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1 . When you have negative (消极的) emotions and physical symptoms (症状) like stress and anxiety over a long period of time, to the point that it affects your everyday life, you may be experiencing sadness.     1    , like losing a job or having to plan a big event. The good news is that there are ways to prevent feelings of discomfort from changing into sadness.


If you’re feeling anxious or you’re having trouble focusing — find a way to remove it. Go outside, go to the bathroom, call a friend, or take a few deep breath. Your nervous system is being flooded with stress hormones (荷尔蒙), making it hard to calm down and see things clearly. So you need to change your environment.

Relate what happened

Go over your situation again.     3    . Do this with a friend, a family member or even yourself, by writing a diary or talking out loud while walking your dog. By doing this, you can remind yourself of details you may have paid no attention to.

Name your emotions

As you describe what happened, name your emotions.     4    . For example, instead of saying you simply feel annoyed, maybe you actually feel disappointed. You can use the feelings wheel, a tool that can help you express your emotions more accurately.

Examine what gives you discomfort

If you have terrible road rage (狂怒), have a conversation with yourself about it. You might ask yourself: Why am I so angry on the road? Is it because I am in a rush? Or is it because I hate sitting in traffic? Then, find ways to lessen the situation.     5    . To avoid traffic, ask your boss if you can work from home a couple times a week.

A.Learn new words
B.Change the situation
C.It may result from a major life challenge
D.Anger can influence your daily life greatly
E.This can help find what is giving you discomfort
F.To avoid being rushed, you can leave the house a half hour early
G.The key is that you should express your emotions more specifically
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Gifts are more than just an economic exchange of goods. They signal things about the giver, receiver and their relationship. It’s a sort of language that lets us communicate without words. Use the following little tricks to make gift-giving perfect.

Aesthetics (美学) of a gift shouldn’t be ignored and neither should presentation be. All the time and energy you spend picking the perfect thing for your receiver will fall short if you do. A gift should delight. It should be unique and easy on the eyes. So receivers often prefer appearance over function. This is why gift stores are filled with such gifts. These items are often low in their usefulness yet they make most gifts.

The price isn’t necessarily a priority. Even costly items can be considered as cheap sometimes. It’s better to pick an item from the top of an inexpensive sort than one at the bottom of an expensive sort. Even if you’re paying the same for both choices, the former will be received well.

A gift that feels heavier tends to be considered as of higher quality. Giving someone a hardcover book is better than giving them a paperback as a gift. You may also package it in a relatively heavy box. Anyway, pick items that aren’t too light.

Don’t present your gift without the wrapping (包装). It shows effort and devotion. Presentation expresses special thought on behalf of the giver. When they receive a gift, receivers process the exchange and analyze the giver in terms of thoughtfulness, which is communicated through gift presentation. If you want your receiver to think of you as thoughtful, make sure you wrap it in a good wrapping paper. Bad presentation can ruin a great gift. So it matters making a present more attractive to your receiver.

1. What kind of gifts are mostly sold in shops?
A.Strange objects.B.Eye-catching items.
C.Useful things.D.High-cost pieces.
2. What can be learnt from Paragraph 3?
A.Never choose any expensive gif.
B.The more expensive a gift is, the better.
C.Two gifts at a time are always better than one.
D.The best gift in the cheap kind is a better choice.
3. Which book will make a good gift?
A.A hardcover book.B.A paperback.
C.One in a light box.D.One without wrapping.
4. What does a gift with good wrapping reflect?
A.The giver is generous.B.The receiver is special.
C.The giver is thoughtful.D.The receiver is attractive.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Many people feel anxious in situations that are stressful to them. For example, they may feel anxious about taking tests, meeting new people, or speaking in class.     1     But it’s best to learn how to cope. Here are several tips that can help you through anxious moments:

Start with a “growth” mindset. Some people have a fixed mindset. They might think, “This is how I am.”     2     They think they are the way they are. But brain science has shown that with a growth mindset, people can get better at just about everything—with effort and practice. That includes reducing anxiety.

    3     When you’re anxious, you might tell yourself things like, “I can’t do this!” or “What if I mess this up?” Instead, plan to tell yourself something that could help you face the moment with a bit of courage like, “I can do this!” or “It’s OK to feel anxious. I can do this anyway.”

