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1 . 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。
Dear officer,

I am writing to extend my sincerely gratitude to you. Since the middle of August, there have been frequent mountain fires in Chongqing, caused great damage. However, the rescue work is not easy due to the uncertain of the wind.

Fortunately, you come to our rescue immediately. Professional rescue teams, armed police, fire fighting and others rescue forces spared no efforts to put off the fire. What touched me most was that the volunteers joined in the rescue work regardless of the hot weather and burning ground. That occurred to me that but for your help, Chongqing could have returned to normal so soon.

Your commitment really means a lot of to us, and I do hope to have the opportunity to repay your selfish devotion.

2024-03-01更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:高二英语试题-河南省豫南六校2022-2023学年高二上学期第二次联考试题
语法填空-短文语填(约150词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式。

Falling on December 7 this year, Major Snow, also known as “Da Xue” in Chinese, is the     1     (three) solar term of winter. As its name implies, Major Snow reflects the phenomenon of precipitation,     2     (indicate) the time and intensity of snowfall.

Plum blossoms usually flower in mid-to-late December in some southern cities of China, and sometimes bloom even     3     (early). The plum blossom, along with the pine and bamboo,     4     (consider) one of the Three Friends of Winter.

In some areas, eating lamb is excellent for nourishing the body, promoting blood circulation and providing protection     5     the cold. In     6     (add), people often eat lotus (莲花) root,     7     can clear away heat in the chest and prevent dryness-heat.

During Major Snow, it is suggested that people     8     (keep) their feet clean and dry, wash and massage their feet every day     9     (stay) healthy, and try to reduce outdoor activities. Also, drinking a bowl of warm porridge in the morning is     10     excellent way to nourish the stomach.

2024-03-01更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:高二英语试题-河南省豫南六校2022-2023学年高二上学期第二次联考试题
完形填空(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Twenty years ago, I became involved in pet therapy (疗法) work with our dog J.J. After J.J. passed away, we ____ another young dog, whom we named Angel. As she ____ and went through training, we realized that she would be a good therapy dog.

Angel is ten now and ____ every week. She visits two hospitals, a day care center and a library. At the library, dogs lie on the floor, and kids ____ a book to read to a dog. After they_____, they get a trading card with the dog’s picture and history. Angel has also ____ at a children’s special needs camp. She is so _____ that everywhere we go people recognize her, _____ the kids she has worked with.

We have ____ some very special things through our pet therapy work. We used to pay a ____to a woman who was completely paralyzed (瘫痪) on her right side from a stroke. One day, my husband, Jack, asked the_____if she wanted to give Angel a treat.

She_______, and Jack carefully placed the treat in her right hand. Angel_____ took the treat. Then the woman_______her right hand and started ______Angel. Her friend in the room looked ______ and said, “ She hasn’t been able to move that_______since she had her stroke!” After that, every time she lifted her left hand to   ______us, we’d tell her she had to use her right hand, and she would.

When Angel visits the hospital, she also performs_______ for the patients, such as rolling over, shaking and balancing treats on her nose. Once she starts her performance, she won’t stop________Jack claps his hands.

A.helped outB.stood upC.settled downD.shown off
2024-02-29更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:南阳六校2022-2023学年高二上学期第二次联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Meet the 2019 Class of Young Global Leaders

The Forum of Young Global Leaders, the World Economic Forum’s foundation for remarkable leaders under 40, was founded to fuel new models of leadership. Every year, our organization seeks out change makers with the foresight and potential to improve the state of the world. Here we are proud to share some names from our 2019 class.

Victoria Alonsoperez

Victoria Alonsoperez founded Chipsafer, a platform that helps farmers track the behavior of their livestock (牲畜) to detect anomalies. Her technology provides important data to support effective and sustainable farming, and has been praised with a number of awards for its unique approach to addressing livestock management.

David Moinina Sengeh

A graduate of MIT and Harvard University, David focused his academic work on bio mechatronics and invented technology to improve the lives of people with physical disabilities. He is a youth advocate and innovator across industries.

Richard Walker

Richard Walker is the Managing Director of Iceland Food Warehouse. He has committed to removing plastic packaging from Iceland’s own-label range by 2023. His commitments have encouraged important conversations about the role of business and retailers in advancing sustainability practices.

Ahd Kamel

Ahd Kamel is an award-winning actress and filmmaker, who began her journey15 years ago when cinema was still banned in her native Saudi Arabia. Her personal journey, overcoming various barriers to become a pioneer in her field, is an inspiring lesson. She has written, directed and acted in her own two award-winning short films.

