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| 共计 7 道试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约680词) | 较难(0.4) |

1 . Noah reached for his guitar, remembering his father as he did so, thinking how much he missed him. He strummed once, adjusted the tension on two strings, then strummed again. This time it sounded about right, and he began to play.

Soft music, quiet music. He hummed for a little while at first, then began to sing as night came down around him. He played and sang until the sun was gone and the sky black. It was a little after seven when he quit, and he settled back into his chair and began to rock. By habit, he looked upward and saw Orion and the Big Dipper, Gemini and the Pole Star, twinkling in the autumn sky. He started to run the numbers in his head, then stopped. He knew he’d spent almost his entire savings on the house and would have to find a job again soon, but he pushed the thought away and decided to enjoy the remaining months of restoration without worrying about it. Besides, thinking about money usually bored him. Early on, he’d learned to enjoy simple things, things that couldn’t be bought, and he had a hard time understanding people who felt otherwise. It was another trait he got from his father.

Clem, his hound dog, came up to him then and nuzzled his hand before lying down at his feet. “Hey, girl, how’re you doing?” he asked as he patted her head, and she whined softly, her soft round eyes peering upward. A car accident had taken her leg, but she still moved well enough and kept him company on quiet nights like these. He was thirty-one now, not too old, but old enough to be lonely. He hadn’t dated since he’d been back here, hadn’t met anyone who remotely interested him. It was his own fault, he knew. There was something that kept a distance between him and any woman who started to get close, something he wasn’t sure he could change even if he tried. And sometimes in the moments right before sleep came, he wondered if he was destined to be alone forever.

The evening passed, staying warm, nice. Noah listened to the crickets and the rustling leaves, thinking that the sound of nature was more real and aroused more emotion than things like cars and planes. Natural things gave back more than they took, and their sounds always brought him back to the way man was supposed to be. “It’ll keep you from going crazy,” his father had told him the day he’d shipped out. “It’s God’s music and it’ll take you home.” He finished his tea, went inside, found a book, then turned on the porch light on his way back out. After sitting down again, he looked at the book. It was old, the cover was torn, and the pages were stained with mud and water.

It was Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, and he had carried it with him throughout the war. It had even taken a bullet for him once. He rubbed the cover, dusting it off just a little. Then he let the book open randomly and read the words in front of him: This is thy hour O Soul, thy free flight into the wordless. Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done. Thee fully forth emerging, silent, gazing, pondering the themes thou lovest best. Night, sleep, death and the stars. For some reason Whitman always reminded him of New Bern, and he was glad he’d come back. Though he’d been away from fourteen years, this was home and he knew a lot of people here, most of them from his youth. Like so many southern towns, the people who lived here never changed, they just grew a bit older.

1. The underlined sentence in paragraph two is the equivalent of “_________”.
A.he hated those who were unable to appreciate simple things in life
B.he didn’t see eye to eye with people who liked to save money
C.he had difficulty in figuring out how he got this trait from his father
D.he didn’t understand why people were so materialistic
2. Which of the following is NOT true according the passage?
A.Noah often played the guitar and observed the stars.
B.Clem the dog showed great affection for her master.
C.Noah was destined to be alone since no woman seemed interested in him.
D.Noah planned to restore his house before landing himself a job.
3. Which of the following statements would Noah’s father most agree with?
A.Patients suffering from mental disorder can be cured by nature.
B.The closer you are to nature, the closer you are to your true self.
C.Where there is God’s music, there is home.
D.A good book is a man’s best company.
4. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman _________.
A.had been a treasure but was now too damaged to read
B.recorded the lives of New Bern’s people who never changed over the years
C.was beyond Noah’s understanding so he randomly picked up some words to read
D.stirred a feeling of nostalgia in Noah
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Procrastination is the act of putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their deadline.

For many students, getting a task that is due in two months is a great thing. They have two months to slowly work on the task, making necessary improvements all along the way.     1     Some students plan to get to work on that task, but they never get around to it. Then, the due date rolls around and those students have to work all night to meet the deadline the next morning.

    2     Many jobs are lost because a worker did not get to the work in time. Deadlines are missed because a business plan wasn’t given enough consideration early on. These things cost businesses large amounts of money in lost productivity.