Notice how anxiety affects your body. When you’re anxious, do you feel “butterflies” in your stomach? Sweaty palms? Shaky hands? A faster heartbeat? These physical feelings can be uncomfortable but they aren’t harmful. You can cope. You don’t have to push the feelings away.     4    

Face the situation—don’t wait for anxiety to go away. You might think that you’ll put off speaking in class or talking to that new person until you no longer feel anxious about it. But it doesn’t work that way.     5    

Learning to cope with anxiety takes time, patience, and practice. Most of all it takes being willing to face anxiety. Start with one small step. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at lowering anxiety.

A.Talk yourself through it.
B.Tell a parent or another adult you trust.
C.It’s facing the anxiety that helps you lower it.
D.Try to pay attention to anxious thoughts and feelings.
E.Try to notice them without getting upset that they’re there.
F.With a fixed mindset, people don’t think things can change.
G.If you feel anxious in situations like these, you’re not alone.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Sometimes, we meet with situations that cause us to feel angry to the point we may want to erupt like a volcano or curse (咒骂) someone out.     1     Here are some replies online to the question about how to deal with anger.

Go for a swim, lift weights, and practice other forms of exercise!

Science suggests that hearing, seeing, or swimming causes our brain to produce neurochemicals that increase blood flow to the brain and heart. “    2     I like to lift weights. It completely takes the edge off. Heavy bag work is good for cardio and reducing anger. Yoga is great for both exercise and meditation,” wrote u/JackFunk.

Eat a healthier diet.

Proteins such as fish, tofu, and chicken, help us produce higher levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, which are chemicals in the brain that play a role in your mood, motivation, and concentration. “I found that some foods messed with my stomach.     3     Over time I have removed various foods from my diet, and it has really helped,”   u/JackFunk also wrote.

Write your feelings down.

Whether it’s quick sentences or journal entries, writing down how you feel is a great way to release negative emotions. “    4     Pour your heart out… and if you’re worried that someone else may read it later, you can burn it to release the energy,” wrote u/ChoiceFabulous.


“If you have trouble not getting angry when discussing something or trying to work through a problem with someone, always imagine the conversation is being videotaped. If you keep that in the back of your mind, you will always think about what you say, and it could help keep your mind from the anger,” wrote u/therealtidbits.

A.For me, nothing is better than exercise.
B.Whenever I can’t help getting angry, I read.
C.Pretend that when you get angry people are watching.
D.Whenever I can’t exercise or burn out the feelings, I write.
E.Anyway, there are always better ways to handle when angry.
F.They then messed with my head, which brought out the anger.
G.Pretend there is a camera before you and be mindful of what you say.
2024-02-18更新 | 171次组卷 | 6卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中素质测试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . What’s the secret to happiness? Although that answer won’t be the same for everyone, you can follow daily practices to develop joy from within.

Letting Go

    1     Bad thoughts, habits, and bad relationships may hold you back from discovering true joy. Some people believe they have found true happiness when they get promotion (晋升), buy a dream house, or find that special someone. Yet, within a few years, they may find themselves back to the past or suffering.

Getting Up Early

Waking up a bit earlier and practicing your morning life can guide you towards happiness and success.       2     And how you choose to spend those early hours will set the tone (基调) for the rest of the day. By getting up early, you’ll look forward to rising each day and doing the things that make you feel good, putting a smile on your face.

Mindful Eating

Good, healthy food can bring joy into your days if you choose to practice mindful eating. There is no doubt that your food choices affect your overall physical health.       3     As the old saying goes, you really are what you eat! Each food group influences you differently.

What’s more, being mindful when eating can also bring happiness as you become present in the moment and focus on joy.     4    

Living in the Now

The secret to happiness is to live fully in the here and now.     5     And they often let fears and desires hold them back. That’s where living in the now comes to light. If you want to discover true happiness and joy, then in each moment, try to embrace (拥抱) endless presence to achieve inner peace and freedom.

A.Yet each has unique benefits.
B.A great morning results in a great day.
C.You’d better try it the next time you eat.
D.Most people can’t focus on living in the present.
E.However, some foods can also affect your feelings.
F.Discovering a form of movement that you love is most important.
G.Forming happiness begins with giving up what no longer serves you.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Life can be busy or stressful at times. Usually, we forget how important it is to listen ourselves.     1    .