1. Who has been working hard to make life better for the disabled?
A.Victoria Alonsoperez.B.David Moinina Sengeh.
C.Richard Walker.D.Ahd Kamel.
2. What sort of person is Richard Walker?
A.An eco-fighter.B.A tech-enthusiast.
C.A pioneer in film-making.D.An expert on retail business.
3. What does Ahd Kamel’s story tell us?
A.Something is better than nothing.B.Peace is a journey of a thousand miles.
C.Determination is the key to success.D.Doing is more important than winning.
2024-02-29更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:南阳六校2022-2023学年高二上学期第二次联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The construction of the main structure of Xiongan railway station’s west section     1     (complete) last Friday, according to sources from the China Railway. It marks an important step in the construction of the intercity railroad     2     (link) Beijing and Xiongan New Area in North China’s Hebei Province,     3     is set to be operational by the end of this year.

With a total construction area of 475,000 square meters, the Xiongan railway station is the biggest one among the five     4     (station) along the 92.4-kilometre-long intercity railroad. The project of the railway station will make Xiongan well     5     (connect) with the central, southern, northwestern, southwestern and northeastern parts of China.

In a master development plan for Xiongan New Area published in 2018, the Chinese government described the new area     6     having national significance following the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and Shanghai Pudong New Area. About 100 kilometers southwest of Beijing, Xiongan New Area, known as China’s “city of the future”, has been designed     7     (become) a zone for innovation, a digital city and an     8     (energy) and business-friendly area. According to the plan, by the middle of the century, Xiongan New Area, will become a significant part of the world-class Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city group,     9     (effective) performing Beijing’s non-capital functions and providing     10     Chinese solution to big city malaise (不适).

阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . If you’ve been missing travel recently, you’ve probably found yourself looking through your vacation photos at least a few times. Indeed, these photos can call up memories of your favourite trip.     1     It makes your memories come alive on the page. Here are some tips.

Give your photo book a theme. You want your photo book to tell a story, so it’s helpful to think about your general theme. Whether you’re going for a book full of family photos or one that focuses on scenic landscapes, use your book’s theme to inspire your photo book’s design and select the best photos.     2    

Classify your photos.     3     Select all of your pictures first. Then narrow them down and decide how to sort them. You can put photos in chronological order. That’s to say, organize photos by date and time when they were taken. It’s also a good way to group them by different categories or topics.

    4     Be consistent with any colour you add throughout the photo book, especially page backgrounds. Using two or three colours will help to provide a more professional look. Choose at least one light and one dark colour so that you will be able to create contrast between pictures taken in different light.

Create thoughtful captions.     5     You need consider how to include text in your book. Whether you write an introduction at the beginning and let the photos speak for themselves or add captions (字幕) to each picture, your choice of text will influence the story your book tells.

A.Get the colours to match.
B.Arrange your photos by location.
C.Photo books can be more than just pictures.
D.But there’s no better way to design a personalized photo book.
E.More importantly, keep the same theme going from one page to the next.
F.Maybe you want to document your favourite photos from your last vacation.
G.Logical order helps your story to flow and make sense to someone who wasn’t there.
语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Hardly had I received your letter when I couldn’t help     1    (write) back to you. You truly need correct ways to read successfully. I’m glad to tell you     2    (me) suggestions.

First of all, you’d choose the books     3    are neither too difficult     4    too easy for you. Secondly, the books should not only interest you but also benefit you. Besides, you might     5     (know) before that some books ought to be read    6    (careful), while others should be read roughly. In addition, you are sure to remember more clearly if you read aloud. Last but not     7    (less), remember to make     8    (note) while reading, and you might as well look up new words in a dictionary when necessary. It’s impossible that you’re     9    (blame) for not knowing every word.

Best wishes! If there’s anything I can do     10    you in future, please don’t hesitate to tell me.

2024-02-27更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:南阳六校2021-2022学年下学期第一次联考高二英语试题

8 . He caught my eye and up went his arm. As usual, I _________ and gave him a smile. “Do you know the old man, Mom?” asked my son. I _________ my head. “I don’t know his name, but he’s very _________. He waves to me whenever we meet.”

We were _________ to this town. Having moved from another city, I wasn’t used to waves from strangers. _________, where we were from, people hardly _________ each other. We simply passed by each other, heads down, _________ our own business.

Perhaps that’s why I _________ these daily waves. It felt good to be noticed and _________ that message of “Hello!” On days when I didn’t meet him, I missed him and wondered if he was __________. The next day, I’d find myself driving with only one eye on the road. It was a happy __________ when I’d spot him, and I’d wave first in my __________.

