 million trips in the past two months, which has generated over 3.4 billion yuan of tourism income, reflecting a notable rise of 124.3 percent compared to the same period the previous year.

Ningbo Museum in Zhejiang province

The primary setting for the sci-fi TV drama Three-Body Problem, Ningbo Museum, has caught significant attention. The museum integrates regional cultural features, traditional architectural elements, and modern techniques. Following the TV show’s release, daily visitor numbers rocketed to 5,000, marking a remarkable 220 percent year-on-year increase.

Taiyuan Ancient County in Shanxi province

Full River Red, directed by Zhang Yimou, set the Taiyuan Ancient County on fire with excitement. The movie highlights the county’s complex and narrow streets. The county now draws over 40,000 tourists every day, a significant rise compared to the daily 20,000 previously. Notably, one-third of these tourists were from outside Shanxi province, according to local statistics.

1. Which place best suits visitors who appreciate buildings of foreign style?
A.Qingdao city.B.Jiangmen city.
C.Ningbo Museum.D.Taiyuan Ancient County.
2. What aspect of Taiyuan Ancient County does Full River Red emphasize?
A.Its characteristic streets.B.Its disastrous fire.
C.Its increasing population.D.Its economic growth.
3. What do the four places have in common?
A.Their income depends heavily on tourism.B.Their architecture integrates different cultures.
C.They are famous for their historical landmarks.D.They become a hit through films or TV dramas.
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6 . Building artificial intelligences that sleep and dream can lead to more dependable models, according to researchers who aim to mimic (模仿) the behavior of the human brain.

Concetto Spampinato and his research members at the University of Catania, Italy, were looking for ways to avoid a phenomenon known as “disastrous forgetting”, where an AI model trained to do a new task loses the ability to carry out jobs it previously excelled at. For instance, a model trained to identify animals could learn to spot different fish species, but then might lose its ability to recognize birds. They developed a method of training AI called Wake-Sleep Consolidated Learning (WSCL), which mimics the way that our brains reorganize short-term memories of daily learning when we are asleep.

Besides the usual training for the “awake” phase, models using WSCL are programmed to have periods of “sleep”, where they analyze awake data from earlier lessons. This is similar to human spotting connections and patterns while sleeping.

WSCL also has a period of “dreaming”, which involves novel data made from combining previous concepts. This helps to integrate previous paths of digital “neurons (神经元)”, freeing up space for future concepts. It also prepares unused neurons with patterns that will help them pick up new lessons more easily.

The researchers tested three AI models using a traditional training method, followed by WSCL training. Then they compared performances for image identification. The sleep-trained models were 2 to 12 percent more likely to correctly identify the contents of an image. They also measured an increase in how much old knowledge a model uses to learn a new task.

Despite the results, Andrew Rogoyski at the University of Surrey, UK, says using the human brain as a blueprint isn’t necessarily the best way to boost AI performance. Instead, he suggests mimicking dolphins, which can “sleep” with one part of the brain while another part remains active. After all, an AI that requires hours of sleep isn’t ideal for commercial applications.

1. WSCL was developed to help improve AI’s ______.
2. What do models using WSCL do during the “sleeping” periods?
A.Generate new data.B.Process previous data.
C.Receive data for later analysis.D.Save data for the “awake” phase.
3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The application of WSCL.B.The benefits of AI research.
C.The findings of the research.D.The underlying logic of WSCL.
4. Which best describes Andrew’s attitude towards the sleep-trained models?
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7 . Initial conversations can have a huge impact on how relationships develop over time. People are often stuck in the impressions they think they might have made the minute they finish speaking with someone for the first time: “Did they like me or were they just being polite?” “Were they deep in thought or deeply bored?”

To find out whether these worries are necessary, we have conducted nearly 10 years of research. In our studies, participants in the UK talked with someone they had never met before. Afterward, they were asked how much they liked their conversation partner and how much they believed that their conversation partner liked them. This allowed us to compare how much people believed they were liked to how much they were actually liked.

Time and time again, we found that people left their conversations with negative feelings about the impression they made. That is, people systematically underestimate how much their conversation partners like them and enjoy their company — a false belief we call the “liking gap”.

