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阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . How to Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety is a healthy and normal emotion that everyone often feels. Anxiety may, however, develop into a mental disorder that reduces your capacity to cope with daily stress. When trying to overcome it, you should not try to get rid of your feelings of anxiety but should aim to develop your coping abilities when you do feel anxiety.    1    . Here come some useful tips to develop your anti-anxiety abilities.

Examine your anxiety

    2    . Do not start beating yourself up about it, or tell yourself unhelpful things such as “I will never be able to get out of this” or “I am incapable.” Understand that you can overcome this, and you will.

Identify the source of your anxiety

Whether you have a panic attack or a sudden round of worry and fear, it is important to determine what is causing your anxiety. Is something in your environment the primary source?    3    

Determine if your worry is solvable

If you know what your fear is, the next step is to determine if it is something you can deal with, or something that only time can manage. If your fear is largely imagination or can’t be dealt with now,    4    .If your worry is something that needs to be dealt with, take steps to create a course of action.


If your fear is mind-consuming, take a moment to think about the honest and absolute worst thing that could happen as a result of it. Perhaps you’re getting ready to do a huge presentation, and you begin to panic. Stop and think “what is the worst that could happen?” No matter how creative your response may be, thinking critically will lead to find that should it occur, there are few endings that can’t be dealt with in a reasonable manner.

A.Consider the worst
B.Think out of the box
C.Understand and acknowledge that you are anxious
D.make the conscious effort to put it out of your mind
E.You can handle anxiety more easily when you are clear about what it is
F.Having the ability to cope with anxious thought is the key to overcoming it
G.try whatever it takes to solve the problem because you cannot get away with it
2023-04-09更新 | 254次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届河南省周口市高三4月模拟英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Anger may seem unappealing, but this emotion is a necessary part of your well-being. As with joy and sadness, expressing anger over a broken promise, a lost opportunity, or other inconvenience is healthy. However, if anger is frequently expressed, it will be harmful. Learning to deal with this emotion then becomes important.     1    .

Try positive exercises.

When you feel the unmistakable signs of your anger building up, try to focus on positive practices like deep breathing to calm yourself down.     2    . Repeating this exercise until your anger is under control can help to prevent an outburst and the negative outcomes that accompany it.

    3    .

Just as you open up to loved ones over the pain of heartbreak or the joy of a promotion, calling loved ones when you’re about to lose control of your anger is a healthy way of dealing with the emotion. Your friends and family can act as a support group, calming you until the worst is over.

Keep a mood journal.

A recommended way to deal with anger and recognize how frequently you embrace this emotion is keeping a journal to track your emotions.     4    , you can understand your feelings better. Then you can easily find a proper way to control your anger.

See a therapist (治疗师).

    5    , seeking professional guidance is always a welcome way to get things under control. A licensed mental health professional can help you recognize and control the negative thoughts that may lead to an angry outburst.

A.Turn to your loved ones for help
B.Share something good with your loved ones
C.However, you can try some practices to express your anger
D.So let’s take a look at some ways to help you manage your anger
E.If you feel that your anger is too strong to be contained through self-help
F.Supporting your breathing with comforting words can help to control your anger better
G.If you note the causes that push you to outbursts and the thoughts that run through your mind
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . When you are anxious and stressed, you could add an “emotional workout” to your self-care regimen (养生法). “It’s like working out prevents high blood pressure and heart disease.     1    

Says Emily Anhalt, a clinical psychologist. Here are some expert-backed exercise to help you begin.

Annoyed with a loved one? Practice the “self-reflection push-up.”

Feeling hurt, annoyed or angry with someone else’s behavior might reflect something.     2     Anhalt suggests practicing an exercise she calls the “self-reflection push-up.” This push-up uses the “3 Js, which stand for join, jealous (嫉妒) and judge” to guide you. Ask yourself if the other person’s behavior is something you also do (join), are envious of (jealous) or criticize (judge). For instance, if you’re annoyed with your friend for being selfish, you might realize that you’ve behaved the same way.

    3     Befriend tough emotions.

As humans, we’re born to avoid pain. When uncomfortable emotions arise, we may try to distract (分散) ourselves from feeling bad. We may wander through social media or on Netflix. These strategies are called “defenses”. However, we can’t merely rely on defenses.     4    

When upset emotions arise, try to befriend your feelings. Start by naming your emotions, a technique psychologists call “affect labeling.” The goal isn’t to change the emotion, but to bring awareness to how it feels in the moment.     5     By understanding them, we can uncover the cause of suffering.

A.Feeling down?
B.Unsatisfied with a bad result?
C.That’s what we dislike about ourselves.
D.Emotional fitness can benefit stress management.
E.Therefore, we can make use of them to cheer us up.
F.To conclude, symptoms like anxiety are the body’s alarm system.
G.Without feeling our emotions, our ability to process them will be influenced.
2023-02-09更新 | 173次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届河南省平许济洛四市高三第二次质量检测英语试题(含听力)
完形填空(约280词) | 较难(0.4) |


You have always been reserved, polite neighbors who kept to yourselves. You have the best house in the _________ —the one at the end that has an old apple tree that was there before the houses were _________. The legacy of the apple tree is great, and you’ve always _________ your fruit with me and my children.

