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| 共计 5 道试题
1 . 从方框中选择合适的词语并用其适当的形式完成下列句子。
die out, make out, relate to, adapt to, lead to, as if, due to, make progress, refer to, take part in
1. At 3:42 a.m., everything began to shake. It seemed________the world were coming to an end!
2. You don’t need to________a dictionary every time you meet with a new word while reading. You can guess its meaning from the context.
3. By the light of the moon I could just________shapes and outlines.
4. Does each sentence________the main idea?
5. The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to________the change.
6. Big challenges, however, can sometimes________great solutions.
7. If something________, it becomes less and less common and eventually disappears completely.
8. As long as you study hard, you will surely________.
9. Most of the students in our class________the sports meet last week.
10. Tom came back late________a car accident on his way home.
2023-01-06更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市通州区2022-2023学年高一上学期期末质量检测英语试题
2 . 用方框中词组的正确形式完成句子,每个词组只使用一次。(方框中有两个选项为多余选项)
donate to,     lead to,     refer to,     relate to,     turn to,     date back to,     give way to
1. This vase is a great antique. It ________ the Tang Dynasty.
2. For assistance, they ________ one of the city’s most innovative museums.
3. According to his friends, he was not a man who ________ this kind of pressure.
4. The red line on the graph ________ the birth rate and the blue line to the death rate.
5. Between 1990 and 1992, there were more than 1,000 mergers (合并) in that industry, all of which ________ job losses.
2023-01-12更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市东城区第二中学2022-2023学年高一上学期第三学段英语试卷
3 . Eileen Gu ________(获得两枚金牌)at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and she said that it was ________(激情、努力、坚持和勇气)more than talent that ________her success(导致/通向成功)。(根据汉语提示完成句子)
2022-07-07更新 | 221次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
4 . 从所给方框中选择合适的词组, 并用其适当形式填空(每组有一个多余的选项)。
fight against             be curious about             due to             in preparation for             lead to             apart from
1. He is practicing every day ________the ice-skating championship.
2. A poor life in his childhood ________a lot of health problems later in life.
3. It was a difficult time. ________everything else, we had financial problems.
4. For reading, if you ________some of this early history and really want to know more about it, I can recommend this book.
5. They ________the enemies and sacrificed their lives for the independence and honour of their country.
2022-05-03更新 | 117次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京师范大学第二附属中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中英语测试题
5 . To avoid negative peer pressure, build up confidence in yourself and think about the consequence before you ________ it.
A.contribute toB.lead toC.yield toD.aim to
2022-03-17更新 | 241次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年上学期高二年级期末考试英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般