This bias (偏见) may seem like something that would occur only in initial interactions, but its effects extend far beyond a first impression. Surprisingly, the liking gap can constantly affect a variety of relationships, including interactions with coworkers, long after the initial conversations have taken place. Having a larger liking gap is associated with being less willing to ask workmates for help, less willing to provide workmates with open and honest feedback, and less willing to work on another project together.

There are numerous strategies to minimize your biased feelings. One place to start is shifting your focus of attention. Try to direct your attention to your conversation partner, be genuinely curious about them, ask them more questions, and really listen to their answers. The more you’re zeroed in on the other person, and the less you’re focused on yourself, the better your conversation will be and the less your mind will turn to all the things you think you didn’t do well.

1. Why did the author carry out 10 years of research?
A.To dismiss national concerns.B.To check out a potential bias.
C.To enhance human communication.D.To develop harmonious relationships.
2. What is one effect of people’s liking gap?
A.Fewer chances of new projects.B.Underestimation of their ability.
C.Bad relationships with people around.D.Low willingness to interact with others.
3. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?
A.Restate opinions.B.Deliver warnings.C.Give suggestions.D.Make a summary.
4. Which might be the best title for the text?
A.Liking Gap May Influence Work Performances
B.First Impressions Rely On Initial Conversations
C.People Probably Like You More Than You Think
D.How People Like You Matters Less Than You Assume
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8 . Explore the science behind these amazing landscapes

Retracing Charles Darwin’s travels across North Wales

13 May 2024|6 days

Uncover the best of Wales as you explore the dramatic Welsh landscapes of Eryri (Snowdonia) National Park and examine the region geology and how it has been transformed by volcanic and glacial activity over the years.Discover the story of Charles Darwin’s 1831 and 1842 tours of Wales,and retrace his travels on this small group journey to Shrewsbury and Snowdonia.

The Rockies and the Badlands:Geology and dinosaurs in Canada

17 June 2024|7 days

Explore the majestic Rocky Mountains west of Calgary and the otherworldly Badlands to the cast,witness the stunning scenery and geology of southerm Alberta.This tour includes two visits to UNESCO World Heritage sites,where you will see first-hand the rugged peaks and glacial features of the Banff portion of Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks and the bone-riddled badlands of Dinosaur Provincial Park.

Short break:Dinosaurs and Hoodoos:Alberta

23 July 2024|3 days

Visit one of the world’s premier dinosaur museums,sail all the way around a World Heritage site with outstanding dinosaur fossils and explore the multi-hued canyons and wind-sculpted hoodoos (石林)of the Alberta Badlands.Throughout this tour you will be accompanied by palaeontologist (古生物学家)Jon Noad,who will share the stories of the rocks,including tales about past oceans,swamps,rivers and deserts,the rise and fall of the dinosaurs and,more recently,ice sheets that covered Alberta and carved out spectacular landscapes.

1. Which of the following might appeal to dinosaur enthusiast most?
A.The Eryri National Park.B.The Welsh Glaciers.
C.The Rocky Mountains.D.The Alberta Badlands.
2. What do all the three tours involve?
A.Scientific facts.B.Tales about the past.
C.Special companions.D.Visits to World Heritage sites.
3. Where is the passage probably taken from?
A.A research paper.B.A science fiction.
C.A tourism report.D.A travel brochure.
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9 . “Anxiety.” The very word invites discomfort. Its effects—shortness of breath, pounding heart, muscle tension—are outright upsetting. But, as a clinician, I find that we tend to miss out on many valuable opportunities presented by this human emotion. In and of itself, anxiety is not deadly, nor is it a disease. Quite the contrary: it is an indicator of brain and sensory health. Once we accept that it is a normal, though uncomfortable, part of life, we can use it to help us.

We all know working out at the gym is hard. By nature, a “good workout” is uncomfortable, since it involves pushing our physical strength past what we can easily do. The sweet spot of exercise is always a somewhat challenging experience. Similarly, if you want to be emotionally stronger, you need to face some tension. For example, one effective treatment for fear is exposure therapy (疗法), which involves gradually encountering things that make one anxious, reducing fear over time.

