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| 共计 6 道试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . A long time ago, there was a farmer who had ten donkeys (驴). One evening, after a long day of hard work, the farmer returned home with the donkeys and began to tie them to the stakes(桩). When he finished nine donkeys, he found that the tenth rope was gone.

What now? He could not let the last donkey run around all night. It would surely run away. Suddenly, he saw that, under a tree, there was a monk(和尚). The farmer ran to the monk and asked for advice. The monk said, “The only thing you have to do to the tenth donkey is make the movements (动作) you would have made with a rope in your hands. Pretend (假装) to tie the donkey. That’s all.”

The farmer returned to the tenth donkey, pretended to fasten (拴紧)a rope around its neck and then to tie the rope to a stake. He then entered his little house, half trusting the monk’s advice, half worried that his donkey would run away in the middle of the night.

When he went outside very early the next morning, all the donkeys were still standing nicely next to their stakes, even the tenth one. The farmer untied the donkeys and wanted to take them to the field. But to his surprise, donkey number ten refused to move an inch. The farmer pulled and shouted, but the animal just didn’t move.

Suddenly, the farmer thought of what he had done to the donkey the night before. With a great “ah ha”, he returned to donkey number ten, and just after a simple movement the donkey happily walked with him to the field.

1. What was the farmer’s problem when he tied the donkeys?
A.The tenth stake was gone.B.He needed one more rope.
C.The tenth donkey ran away.D.He had left a rope in the field.
2. Following the monk’s advice, what did the farmer do?
A.He went to sleep straight.B.He pretended to tie the tenth donkey.
C.He watched the tenth donkey all night.D.He tied the tenth donkey to the ninth stake.
3. What did the farmer find in the next morning?
A.The donkeys went to the field by themselves.
B.Donkey number ten was running around.
C.The tenth donkey didn’t run away.
D.All the donkeys were gone.
4. What does the underlined part “a simple movement” refer to?
A.Taking away the tenth stake.B.Pretending to untie the donkey.
C.Pretending to cut the tenth rope.D.Tying the tenth donkey with a real rope.
2022-01-28更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古通辽市第五中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式

The home of the future won't be     1    (complete) different and we will be living in houses and flats just as we do today.     2    (build) in different shapes, no two homes will look the same. People will be able to buy “house kits” containing a basic house structure, with adjustable walls, doors and windows. They will put together the different parts     3     (create) the home they want.

Space holidays will develop in the future, but these holidays won't be for everyone because they are     4     (expensive) than holidays on the earth. Short space trips will develop first, then the space hotels will go around the earth     5    it will be possible to have a longer vacation. By     6    end of the next century, there will be holiday centres on the moon with leisure facilities for families.

According to the laws of physics, the earth is going to    7    ( appear) some time in the future. This isn't going to happen tomorrow but scientists predict that it will happen in five billion years when our sun    8    (explode).     9     a result,we will have to explore the universe and find another home. At some point in the distant future, either we stay on the earth and die with it,or we leave and move to another planet. There won't be any other    10    (choose).

2022-01-21更新 | 676次组卷 | 4卷引用:2022届内蒙古乌兰察布市集宁区第二中学高三第三次高考模拟考试英语试卷

3 . In 1988, a married couple welcomed their first child into the world.. However, a year later, Kashif’s parents noticed that their son was _________ to sit up like other babies.

After several _________,the couple were told that their son had cerebral palsy (脑瘫). Kashil’s mother said, “We knew nothing about the _________, but we were happy to learn that his disability was physical and that his intelligence was _________.”

When he was old enough, Kashif started attending school. He _________ the ability to read and write. In 2009 Kashif expressed his wish to _________. The family kept telling him that he was _________ and could not do tasks that other people could. His frequent _________ went on till early 2012, when a relative, Sham Latiff, had a _________ with Kashif. “I want to work and __________ people like me,” Kashif said. Sham __________ that Kashif really wanted to have a __________ in society.

After much discussion, Kashif’s family made his dream come true. On his 24th birthday, Kashil’s family __________him with his “present”. With his __________ fingers, Kashif used an iPad to create a Facebook page called the “I Am Speciable” Movement. Kashif himself __________ the word “speciable”, a combination of the words “special” and “able”.

To date, the movement has organized many __________. Kashif also sells “I Am Speciable” T-shirts through his page to __________ money. Kashif has helped many students like him in his community through his __________. “Speciable” is more than a coined word.

The Facebook page __________ the radio and local newspapers. The family’s support has made Kashifa __________ member of society—a superman taking up a cause for his own community.

A.obviousB.normal :C.excellentD.similar
2022-01-15更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古包头市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Vox’s online store

You can find Vox’s online store here. From the much-requested Weeds cup to a Missing Chapter sticker and a Vox crewneck, we invite you to take a step further into the Vox family and proudly announce you are a Vox fan to everyone you see.

