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1 . Mother’s Day is celebrated across the globe, though on different dates. Similarly, the ways of celebrations also vary from country to country. It’s interesting to know how different cultures and traditions catch the spirit of this special day. To know about traditions followed in different countries, go through the following lines.

Mother’s Day Tradition in the United States

In the United States, Mother’ s Day is a national holiday and celebrated on the second Sunday of May. History of Mother's Day is more than a hundred years old in the US. It was after a long struggle by a loving daughter Anna Jarvis that Mother’s Day was declared a national holiday by the US government. On this day, children offer beautiful flowers and gifts to their mothers. Carnations are considered traditional Mother’s Day flowers. Red carnations are symbol of love and affection. White carnations are worn on this day in memory of those mothers who are no longer living.

Mother’s Day Tradition in France

The French celebrate Mother’s Day on the last Sunday in the month of May. Traditionally, a French mother is honored with a cake, which resembles a bunch of flowers. This is followed by a traditional family dinner.

Mother’s Day Tradition in Spain

Unlike France and the United States, Mother's Day is celebrated on December 8 in Spain. Mother’s Day in Spain has more of a religious significance. To make this day special to their mothers, children buy chocolates, flowers and cards for them.

Mother’s Day Tradition in Mexico

Unlike the United States, Mother's Day in Mexico is celebrated on May 10 every year. On this day, churches in Mexico organize special masses. This is followed with distribution of ‘tamales’ and ‘atole’, the traditional early-morning meal for all mothers.

1. Where do people usually wear white flowers to honor their dead mothers on Mother’s Day?
A.In the US.B.In France.C.In Spain.D.In Mexico.
2. Which of the following is the last to celebrate Mother’s Day every year?
A.The US.B.France.C.Spain.D.Mexico.
3. What gift will a French mother usually receive on Mother’s Day?
A.card.B.A cake.C.A chocolate.D.A bunch of flowers.
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . I looked out of the door of my 100 year-old house and saw my newly built garden. I realized nothing is rubbish. I was full of_________and appreciation.

I_________to look at the things that we usually think of as_________—plastic bags, polluted water, rubber bands, and newspapers, clothes and furniture we_________. I also began to think, act and live according to a belief that all things have the_________of being reused as long as we try to_________it. And I explored the worth of_________. I mean recycling isn't just about_________rubbish like putting glass and paper in_________bins. It also requires creativity, commitment and even love.

My neighbors would put the autumn__________by the roadside to be picked up by the garbage truck. This didn't__________with my newfound concept of recycling trash, so I made a new__________with moving boxes and put up a__________saying, ''Dump(倾倒)leaves here". I watched carefully through the autumn as my neighbors__________the leaves in the new garden and I also watered the leaves__________with rainwater and collected dogs' waste as fertilizer, Then I__________flower seeds. Finally, I had a new__________garden, full of colorful flowers.

Nothing has to be really__________. If you try hard enough, everything can be recycled. I even used my bath water to water my garden, though it might be a little__________for my friends. But I think if we all can turn waste, sometimes a little dirty, into__________, the world will be a much better place.

A.packed upB.brought upC.threw awayD.gave away
2021-11-28更新 | 237次组卷 | 5卷引用:西藏拉萨中学2021-2022学年高三第六次月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

How Much Is an Olympic Gold Medal Worth?

If the International Olympic Committee still gave solid gold medals to first place finishers, medals would be pretty     1     (value). But after the 1912 Games, they made the switch to silver medals coated in gold.

The gold medals for the Tokyo Olympics,     2     (create) by the Japanese designer Junichi Kawanishi, consist of about 6 grams of gold atop about 550 grams of pure silver.     3     gold and silver rates, like stock prices, fluctuate(波动) pretty     4     (frequent), the value of the medal isn’t exactly static(不变的). But in general, it’s hovering(徘徊) somewhere above $800. A silver medal, which     5     (make) up of 550 grams of pure silver, comes in at $462; and bronze medals, mostly copper and a little zinc, are worth just a few bucks.

