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1 . 根据所给10个英语句子意思,从所给的15个词汇中挑选出10个合适的词或短语分别给每个句子填空。
suit        carry on       pursue       evaluated        decorate        settled       attach       occurred        
orbited     encountered       signaled       rejected       objective       spotted        physician
1. About a month ago, I was sailing and towards night I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. The next morning I was ___________ by a ship.
2. Lily decided that she would settle in New York and ___________ her dream of becoming an actress.
3. On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully _________ around Earth.
4. After that, China launched the Tiangong 2 space lab into space and Tianzhou 1 to dock with it, which ________ one step further in China’s plan to establish a space station in the future.
5. In Chinatown, there’s is Chinese food to __________ everyone’s taste, with traditional dishes from all over China.
6. While sleeping in the spacecraft, astronauts must __________ themselves to something so as to prevent floating around.
7. She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident ___________ in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC hospital.
8. Historically, Chinese immigrant __________ in the area during the railroad construction and gold rush period.
9. Dr.Lin greatly impressed her American colleagues, who invited her to stay in the US. However, Dr. Lin _______ the offer because she wanted to serve the women and children in China.
10. And what a city-a city was able to rebuild itself after earthquake that __________in 1906.
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省中山市桂山中学2022-2023学年高一下学期阶段考二英语试题
2 . 根据所给10个英语单句的意思,从所给的15个词汇中挑选出10个合适的词或短语分别给每个句子填空。
greet          approach          belong to          access          surf
reaction          convenient          benefit          defence          go through
phenomenon          make fun of          join to          in shape          amount

1. There are countless articles telling us how the Internet has made our lives more _____________.
2. Residents here can _____________ online as easily as in modern cities.
3. Everyone has _____________ to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.
4. The four countries that _____________ the United Kingdom work together in some areas.
5. It was hard to _____________ the painting as there were so many people around.
6. When you _____________ tough times, you meet others who are facing similar challenges.
7. Since then, the virtual choir has become a world wide _____________.
8. Encouraged by the positive _____________ of the audience, I have continued to play the piano and enjoy it more every day.
9. The speech is so amazing that you can definitely _____________ a lot from it.
10. We must try every means to fight the flood in _____________ of our hometown.
7日内更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省珠海市广东实验中学金湾学校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月考试英语试题
3 . 根据所给10个英语单句的意思,从所给的15个词汇中挑选出10个合适的词或短语分别给每个句子填空。
rejected             energetic             range            complained            historical            selected             absolutely          claiming          materials               reflect          admit                 commercial        occurred          tending               frankly

1. They have a wide __________ of origins, such as the seasons of the year, religions, famous figures, and important events.
2. In the afternoon, I headed to a local museum that showed the ____________ changes in California.
3. I have to ____________ that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again.
4. Traditionally, visitors enter Chinatown through the legendary Dragon Gate, which was built using ____________ donated from China.
5. Festivals __________ people’s wishes, beliefs, faiths, and attitudes towards life.
6. I ____________ enjoyed the archery, too, but the horse races were my favourite part.
7. Her brother ____________, thinking of the high tuition fees. She responded, “I’d rather stay single to study all my life!”
8. She was more interested in ____________ patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors.
9. Festivals are becoming more and more ____________, with business taking advantage of the celebrations.
10. I ____________ a Cantonese restaurant that served its food on beautiful china plates.
2024-06-01更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省江门市新会第一中学等2023-2024学年高一下学期5月联考英语试题
4 . 选词填空
enables             falls in love with             opportunity             update
inspired             belong to             convenient             ordinary
original             performance             access             military
legal             benefits             proved

1. She realised that one of the greatest ________ of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.
2. She was so ________ by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.
3. She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has ________ to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.
4. The four countries that ________ the United Kingdom work together in some areas.
5. England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland all have some different education systems and ________ systems.
6. They use the same flag, known as the Union Jack, as well as share the same currency and ________ defence.
7. Imagine having the ________ to sing together with hundreds of other people while you are at home alone.
8. A virtual choir helps connect ________ people together.
9. A virtual choir ________ them to add their voices to those of other individuals and become part of the global community.
10. Inspired, he asked his fans to make videos, which he then joined together into one ________.
2024-05-30更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省珠海市珠海市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
5 . 根据所给10个英语单句的意思,从所给的15个词汇中挑选出10个合适的词或短语分别给每个句子填空。
indeed; available; circumstances; integrated; insisted on; apparently; automatic;   emphasis;   postpone;   daily routine;   gradually;   passion;   warning;   made a bet;   early on

1. Two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have __________. Oliver believes that with a million-pound bank note a man could live a month in London. His brother Roderick doubts it.
2. They said the letter inside would explain what it was all about, but he had to __________ opening it until 2 o’clock.
3. You’ll need many suits for many occasions. Yes, __________ you will.
4. She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood __________ destroyed its medical properties.
5. Tu Youyou and her team members even __________ testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe.
6. While working there, out of a strong __________ for knowledge, he continued to study, earning a doctorate in physics in 1905.
7. There is nothing we can do to help Linda, whose __________ are beyond our control.
8. Your home will also learn your __________ and preferences, so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening.
9. Many of these new innovations are already __________ and being used in some homes.
10. They advocate a simple life with an __________ on hard work, family, and community.
2024-05-29更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省中山市华侨中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
6 . 选词填空
brought about        figure out          headed to        ought to          admit          apologized        determined     fatal            financial            ignore            judge        limited        otherwise            provides            selected     

