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1 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. absentB. floodC. boundD. indistinguishable
E. polishingF. strikinglyG. consequentlyH. command
I. engagedJ. differingK. critically

Rhinoceros horns(犀牛角) are big business. Traditional Chinese medicine uses them to treat rheumatism and gout, even though they have no actual pharmaceutical properties beyond placebo(安慰剂). And craftsmen carve them into dagger handles. A kilogram can thus     1     as much as $60,000, so there is tremendous incentive for poachers to hunt the animals. Since almost all rhinoceros populations are endangered, several     2    , this is a serious problem.

Some conservationists therefore suggest that a way to reduce pressure on the animals might be to     3     the market with fakes. This, they hope, would reduce the value of real horns and     4    , the motivation to hunt rhinos.

That would require the fake s to be good. But Fritz Vollrath, a zoologist at Oxford University, thinks his skills as a forger(伪造者) are up to the challenge. As he writes in Scientific Reports, he and his colleagues from Fudan University, in Shanghai, have come up with a cheap and easy-to-make fake     5     similar to the real thing.

The main ingredient of Dr. Vollrath’s forged horns is horsehair. Despite their     6     appearances, horses and rhinos are reasonably closely related. Horses do not have horns, of course. But, technically, neither do rhinos. The “horns” of rhinoceros are composed of hairs     7     tightly together using a mixture of dead cells.

Examination under a microscope showed that hairs collected from horses’ tails had similar features to those found in the horns of rhinos except that horse hairs had a special layer     8     in those of the rhino, but the researchers were able to remove this with a solution of lithium bromide.(溴化锂溶液)

They bundled the treated horse hairs as tightly as they could in a matrix of a special glue, and then left the bundles in an oven to dry. The result was a rough material that, with some     9    , looked like rhino horn.

Whether to launch     10     fakes onto the rhinoceros-horn market would truly reduce prices and demand remains to be tested. But it might. It is an old trick in warfare to leave the enemy with forged, worthless money. Something similar may yet help save the rhino.

2024-07-04更新 | 78次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试卷
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A.critics             B.experimented             C.supply             D.sufficient             E.feed             F.resolve
G.hazardous             H.novel                           I.processed             J.produced             K.extinct

The population of the world is increasing rapidly. By 2030, there could be 8.0 billion people on earth. Will there be     1     food for all these people, or will we have a food shortage? Some scientists think fish farming could     2     this problem. However, other scientists worry that fish farming could cause serious environmental problems.

Fish farming is not a     3     thing. There were fish farms in China 3, 000 years ago. Today, about one-third of the fish we eat comes from fish farms.

Most fish farms raise plant-eating fish. Popular kinds of plant-eating fish are carp, tilapia, and catfish. Unfortunately, many fish farms are starting to raise meat-eating fish. A popular type of meat-eating fish is salmon. These meat-eating fish live on     4     food made from wild fish. However, it takes up to 5 tons of wild fish to produce just 1 ton of farm-raised salmon. The     5     of wild fish is already decreasing.

Eventually, many types of wild fish could go     6    . What will we do then?     7     of fish farming also say that farm-raised fish is unhealthy for humans. They say the fish contains dangerous chemicals. They also blame the issue on fish farming because it pollutes the water. Another criticism is that farm-raised fish can spread diseases to wild fish.

Some people say that the farming methods being used now hasn’t     8     enough fish anyway. Instead of putting fish farms in lakes or near the coast, they say that the fish farms should be moved far out into the ocean. Several countries have already     9     with deep-ocean farms. In the future, fish farms might be large cages that move across the ocean.

Like most things, there is both a good and a bad side to fish farming. Fish farming may help to     10     millions of people. At the same time, however, fish farming may damage the environment.

2024-06-21更新 | 50次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市闵行区上海师范大学附属中学闵行分校2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期末英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once.Note that there one word more than you need.
A. avoid            B. diligent          C. flexible        D. guidance          E. imagination F. independent
G. initiative   H. prospects        I. pursue            J. ruin                 K. unrealistic

Why don’t you get a proper job?

Today’s 14-and 15-year-olds are ambitious. They are optimistic about their     1    , but their career ideas are rather vague. A job for life is not in their vocabulary; neither is a dead-end but secure job that is boring but pays the bills. Almost half the boys surveyed expected that their hobbies would lead them into the right sort of job, while most girls seemed determined to     2     traditionally female careers such as nursing.

In the past, this might have counted as bad news. But the world has changed. The global economy is not kind to yesterday’s     3     and dependable worker. The future belongs to quick-thinking people who are resourceful, ambitious and can take the     4     . This means that a 14-year-old who sees her working future as a kind of adventure, to be made up as she goes along, is not necessarily being     5    .

However, she has to have the training and     6     to help her develop the right skills for today’s market; not the rigid (死板的) preparation for a workplace that disappeared 20 years ago. So what is to be done? Agood first step would be to change the way in which schools prepare young people for adult life. The education system is becoming less     7     and more obsessed (无法摆脱) with traditional skills at just the time that the employment market is going in the opposite direction.

