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This new little stepsister is getting on my nerves. She won’t stop talking. What was Dad trying to prove with this family vacation? We can’t instantly become the ideal family. I just became a teenager, and Christina is only 8 years old.

Dad and I finished putting up the large tent. Then I walked back to the car for my backpack, only to knock a pink one to the ground. Before I could pick it up, Christina appeared. “Why’d you throw my stuff on the ground?” she roared.

After lunch, Dad suggested I take Christina to see the sequoia pines (红杉松树), circling on the map where giant sequoias were.

I jammed the map into my pocket and then set off. When I glanced back at Christina, all I saw was a pink cap. I shook my head. Dad and my new stepmom were crazy if they thought we’d instantly bond. I was not ready to be a big brother.

As we walked the trail, the forest canopy (树冠) became thicker, blocking out direct sunlight, making the temperature drop slightly.

“You warm enough?” I asked. She nodded but didn’t look at me. I noticed her hands had got completely covered with the sap (汁液) of a plant. I took a hand wipe from my pack and wiped her hands.

Reaching a small hill, we climbed up it. Sunshine filled the meadow (草地) below. I could see the tops of sequoia pines popping out above the forest on the other side. I pointed them out excitedly to Christina and finally saw a smile light her face.

“Come on, Sean!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me down into the meadow. Then I saw it, sitting on a rock in the middle of the field: a brown-colored bear cub (幼熊). Cute as it seemed, I knew it was dangerous.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。

I instructed Christina to stay close to me and hold my hand firmly.


Keeping a tight hold on her hand, we walked on along the trail marked on our map.

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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My stomach dropped as Mrs. Nelson said, “This is just a reminder that tomorrow is the Open Day!”

I hoped Mom to be free tomorrow so Dad would not have to come. What would people think of him? I put all negative thoughts aside with the determination that Mom would be able to come, and that was the end of it!

When arriving home, I walked in the kitchen and smelled fresh bread. It was one of Mom’s baking days! She greeted with her usual warmth, asking. “Well, hello there! How was your day?” “Nothing special. It was just another day,” I replied casually. Hearing this, her face showed her disappointment, but then here yes kept probing(探查) mine trying to read if I was being honest. It worked. She saw there was something on my mind. “Heidi, are you sure you have no news for me?” she continued.

I explained that tomorrow was the Open Day. And Dad was walking in the backdoor just in time to hear the news. I quickly asked Mom, “You are free, aren’t you?”

“Sorry dear, Ⅰ have made lots of arrangements for tomorrow. Maybe Dad will be willing to go.”

“Do you want me to come with you, Heidi?” Dad asked with a smile, “I would really love that!”

“Sure, Dad. That would be cool,” I said. But Dad really did not notice my lack of enthusiasm as his face brightened and he started talking about how much fun it was going to be.

I loved Dad’s optimism and enthusiasm. He had made life so exciting and adventurous for the family and I adored him for it. But would people see him the way I saw him? His thin body with practically bald(秃的) head was not exactly what my friends would consider a “cool dad”. Dad was also much older than most of my fiends’ parents. Their dads would be professional businessmen, doctors, dentists, or engineers. Dad was a draftsman(绘图员)and he worked in an office at home.


Well, whether I liked it or not, the next morning came.


When we arrived,we walked into my class.

完形填空(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . My father was always able to cheer me on to complete any task. No matter what I _______, “Tomorrow will be a better day” were the words he _______ hundreds if not thousands of times.

In my mid-twenties, still trying to _______ what I wanted to do with my life, I realized I was frequently changing _______because of a difficult economic (经济的) downturn. Even though I lived in a common apartment, which meant being rich in others’ eyes, I was _______.

When my father called one day to invite me out for dinner, I almost _______ him. But I will always be thankful that I _______ joined him that evening. What he said to me when he finally drove me home changed my life and my entire _______ about life.

He asked why I looked so_______. I looked at him with tears in my eyes and said that I felt so       ________ . Hugging me to his side, he told me, “You may be broke, but you aren’t poor at all. ‘Broke’ means you don’t have any money, but ‘poor’ means you don’t have any   ________. Tomorrow will be a better day.”

Now, I’m still________ every time I share these wise words with others. There have been more ________ in my life since that cold winter night, but I’ve never forgotten the lesson my father taught me. Hope has kept me ________ thick, thin and even thinner.________ that dinner with my dad, I know it always will.

A.give upB.find outC.pass downD.clear away
A.giving awayB.searching forC.thinking aboutD.going through
A.Instead ofB.As forC.Thanks toD.Along with
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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Daniel and Lucas are twins. They are teenagers, studying in the same class. Their teenage life is rich and colorful. Tony is their grandpa, whose age is 70 this year. The two grandsons like to take exercise with their grandpa and even go out on adventures.