Sparing room for good things in your life

Life gets much simpler and more enjoyable when you clear your physical and emotional bad things. And there’s so much you can let go of in life without losing a thing. It’s called growth.     2    . You cannot discover new oceans unless you build up enough courage to lose sight of the old.

Putting your purpose and passion (热情) into the things you do

    3    . So learn to believe in your heart that you’re meant to live each day full of purpose and passion—that every moment is worthy in its own way. Too often we wait because we think we need to “find” something new or different to be fond of. But that’s not true. If you want more passion in your life right now, act accordingly right now. Put your whole heart into the things you do.     4    , but the chance right in front of you. Not into tomorrow’s tasks, but today’s tasks. Not into tomorrow’s run, but today’s run.


All the small things make a big difference. Every step is important. Life isn’t about a single moment of great success. It’s about the trials and errors (试错) that slowly get you there—the sweat, tears, and all the small things you do on a day-to-day basis. They all matter in the end—every step, every regret and every decision.

A.Choosing to start today
B.Not into tomorrow’s chances
C.Remembering that every step matters
D.Letting go of the old makes way for the new
E.So what you need to remember most right now is to share
F.Purpose is the reason you journey and passion is the fire that lights your way
G.Here below are some things in life that you have to keep on doing to change that
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . For some people, practicing gratitude is part of their spiritual practice or religion, while for others, it’s about cultivating a more positive outlook on life.     1    , there is no doubt about the benefits to be gained.

Improved mood

When you practice gratitude, you shift your focus from negative thoughts and feelings to positive ones. Instead of thinking about everything that makes you unhappy, gratitude makes you think about all the things that are good — no matter how big or small. Practicing gratitude will make you feel more optimistic.     2    .

Better relationship

When you think about all the things you are grateful for, you will think of the people in your life that you care for — your family and friends.     3    , chances are that you’ll want to show them how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate them. And that can strengthen your connection with them.

Reduced stress

    4    . So they often feel stressed. Maybe they’re having trouble at work, maybe they’re in financial difficulty, or maybe they feel like they’re just not good enough at something. But by practicing gratitude, they’re able to view things properly.


Instead of focusing on all the things that you’re bad at or things you’ve failed at, practicing gratitude will shift your focus on all the amazing things you’ve accomplished. And once you realize that, you’ll boost your feelings of achievement. Just focus on what you are grateful for in yourself. It will help you to appreciate your own strengths and talents.

A.Increased focus
B.Improved self-worth
C.People are facing a certain problem
D.You have plenty of reasons to be happy
E.That helps you realize life isn’t as bad as you thought
F.Whatever someone’s reason for practicing gratitude is
G.Once you realize how grateful you are to have them in your life
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Anger may feel uncomfortable, but it’s also normal and healthy. It is an emotion built into us to signal that something needs to be dealt with. When we take notice of that signal and actually correct the problem instead of ignoring it, we’re usually much better for it.

Start by looking beyond the superficial (表面上的) trigger to your anger. Anger is often precipitated (仓促发生) by underlying feelings of fear, anxiety, disappointment and guilt. Maybe you’re extremely angry that your partner is late, but it’s really because you were afraid that he or she had a car accident in the bad weather.

It helps to take a cool-down period before explaining to someone you’re angry with how he or she rocked your boat. That will allow for the effects of the adrenaline (肾上腺素) to wear off, which in turn allows you to reflect on what’s bothering you. Do some controlled breathing or find some physical activity to take the edge off. “There’s clear evidence that exercise helps with feelings of anger,” says McIntosh.

When you’re ready to approach the other person, focus on the behaviour and why it upsets you, not the person’s characters. Avoid calling the other person names. Don’t say something bad, and don’t make generalizations (泛化), such as “You always do this!” “The idea”, says Keelan, “is to bring up your reasonable points to the other person in a manner that is most likely to get a helpful and non-defensive response. ”

If you’re on the receiving end, remember that there are benefits to acknowledging and trying to under-stand the other person’s anger. Try offering to make a change, if that seems fair to you. If you’re willing to be a partner in working through heated situations, the other person will be much more likely to bring matters up constructively in the future. In the end, you’ll both be healthier for it.