One evening when I was walking alone, my __________ travelled to “The Waver”, as my children called him. I wondered if I could be __________ enough to wave at the people I don’t know. I wanted to give it a try, but I __________. “I’ll feel silly,” I thought to myself. Then I heard a __________ approaching. The next moment I found myself waving to the lady in the passenger seat. Her __________ softened and waved back. I was a little shocked. They do this here! I reminded myself. It’s __________ cool! I waved to everyone I saw the rest of the way home.

That was the day I became a “__________”. I can’t change the world. It’s enough to help __________ it a little.

A.stood upB.bowed downC.waved backD.passed by
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . A series of books in Chinese and English covering eight classic works of Peking Opera recently released, with the aim of revealing details about the art form in a direct way.

The bilingual (双语的) books are from the Translation Series of a Hundred Jingju Classics, a project originated from 2011, which is part of the effort by the central government to promote Chinese culture overseas.

Peking Opera, with its complex and colorful costumes and make-up, as well as the unique performance combining singing, dialogue, acting and acrobatics (杂技), has become a symbol of traditional Chinese culture. Over the last 200 years, more than 1, 000 Peking Opera shows have been produced telling the most classic historical stories in China, as well as giving glimpses of society, according to Wang. The art form was listed as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (非物质文化遗产) by UNESCO in 2010. Famous performers such as Mei Lanfang and Cheng Yanqiu have also taken Peking Opera abroad. And though foreign fans are impressed by it, few understand the stories told on stage.

To help foreigners understand the art form better, Sun Ping, dean, School of Art, Beijing Foreign Studies University, and her team have edited the new books. Different from previous English translations of books that mostly covered the scripts (剧本) of Peking Opera plays, the new series introduces nearly all aspects of the art form, including the script, actors and actresses, performance skills, musical instruments and costumes, according to Sun, who is herself a highly regarded Peking Opera artist.

“It fills the blank in overseas promotions of Peking Opera,” says Liu Jian, a professor at the National Academy of Chinese Theater Arts. “The inheritance and promotion of Peking Opera are very important. In a sense, promotion is even more important. The project sets a good example.”

Scott Ian Rainen, an expert from the United States, who works at China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration, says he was happy to read the new books. Foreigners often don’t understand the plot in a Peking Opera play, but the books introduce the cultural and historical background, its character modeling, costumes and props, artistic theories and so on.

1. Why are the set of bilingual books released?
A.To stress the importance of Peking Opera.
B.To attract foreigners to learn Peking Opera.
C.To promote the diversity of Peking Opera.
D.To present Peking Opera more effectively.
2. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.The advantage of learning Peking Opera.
B.The brief introduction of Peking Opera.
C.The benefits of releasing these bilingual books.
D.The reason for people’s attachment to Peking Opera.
3. What’s special about these translations of books?
A.They cover stories about Peking Opera.
B.They share a more significant art value.
C.They are better in covering the scripts of Peking Opera.
D.They are overall in showing the features of Peking Opera.
4. What is Scott lan Rainen’s attitude towards the new project?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Every week, my fellow graduate students and I get together to make insect-inspired crafts (工艺). One crochets (钩织) butterflies, and another makes bees. It may sound frivolous, but it’s far from it. A regular social night like this — whether built around crafts or some other shared interest — can make a significant difference in our work and our lives.

Two years ago, a friend passed away. I crocheted bees for his family in memory of him and his research. Crocheting allowed me to create something that I could give others and help comfort them and I think it helped comfort me as well.

I continued to crochet bees long after, and I was surprised when other students asked me to teach them how to crochet. We gathered one evening when I taught 10 people how to crochet at once. Then a second night was planned so that they could finish the bees they started. That second craft night, an experienced crafter wanted to try something new. We continued to meet, and as more people brought new projects, craft night turned into a weekly social event.

Now craft night is open to everyone to do whatever they wish, crafting or not. We’ve also received support from others in the department (系). We’ve crafted so much that we’ve started to sell our crafts at events. The income helps support graduate student events in the department.

Craft night supports graduate students in other ways as well. I’ve gained new friends and grown closer to them by teaching them my skills and asking them to teach me theirs. New students have used craft night to connect with more senior students and ask for help and advice. One student commented craft night had made her feel more welcome in our department and university.

With my defense (答辩) date approaching, I don’t know exactly what my future holds. But I know craft night will continue to grow in the hands of future students.

1. What does the underlined word “frivolous” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?
A.How the craft night came into being.
B.How many students began crocheting.
C.Why other students got interested in crafts.
D.What difficulty crocheting was involved in.
3. How did the author benefit from the craft night?
A.She earned enough to cover school fees.
B.She learned about her future in advance.
C.She became a teacher in her department.
D.She made closer social bonds with others.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Making craftsB.Crafting social ties
C.Honoring friendsD.Sharing an common hobby
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