Accurate, up-to-date information on new jobs and qualifications can help guidance counsellors to help their students. Young people need solid information on the sort of training they need to     8     the career of their dreams. Also, a little bit of encouragement can go a long way.

What, then, can we as parents do to help them? The best thing is to forget all the advice that our parents gave us, and step into our teenager’s shoes. Once we’ve done that, it’s easier to see how important it is that they learn how to be     9     and resourceful. Give them the courage to follow their dreams—however odd they might sound right now. In a world that offers economic security to almost no one,     10     is a terrible thing to waste.

2024-06-20更新 | 35次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市敬业中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月期末英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . Directions: Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. applied        B. impurity        C. embraced               D. commercial        E. Mixed       F. promises
G. imposed       H. demonstration       I. employs       J. giant       K. version       

How to get all of the toothpaste out of the tube haunts many a bathroom. Bus not, perhaps, for much longer. Colgate-Palmolive, an American consumer-goods     1    , has taken up an invention in super-slippery surfaces to produce a toothpaste tube that     2     to deliver every last scrap of their contents.

In 2012, two inventors set up a company called LiquiGlide to commercialise their work on making liquids flow easily through pipes and out of containers. What caught many people’s imaginations at the time was a(n)     3     of how this could be used to empty a ketchup bottle without shaking it vigorously.

So far, ketchup-makers have not     4     the idea. But the health and beauty industry, where products tend to be pricier than ketchup, is interested. A Swiss company     5     the technology to lessen the amount of material left stuck to the insides of pipes and vesseis in its factories when it is time for a clean-up.

LiquiGlidc’s deal with Colgate is, though, the firm’s first big break into a consumer business. The new toothnastc called Elixu, comes in three varicties: a formula tor whitening teeth, one for gum and enamel care and a “detox”     6     which, it is claimed, removes any     7     from the mouth. All are packaged in plastic tubes that can be emptied with ease.

To produce the slippery pipes and containers, a pattern is first     8     an them and then a suitably formulated liquid is     9    . This fills the gaps in the texture, treating a surface across which gooey substances slide easily.

Besides pleasing customers who like to get their money’s worth, the new, slippery toothpaste tubes should help with recycling. Existing tubes are rarely recycled, not only because they have residue left inside them but also because they are usually made from a laminate of plastic and aluminum foil.     10     materials of this sort are hard to recycle, and therefore end up being dumped in landfills.

2024-05-29更新 | 64次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市新川中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 从方框中选出的适当的单词填空。每个单词只能使用一次,选项中有一项为多余选项。
A.accurately B.advantage C.desirable D.humble E.curious F.knowing G.processing H.rapidly I.target J.translate K.equipment

A successful translator must have an excellent, up-to-date knowledge of his source language, full facility in the handling of his     1     language, which will be his mother tongue or language of habitual use, and a knowledge of the latest subject-matter in his fields of specialization. This is his professional     2    . In addition to this, it is desirable that he should have a (n)     3     mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quickly the basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work on his own, often at high speeds, but should be     4     enough to consult others should his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He should be able to type fairly quickly and     5     and if he is working basically as an information translator, let us say, for an industrial firm, he should have the flexibility of mind to enable him to switch     6     from one source language to another, as well as from one-subject-matter to another, since this ability is frequently required of him in such work. Bear in mind the nature of the translator’s work is the     7     of the written word; it is, strictly speaking, unnecessary that he should speak the language he is dealing with. If he does speak them, it is a (n)     8     rather than a weakness, but this skill is in many ways a luxury that makes no much difference to him. It is, however,     9     that he should have a rough idea about the pronunciation of his source languages, even if this is restricted to     10     how proper names and place names are pronounced.

2024-05-15更新 | 119次组卷 | 3卷引用:人教版2019必修一unit 5课后作业C层 提升练Listening and Talking(含听力)
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 用方框中单词的正确形式完成短文。
examine          dominate          facilitate          rely on

Simply speaking, a healthy lifestyle is about finding the right balance and making good choices. Life is composed of many elements, such as family, friends, study, work, entertainment and soon. If one element     1     your life and the others are ignored, you will lose balance and not feel good.

Carefully     2     your daily activities. Your health     3    what you choose to do in your daily life. A healthy lifestyle is generally a balanced life in which you make wise choices. Neither too much nor too little is good.

Slowly     4     changes in your lifestyle by using a step-by-step process. You do not have to change everything at once. Make small changes each day and your lifestyle will become healthier.

2024-04-25更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019选择性必修三 unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle课前预习Learning about Language
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7 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. launched     B. utilized     C. complete     D. jointly     E. further     F. realized
G. currently     H. accessible     I. specifically     J. recognized     K. reliable

Sanofi Launches Grant (拨款) to Help Children with Dlabetes (糖尿病)

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of China-Franco diplomatic ties, the French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi cooperated with the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation to     1     unveil the Sanofi China Charity Grant on Thursday, as part of the company’s efforts to     2     participate in the Chinese market and contribute to local people’s livelihoods.