It _________ fruit from September to January, which is a _________ resource. As a single parent facing a tight _________, I welcome the healthy food of free, keeping me and my children in dessert fare for months _________. You said that mostly you _________ to take the apples home, because people didn’t want to _________ the work to clean and prepare them. I still can’t get my head around that.

I once started to __________ how much it would cost if I had bought the apples you gave me from the supermarket __________. I stopped when I realized that it would have been a luxury I couldn’t __________. I gave you apple pie as a Christmas thank you, but there’s no way that was __________.

Over the years your apples have been turned into __________ apple sauce and the main part in the homemade pie that __________ the hearts and stomachs of my family.

It __________ me recently that you probably don’t realize how much you contribute to our comfortable home, with so much __________ and unrest in our past. It’s a fundamental __________ of mothers to feed their children, and I’m able to express this at least in __________ because of you. I think that as my kids become adults, they’ll remember ups and downs, but also good food from the __________. So thank you from all of us: a struggling household.

A.at mostB.on averageC.at allD.on end
A.put inB.put offC.put downD.put up
2023-01-28更新 | 389次组卷 | 2卷引用:2023届河南省郑州外国语学校高三1月调研4英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . One day, my wife and I were listening to Disney songs with our two little girls when the romantic love song I See the Light came on. I walked over to my wife, who was in the kitchen, took her in my arms and started dancing with her slowly. I could tell it caught her off-guard and embarrassed her a little. Thankfully, she stayed in my arms and danced with me anyway. As the song approached the final chorus, I suddenly realized we weren’t alone. Our daughters were standing there watching us in silence.

The song approached the end and as the strings played the last notes, I decided to give the girls a Hollywood ending. I took my wife’s face in my hands and kissed her. After I pulled away, I looked over and saw my elder daughter’s face lit up with admiration, and her eyes filled with tears. Then she came over, buried her face in my wife’s legs. and cried.

“Why are you crying?” my wife asked.

My daughter was at a loss for words, so I tried a different angle.

“Can you at least give me one word to describe how you’re feeling?” I asked.

My daughter paused, looked up at us and said,“Loved.”

It reminded me of seeing my dad kiss my mom, leaving me feeling pleasantly embarrassed as a child. I wanted to watch them kiss each other and hide my face at the same time. And while there were no words to describe how I felt at the time, looking back, I know what it was: I felt loved.

Never overlook the power of your love for your spouse (配偶). Your kids are watching as you smile and give each other a kiss when you say goodbye to each other in the morning. They’re listening when you praise one another. Showing marital love in front of our children is a unique chance to be both a good parent and a good spouse.

1. What were the author’s daughters doing while he was dancing with his wife?
A.Cooking in the kitchen.B.Watching a Disney film.
C.Looking at them silently.D.Exchanging loving kisses.
2. Why did the author’s elder daughter cry?
A.She was desperate to be kissed by her mom.B.She hated it when her dad kissed her mom.
C.She felt deeply touched by her parents’ love.D.She thought her dad completely ignored her.
3. How did the author as a kid feel when seeing his dad kiss his mom?
A.Proud and calm.B.Sad and ashamed.C.Interested but annoyed.D.Embarrassed but pleased.
4. What does the author most probably suggest parents do at last?
A.Remember to praise their children in public.B.Avoid close contact in front of their children.
C.Set a good example in terms of good manners.D.Show their love for each other to their children.
2022-06-07更新 | 170次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022届河南省开封市名校联盟高三押题英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My daughter and I were fans of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, an educational children’s television series that was created and hosted by Fred Rogers, more commonly known as Mister Rogers.

Around my daughter’s second birthday, I had a Mister Rogers-inspired idea. Why not invite one key person in my daughter’s world to dinner each month? The local children’s librarian could visit one evening, and perhaps the borough mayor (区长) could drop by a few weeks later.

But I wanted to start at the top.

“Let’s invite Mister Rogers himself, ” I said to my wife. “After all, he lives just a few neighborhoods away. I bet he’d come.”

She looked at me as if I wanted to invite the President. “You really think Mister Rogers would come to our house for dinner? Fat chance.”

Undeterred (不气馁的), I sent a letter to Mister Rogers that fall, telling him of my newfound delight in his show and my idea for inviting neighborhood people over to talk about their lives, and asking him and Mrs. Rogers to be our guests.

I told my daughter about the letter. Her eyes glistened (发光). “Mister Rogers coming? Really, Daddy?”

One month later, no reply. My daughter hadn’t forgotten and periodically asked when Mister Rogers would be visiting. I always told her that he hadn’t called yet and that it was a good opportunity to learn about patience.