The items you see in our store today are just the beginning. We’ll be adding more items next year, and we’ d love to hear about the goods you’d like to see. Click (点击) http://store. dftba.com/collections/vox to hand in your ideas.

We’ve partnered with DFTBA (“Don’t Forget To Be Awesome”) because the company shares similar values to our own. DFTBA works with providers to produce and ship goods. Most of DFTBA’s clothes come from Bella + Canvas because of its shipping, water saving and energy saving practices.

This is a new project for Vox, but something we’ve looked forward to sharing with our fans for a while now. Let us know how we’ re doing by clicking here, and please see below for a brief FAQ.

Can I receive my order internationally?

Yes. DFTBA ships internationally through United States Postal Service. There are a few service disruptions(中断), which you can see by clicking Service Alerts.

I need a return or replacement. Who do I get in touch with?

You will work with our friends at DFTBA for this. You can find that support webpage at DFTBA Records Help Center.

How will I know about new goods updates?

You can sign up for new goods updates with DFTBA. The form can be found at the bottom of http://store. dftba. com.

1. What do we know about Vox’s online store?
A.It provides cheap items.
B.It is a newly founded store.
C.It offers discounts to Vox fans.
D.It has attracted many customers.
2. Why does DFTBA choose Bella + Canvas?
A.It has good providers.
B.It is liked by most Vox fans.
C.It is popular among young people.
D.It has environmentally friendly practices.
3. What will you click if you want to return your items?
A.http://store. dftba. com/collections/vox.
B.Service Alerts.
C.DFTBA Records Help Center.
D.http://store. dftba. com.
2022-01-15更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古包头市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
完形填空(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . At the end of a long week, Mike and I were going to invite friends for dinner. Just before I got home, Mike said he had to stay late at work. _________, I was on my own to get everything ready.

Already running late myself, I started feeling _________ as I drove to pick up Haydn and Michael. I rushed them into the car and informed them we were making a few _________ before heading home and that they needed to help me _________ the house. Both of them started _________immediately. I turned and gave them a(n) _________ with my eyes that I was not in the mood to listen. They crossed their arms, looking _________. For the next hour I _________ the boys from one place to the next. The more I needed them to _________, the more distracted (分心的) they became. My __________ was wearing thin.

Just as we finished our last errand (差事), the boys reminded me to stop at the __________store to buy crickets (蟋蟀). Yes, I had promised them. Fifteen minutes later, we were back in the car with some new __________: one hundred live crickets in a clear bag.

I pulled into the driveway with only 45 minutes left before my guests arrived. I started barking orders at the boys, but all they __________ was placing the crickets into their little cage. __________, the next time I looked up, the crickets were jumping all over my kitchen. I screamed and climbed onto a chair to __________ them.

As I watched the boys running after the crickets with laughter, I realized I had only two__________. I could continue feeling angry, or just let it go and __________ the funny moment. I chose joy. I jumped off the chair and __________ them. It took us fifteen minutes to catch all the little guys. Then they __________ helped me prepare the dinner. We were happy and had a great dinner party.

Things go wrong from time to time. We can't stop that, but we can decide how we're going to __________ things. Try to think of something that makes you happy. You'll find something if you try.

A.relied onB.acted onC.lived onD.focused on
A.In particularB.Even worseC.By the wayD.All in all
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The biggest seasonal change of the year happens from March to June, as temperatures climb, days lengthen, birds return, and life in all forms comes rushing back.     1    

Beneath this outpouring of new life, however, is a great struggle,    2     Like a bean seed growing from the earth, the spirit of spring is like pressure valve(阀门) releasing, preparing us for action. That's the energy of the season: powerful, creative, determined. That makes it the perfect time to get serious about your health and fitness.

Write down your workout goal --- building new strength; perhaps.    3     "What have you been telling yourself you can't do?" asks Larsen. Spring is the time to question those assumptions and deal with them head-on.

    4     It's challenging for many, and it promotes growth and change: Hiring a trainer -- -- or joining forces with an enthusiastic partner or group --- can help build confidence, whether you're an experienced lifter or nẹw to the world of weights.

You can make use of the seasons' growth- inducing (促生长的) power by increasing your fitness program.    5    If you are a yogi, make great effort to master tougher and more athletic asanas(体式).

Whatever you choose, remember that by taking advantage of the opportunities of each season, and avoiding the difficulties, you can gain a deeper appreciation for your body's changing needs---one year, one season, one workout at a time.

A.New growth requires willpower.
B.If you are a cyclist, attempt longer climbs.
C.Then break it down into steps and start working.
D.Strength training is perhaps the ideal spring activity.
E.You need to prepare your body for your fitness program.
F.The year's cycle renews itself in this season of rebirth.
G.When you are ready to play your first game of the season, take it easy.
共计 平均难度:一般