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1 . When Linda Newbery was eight, she knew she wanted to become a writer.   “I wrote a lot — usually in secret ___________ people told me at school that writing wasn't a proper job,” she recalls.   “I was motivated by the books I ___________, like a simplified version of Black Beauty which I could almost recite.”

This sets the tone for Linda's lifelong theme of animal _______, which is central to her work. For instance, her recent book Cruelty Free, published in 2021, explores how our daily choices _________ animals and the environment.

“I once aimed to be a poet,”   says Linda, admitting her ___________ attempts were less than impressive. “It's strange that although I write my prose (散文)_________ on the computer, I still prefer using traditional pen and paper for poetry.”

Originating from Essex, Linda attended grammar school before earning an English degree and _________ settling as a secondary school teacher in Oxfordshire. Her first novel Run with the Hare, released in 1988 without the aid of an agent, was _________ by her experiences teaching and running writing workshops for ___________. Despite facing numerous industry __________, including takeovers (收购) and lost publications, Linda remains positive, ____________ for a consistent writing practice to maintain creative drive even while dealing with other tasks.

Linda ____________ her writing style to suit each story's needs, always considering readers' perspective. As a long-time passionate advocate for animal welfare, she uses social media to__________ animal protection. Alongside fellow authors, she runs Reviews by Writers, a website discussing literature and industry topics, __________ Linda's adaptable storytelling approach and her devotion to __________ readers.

A.hold backB.slow downC.defend againstD.campaign for
A.worrying aboutB.turning toC.connecting withD.depending on
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2 . Living in a city, you may face fewer parking spaces, more pollution, less personal space, and more traffic and noise, all of which contribute to higher stress levels, often translating to aggression (攻击行为). And now, researchers have found evidence that this behavior applies to song sparrows (歌雀) too. But it comes with a surprising benefit to the youngest generation of city sparrows.

There are fewer city-living song sparrows than in the countryside. However, the increased aggression observed in the males can be connected to a more pressing need to defend territories in urban settings. But that increased aggression doesn’t mean the males fail in their duties as fathers. In fact, the researchers were surprised to find that the opposite may be true.

“Male songbirds are thought to reduce parental care when they are more aggressive. Yet this study showed that urban male song sparrows provided more care for their young,” says Dr Samuel Lane, lead author of the study. “Against our expectations, we found that they visited nests more often and were more successful parents than the males in the countryside.”

The researchers carried out their studies at six sites across southwest Virginia, USA, across four breeding (繁殖) seasons. They found that the high survival rate of their chicks was subject to many factors. Not only did male sparrows visit their nests more often, but they also began feeding chicks earlier in the day. Despite the challenges of being a city bird, hatching success was observed to be higher in urban habitats. And even though brood parasitism, one species laying eggs in the nest of another, is typically higher in urban areas, the researchers observed that rates of nest predation, the act of other animals eating eggs or young birds, were lower, further contributing to the overall nesting success of these sparrows.

Lane said, “Our study adds to growing evidence that certain species of songbirds even benefit from living in urban environments when there is enough green space for them to find food and nest locations.”

The team hope ongoing research in this area will contribute to the establishment of urban environments aimed at offering improved support for wildlife.

1. What causes the increased aggression of male city sparrows?
A.The stress of protecting their territories.
B.The worsening of urban noise pollution.
C.The challenges of building their nests.
D.The growing needs of younger generations.
2. What had the researchers expected of urban males compared to those in the countryside?
A.They lived shorter lives.B.They had a higher population.
C.They had lower nest attendance.D.They woke up earlier in the morning.
3. Which of the following can be found in urban areas according to the study?
A.Higher nest locations.B.Reduced brood parasitism.
C.Limited breeding seasons.D.Lower nest predation rates.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.City Male Birds Do It AllB.Aggressive Birds Surprise Scientists
C.Big City Life Makes Birds Better DadsD.The Future of City Birds Lies in Our Hands
2024-06-17更新 | 141次组卷 | 5卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . ALL DRESSED UP...with nowhere to go? It can hurt when your friend cancels plans at the last minute with a message: “Sorry, can’t make it after all.” But there are plenty of ways to get over the disappointment and make the most of your day.

How to be honest.     1    . You don’t want to make a friend feel bad. But brushing it off with a simple “No worries” might imply that you don’t mind and it’s OK to cancel without thinking.     2    . Let your friend know that you care about what’s happened, especially if you suspect there’s a deeper reason behind their no-show. And it’s good to suggest rearranging plans, so you have something you can look forward to together.