In the summer of last year, they paid a visit to Stone Mountain Park with their grandpa. They had the opportunity to spend the day with their grandpa, seeing the various beautiful sights and attractions. One thing that three of them had really desired to do was climb to the top of the mountain. Stone Mountain isn’t a very high mountain and fortunately there are some walking routes to the top of it, but for the two teenagers, along with a rather old grandpa, it’s a difficult task.

Daniel and Lucas were much more interested in the walk than their grandpa, and they viewed it as an exciting adventure. But climbing the mountain was a rather big challenge for Tony, who was old and thin. He decided to start the slow walk up to the mountain.

It seemed like that Tony was taking forever to climb just a short distance, but considering his personal safety, he had to remind himself that it took him two steps to equal his grandsons’ one step. When he walked closer to his grandsons, he had to stop for a while to regain energy, and then tried to catch up with them, over and over again.

Tony was very tired. He just wanted to arrive at the top of the mountain as soon as possible to enjoy the beauty of the mountain top. But the twin grandsons were not focused at all on the trial of climbing the mountain. On the contrary, they were simply enjoying the journey of the walk. They enjoyed all that they had seen and all that they had heard along the way up to the top of the mountain. They stopped now and then to look at every large rock and observe the unusual plant formations. Suddenly, they found a strange plant. Daniel called out, “Grandpa, here is a special plant. Come and have a look.”


Tony was hurrying towards his grandsons when he fell down.


Daniel and Lucas wondered how to get their grandpa to the top of the mountain.

2023-02-15更新 | 482次组卷 | 7卷引用:河南省郑州市2022-2023学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(含听力)
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5 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Is this allIgot?” asked my daughter, Allison. “I asked for a new cellphone!”

“What kind of birthday is this?” asked my son, Blake.

Blake and Allison are twins. Every year, I gave them birthday presents. But they always felt unhappy about not receiving something on their wish list.

I knew I had somewhat spoiled(宠坏)them, but I had no idea it was this bad . I was in shock. How self-centered and unappreciative could my children be?

I was determined to do something.

I found a family living on a farm that badly needed help. There were four children in the family aged from three to eight. I began to visit them every two months.

Soon, Allison and Blake’s birthday was drawing near. I decided to introduce them to the new friends. One day, I woke the kids early and drove them to the farm.

When we arrived, I told my children to take two bags off the car, of which one was filled with food and the other with many boxes full of presents my children would never be satisfied with.

We were welcomed inside with smiles and appreciation. Obviously, Alison and Blake were shocked by what they saw. I could guess they had never expected people would live such a difficult life.

“Look! Presents for you. ”Allison was trying to make the kids happier.

With their parents’ permission(允许), the kids began to pick the boxes up, shake them, and guess what was inside. They were so excited. Allison and Blake encouraged the kids to open the boxes. They did. And there were shouts of surprise and joy: a model car, chocolate …then laughter. Then grateful hugs(拥抱)and sincere “thank-yous” .

At first Alison and Blake looked confused but soon joined the children. Before long, they were laughing, too, proud that they brought happiness there.

On the way home, Alison and Blake were a little quiet. When it was time to go to bed that day, my kids hugged me and said, “Thank you, Mum. ”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The next year, with their birthday nearing, I asked Alison and Blake what presents they wanted.                            


I agreed and offered to drive them to the farm.               

完形填空(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . I simply woke up one morning with a wish to return to Huntington and do something. It was hard to _________ my thoughts. The only person I knew there was my mother, and she and I didn’t _________. When I was growing up, I never felt _________ to her. She hardly hugged me or held my hand. At 15, I learned Mom had a rare disease. That may have explained her _________, but for a daughter who wanted to get her mother’s love, the fact couldn’t remove the _________ she had caused.

When I finally arrived home, I rang the doorbell _________. Mom opened the door, stone-faced. Despite that, I lived nearby and visited almost every day out of a sense of _________. When Mom’s condition became _________, I became her full-time caregiver. As Mom’s disease progressed, her _________ seemed to have changed. She became __________ and easy to communicate with. She spoke a lot about her younger days, as if she were __________ those days.

One day, in her room, she took hold of my hand. She’d never __________ me in such a way. She talked about some __________, including family and friends. As she spoke, she held my hand in hers with the love and tenderness (温柔) I’d __________ my whole life. Mom died peacefully a few years later. But I always remember the moment when she held my hand. And I never __________ my decision to stay with her when she was in need.

A.settle downB.start offC.show upD.get along
A.relied onB.longed forC.complained ofD.turned down
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7 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

Kelsey was grateful for everything her mother had done for her. In spite of being raised by her mother alone, Kelsey received a good education, and now held a leading position in a large company.   

Recently the company was making corporate brochures in which achievers would share their success and thank their parents as well. For this, the achievers would have to take photos of themselves with their parents.

Kelsey didn’t really want that because her mother had put on a lot of weight due to a sedentary (久坐的) lifestyle. Kelsey managed to contact one of the best photographers and made a reservation in advance. When she and her mother came to the photographer’s studio, Kelsey took the man aside and said, “Please make sure my mom looks thinner in the photo.” But the photographer said what her mother really needed was a diet or exercise, not a photographer.