As one of the first French companies to enter China, Sanofi has continuously increased investment and promoted innovation in the health care sector over the past few decades. The company has been committed to making innovative medicine and medical services more     3     to Chinese people, said Wayne Shi, president of Sanofi Greater China.

Olivier Charmel, the company’s executive vice-president, said Sanofi has benefited a lot from its long-term investment in China and will always stand as a     4     partner. The company expects to further contribute to the exchanges between China and France not only in the field of health care, but also in science, economy, and culture.

Shi said the company     5     the Sanofi China Charity Grant with an aim to better meet the health needs in China, and its first project will     6     focus on diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents.

Ji Linong, director of Department of Endocrinology at Peking University People’s Hospital, highly     7     the importance of the diabetes project at a panel discussion held after the launch ceremony. He said China     8     ranks fourth in the world for the number of children and adolescents suffering from type I diabetes.

With the help of the charity grant, Ji said he expects China to establish a more     9     health care system especially for type I diabetes. Doctors, professional equipment and nutritionists should be provided to help patients correctly inject insulin and effectively control blood sugar levels.

In addition to diabetes, the Sanofi China Charity Grant will also be     10     to combat other diseases such as immunity diseases. It is expected to directly benefit over 10, 000 people and indirectly benefit more than one million people in the next three years.

2024-04-15更新 | 45次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期英语期中考试卷
8 . 阅读有关莫奈和印象派的文章。用方框中单词或短语的正确形式填空。
be fond of            emerge             influential             in particular
purchase            realistic             subjective                 theme

Unlike the earlier Realists who painted in a     1     style, Impressionist painters focused more on their     2     feelings of things and instant impressions. When Impressionism     3     in France in the late 19th century, artists became more interested in everyday subject matter. They were also fascinated by modern objects. As one of the most     4     Impressionist painters, Claude Monet was impressed by the visual effects of the steam engine     5    , and he later produced twelve paintings of a train station in Paris. In 1883, Monet and his large family moved to Giverny, where he     6     a house and some land for his gardens. During his days at Giverny, Monet     7     painting his own gardens, with the water lilies, the pond, and the arched bridge. From this we can see that there were two clear     8     apparent in his work throughout his career: colours and reflections in water.

2024-04-08更新 | 9次组卷 | 2卷引用:人教版2019选择性必修三Unit 1 课前预习learning about language
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A.emphasize     B. misunderstanding     C. reflect            D. referred       E. contract          F. attached               G. occurring          H. oppose   I. civilization       J. concerning            K. attractive

The most difficult part of a Western-Chinese marriage is the cultural differences. The traditional Chinese culture is established on the Confucian philosophy, while the western culture is based on ancient Greek    1    . Cultural differences exist in almost every aspect and therefore     2    also on relationships and marriage.

From the traditional Chinese point of view, marriage is a relationship    3    many aspects such as family, friends and relatives, while from the Western point of view, marriage is a    4    signed between two people that is based on trust and love. Furthermore, Westerners’ marriages    5     more the independence and privacy of the couple.

That is why Westerners sometimes cannot understand why we Chinese need to our relatives if we are asked to do so. Chinese need to maintain their “face” and “relations”. Even in relationship, we are somehow still    6    to our family and relatives. Our partner has to understand it and at least does not    7    it.

It is not easy to maintain Chinese-Western relationship. Cultural differences may result in    8    . Young Asian ladies are fond of western men because they believe they are more gentlemanly and in addition their appearances are more    9    . Western men may think Chinese ladies are gentler and more feminine.

My suggestion for the cross-culture relationship is always trying to put yourself in other’s shoes: accepting rather than changing; always respecting your partner but clarifying your own red lines; showing your interest in his/her different culture and carefully commenting on it and so on.

There are more and more cross-culture marriages    10     recently. I would like to take this chance to sincerely wish them the very best in their love journeys.

2024-04-01更新 | 0次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月阶段测试英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . 用下面的单词完成这篇关于医学的短文。

infection,       multiple,     decrease,     severe,

transform,     proof,          blame,        substantial

British scientists believe they may have found a way to fight the common cold. It blocks a key protein in the body’s cells that is to     1     for the spread of cold-causing virus. Targeting the host rather than the     2     was a bit non-traditional but made sense because it was tricky to target the virus.

Cold-causing virus are not only of     3     kinds, they also     4     rapidly, meaning they can quickly develop resistance to medicine. Researchers are working on making a form of medicine that can be taken directly into one’s lungs, to     5     the chance of side effects. Though these scientists have made     6     advances in their research, further     7     is needed to make sure such drugs are not so     8     that they harm the body.

2024-03-25更新 | 3次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019选择性必修二 Unit1 课前预习 learning about language
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