Humans are social creatures. When my patients learn to open up to their partners about their anxieties, they almost always report a greater sense of emotional closeness. Also, as international relationship expert Sue Johnson teaches, when we express our need for connection during challenging moments (e.g., “I’m having a hard time right now and could really use your support”), it creates greater connection and turns our anxiety into love.

From time to time, we find ourselves at the end of our rope. Our responsibilities pile up, our resources break down, and we feel uncomfortably anxious—what we’re experiencing is called stress. Simply put, the demands placed upon us outweigh our available resources, just like a set of scales (天平) going out of balance. Focusing on work and pretending everything is OK only leads to disastrous results. Medical treatment for stress may function for a while, but it tends to make things worse in the long run. The only solution to deal with stress is to do the mathematics to balance the scales.

1. What does the author say about anxiety?
A.It is an invitation to diseases.
B.It indicates stable mental health.
C.It costs us many valuable chances.
D.It is a natural emotional expression.
2. Why does the author mention “good workout” in paragraph 2?
A.To prove how exercise influences emotions.
B.To suggest an effective way to challenge limits.
C.To explain how anxiety builds emotional strength.
D.To show a positive connection between mind and body.
3. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The key to closeness is partners’ support.
B.Sharing anxieties improves relationships.
C.Humans are defined by their social nature.
D.Expressing feelings keeps us off anxieties.
4. According to the last paragraph, how can we deal with stress?
A.Devote more energy to our work.
B.Increase resources available to us.
C.Seek professional medical treatment.
D.Master advanced mathematical skills.
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Kelli Boehle创办非盈利组织Nik’s Wish,帮助与癌症作斗争的年轻人实现愿望的故事。

10 . Kelli Boehle says her son Nik was an amazing and caring person. Nik was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer in 2008 when he was 17. He passed away in 2012. But Nik’s kindness and generosity have lived on long after his death.

After he was diagnosed and started treatment, Nik was granted (给予) a wish experience from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. “For just this period of time, we didn’t think about cancer, ”Kelli Boehle said. “All we thought about was enjoying our time together. ”

In 2009, Nik met another young man Nate, who was also going through cancer treatment. He’d been diagnosed a month after turning 18, and Nik learned he was too old to qualify for a wish. The night before Nik passed away, he asked his mother to help ensure that young adults fighting cancer could have their wishes come true too.

“It was like a seed he planted that just wouldn’t stop coming into my mind, ” she said. In 2012, Kelli Boehle started Nik’s Wish. The nonprofit grants wishes to young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 who are battling cancer. Nate was the organization’s first wish recipient. “It’s meant to bring them joy and know that they’re loved and that we’re fighting for them, too, ”Kelli Boehle said.

Recently, 19-year-old Jordan Morrow received her wish to attend a Taylor Swift concert as part of a trip to Los Angeles. For Morrow, who has spent the last year battling brain cancer, going to the concert has done more than lift her spirits. “I think it’s something to get me through whatever comes my way, ”she said. “And I’m thankful for Nik’s Wish for that. ”

In the 11 years since Nik passed away, the organization has granted more than 300 wishes across more than 30 states. In the beginning, Kelli Boehle says she wasn’t sure she could be a wish maker and work closely with the young adults. But now, it’s her favorite thing to do.

1. What is the goal of Nik’s Wish?
A.To make commercial profits.B.To cure the youth of their cancer.
C.To ease young patients of pains.D.To support young adults fighting cancer.
2. Which word best describes Kelli Boehle?
3. What can we learn from Jordan Morrow’s words?
A.She survived the deadly disease.B.She was granted more than one wish.
C.She was motivated by the organization.D.She lifted people’s spirits by performing.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Pay-It-Forward: A Mother’s Last Wish
B.Cancer Battles: Stories of Hope and Perseverance
C.Nik’s Wish: Fulfilling Wishes for Young Cancer Fighters
D.Make-A-Wish Foundation: Granting Dreams to Young Adults
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