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1 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. abandoned B. challenge C. colored D. demonstrate E. ensures
F. initiatives G. innovation H. pilot I. purchased J. recycled K. tailors

Lego: One Step Closer to Being Sustainable

The Lego Group is one step closer to reaching its goal of making all its products from sustainable materials by 2030.

The Danish toymaker revealed a prototype (雏形) brick made from     1     plastic. In a news release, Lego said the PET plastic from     2     bottles makes up the first brick to meet the company’s “strict quality and safety requirements.” One way the company     3     safety is by sourcing materials from suppliers that use processes approved by the US Food & Drug Administration and European Food Safety Authority.

“The biggest     4     on our sustainability journey is rethinking and innovating new materials that are as long-lasting, strong and high quality as our existing bricks—and fit with LEGO elements made over the past 60 years,” Lego Group Vice President of Environmental Responsibility Tim Brooks said. “With this prototype we’re able to    5     the progress we’re making to the public.”

It will be “some time” before bricks made from used materials can be     6    , Lego said. The company will continue to test and develop the PET formulation (配方) and decide whether to move to the     7     production phase, which is expected to take at least a year. One factor the company is testing is how the material can be     8    .

“Experimentation and failing is an important part of learning and     9    . Just as kids build, unbuild and rebuild with LEGO bricks at home, we’re doing the same in our lab,” Brooks said.

The move follows last year’s announcement that the company was making a $400 million investment over three years into sustainability     10    . It included phasing out the single-use plastic bags from its boxes and instead using recyclable paper for its packaging.

2022-12-23更新 | 217次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023届上海市金山区高三上学期一模英语试卷
2 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. personally   B. readiness     C. safe     D. demonstrate   E. ensure   F. comfortable
G. facilitate   H. courage     I. intensively     J. appreciate   K. identity

Inspired Minds Think Alike

As a researcher and storyteller about people who make a large positive impact on the world and what they do differently, I have seen that individuals who have the real “goods” to inspire others have something that other folks don’t. In fact, they     1     several critical traits that enliven us, light a spark inside of us, and make us want to be better, stronger and bigger.

* They have used all of themselves to make a difference

Look at the most popular TED talks that have gone viral and touched millions of people, and you will see people who struggled in their past but decided to use what they had     2     experienced to learn more, dig deeper, and finally, help     3     positive change for others. These in-spirers have grown     4     being totally authentic(本真的)and open about who they really are. They no longer worry about being rejected, scorned or put down. They have grown beyond feeling that they have to hide or suppress parts of themselves in order to be accepted. And it is their very     5     to use all of themselves -- openly and courageously -- that inspires and encourages us to do the same.

* They express love and appreciation openly, and have deep empathy for others.

Those who inspire us to be better are fully capable of experiencing empathy, and they openly express their ability to understand our personal “stories” and what we feel deep down. Instead of overprotecting us, they     6     who we are inside. This makes us feel     7     about reyealing our more authentic selves to others and allows for us to even more fully broaden the definition and sense we have of our own     8     all without having to worry about being embarrassed in the process. Love and acceptance is at the basis of what they do. Look at those who have made the biggest positive difference throughout history. Invariably, there is compassion and appreciation at that heart of who they are and what they stand for.

* They believe in collective power

Those who inspire others believe in collective power so that positive change can happen more quickly. Their focus is not directed at     9     or solely trying to build up their own wealth, power and influence. They want to see others rise, grow and expand. That’s what fuels them and motivates their actions, business, and growth strategies. In doing so, they can become wealthy, powerful and influential, but this is only a by-product of their focus, which is directed at expanding collective strength and power, while working to     10     that whatever they do continues to make a positive impact on the world.

Which of theses traits inspires you most to be more of yourself?

