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1 . Look at the pictures and get to know the American English words and their British equivalents.

Now complete the passage with the words above.

Today, American English is in common international use. It is different from British English in several ways, mostly in spelling and vocabulary. Some American spellings were created by Noah Webster, who made one of America’s first dictionaries. He changed “-re” spellings to “-er”, which is why     1    is spelt     2    in American English.

The Americans and the British also use different words for everyday things. For example, Americans talk about putting     3     in their cars and driving along the     4    , whereas in the UK, people put     5     in their cars and drive along the     6    . Americans take the     7    to the top floor of a building, but the British use the     8    . In the Us, they take the     9    , but in the UK, people travel on the     10    . Americans live in a(n)    11    , while the British live in a(n)12.     12    .

It’s not as confusing as it seems: usually people from the two countries can understand each other from the context. But that doesn’t stop them having a friendly argument about which word is the “right” one!

2022-12-20更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2019课后题-选修一
共计 平均难度:一般