    3    . If the same person keeps cancelling plans with you, it might be time to reconsider the friendship. Have they let you down a lot? Is it often hard to get them to commit to things?     4    . If this is what you suspect, perhaps step back for a while and instead focus on other friendships. If you can, arrange to meet friends who make the effort to spend time with you and whose company you enjoy.

Have a back-up plan. Your original plans may not be possible, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time. Despite the upset feeling, you can still make the most of the time you’ve been given back to focus on yourself.     5    .

A.How to draw the line
B.When to draw the line
C.It’s important to acknowledge your emotions
D.It’s common to reply to the last-minute “can’t make-it” text
E.It’s often hard to reply to the last-minute “can’t make-it” text
F.For example, watch a film, or go for a relaxing walk into nature
G.These can be signs that they aren’t the most reliable person to be friends with
2024-06-16更新 | 68次组卷 | 2卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题
4 . 你必须大点声说话;以便大家都能听到。(用 so that 引导状从句) (汉译英)
2024-06-12更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试题
5 . 我们相信张伟会遵守诺言。(用 belief 后跟同位语从句) (汉译英)
2024-06-12更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省海口中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 . STEM Competitions for Students
NSTA Explora Vision

Are you interested in what the future holds? Consider Explora Vision’s STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics) competition. Working in teams of two to four, students will research a particular technology and assess the ways in which it may impact lives moving forward. Participants are required to write a paper and draw web pages communicating their vision.

Grades: 7th-9th and 10th-12th

Competition Type: Regional and national


You can participate in this competition without leaving the house. eCyberMission is a web-based contest in which participants — working in teams of two to four students — use science, math and technology to solve problems facing their communities. First-place winners receive $1,000.


Competition Type: Regional, state and national

TEAMS Competition

Held annually, TEAMS invites students to use their engineering talent to contribute to the community. Working in groups of two to four students, participants complete real-life engineering challenges. The competition includes multiple-choice questions, an essay and a design-build component.

Grades: 9th-12th

Competition Type: State and national

The Conrad Challenge

In this challenge, participants work in teams of two to five students to develop products or services in response to key issues facing people around the world. The Conrad Challenge empowers students to take control of their learning and apply it to real-life situations. Winners are eligible (有资格的) for scholarships, patent assistance and aid in creating companies.

Grades: 9th-12th

Competition Type: International

1. What does NSTA Explora Vision’s STEM competition focus on?
A.Engineering innovation.
B.Students’ paper writing skills.
C.New technology shaping the future.
D.Students’ ability in web page design.
2. What do the four STEM competitions have in common?
A.Winners will get a big cash prize.
B.They are all national competitions.
C.Participants are required to work in teams.
D.Participants must solve real-life problems.
3. Which competition involves foreign students?
A.NSTA ExploraVision.B.eCvberMission.
C.TEAMS Competition.D.The Conrad Challenge.
2024-06-12更新 | 51次组卷 | 4卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . This year’s hiking events have kicked off and we are introducing some walking festivals in the following.

Crickhowell Walking Festival (9-17 March)

One of the earliest of the year’s festivals, the walking festival offers 81 different walks this year, ranging from 2 to 17 miles. All are graded in terms of effort and difficulty, from an easy walk along the Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal, to a—new for 2024—hike through the western Fans.

Isle of Wight Walking Festival (11-19 May and 5-13 October)

The Isle of Wight Walking Festival laces (系) up its boots in spring and autumn, on the 500 miles of footpaths on the island. There are walks focusing on every aspect of the island’s history. Walks are graded according to pace and difficulty.

Moray Walking and Outdoor Festival (14-24 June)

A great choice for those looking for other activities to enjoy besides walking, this 10-day celebration includes everything from boating to bird-watching. The walks range from gentle seaside wanders to endurance(耐力) hikes through the Cairngorms, with five different grades of difficulty.

Saltmarsh Coast Walking Festival (27 September-6 October)

Choose from self-guided or expert-led walks along a 75-mile stretch of the Saltmarsh coast, picking up the region’s maritime (海洋的) history, or learning about the rich variety of bird species. The festival features guided walks taking in vineyards (葡萄园), nature reserves and vast skies along the shoreline.

1. Which walking festival is held in two seasons this year?
A.Crickhowell Walking Festival.B.Isle of Wight Walking Festival.
C.Moray Walking and Outdoor Festival.D.Saltmarsh Coast Walking Festival.
2. What can festival goers do during Moray Walking and Outdoor Festival?
A.Make samples of rare species.B.Volunteer in nature reserves.
C.Observe birds and go boating.D.Attend a class on marine science.
3. What is special about Saltmarsh Coast Walking Festival?
A.It has the longest path.B.It provides graded walks.
C.It offers guide choices.D.It serves as history tour.
2024-06-08更新 | 78次组卷 | 7卷引用:海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . You’ve sized up the benefits of volunteering, looked over your schedule, and decided you have both the time and desire to give back to your community.     1     Here are some tips to find and get suitable volunteer opportunities in your area — or farther afield.