But Olympic gold medals have value beyond the sum of their parts, and plenty of     6     (athlete) have hocked(典当) them for much more than $800 or so. Mark Wells,     7     member of the “Miracle on Ice” US hockey team of 1980,     8     (sell) his to a private collector,     9     auctioned (拍卖) it off for nearly $311,000 in 2010. Wells’s teammate, Mark Pavelich, made $262,900 off his own medal four years later.

Others end up in the auction circuit long after the original     10     (own) are gone. In 2013, for example, one of Jesse Owens’s gold medals from the 1936 Berlin Olympics sold for about $1.47 million.

2021-11-23更新 | 122次组卷 | 3卷引用:西藏拉萨中学2021-2022学年高三第五次月考英语试题
完形填空(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . In the deepest dive in a manned submersible(潜水器), US explorer Victor Vescovo spotted and video-recorded a plastic bag and a pile of candy wrappers on the seabed.

His _________ of plastic waste 11.2 kilometers below sea level in the Challenger Deep in the Pacific Ocean, the deepest known point in the Earth’s oceans, means there is _________ on this planet plastic waste cannot reach, _________ it has been found on Mount Qomolangma and in both Arctic and Antarctic waters.

Since the patent(专利) for plastics was _________ in 1907, 8.3 billion tons of plastic products have already been produced, of which 6.3 billion have been poured into oceans _________ processing.

Most of the discarded(丢弃) plastic products _________ in the ocean. In the Pacific Ocean, plastic garbage and other waste have already formed a(n) _________ that’s 1.6 million square kilometers in size. That is the size of Mongolia.

Every year, about 8 million tons of plastic waste flow into the ocean. It is _________ that the total weight of plastic waste will reach 12 _________ tons by 2050, more than the total weight of oceanic fish.

This plastic waste __________ life in the oceans and on the land alike by filling in their stomachs so they cannot eat, or __________ around their bodies so they cannot breathe. It pollutes the __________ and prevents plants’ roots from digging deep into the ground. Plastic micro-particles(微粒) also join the water __________ and enter the bodies of animals, including humans. As humans are at the top of the food __________ , plastic micro-particles accumulate inside our bodies.

We must do something to __________ the situation. Don’t get plastic bags at the supermarket and take your own reusable one __________ . Give up fast delivery lunches and instead cook or go to the restaurant. Get into the __________ of sorting your garbage.

But that’s so much __________ said than done. Environmentalists have been __________ behavioral changes for at least three decades, yet we __________ to use a growing amount of plastic products.

A.end upB.wake upC.grow upD.walk up
A.harderB.more effectiveC.more courageousD.easier
A.calling forB.looking forC.sending forD.waiting for
2021-11-23更新 | 253次组卷 | 3卷引用:西藏拉萨中学2021-2022学年高三第五次月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Most important habits to keep your diet healthy.

1. Eat less: the 80% rule

According to the Okinawans, you should eat until you’re 80% full. Okinawans call this rule “Hara Hachi Bu”.     1     it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to inform your brain that you’re full. So when you start to feel like you’re more or less full, you probably are hitting the limit of your appetite.

2. Eat slowly and chew more

    2     So the more you chew, the better you can digest the food when it reaches your stomach. Tip: Don’t hold anything in your hands while you’re chewing. So tonight, I challenge you to put down your cutlery(餐具) and just focus on chewing while you’re eating.

3. Create a consistent eating routine

When your body doesn’t know when it’s getting food again, your body will go full “survival mode”. Your body will start storing every meal as fat in fear of running out of energy reserve. None of us want that.     3     Some people say eating every 2 to 3 hours is the way to go. Others say intermittent fasting(禁食)works for them. Others eat like the kids — consistent eating routine:     4    

4.     5    

The healthiest people (who also tend to be thin) follow a vegan diet, which means they eat plants. Most of the chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, gout, can be attenuated(缓解)and even reversed(治愈) by following a plant-based diet and supplementing it with Vitamin B 12 and Omega -3.

A.These are the three most important habits to keep your diet healthy.
B.whatever works for your body.
C.Here’s a simple fact:
D.But how frequent should you eat?
E.Lowering your fat intake is important for a heart-healthy diet.
F.It is not enough to be thin and the operative word is healthy.
G.Digesting your food actually starts in your mouth.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Everyone at some time feels that their life is going nowhere - and fast.     1     then it is time to do something to increase the quality of your life. So, don't waste time. Follow the list of things now to make your life better and more enjoyable.