3 . 选词填空
A. balance              B. bled              C. contrast              D. ensure              E. graduate              F. illustrate
G. maintain              H. perceive       I. publish                    J. spot              K. wrap
1. Even the best possible ______ needs to continue learning before she or he becomes an educated person.
2. —Why does the writer ______ travel in the past with that in modern times?
—he wants to show how advances in technology have made travel more convenient.
3. For working women, it’s not always easy to ______ a career with a family.
4. In a bank robbery, he ______ to death after being shot in the stomach.
5. These film producers ______ that writers do get respect in the films and TV businesses.
6. On such a cold winter night, one method of reducing heat loss is to ______ the baby in a thick blanket.
7. This book presents the details that ______ the mathematical style of thinking, involving step-by-step analyses, experiments, and insights.
8. Most men don’t like to show their fears or what they may ______ as weaknesses-especially to the person they feel they need to protect.
9. By paying attention to what’s going on and keeping eyes and ears open all time, journalists are likely to ______ good news stories.
10. Cyclists should all have to be made to use the cycle lanes and wear helmets. These facilities are to ______ the safety of the cyclists.
2022-05-04更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市杨浦区市东中学2021-2022学年高一下学期线上期中考试英语试题
4 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once.
participate     ensure     contact       rate             worth               spot        values
concerned     appeal     attack        objective       maintained       defeated     present       attempt
1. Take it easy. Snakes will only ________ if they feel threatened.
2. Journalists need to ________ all the facts in a fair way that benefits our readers.
3. Many languages are disappearing at an alarming ________ due to globalization.
4. The thief made an unsuccessful ________ to escape and was brought to justice by the police.
5. Senior high students in Shanghai recently had the opportunity to ________ in the annual Career Day, where they got to follow a mentor for a day.
6. The journalist failed to ________ the mistakes in the report.
7. As journalists, we need to write with care and tell news stories in a(n) ________ way.
8. Journalists need to check up on all the facts to ________ their news stories are entirely true.
9. Please ________ us for details of language courses by e-mail if necessary.
10. A lot of small towns in southern China are definitely ________ visiting.
11. He has ________ a close relationship with us for all these years.
12. A man is not finished when he is ________. He is finished when he quits.
13. The ________ of today’s young people differ from those of their parents.
14. Many parents are ________ whether their children can concentrate during online lessons.
15. It’s a cartoon that will ________ to people of all ages.
2022-04-29更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市少云中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中英语试卷
5 .
A. maintain    B. effective    C. ensure    D. boredom    AB. confusion
AC. communicate    AD. adequate    BC. remedy    BD. historical    CD. preserve
ABC. balanced
1. The room was in ________ after the birthday party. So I have to do a lot of cleaning work tomorrow.
2. I don’t want to live in the small town, for it is uninteresting and full of ________.
3. The girls ________ their room tidy and neat, with everything in order.
4. The government hasn’t yet found a ________ for such situations.
5. Many passengers on the bus didn’t take ________ food with them, which made things worse.
6. To ________ that he will arrive at the airport on time to meet his friend, he left home two hours in advance.
7. Many historians are against this project and appeal to ________ these old buildings.
8. Good manners are not only about the way we talk, but also about all other things we do when we ________ with other people.
9. She published ________ novels, as well as a non-fiction study of women in the British Empire.
10. Advertising is often the most ________ method of promotion.
2019-10-30更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市西南位育中学2018-2019学年高一上学期期中英语试题
6 . Vocabulary

1. The rooms that________ the West Lake are usually more expensive.
2. All the necessary steps had been taken to ________ their safety.
3. She pays a visit to her mother on a(n) ________ basis.
4. One could tell at a ________ that she was a compassionate person.
5. The great majority of players would sign the contract without________.
6. The serious consequences of getting caught in cheating may include dismissal from school and a ________ reputation.
7. People accused the ministry of failing to take ________ preventive measure.
8. Why didn’t you stop when we first ________ you at the crossroads?
9. The $ 40 million-a- month aid payments will ________ on ice.
10. He has displayed ________ courage in his efforts to reform the party.
2019-10-25更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市同济附一中2018-2019学年高一上学期期中试题
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