1. I have to _______________ that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again.
2. I ______________ a Cantonese restaurant that served its food on beautiful china plates.
3. What do you think ______________ the cultural diversity?
4. However, some scientists were ______________ to help humans realize their dream to explore space.
5. Will scientists __________________ a way to store sufficient food and water for the long journey?
6. Seeing pictures of our planet as an island in a black sea made people realize that our planet’s resources   are ____________________.
7. In closing, exploring space ___________ the world with many different benefits.
8. Also, while listening, don’t _________________ the speakers’ tone and intonation.
9. Should we ___________________ people based on how much money that they have?
10. Now if you’ll excuse me, I ___________________ be on my way.
2024-05-18更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省中山市第二中学2022-2023学年高一下学期第二次段考英语试题
7 . 根据所给10个英语单句的意思,从所给的15个词汇中挑选出10个合适的词或短语分别给每个句子填空。
access     announced     approach     broke away from     disease
evidence     false     joined to     opportunity     puzzle
perform     roar     treatment     updated     various
1. We can get the most __________information from large databases.
2. She believes that it is highly important to bridge the digital divide and make sure that everyone has __________to the Internet and knows how to use new technology.
3. Trolls often use several __________names so that they can stay on a site.
4. Getting to know a little bit about British history will help you solve this __________.
5. Finally, in the 20th century, the southern part of Ireland __________the UK, which resulted in the full name we have today.
6. And down by the sea, the __________ of the ocean waves and cries of the seabirds make up the music of the coast.
7. Imagine having the __________ to sing together with hundreds of other people while you are at home alone.
8. Virtual choir members record themselves while they __________alone on video.
9. Two years ago, I was told I had a serious __________which was difficult to cure.
10. At the same time, we all go through __________ periods when we feel sad or alone.
8 . 选词填空
benefit   make fun of   after all   distance   frank
achievements   announced   go through   ordinary   absorbed in
generous   took advantage of   function   grateful   in spite of
1. The other children often ____________ him because he was fat and wore glasses.
2. The discovery of DNA is one of the greatest scientific ____________ of the decade.
3. The government yesterday ____________ to the media that it had created a million new jobs.
4. She seemed totally ____________ her book and didn’t know what was happening around her.
5. We should spend the money on something that will ____________ everyone.
6. While the baby slept, she ____________ the moment’s peace to read her book.
7. I am extremely ____________ to all the teachers for their help.
8. The house is only a very short ____________ from the sea, so you can walk to the seaside.
9. English became the official language for business ____________ the fact that the population was largely Chinese.
10. Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about ____________ people and fewer stories about the rich and famous.
2024-04-11更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省中山市迪茵公学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
9 . 根据所给10个英语单句的意思,从所给的15个词汇中挑选出10个合适的词或短语分别给每个句子填空。
precious; rejected;   tending;   figures;   gathered;
a great deal of ;   commercial ; absolutely;   afterwards;   suit;
origins;   harvest;   climate;   appointing;   seek;
1. Festivals are becoming more and more ________, with business taking advantage of the celebrations.
2. ________, I ate some delicious Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck.
3. The ________ is mild all year round, meaning it is always a good time to visit.
4. Life is ________. To a person nothing is more precious than their life, and if they entrust me with that life, how could I refuse that trust, saying I’m cold, hungry, or tired?
5. After ________effort, she finally succeeded in moving it to the side of the street.
6. I ________ enjoyed the archery, too, but the horse races were my favourite part.
7. Festivals are celebrated all around the world. They have a wide range of ________, such as the seasons of the year, religions, famous figures, and important events.
8. She was more interested in ________ patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors.
9. This important agricultural festival takes place after all the crops have been ________in.
10. There is Chinese food to ________ everyone’s taste, with traditional dishes from all over China.
2024-04-10更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省中山市龙山中学2023-2024学年高一下第一次月考英语试题
10 . 选词填空
Evidence, delicious, opportunity, gathered, achievements, figures, performance, grateful,
represented, commercial, absolutely, occasions, rejected, significant, featured

1. Customs play a ______ role in festivals, but sometimes they can change over time.
2. Festivals are ______that allow us to relax and enjoy life, and forget about our work for a little while.
3. In 1954, she was elected to the first National People’s Congress and, over the next several ______ she held many important positions.
4. Dr Lin greatly imcressed her American colleagues, who invited her to stay in the US. However, Dr Lin ______ the offer because she wanted to serve the women and children in China.
5. Almost everywhere you go in the UK, you will be surrounded by ______ at four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history.
6. The Romans was the first to come into the UK, and some of their great ______ Included building towns and roads.
7. Inspired by a video of a girl who was singing one of his works, Whitacre asked his fans to made videos, and then he joined them together into one ______
8. Imagine having the ______ to sing together with hundreds of other people while you are at home alone.
9. Nowadays, festivals are becoming more and more ______, with businesses taking advantage of the celebrations.
10. Of all the traditional festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture, and people celebrate them to show that they are ______ for me year’s supply of food.
2024-04-09更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省中山市桂山中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
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