Treat yourself

It doesn't matter if it's a meal out, a visit to a theater, or a pampering visit to a spa. Make the first thing you do a treat that you have been expecting for some time.     2    

Take up a hobby

Hobbies are brilliant for giving you something different to do that you enjoy.    3     devote time to just sitting with a book. The whole point of a hobby is that it is something for you, so it doesn't matter what it is as long as you enjoy it and can be absorbed by it.

Learn a skill

    4    You will feel a sense of achievement that will boost your self-image. A great way to learn a skill is to join a class. Not only will you learn, but you will make new friends.

Whether it's learning a foreign language or playing a musical instrument, there will be a class near your home.


If you are lucky enough to have a loved one in your life who brightens your day when you speak to them, give them a call. It is easy to let days and weeks go by without making contact. You will feel better for making communication, and then feel much more positive after talking to them.

A.If you do feel that,
B.If you love to read,
C.Save up for something special.
D.Communicate with a loved one
E.It's hard to organize some time in your day.
F.Don't make excuses about not having time or money.
G.Learning a new skill is one of the most satisfying things you can do.
书信写作-申请信 | 容易(0.94) |
7 . 10月4日是世界动物日(World Animal Day),中国日报社(China Daily)将举行全球青少年“爱护动物,尊重生命”的线上演讲活动。假设你是李华,想申请成为演讲代表。请用英文向组委会写一则申请信,内容要点如下:
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Li Hua.


Li Hua

2021-11-06更新 | 271次组卷 | 3卷引用:西藏自治区拉萨市城关区拉萨中学2022-2023学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

8 . A British woman who won a S1 million prize after she was named the World's Best Teacher will use the cash to bring inspirational figures into UK schools.

Andria Zafirakou,a north London secondary school teacher, said she wanted to bring about a classroom revolution (变革). “We are going to make a change, ”she said.“I’ve started a project to promote the teaching of the arts in our schools.”

The project results from the difficulties many schools have in getting artists of any sort - whether an up-and-coming local musician or a major movie star - into schools to work with and inspire children.

Zafirakou began the project at Alperton Community School, her place of work for the past twelve years. “I've seen those magic moments when children are talking to someone they are inspired by - their eyes are shining and their faces light up,” she said. “We need artists . more than ever in our schools."

Artist Michael Craig-Martin said: “Andria's brilliant project to bring artists from all fields into direct contact with children is particularly welcome at a time when the arts are being downgraded in schools." It was a mistake to see the arts as unnecessary, he added.

Historian Sir Simon Schama is also a supporter of the project. He said that arts education in schools was not just an add-on. “It is absolutely necessary. The future depends on creativity and creativity depends on the young. What will remain of us when artificial intelligence takes over will be our creativity, and it is our creative spirit, our visionary sense of freshness,that has been our strength for centuries."

1. What will Zafirakou do with her prize money?
A.Make a movie.B.Build new schools.
C.Run a project.D.Help local musicians.
2. What does Craig-Martin think of the teaching of the arts in UK schools?
A.It is particularly difficult.B.It increases artists' income.
C.It opens children's mind.D.It deserves greater attention.
3. What should be stressed in school education according to Schama?
A.Moral principles.B.Interpersonal skills.
C.Creative abilities.D.Positive worldviews.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Bring Artists to SchoolsB.When Historians Meet Artists
C.Arts Education in BritainD.The World's Best Arts Teacher
2021-10-19更新 | 7668次组卷 | 22卷引用:西藏拉萨中学2021-2022学年高三第五次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Are you the only child in your family? If so, do you enjoy it or do you want more siblings(兄弟姐妹)?

On May 31, a key meeting of the Communist Party of China unveiled a policy that would allow all couples to have up to three children.

The move is expected to maximize the population's role in driving economic and social growth, since this is a critical time for China to transform the world's most populous country into a powerhouse(强国)with a quality workforce, according to the National Health Commission.

The three-child policy is also expected to prevent the decline in the nation's birthrate and address the challenge of a rapidly aging population, China Daily reported.