What is at the root of all of this procrastination? Some might say that it is laziness, but it is really just a problem with mindset (心态).     3    

It is difficult to stop this terrible habit.     4     By doing that, you would be changing the way your mind processes work. As a hypnotherapist (催眠师), I have used hypnosis to stop people from smoking and keep them away from stress. I find that it is an effective solution for procrastination as well.

    5     They think that it is just like the dull shows on television. That’s not what hypnosis is about, though. Hypnosis is really about changing a person’s basic senses so that their thinking is changed. This sounds like a perfect way to deal with procrastination, doesn’t it?

A.That is how it is supposed to be done.
B.For many people, it has become a habit.
C.It takes a long time to truly change your ways.
D.Procrastination is a problem that usually affects students.
E.Procrastination can be found in the working world as well.
F.If it does, you probably have a problem with procrastination.
G.Many people don’t even consider hypnosis as a treatment option.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Being a young adult has got to be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. You’re at a stage when you don’t feel like a child anymore and you aren’t ready to take up all the responsibilities that adulthood brings with it either.     1    

Need to express

At this stage, there is a need for expression of thoughts and feelings. But they don’t understand that this need to express themselves can’t be used in whichever way they want, but has to be used with caution.     2    

Need to be an independent adult

    3     There is a need to be an independent adult, yes, but they haven’t learned the ropes of it yet and therefore when parents try to discipline them, they want to oppose and put forth their rights as adults. Therefore, they often go through the “no one understands me” stage, which can lead to many problems like anger and frustration.

Need for acceptance

In addition, being part of a group and developing healthy relationships and getting acceptance from them are of prime importance to young adults.     4     When these things happen, they often get into a self-pitying mode.

Need to succeed

There is an innate need to stand on their own feet.     5     If there is any hurdle on that path, it leads to varied psychological problems like stress, depression, and anger.

These are some of young adults’ emotional problems. If you’ve been faced with them, seek help and treat them.

A.This is where the problems of discipline arise.
B.Therefore, don’t ignore these emotional needs.
C.And they want to prove themselves to the world.
D.But there are also misunderstandings and conflicts in a group.
E.So there will be varied emotional issues that can trouble a young adult.
F.They therefore find it difficult to deal with the pressures of mincing their words (婉转地说).
G.Now that you know what some problems of young adults can be, it’ll help you be prepared.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Imagine a friend has just asked how you’re feeling. “I’m fine,” you protest. You’re clearly anxious but respond in this way, unable to express how it is you really feel. Try as you might, you can’t quite understand your emotions, and truth to be told, you’re not sure whether you really want to.

Research shows that being aware of your emotions is hugely beneficial and people with high emotional awareness have better social and emotional functioning. “Emotional awareness is being able to identify and make sense of not only our own emotions but those of others, ”explains Rachel Vora, psychotherapist and founder of CYP Wellbeing. “It’s absolutely essential in maintaining good mental health. When we are able to identify and reflect on our emotional responses, we can understand how this influences our behaviours and in turn, change the way we respond to challenging situations.”

Of course, finding out how we feel can often prove difficult. It’s the very reason we turn to general phrases like ‘I feel blue’ or I’m not myself today’. It’s not always easy to put a finger on exactly what’s wrong, without digging a little deeper. Vora says this is often because on some level we don’t want to know how we really feel. “We can often try to numb or suppress because they feel overwhelming or distressing and this can often lead to a lack of emotional awareness as we feel disconnected from ourselves,” she explains.

Without emotional awareness, we can also develop emotional blind spots: unhealthy thoughts, behaviours and coping mechanisms that are hidden from our view. Perhaps you lash out or withdraw when you feel overwhelmed or go into criticism and self-doubt when you receive negative feedback. Unless you take time for self-reflection, you’ll remain unaware of these habits and continue to repeat the same destructive patterns again and again. Vora says tuning into your emotions and honestly reflecting on how you feel is the key. “When we do this, we are more able to work with our emotions and put strategies in place to improve our mood,” she points out. “By identifying our emotional blind spots, we can feel more in control of our emotions, and also how we respond in challenging situations.”