Kelsey insisted that he shouldn’t make her mother look like a slim dancer. She just expected him to do his best to make her mother look a bit thinner. The photographer finally agreed and took measures to hide some details, setting the right light and choosing better angles for shots. But it was not easy to fool the camera.

Kelsey’s mother noticed how the photographer was having a hard time and how her daughter was shaking her head. She smiled and said that she just wanted photos with Kelsey no matter whether she looked heavy or not.

The next day, Kelsey came to pick up the photos with her mother. The photographer printed out several photos, copied the rest on a flash drive (闪存盘) and handed them to Kelsey. Kelsey was disappointed and complained. How she wished her mother could look much thinner! The photographer shrugged (耸肩) helplessly and said nothing. Kelsey’s mother, however, said that the photographer did a good job and she was who she was. Then she told Kelsey to accept the fact that her mother was not “the tiny girl Thumbelina in the fairy tale.”


Finishing her words, Kelsey’s mother turned and went out of the studio.


Kelsey felt so ashamed that she came near to tears.

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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Grandma Goodie, warm-hearted and caring, goes to see her granddaughters every Sunday afternoon. Every visit starts with the same steps. First, she rings the doorbell. Then Vera and Gina run to open the door excitedly. Every time, Grandma Goodie brings wonderful gifts. Sometimes they are toys. Sometimes they are candies. After receiving the gifts, the whole room is full of the laughter and screams of the two.

One Sunday, Grandma rang the doorbell. Vera and Gina, who had been waiting since lunch, hurried down the stairs to open the door. “Darling, look what I have brought to you,” Grandma said. She pulled out a pack of cards and they couldn’t wait to rush into their room and began to play the cards cheerfully. They enjoyed themselves so much that the whole afternoon had passed before they realized it.

At the end of the day, Grandma kissed everyone and said her goodbyes. As she drove away, Vera and Gina heard their parents say that they would hold a birthday party for Grandma next Sunday. “Grandma has a birthday?” they thought, looking at each other in surprise. Both felt a little confused, “Grown-ups have birthdays?”

“We have to get her a present,” Gina decided. “But what?” asked Vera, “Grandma Goodie undoubtedly has everything!’’

They spent all week thinking, but nothing came into their mind.

On Sunday afternoon, the doorbell rang. Just as what usually happened, Grandma Goodie brought them beloved amazing gifts, which were some candies with good-looking covers. They extended their sincere gratitude to Grandma Goodie and quickly went back to their room to think about the gift for Grandma.

All through the dinner, the kids were silent. “What’s wrong with you? What makes you two so down and quiet?” asked Grandma.

“Grandma, we really wanted to give you something special for your birthday,” Gina said. “But nothing we thought of would do,” added Vera. Grandma Goodie smiled and held the kids in her arms. Then she said, “Oh, kids, don’t you know you two are the best gifts I could ever ask for?”


Hearing these words, a good idea hit Gina.


About an hour later, the two came out with a picture.

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Daniela Has Changed

“Mom, I’m sick and tired of your asking about me!” Daniela shouted. “You have to understand that I’m no longer a kid! I have every right to do whatever I wish only if I don’t bring people trouble. Mom, I want to let you know this!”

“Daniela, what has come over you?!” Frances questioned angrily at her daughter’s strange behavior. “I’m surprised at what you’ve just told me! Let me know who is the force behind this silly attitude of yours. Your friends with bad habits? I guess it may be! Your dad and I, my sweetheart, have always wanted the best for you but here you’re trying to tell me how grown you are!”

“Yes, I want you to know that I’m grown-up now! Mom, I’m fifteen! I know what’s good for me and what’s not! Tara is just a year older than I am but she does what she likes in her home! But here I am, at my age, being asked of where I have been and am going, whom I am hanging out with and all those! Mom, you know what? I’m tired of all these!” Daniela said.

“Don’t be childish, Daniela!” Mom advised, wanting to take hold of her shoulders. “Tara isn’t my daughter and my daughter isn’t Tara! I want you to understand that her family and ours are quite different in all areas. I don’t want to draw any comparison between us now! You’ve always been a good girl, Daniela! Why this sudden change of character in the last few days?!” “Mom, if you really care to know, that’s none of your business! Feel free to let dad know what took place when he comes back from work! Bye!” Daniela angrily replied to her and rushed out directly to her uncle’s home.


When Daniela’s uncle saw her crying, he got a shock.


Hearing her uncle’s words, Daniela fell into deep thought.

听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the woman doing?
A.Carrying trees.B.Planting trees.C.Picking up waste.
2. Why is the blue team in the lake?
A.To play in it.B.To clean it.C.To measure the depth of it.
3. What is the relationship between the speakers?
2022-12-20更新 | 86次组卷 | 2卷引用:河北省保定市安国中学等4校2022-2023学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题 (含听力)
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