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| 共计 9 道试题
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空不得超过四个单词

A dog named Peggy was unable to continue the job she was good     1    -herding (放牧) sheep一when at age 8 she lost    2    (she) hearing.

Peggy’s owners gave her to a local animal shelter (庇护所) when they found it hard    3    (communicate) with her. The manager of the shelter ChloeShorten    4    (offer) to help. Shorten and her husband, Jason,    5     had two other working sheepdogs, decided to take Peggy home.

While Peggy became deaf,    6     (obvious), her love for sheep herding hadn’t disappeared.“We knew Peggy wanted to work, so we taught her how to herd and work with us without     7    (depend) on voice commands (指令),Shorten said. With    8    help of a sheepdog trainer, Peggy finally learned to reply to sign language rather than traditional voice commands.

But the most important lesson Peggy learned had nothing to do with sheep. It was about trust. “It took her some time to learn that we love her, and understand our praise,” Shorten said.

These days, with her GPS tracker in place, Peggy heads out with sheep fom time to time, happily knowing that the     9    (mean) of a “thumbs (拇指)up” is that she’s a good girl. The Shortens couldn’t be     10    (pleased) with Peggy.

2022-06-18更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆沙湾县第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
完形填空(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Since I was 12 years old, I’ve suffered from a condition called Compulsive Hair Pulling(强迫性拔毛症). The physical destruction was severe, but the emotional ____ was worse. When I was young, no one, ____ my doctor, knew how to help me. I was alone.

Growing up, I didn’t ____ anywhere and I suffered great shame knowing I’d brought this ____ upon myself. My hands seemed to have a ____ of their own. “What’s wrong with me,” I’d often wonder. Sometimes, people asked about my ____ of eyelashes(眼睫毛) and eyebrows. I was lonely, but I kept people at a distance. However, each night, ____ I fell asleep, I’d pray for wisdom, and for God to send someone who ____.

Then when I was 25, I read a letter from a mom whose child suffered from the same illness. I could ____ believe my eyes. After all these years, I discovered, I was not ____.

At that moment, my journey for ____ began. I took small ____ at first—telling only a few friends. Some of them tried to understand. Then, they began to ____ their secrets with me. I learned to see ____ the way God saw me, someone ____ love.

One day, my ____ happened. A friend called with wonderful news. She just met a woman with Compulsive Hair Pulling—someone just like me. She gave me her phone number. I was ____. I quickly dialed(拨电话), and from the minute Christina answered, we began to chat like old friends, both thrilled to find someone who understood our pain. We ____ to meet soon, only to find we lived only two blocks away.We immediately____ our phones, and in the dark of night, ran outside to the nearby parks in our pajamas, ____ we hugged, cried and talked for hours. I felt I’d just met my long lost twin, someone who understood my pain and struggles.

A.belong toB.fit inC.come upD.fall over
A.wasting (浪费)B.deserving(值得)C.givingD.refusing
2022-06-18更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆沙湾县第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When Clara Harlowe Barton was 11 years old, her older brother was seriously injured in a fall. Barton spent two years nursing him back to health until he fully got well. Although she had this early nursing experience, Barton would not work as a nurse until later in life.

At the age of seventeen, Barton worked as a teacher in Massachusetts. Twelve years later, she opened the first free public school in New Jersey. The school grew from only six students on the first day of classes to more than 200 students by the end of the school year. When the school opened in the fall of 1853, Barton was surprised to learn that a man had been hired as the school’s head teacher, being paid twice her salary to run the school that she had set up and made successful. Outraged at this news, she quit her teaching position. “I may sometimes be willing to teach for nothing, but if paid at all, I shall never do a man’s work for less than a man’s pay,” she said.

In 1861, the Civil War began; Barton began collecting supplies and got passes from the government to send her supplies and services to the front line and field hospitals. And then she became known as the “Angel of the Battlefield”.

In 1869, Barton took a trip to Switzerland where she learned about the International Red Cross. Later, Barton set up the American Red Cross. Under Barton’s leadership, the American Red Cross helped thousands of people in need.

During her lifetime, Barton gave her life and effort to the service and the care of others as a teacher, a Civil War nurse, and founder of the American Red Cross.

1. What does the underlined word “Outraged” in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. Why was Barton called the “Angel of the Battlefield”?
A.She set up a field hospital.B.She provided supplies for soldiers.
C.She did a man’s work in the front line.D.She helped thousands of people in need.
3. What made Barton set up the American Red Cross?
A.Her brother’s serious injury.B.Her dream to become a nurse.
C.Her experience in Switzerland.D.The soldiers’ encouraging praise.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Barton’s life of service to people in need.B.Barton’s rich experiences at different ages.
C.Why Barton set up the American Red Cross.D.How Barton opened the first free public school.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Do Dolphins Have a Language?

We know that dolphins make unique sounds, but is that a language? If you’re interested in it, you are welcome to the activity recommended by Denise Herzing!

About Denise Herzing

Denise Herzing of Florida Atlantic University (FAU) is the organiser and research director of the Wild Dolphin Project, which has a goal of understanding dolphins’ social system, behaviour, and communication. For over thirty years, she has spent each summer watching Atlantic dolphins carefully in the Bahamas.