Identify your values.

    2     Make a list of the values that drive you, or the issues you care about, and then look for organizations with complementary (互补的) missions and opportunities. For instance, if your primary motivation is to strengthen social connections with peers, you might look to organizations such as school groups that require interaction with other parents, or neighbors.

If you’re motivated to serve the less fortunate, you might target organizations that work with housing-insecure populations, people with disabilities or members of historically disadvantaged groups. Motivations for volunteering are as diverse as the volunteers harboring them.     3    

Try to involve the whole family.

Many parents who volunteer turn giving back into a family affair. Community service is a great way to teach kids the value of selflessness.     4     Look for volunteer engagements that welcome people of all ages and abilities, and schedule time for the whole family to participate —whether that means spending an afternoon picking up trash on the side of the highway, or a week in a faraway flood zone.


Once you find a well-run organization that aligns with (符合) your availability, values, talents, and objectives, work with your contact there to set a volunteer schedule that fits your life. If you’re exploring a frequent engagement — say, a weekly or biweekly commitment —think carefully about how much time you can afford to donate. It’s better to commit to shorter or less frequent volunteer hours than to take on an unmanageable workload.

A.What motivates you to give back?
B.Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
C.Are you ready to build a list of ideal places to volunteer?
D.It’s also an opportunity to spend more time with your family.
E.Don’t overthink the process of finding opportunities to volunteer.
F.Whatever your motivations are, there’s an organization out there that needs your help.
G.Now comes the most difficult part: finding volunteer opportunities that are right for you.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Social media scam is a form of phishing in which cybercriminals connect with their victims through social media platforms.     1     After the victim accepts it, they soon form a conversation. They can also publish a link that sounds attractive (“put your data and win a car”). Below, see how to protect yourself from scammers on social media;

Accept friend requests with caution.

    2     You should pay attention to when the account is registered and who accepts their friend request. Also remember to check the kind of information the person publishes.

Avoid links that request personal data.

No social media platform will ask its users to click an outside link to update their personal information. Check with the official customer support if you are unsure. Internet users should apply the principle better safe than sorry.


Do not use the same password across all your online accounts. If one account gets hacked, all of them will. It is always better to have distinct login details for each platform as well.

Make sure not to reveal personal information.

Do not publish your address, phone number, or place of work on your social media account for your safety.     4     Always be cautious if someone shows too much interest in your personal affairs. Even your friends might have been backed, so be careful.

Check whether the account is verified when approached with offers.

When you get a strange message, or an offer to buy or sell something on social media, first check if the account is verified.     5    

Social media scams can be financially damaging and emotionally distressing. We hope that these tips will come in handy for you. Remember, safety first in the online world just as it is in the real world.

A.Do not send money to anyone before that.
B.It usually starts by sending a friend request.
C.Always use a strong password to improve security.
D.Create a unique login and password for each platform.
E.Also, do not give away this information to strangers in conversations.
F.Be careful of friend requests from unknown individuals, as they may have ill intent.
G.Before making friends with someone that you do not know, carefully examine the account.
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10 . Seven years ago, my wife bought me a terrific birthday present. For $70, she   _________ me two garden plots of land 20 feet by 20 feet from the Skokie Park District, which come with free _________ to fresh water from faucets, no _________. The football field of garden is a true place of beauty, costing the Park District very little to _________, with the water pipes being the only _________ capital investment.

My _________ is that gardening is good exercise accessible to people far into late middle age and beyond, deeply beneficial and _________ by couples and groups of friends. My garden neighbors and I, once _________, share ideas and encouragement. My daughter loves to help me _________ the wild weed, and the whole family loves the good fresh food, some of which I give to friends and neighbors.

I __________ about $300 to $400 a year but harvest literally 10 times the __________ of fresh produce—and I’m far from the best gardener!

We need to __________ one another while respecting each other as individuals, as carriers of subcultures, as positive people. Human difference is easier to accept with __________ when we know each other and are building something together.

And who doesn’t need to have __________ and get some exercise and eat great food? Community gardening is a wholly __________ activity.

A.calm downB.appeal toC.connect withD.believe in
2024-06-02更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届海南省海口市美兰区海口实验中学二模英语试题
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