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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章围绕Gwendolyn Stuglis买婚纱的经历展开,讲述了Gwendolyn Stuglis因为自己的婚纱只穿了一次但又价格不菲,于是把自己的婚纱传递给其他准新娘,并在网上创建了一个组织,在这里人们可以让这些婚纱传递下去。

1 . When she first looked for her wedding dress, Gwendolyn Stuglis had a budget or $1,000. After trying on several dresses, she was _______ a champagne-colored dress with long sleeves by the salesclerk. “I got _______ in my eyes because it was the dress I really wanted,” she admitted. The only _______: it was triple her budget. After some encouragement from her mother-in-law, Stulgis _______ it. She explained, “Although I hadn’t enough money, that dress was _______ made for me.” She wore the gown with _______ when she became a Stulgis.

As most brides do, she hung her wedding dress in her closet when the _______ was over. Realizing the dress would be _______ if it continued to sit there, she decided to give it away. Stulgis turned to Facebook to search a _______ bride. In the post, there were two ______________: the bride must have their ceremony within three months and the dress must be ______________ others. More than 70 messages ______________ into Stulgis’ mailbox immediately. Margaret Hyde had planned on making her own dress before she saw Stulgis’ Facebook ______________. She told her sister-in-law, Alycia Ashley, that she wanted to enter but was ______________. So, Ashley secretly emailed Stulgis, ______________ Hyde as the most selfless person she knew.

Stulgis was moved by Ashley’s ______________. On June 4, Hyde was told she was chosen. “It was unbelievable,” she said ______________. Hyde promised to follow the traveling dress requests. After her post, Stulgis ______________ a Facebook group called Shared Dream Dresses. Since June, 200 dresses have been given away. Stulgis’ community of bridal donations started with such a ______________ emotion. She shared, “I want people to feel like they are worth something. I want them to ______________ their dress dreams without worrying about buying one. A dressing shouldn’t be kept in the closet.”

A.passed ontoB.helped outC.devoted toD.handed over to

2 . New efforts are being made to prevent American college campuses from cigarette smoking. Twenty colleges in the United States recently received money to help protect their campuses from the harm of cigarettes.

Supporters say that every child deserves to grow up in a safe and healthy environment free from harmful second-hand cigarettes. And in November, smoking at college campuses may become illegal.

Before banning smoking at college campuses, the US has passed laws banning smoking at most workplaces. 27 American states ban smoking in all indoor workplaces.

Those supporting smoke-free at workplaces and college campuses give one major reason: the bad influence of smoking on health.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says smoking has a great influence on health. They think cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States. Smoking is responsible for 480,000 deaths every year.

Supporters say the bad influence of second-hand smoke makes it a public health problem. Some also say that college campuses are a good place to ban smoking.

Gary Reedy, the CEO of the American Cancer Society, said it was important to stop college students from smoking, and he expected to successfully create a cigarette-free generation (世代).

The CDC found that 13 percent of adults between the ages of 18 and 24 smoke cigarettes. Reedy says that reducing the number of college students who smoke can help reduce the number of older adult smokers. He also says once a person starts smoking, it is hard to stop.

1. Who are the new efforts good for?
A.College students.B.The CDC.
C.Young smokers.D.People in public places.
2. What makes the action to ban smoking possible?
A.The bad influence of smoking.B.Money wasted on cigarettes.
C.Laws passed by the US.D.Public attention to health.
3. Which one is Reedy’s opinion?
A.Smoking spreads easily among college students.
B.Smoke-free campuses have a long-term influence.
C.It is easier for college students to stop smoking.
D.There’re more older adult smokers in the world.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Second-hand smoke is affecting college students too
B.Groups take steps to protect college students
C.Cigarettes should be totally banned in college
D.Banning smoking is being tried at US colleges
2023-05-31更新 | 57次组卷 | 5卷引用:Unit5单元检测 2020-2021学年外研版选择性必修第三册
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Many questions can be expected in advance and it’s wise to have some well-constructed answers that you can tailor more closely on the day. It’s sensible to have a number of key phrases to use. Remember to always try and make your answers positive.

Q1: Tell me about yourself. (The interviewer is really saying “I want to hear you talk.”)

A1: This is just to get things started, but it is a very common question. Write a script, and practice it so that it sounds natural. Spend a maximum of four minutes describing your qualifications, career history and your range of skills. Emphasize those skills that are relevant to the job on offer.

Q2: What have been your achievements to date? (The interviewer is saying “Are you an achiever?”)

A2: Again, this is a common question, so be prepared. Select an achievement that is experience-related and fairly recent. Identify skills you used in this achievement and say what the results were.

Q3: What do you like about your present job? (The interviewer is really trying to find out whether you will enjoy the things the new job has to offer.)

A3: This is a straightforward question. All you have to make sure is that your ‘likes’ correspond to the skills etc. required for the job on offer. Be positive, describe your job as interesting and diverse, but do not overdo it. After all, you are leaving?

Q4: What are your strengths? (The interviewer simply wants a straightforward answer as to what you are good at.)

A4: This is the one question that you are definitely going to get, so there is no excuse for being unprepared. Concentrate on discussing your main strengths. List three or four explanations of how they could benefit the employer. Strengths to consider include technical proficiency; ability to learn quickly; determination to succeed; positive attitude; your ability to relate to people and achieve a common goal. You may be asked to give examples of the above, so be prepared.

Q5: Tell me about the most difficult situation you’ve had to face and how you handled it.

(The interview is really trying to find out your definition of “difficult” and whether you can show a logical approach to problem solving using your initiative.)