1. Why can’t you express your true feeling according to paragraph 1?
A.You want to keep it a secret.B.You are absent-minded at that time.
C.You are unable to grasp your feeling.D.You are unwilling to share it with your friend.
2. How does emotional awareness benefit us?
A.It’s easy for us to respond politely.B.It can identify our emotional responses.
C.It can contribute to our mental healthD.We can identify our emotions and those of others’.
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A.People tend to lie to their friends.
B.People often doubt about themselves.
C.People should communicate with each other frequently.
D.People sometimes avoid their true feelings consciously.
4. What is Vora’s suggestion according to the passage?
A.Thinking over what is your true feeling.B.Hiding you from the negative feedback.
C.Criticizing bravely when you are anxious.D.Remaining unaware of the destructive patterns.
完形填空(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . The scars that Pat Rribble carried through life were formed nearly 50 years ago, inflicted (欺负) by fellow students in Woodland, who _______him because he was different.

Pat never _______or had children after graduating. He never had a _______, only a series of jobs. Now 65, Pat appears _______with his long gray hair and beard, whom you might cross the street to _______. But, to talk with him reveals (展现出) a _______side. He speaks quietly, measuring his words to _______his weakness, for which others once seized upon to _______him.

In 2021, when Carey Jim, Pat's classmate, learned Pat _______to attend his high school class's party ________ he'd been hurt in school, he ________. “Pat had it rougher than the rest of us.” Days later, Carey found Pat's ________and called. Pat answered. “We talked about the ________things, and the good things too,” Pat said. “Carey's love and ________caught me unexpectedly.” After that, Carey asked all his ________to call Pat. And so they did. They made a ________that they wouldn't lose track of Pat, and they have ________it for over ten years. Every week, one or more of them call Pat to see how he's doing.

The recovery of the ________from the past has allowed Pat to look to the ________. “I'll be at the next party,” he says. “These guys…” He pauses, stifling (强忍) ________. “Let's just say that everyone needs people like these guys in their lives.”

A.afterB.becauseC.thoughD.even if
A.felt greatB.became annoyedC.fell silentD.looked disappointed
书信写作-其他应用文 | 较难(0.4) |
6 . 现在正是春暖花开的时节,对你来说春天意味着什么呢?请你以“What spring means to me”为题写一篇英语短文,参加你校英文报举办的春季征文大赛,内容包括:
1. 春天对你的影响;
2. 你对春天的感悟。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 题目已为你写好。
完形填空(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . “I’m going to tell you a story,” I tell my class of high school seniors. “It’s a tale about love. And heart-break. And embarrassment.”

Their eyes widen. I ________ my throat. “In sixth grade,” I begin, “I fell madly in love. His name was David. He was tall, ________, kind of a bad boy—which I found fascinating. Unfortunately he had no interest in me at all. So it was Valentine’s Day. That day as I spilled my Valentine cards onto my desk, and among many small ________, I saw an enormous one, decorated beautifully. My mind ________:‘Who could it be from?’ With trembling hands, I ________ open the envelope and out fell an image of a queen, the heading of which ________, ‘To a Queen of a Valentine.’”

I give the class a ________ look. “I turned the valentine(情人卡) over, and at the bottom I saw the ________ and almost fainted: David. Then my eyes ________ up to the writing above his signature. It said, ‘To the Ugliest Girl in Our Class.’”

“Well, it ________ Valentine’s Day for me. It shook what little ________ I had in myself for a long time after. But I ________. And now I refuse to give up this holiday of love to the meanness of one ________ boy.” I smile. “And that’s why we’re going to have a party. A party that ________ kindness instead of cruelty.”

Their eyes ________. They are willing to let me take them ________ I am going. I hand out some paper so they can make cards. “Now please write something positive and sincere to everyone in the class. Even if it’s someone you ________ know, there’s always something nice to say.”

All these years, I’ve made it a routine in each of my class. After 20 years of teaching, I________few hopes that students will ________ all of the grammar or vocabulary I taught them. But if all a student ________ of one of my classes are the valentines they received one long-ago February, to me that makes it all worthwhile.

A.go upB.narrow upC.close upD.light up
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