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1 . The carrier rocket sent a Shenzhou-ll spacecraft(航天器)with astronauts Chen Dong and Jing   Haipeng into space. The rocket was fired from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center         1    the Gobi   desert. After two days in Earth's orbit, the spacecraft    2     (be) to link up with China's space   laboratory, called the Tiankong-2,     3       name means“Heavenly Palace 2". The lab     4     (place) into orbit last month.

The astronauts will spend 30 days on the Tiankong-2. They plan to perform       5         (science) and   spacecraft-related experiments and test systems for a future space station. In       6       words, the   Tiankong

~2 laboratory will not be part of that space station. Its main goal is to practice the techniques and the       7         (technology) that they will be       8     (use)to build and operate that final space station.

It is predicted that the Chinese space station will be built mostly by machine. China hopes to have   the space station    9     (complete) by 2022 and it is expected to operate for at least 10 years.

China also plans to land a probe(探测器)on Mars by 2020. Until now, China has completed a   total of five manned space missions. And,   in 2003,it       10     (successful)landed a probe on the moon.

2018-04-06更新 | 143次组卷 | 2卷引用:安徽省蚌埠市2018届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般