A5: This can be a trap! To avoid it, select a difficult work situation that was not caused by you and which can be quickly explained in a few sentences. Explain how you defined the problem, what the options were, why you selected the one you did and what the outcome was. Always end on a positive note.

1. The passage is mainly intended to ________.
A.highlight the importance of looking positive in an interview
B.give suggestions on how to answer interview questions
C.provide some sample answers to interview questions
D.illustrate how to look confident in an interview
2. When asked about what you think of your present job, you’d better ________.
A.talk about what you dislike about it
B.comment positively on your colleagues
C.relates it to the job you are applying for
D.describe how interesting it is as far as possible
3. If an interviewer wants to know whether you can solve a problem properly, what will he ask?
A.Tell me about yourself?
B.Tell me about your strengths?
C.What have been your achievements to date?
D.How did you handle the most difficult situation?
4 . But for a driver who isn’t familiar ________ the road conditions, the zebra crossing could easily influence his judgment and make him stop in time. (用适当的词填空)
语法填空-单句语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . The lessons, provided by a company called Third Space Learning, ________(target) at pupils struggling with maths—especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. (所给词的适当形式填空)

6 . On Tuesday, I was having a hard day. I went to _________ in Philadelphia about 5 hours away from my hometown. Going to college so far away is really hard on me _________, especially when I get upset. I hadn’t seen my own family in months, so _________ something like that happening to my parents or sisters was a(n) _________ feeling. This sense of sadness _________ me and stayed with me for a couple of days. I felt more and more homesick the more I thought about the tragedy—it really made me _________ my family.

On top of this _________, was the stress of coming exams and homework assignments. On Tuesday, I just couldn’t shake my feeling of _________. I called my mom and she made me feel instantly better. She always seems to have the perfect _________ for me in any situation. “You can’t __________ your happiness in the hands of anyone or anything outside yourself, Amelia,” she told me. She was so __________ and so concerned. She sent me a few inspirational __________, and called 3 more times that day to check in on me.

It became evident to me later that day how amazing my mom’s __________ for me was. I just felt so __________ to have a person who cares for me so much. I __________ that no one else I meet in my life will ever love me so much.

A.at timesB.in chargeC.at warD.under attack
A.called forB.checked inC.came overD.referred to
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是新闻报道。文章主要介绍了英国冒险家阿什·戴克斯(Ash Dykes)从长江源头出发,沿长江旅行的经历。

7 . By the time the British adventurer Ash Dykes reached Chongqing 178 days after starting to trek (长途跋涉) along the Yangtze River from its source to the sea, the most difficult part of the journey was over. Dykes had completed about 2,430 miles, and all he needed to do was cover the next 1,550 miles in 187 days or less to complete the whole journey.

On August 26 last year, a three-man team, including two guides and a horse, hit the road at the starting point, the source of the Yangtze River in the south of Qinghai Province. Then at different times for the next two months, different people had come to join them.

In order to cross the plateau (高原) and mountains in good weather, the journey was planned to start in summer. However, because of the problems in preparations, Dykes arrived in Qinghai in late August as the days were becoming shorter and colder. Not wanting to wait for another year, he decided to continue.

Within a few days three of the adventurers experienced serious high altitude sickness (高原反应). In the mountains, the team had to light fire to scare off bears, and once they had been followed by a group of wolves for two days. They were forced to quit the journey. In fact, Dykes has been walking alone since late October.

“The rest of the trip would be much easier,” Dykes said. He started from Chongqing on the second half of the journey on March 11. At the same time,he called on more people to join him in some parts of the trek as a way to encourage environmental protection.

“Travelling along the Yangtze River is not only a great act, it’s also a chance to enjoy the true beauty and wonders of China, and attract people’s attention to the environment and good work to protect it,” he wrote on his Weibo. “However, the kindness and warmth of the local people have struck me so much that it is they that make the journey unforgettable.”

1. What do we know about Dykes’ journey along the Yangtze River?
A.It will cover about 3,980 miles.
B.It will be joined by more and more people.
C.It began in Qinghai and will end in Chongqing.
D.It’ll take him over a year to finish the whole journey.
2. What made Dykes unable to start the journey as planned?
A.Bad weather conditions.
B.Not enough preparations.
C.No partners.
D.High altitude sickness.
3. What’s the text mainly about?
A.The importance of protecting the Yangtze River.
B.The best way to travel along the Yangtze River.
C.People’s effort to protect the Yangtze River.
D.Dykes’ journey along the Yangtze River.
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Why did the speaker go on the tour?
A.It was the prize of a competition.
B.John asked her to go with him.
C.It was her travel plan.
2. What did the speaker dislike about the hotel?
A.The drinks.B.The food.C.The waiters.
3. What did the speaker think of the trip to the museum?
4. What did the speaker do in the second week?
A.She rode an elephant.
B.She went to the mountains.
C.She relaxed in the hotel.
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. When did the man’s boss call Jeff?
A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.C.In the evening.
2. How did Jeff explain everything?
A.Over the phone.B.By e-mail.C.In person.
3. Why didn’t Jeff come to the office on Tuesday?
A.He was sick.
B.He was off the day.
C.He was working somewhere else.
4. How does the woman sound in the end?
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What are the speakers doing?
A.Discussing their schedule.
B.Packing for a journey.
C.Deciding on a present.
2. What does Jacques like doing?
A.Swimming.B.Playing basketball.C.Reading books on modern art.
3. What will the speakers most probably do next?
A.Find a basketball.B.Leave home.C.Call a taxi.
共计 平均难度:一般