Activity Guide:


Dolphins use sound to communicate, but they can’t make sounds in the way we humans make. Out of the water dolphins can make different sounds by changing the shape of their blowhole (呼吸孔), which is similar to changing the shape of our own mouths. Underwater, though, they use a totally different system, and they make sounds without letting any air out. You can learn more about how that works here. In this activity we’re going to try to talk like a dolphin.


Nothing! But find a partner, maybe a brother or sister or a parent — or if you have one, a dog or cat. After all, this activity is about communication between humans and animals.

How To Do It:

Take a deep breath, hold your nose to keep it shut, and try to communicate with your partner. If your partner is a pet, try saying its name or asking it to “come here”.

When you’re done, think about what made it hard, what solutions you found, and think why dolphins may have developed to communicate in this way.

Then listen to sounds from all kinds of sea animals and compare your dolphin sound to theirs.

1. What can we learn about Denise Herzing?
A.She holds the activity in FAU.
B.She is an expert in dolphins.
C.She wants to find a partner for her research.
D.She fell in love with dolphins when young.
2. What would you have to do for the activity?
A.Have a pet next to you.B.Keep breathing deeply.
C.Talk with your nose closed.D.Compare dolphins with other animals.
3. Where can the text be found?
A.In a diary.B.In a report.
C.In a travel brochure.D.In an activity book
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 众所周知,吸烟有害健康。请你结合社会生活实际,请写一篇关于吸烟有害健康的英语作文。
写作要求:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

Smoking does harm to our health

2021-11-19更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆额敏县第二中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
翻译-语篇翻译 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 英汉互译
1. ________ 获得成功;准时到达
2. ________ 树立榜样
3. ________锻炼;计算出;解决
4. ________留下好印象
5. ________对...... 负责
6. ________申请
7. ________be curious about
8. ________even if/thought
9. ________lose heart
10. ________give up
2021-11-19更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆额敏县第二中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . 17 Year-Old Astronaut

Elena Wolf is a reporter and is interviewing(采访)a   17 year-old   girlAlyssa Carsonwho wants to go to Mars(火星). Here is what Alyssa Carson and her father said about her great dream.

Alyssa Carson, Aspiring(有抱负的)Astronaut

Well, I first got interested in wanting to become an astronaut (宇航员)from watching a cartoon called the Backyardigans when I was around three years old. And basically on the show, the characters went on these imaginary missions(任务) to Mars. I wanted to be like one of their friends and go with them, and I started asking my dad all these questions, and basically just kept asking for videos, pictures and books and anything I could find about space and Mars.

Bert Carson, Alyssa’s Father

I’m just of that nature that I believe that parents should support their children in whatever their dreams are. It doesn’t matter if it changes a thousand times. It doesn’t matter how crazy it is, because it doesn’t get any crazier than what my kid is dreaming. And you know, there’s a great potential that she’s probably going to leave this planet. Because you have to look at this. You say, is she too young to be doing some of this thing? You know, every kid out there, if they’re wanting to do whatever job it is, you know, there are people getting pilot licenses and doing flying lessons. I mean, there are eight and nine year-olds doing this. So, I mean, to be 17 and getting a pilot’s license I don’t think is that young at all. As far as her going off into space, like I said, space is a very dangerous thing. All it wants to do is kill you. So, you know, I worry about that, but on the other side of that, she has educated me to show how important it is for us to leave this planet for the survival (生存;幸存)of the human species, and so it’s bigger than the two of us, and so I just have to let her go and I have to let her realize her dream.

1. Alyssa Carson first got interested in wanting to become an astronaut when she was ________ years old.
2. From what Bert Carson said, we can know that he _______his daughter’s great dream.
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A.Alyssa Carson longs to go to Mars.
B.A cartoon called the Backyardigans has a great effect on Alyssa Carson.
C.In Bert Carson’s opinion, his daughter is too young to realize her dream.
D.Getting off into space is a dangerous thing.
2021-11-19更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆额敏县第二中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约130词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

I, the computer, began as a calculating machine to     1     (simple) difficult sums in 1642 in France.     2     took nearly 200 years before I was built as an analytical machine,     3    was a technological revolution. I became     4    “universal machine” in 1936 to solve mathematical problems. From then on, I grew rapidly both in size     5    in brainpower.     6     time going by, I was connected with other computers by a network.     7     a result, I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web.   

I have been     8    (wide) used in many fields, and many new     9    (apply) have been found for me, such as in communication, finance and trade. Also I have been put into space rockets to explore the Moon and Mars. I hope to achieve my goal of     10     (provide) humans with a life of high quality.

语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Mamoudou Gassma did what nobody else would or could do , without     1     second thought. On Saturday night in the north of Pairs, the 22-year-old risked his own life, climbed to the     2    (nine) floor of a building from the outside and saved a small boy dangling from a balcony.

The boy,     3     is believed to have been left at home alone, was rescued when Gassma scaled the outside of the building with his bare     4    (hand). “I just didn’t have time to think, and I ran across the road     5    (save) him,” said Massama. The boy was crying when Gassma took him to safety and he also suffered an injured foot.

It turns out that his act of bravery could lead him     6     a completely new life. Gassama comes from Mali. He     7    (enter) France secretly last year and is living in pairs illegally.

On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron received Gassama and    8    (high) praised him for his courage,    9    (consider) him an example to all citizens. Besides, Gassama     10    (offer) a medal and the president also invited him to serve as a firefighter in Pairs.

2021-05-17更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:新疆沙湾第一中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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