1. What does the underlined word “trigger” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. Which might the author agree to deal with anger?
A.Breathe deeply while angry.B.Keep off a person you dislike.
C.Accept the lateness out of politeness.D.Point out the weaknesses in other’s character.
3. What shall we do with an angry partner?
A.Make a change at once.B.Stand in the other’s shoes.
C.Advise the partner to be calm.D.Help the partner overcome difficulties.
4. What’s the best title of the text?
A.Get Benefits out of AngerB.A New Research about Anger
C.Get Angry the Right WayD.How to Keep emotions Hidden
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Being positive doesn’t mean only having happy thoughts all the time. Everyone has bad days.     1     Luckily, there are some ways to help you become more positive.

You can practice gratitude(感激). Make a list of things you’re grateful for. Write down a few things that make you feel happy or grateful in a gratitude journal.     2     It could be something as simple as a beautiful, sunny day or a small gift received from your friend.

    3     Even if you’re not feeling happy, forcing yourself to smile can actually make you feel better. Smiling helps let out chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy and relaxed. Researchers have found that smiling not only helps produce positive feelings, but it also helps people view the world from a more positive point of view.

You can enjoy expectation. Find something to look forward to each day. Researchers have found that having something positive to look forward to helps improve mood and reduce stress. Whether visiting your favorite bookstore or enjoying a cup of coffee with your friends, make sure to find something to look forward to each day.    4    

You can use positive self-talk.    5     Self-criticism(自我批判) is bound to weaken your ability to look on the bright side. Researchers have found that switching from negative self-talk to positive self-talk can help improve emotions and reduce stress.

A.You can practice smiling.
B.They don’t have to be special or great things.
C.Thinking about happy things is good for our health.
D.You can make yourself be around with positive people.
E.Even the most positive people sometimes experience sadness and anger.
F.This will help keep you positive even when things aren’t going your way.
G.The things that you say to yourself influence the way you think about yourself.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . On a Saturday afternoon, you find most kids outside playing games. Kids are made for the outdoors, with their endless energy and the easy way in which they make friends. It’s not different for Kameron, an ordinary, fun-loving 7-year-old girl who loves to draw out the world’s longest hopscotch (跳格子) on the sidewalk.

In between jump-rope games, basketball shootouts and skateboard races, Kameron takes time to do something special for her elderly neighbors. Kameron’s neighborhood is home to a good mix of young families and elderly neighbors whose children have long since left home. Kameron first started waving to them. Most of them smiled back.

Then Kameron decided that some of them needed a little pleasure. So she ran home, took her violin and made the rounds. “Can I play you a song?” she asked, after knocking on the door.

Gustav smiled wide. He has beautiful white hair and a soft accent (口音). He grew up in Scandinavia and is a wood finisher. His wife Vivian has a smile that fills their tiny home. She stood awkwardly, and had difficulty moving about. It looked terribly uncomfortable. Vivian has had muscular dystrophy (肌肉萎缩) for over 20 years. Gustav is her full-time caregiver. They’ve replaced their daily walks with afternoon drives, but even those are getting too difficult for Vivian.

Gustav let Kameron in, and Vivian took hold of both their arms and pulled to her chair. On the table beside her was a photo of her with Gustav when they were young and energetic, traveling around Europe, Egypt and Iceland. In the photo, Vivian is very beautiful, and Gustav is handsome.

“Want me to play your favorite song?” Kameron asked. Of course,” Gustav answered. It was the only song Kameron knew.

The small violin rested seriously under Kameron’s chin (下巴). She played as best she could. Vivian beat her leg to keep rhythm (节奏) for Kameron. Gustav held Vivian’s other hand. It was not the performance that was moving, but the memories it brought.

1. Why is Kameron special compared with other kids?
A.She likes playing outside.
B.She cares about the elderly.
C.She has plenty of energy.
D.She can draw on the sidewalk.
2. Why did Kameron knock on the couple’s door?
A.To ask for praise by singing a song.
B.To learn the violin from them.
C.To cheer them up with music.
D.To make money by playing the violin.
3. What did the couple use to do every day?
A.Go for a walk.B.Make a drive.
C.Stay at home.D.Do woodworking.
4. What is the most moving for the couple?
A.The love between them.
B.Vivian’s attitude to the music.
C.Kameron’s performance.
D.Thinking back to past experiences.
2022-11-13更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省卓越县中联盟2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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