Two months later, no response. At the three-month mark, my wife simply rolled her eyes when I raised the topic. I was beginning to lose optimism. Mister Rogers had let me down.

Sadly, Mister Rogers passed away in late February of the following year. I was unaware of his illness and now understood why our invitation had gone unanswered. Mister Rogers would not be coming to dinner after all. Yet, even after his passing, Mister Rogers gave us a far greater gift than I ever could have imagined.


A week later, I was surprised to find a letter in our mailbox from Mister Rogers.


The letter is a treasured gift and his kind words touched my life and my daughter.

2022-06-02更新 | 564次组卷 | 6卷引用:2024届河南省开封市高三下学期第二次质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . When dealing with a depressed family member, it can be hard to know how you should act and what you can do to help. If you want to get along with your depressed family, you should know how to approach them.

    1     . If you have figured out that one family member is struggling with depression, it can seem like you have something to do with it. But it's not your fault.     2     . To be available to this person and help him, it is important to understand that it's not personal.

    3     . When you are talking to depressed family members, you have to keep in mind that they are dealing with an actual physical problem. It can be tempting to blame their mental disorder on decisions they have made, but recognizing that it's not their fault can help you be more supportive.

You should offer support. Your support is one of the most valuable things you can offer someone with depression. Offering to let someone with depression talk about what they are feeling without judging them is an important part of recovery.     4    

You should help them build a support system.     5     . You can get in touch with your friends to see if any of them have had depression and to see if they can talk to your family member.

A.But you may think it's your duty
B.Your should send them to hospitals in time
C.It helps reduce their feelings of loneliness
D.You should acknowledge it's a physical illness
E.You should recognize that their illness is not your fault
F.That means assisting them to find support from more people
G.Depression makes it hard for people to connect with their loved ones
2022-05-19更新 | 71次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届河南省百所名校普通高校招生全国统一考试猜题压轴卷英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . The scars that Pat Rribble carried through life were formed nearly 50 years ago, inflicted (欺负) by fellow students in Woodland, who _______him because he was different.

Pat never _______or had children after graduating. He never had a _______, only a series of jobs. Now 65, Pat appears _______with his long gray hair and beard, whom you might cross the street to _______. But, to talk with him reveals (展现出) a _______side. He speaks quietly, measuring his words to _______his weakness, for which others once seized upon to _______him.

In 2021, when Carey Jim, Pat's classmate, learned Pat _______to attend his high school class's party ________ he'd been hurt in school, he ________. “Pat had it rougher than the rest of us.” Days later, Carey found Pat's ________and called. Pat answered. “We talked about the ________things, and the good things too,” Pat said. “Carey's love and ________caught me unexpectedly.” After that, Carey asked all his ________to call Pat. And so they did. They made a ________that they wouldn't lose track of Pat, and they have ________it for over ten years. Every week, one or more of them call Pat to see how he's doing.

The recovery of the ________from the past has allowed Pat to look to the ________. “I'll be at the next party,” he says. “These guys…” He pauses, stifling (强忍) ________. “Let's just say that everyone needs people like these guys in their lives.”

A.afterB.becauseC.thoughD.even if
A.felt greatB.became annoyedC.fell silentD.looked disappointed
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 你班将举办毕业晚会,请你以《你们是我最强大的精神支柱》为题准备一篇演讲稿。内容包括:
1. 对全体师生表示衷心感谢;
2. 表达良好的祝愿。
注意: 1. 词数100左右;
2. 题目和首句已为你写好。

You Have Been My Greatest Pillar of Support

Good evening, my dear teachers and classmates,
2022-05-02更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届河南省许平汝联盟高三下学期核心模拟卷(六)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Eco-anxiety refers to anxiety or worry about the ecological threats facing the earth. Eco-anxiety is not considered to be     1     mental health concern. Rather, it     2     (see) as a typical reaction to the growing awareness of the problems that can result from climate change and other global threats.

Anxiety is a normal human experience and most people experience anxiety to some degree. Eco-anxiety is one form     3     anxiety, but it is generally considered normal     4     (have) fears about the future of the world,     5     (especial) in light of more recent research revealing the damaging effects of climate change.

As with all types of anxiety, self-care can be an effective tool for     6     (manage) eco-anxiety. Self-care involves getting adequate rest, keeping a nutritious diet, and engaging in regular physical activity. Those experiencing eco-anxiety may also find it     7     (help) to take breaks from technology in order to pursue more nature-oriented and relaxing     8     (hobby) such as yoga and gardening.

Besides, spending time in nature and doing projects to improve the planet’s outcome, to the extent of one’s     9    (able) to help, may also provide significant benefit. Starting recycling projects in the home or community, learning how to compost or make worm gardens, and picking up trash in the neighborhood are also     10     can make a difference.

2022-04-17更新 | 116次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届河南省许平汝联盟高三下学期核心模拟卷(三)英语试题
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