China's annual number of newborns has fallen for four years in a row. The country's total birthratethe average number of children born to each womanstood at 1.3 in 2020. The number is below the rate of 2.1 that would maintain a stable population, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

The declining birthrate has also brought a sharp increase in the proportion of the population aged 60 or above, rising from 10.3 percent to 18.7 percent in the past decade. An increasingly elderly population will increase the cost of labor and the pressure on the social security net. It also means there will be a lack of young labor force. Therefore, it's not good for economic growth, according to Chen Youhua, a professor at Nanjing University.

In fact, the new birth policy is a step to further relax the family planning policy. The one-child policy was introduced in the 1970s and aimed to control the fast-growing population. Then in 2013, China allowed couples to have a second child if either parent was an only child, and in 2016, all couples were allowed to have two children.

However, not all people have shown their support for this latest policy. Many couples complained about the rising costs of raising a child. A netizen named Qinfeng commented, "High cost of education and both the physical and mental exhaustion stopped me from having more than one child." Also, many women are reluctant(不情愿的)to give birth because that could mean sacrificing their career prospects, according to Mu Guangzong, a professor at Peking University.

In that case, Mu noted that it is better to implement supporting measures with the three-child policy, such as more preferential(优惠的)policies for couples that would ease their parental burden.

1. What might NOT be the main cause for the new policy?
A.To increase the population's role.
B.To stop the declining birthrate.
C.To improve the child- care service system.
D.To address the challenge of the aging population.
2. What can be known from the text?
A.China's annual number of newborns has fallen for decades.
B.The government will protect the legal rights of women in employment.
C.Measures will be taken to improve the high-quality education.
D.The new policy allows couples to have up to three children.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word "implement"?
A.To carry out.B.To get along with.
C.To make use of.D.To have a command of.
4. What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To show his love of children healthcare.
B.To introduce the new family size policy.
C.To share his concerns about birthrate.
D.To emphasize the physical and mental exhaustion.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), red tourism has gained popularity among tourists who flood in to visit historic sites with a modern revolutionary heritage.


This is one of the most crucial and splendid chapters of history of establishing Red China as well as a unique and wonderful ecosystem, which is covered with rich forest, rugged peaks and several memorials to the Red Army. The best time to visit is between April and October, with the most temperature timing April and May when the large azaleas (杜鹃花) bloom.

Open: 8:00-17:00 (Feb. 16-Nov. 15). 8:00-16:30 (Nov. 16-Feb. 15)


It is an old revolutionary base where the leadership of the Communist Party of China was stationed, drawing up the blueprint for a new country. A memorial hall was built to honor the memory of this site. The lake and the hill here add brilliance and beauty to each other and form pleasant scenery.

Open: Tuesdays to Sundays 9:30-17:00 (Xibaipo Memorial Hall)

The Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall

A new exhibition is held with updated display approaches, including phantom imaging (全息影像) and oil painting, which are used to improve visitors' experiences. The exhibition shows four stages of the CPC from its establishment to its achievements.

Open: Tuesdays to Sundays 8:30-18:00 (closed on Mondays)

Former Site of the Editorial Department of New Youth

New Youth started the New Culture Movement and spread the influence of the May Fourth Movement. The site was briefly based in Beijing but moved back to Shanghai in 1920 and also served as the office for the Communist Party of China Central Committee in the 1920s.

Open: Thursdays to Tuesdays 9:00 - 11:30, 13:30 - 16:30 (closed on Wednesdays)

1. Where would visitors learn more about the history of the Red Army?
C.The Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall.
D.Former Site of the Editorial Department of New Youth.
2. What do we know about the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall?
A.It focuses on Chinese achievements in art.
B.It mainly advertises the coming anniversary.
C.It applies modernized methods to the exhibition.
D.It briefly introduces the rise and fall of Nanhu.
3. When can tourists visit Former Site of the Editorial Department of New Youth?
A.At 1:00 p.m. on Mondays.B.At 9:00 a.m. on Wednesdays.
C.At 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.D.At 5:00 p.m on Sundays.
2021-09-16更新 | 1135次组卷 | 32卷引用:西藏拉萨中学2021-2022学年高三第七次月考英语试题
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